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AR/tist in the spotlight, this week: ultrapercy



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,643 ✭✭✭ThePiedPiper

    Very interesting thread here so far. Great answers.

    1. Have you ever competed in adventure-type races or what is your general view of these type events?

    2. Is Mayo's continued shortfalls in Football finals still as disappointing every time or do ye approach them now with a fear instead of expectation?

    3. Have you ever ran up and down Croagh Patrick barefoot?

    4. Who is the most famous athlete you've ever beaten in a race?

    5. How would you go about pacing a race of over 60k? Would it be by feel, garmin pace, or position?

    6. What's the most absurd Sat/Sun doubling up on long runs you've done? I've always presumed that a Clonakiltyesque back to back marathon weekend would be savage preparation for an ultra race.

    7. Do you harbour any notions of any national, or other records at ultra distance or masters level at under marathon distance?

    8. At what distance to you think that actual athleticism gives way to a strange sort of madness?

    9. What's the most scared you ever were on a training run, if lost, in danger or the like?

    10. What's your favourite beer?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭ultrapercy

    Very interesting thread here so far. Great answers.

    1. Have you ever competed in adventure-type races or what is your general view of these type events?

    2. Is Mayo's continued shortfalls in Football finals still as disappointing every time or do ye approach them now with a fear instead of expectation?

    3. Have you ever ran up and down Croagh Patrick barefoot?

    4. Who is the most famous athlete you've ever beaten in a race?

    5. How would you go about pacing a race of over 60k? Would it be by feel, garmin pace, or position?

    6. What's the most absurd Sat/Sun doubling up on long runs you've done? I've always presumed that a Clonakiltyesque back to back marathon weekend would be savage preparation for an ultra race.

    7. Do you harbour any notions of any national, or other records at ultra distance or masters level at under marathon distance?

    8. At what distance to you think that actual athleticism gives way to a strange sort of madness?

    9. What's the most scared you ever were on a training run, if lost, in danger or the like?

    10. What's your favourite beer?

    1. I did Gale Force West a few years ago in 4.33 but I was woefully under prepared, technically and physically. Adventure races are fun and Id like to do some more of them eventually.
    2. Yes its just as disappointing to lose an All Ireland no matter how often it happens. I feel for the players and staff because despite all the nonsense talked about "63 years of hurt"Mayo fans get a good run from their teams. It must be much harder being a Carlow or Leitreim fan than a Mayo fan. I dont think fear is a factor at all to be honest and I dont feel Mayo have been very unlucky. They were simply second best most years.
    3. I have never, nor will I ever, climb croagh patrick in bare feet.
    4. I beat a very out of sorts Steve Way in the Bramley 20 mile race in 2011. I think he was using it as a long training run for the London Marathon but was ill on the day. I took a wrong turn and lost a minute at 12 miles so he didnt have a monopoly on excuses.
    5. in a 60k race Id go out at 6 mins a mile and try and hold as long as I could.
    6.I never do back to back long runs I prefer to give one long run a big effort and recover. I do think you are right tho bac to back marathons would be good prep and I might try it in the future.
    7.The masters national records at distances marathon or under are outside what Im capable of but I believe I could run sub 7 hours for 100k if things went well.Keith Whyte has the record with 7:03 And ass I said before talk is cheap its the doing that counts. I dont think I would be suited to running 24 hours and the Irish record for it is very strong Tom Maguire ran 248k I think. Thats more than 10k every hour 24 times in a row, amazing.
    8.I dont think there is a dividing line,its all madness really, just on a sliding scale. Is Enduro who runs 3 or 6 day races any madder than Chivito555 who runs 400meters? They both devote much of their free time to something that earns them no financial reward and very little recognition, a "normal" person would consider that at least odd but then maybe its normal thats mad.
    9.&10.I dont think I have every been truly frightened on a training run but I have a certain fear of running down steep hills off road and Guinness is still my favourite beer, if you class stout as beer, if not its still Guinness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,983 ✭✭✭Duanington

    Great thread - enjoying reading the q&a session over breakfast :-)

    - How much emphasis ( if any) do you place on rest and recovery, for example, do you make sure you get "x" hours of sleep during peak training?

    - Given that you run big mileage , is there any session that you dread doing as part of a plan?

    - How long were you running before you tackled your first Ultra?

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,506 ✭✭✭✭Krusty_Clown

    All the good questions have been asked, so here's the Friday afternoon shrapnel:
    Have you tried any stouts apart from Guinness, Beamish and Murphys?
    What do you do for a living?
    What has been your greatest weekly mileage? Do you think you might benefit from more miles?
    If you had to leave Ireland, where would you live?
    Do you own a bike?
    Can you swim?
    From a training perspective, where will you go next, in pursuit of the elusive 2:30?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭ultrapercy

    conavitzky wrote: »
    Hi ultraman. Some great honest answers here.
    1. What is the toughest cross country course you have run?
    2. How will you react when you reach the point where your race times start going in reverse?
    3. Can you see yourself running later on in life ala Tom Hunt?
    4. Do you ever have days when you question why you are going out for a run?
    5. Is the belleek 10k a pb course?
    6. Is running a form of addiction for you?
    7. What is the longest you were out injured, did you cross train and did it turn you into a psycho?

    !. I dont run all that much XC given my preference for solid ground. Hills dont really bother me on road or XC but I hate muck. I remember or rarther I cannot forget a National Intermediate around 2001 in Ballboffe that was rivers of muck.Sludge was flowing and It nearly caused tears, I was 5th last.
    2.My time over distances like 5k and 10k have already hit a decline but having ran a marathon pb this year I suppose I have yet to hit a general decline. It will be tough to deal with knowing Il never run another pb but Il get over it. There is more to life and running than what are average times anyway. I hope injury permitting to always run just for the way it makes me feel and to answer your question 6. I do think running is a form of addiction to an extent. I do get some withdrawal symptoms if I do not run so that is enough to classify it as addiction but a positive rather than destructive one, mostly anyway. I really admire people like Tom, Pauric McKinney Pauline Curley and all those master who continue to strive to be the best they can and compete year in year out. If your body and health holds up it not difficult to run at any age but to have the desire to compete is very admirable.
    4. I have lots of days when I question why I run before I go out but Im long enough at it now to know that those questions nearly always evaporate once Im running.
    5. Beleek 10k is the middle 10k of the ballina HM. The first 5k is undulating but the second half is quick despite being on forest road. Overall its a fair course and also a nice course but probably not a course where you would target for a pb.
    7.I dont think I ever got a running injury that stopped me running but I dislocated my shoulder 7 times and thats usually a 10 day to 3 week lay off. Ive only done it once in the last 10 years. I cant cross train with it cos the arm is strapped up.I was a bit pissed off but didnt go psycho.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭ultrapercy

    Great thread and a great read.
    How quickly did your 5km times come down from starting running? Was it a slow burner or was the potential obvious pretty quickly?

    It was a very slow burner after a promising start. My first 2 races were marathons but my first 10k race in July 97 I ran 36:45, a good start on a tough course. Between that and Tobbercurry 10k in 2005 I must have ran 40 10k races all between 36:10 and 36:45. I was convinced that I wasnt physically capable of breaking 36 mins. Then I ran 35:17 in Tobbercurry without doing anything different I just had a breakthrough. My next 10k a few weeks later was 32:45. Im not sure why the improvement happened that way because I had not changed anything really, I thin the years of training paid off all at once. Im still waiting for another major breakthrough.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,340 ✭✭✭TFBubendorfer

    1. How do you deal with people who ask "aren't you getting bored when running for hours"?

    2. And how do you deal with "I get tired driving that far"?

    3. Ultra running is just an excuse for slow people. True or false?

    ultrapercy wrote: »
    Im still waiting for another major breakthrough.

    Considering you've got a national title to your name, apart form all those other honours, that's just being greedy. Discuss. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭ultrapercy

    All the good questions have been asked, so here's the Friday afternoon shrapnel:
    Have you tried any stouts apart from Guinness, Beamish and Murphys?
    What do you do for a living?
    What has been your greatest weekly mileage? Do you think you might benefit from more miles?
    If you had to leave Ireland, where would you live?
    Do you own a bike?
    Can you swim?
    From a training perspective, where will you go next, in pursuit of the elusive 2:30?
    Ah finally the rapid fire buzzer round!
    1. no, Im happy with Arthur.
    2. I work evening in a factory that manufactures continence care and colostomy products.
    3. 127 miles and yes I believe more miles would be a help if I can fit them in.
    4. Boston
    5. no
    6. no
    7. Berlin. Hopefully it wont take my breath away.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭ultrapercy

    ECOLII wrote: »
    Interesting read

    * If you could go back in time and talk to your 21 yr old self starting off;

    - What is the one piece of advise you would give him?
    - What one mistake that you made would you tell him to avoid

    * Most under-appreciated figure in Irish athletics?

    * If you could win any Olympic event which would it be and why?

    * In charge of AAI for one day, what changes would you implement
    1. a. Look at the long term picture(in life as well as running) any progress is better than stagnation or regression.

    2. b. I massively over trained in my early 20s and I mean 100 hard days in succession type of madness and it caused me to get two bad viruses that hampered my progress. Id tell me to watch out for that. Id also tell me that the adage I was taught that "honesty is the best policy" is bull**** but once youve bought into it its almost impossible to change.

    3. Ive always thought Pauric McKinney never gets the attention his unbelievable dedication and consistency deserves.

    4. the marathon because its my event and the history etc associated with it.
    5. Id change the XC set up a fair bit. I think Id combine intermediate and novice. I think 12k is too long now for many club athletes and 10k might be more attractive to them. Id also take at least one road championship out of Dublin, and Id tell Rock and Roll to rock and roll. Id support Ultra running a lot more also.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 20,364 Mod ✭✭✭✭RacoonQueen

    I think what Krusty wanted to ask was, would you ever do a triathlon?
    What's your favourite flavour of crisps?
    Favourite and least favourite training session?
    How do you find being coached -v- being self coached? Do you feel as if there is more structure in your training, have you noticed improvements where you previously were weak? Are you a slave to the plan?
    What are your short term plans race wise? Will you do a Spring marathon?
    What's the shortest race you've done?
    What's the longest race you've done?
    What's the longest training run you've done?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭ultrapercy

    Duanington wrote: »
    Great thread - enjoying reading the q&a session over breakfast :-)

    - How much emphasis ( if any) do you place on rest and recovery, for example, do you make sure you get "x" hours of sleep during peak training?

    - Given that you run big mileage , is there any session that you dread doing as part of a plan?

    - How long were you running before you tackled your first Ultra?

    Not much emphasis really, I have always worked unusual shifts so my body has learned to function on minimum sleep.
    I dont really hate any type of training but really long runss 30 plus are a grind.
    My first ultra was in 2010 so 16 years but that was down to circumstance, there is no need to wait that long.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,695 ✭✭✭Chivito550

    For an athlete with such strong endurance, the length of your answers are dropping as the miles go on. ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭ultrapercy

    Chivito550 wrote: »
    For an athlete with such strong endurance, the length of your answers are dropping as the miles go on. ;)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭ultrapercy

    1. How do you deal with people who ask "aren't you getting bored when running for hours"?

    2. And how do you deal with "I get tired driving that far"?

    3. Ultra running is just an excuse for slow people. True or false?


    Considering you've got a national title to your name, apart form all those other honours, that's just being greedy. Discuss. ;)

    How do you deal with silly questions? If you are have a lot of knowledge of any topic any general question is tedious. If someone asks me genuine question I try answer it the best way I can but I have a very good nose for bull**** at this stage of my development. I get lot of genuine encouragement and positive feed back and very little negative stuff but I disregard any gratuitous negativity.
    Who ever says that ultra running is just an excuse for slow people and what is their motivation to ask? Does a fast person ask? The longer I live the more I regret the offence I took to uninformed opinion. You have run 220 km for a 24 hour race, you did that so why would the uninformed opinion of someone who has never done that bother you. Learning to be comfortable in your own skin is very difficult but its the way forward. Doing, even badly, is a lot better than criticising in my book.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,340 ✭✭✭TFBubendorfer

    Thank you!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,606 ✭✭✭ultrapercy

    I think what Krusty wanted to ask was, would you ever do a triathlon?
    What's your favourite flavour of crisps?
    Favourite and least favourite training session?
    How do you find being coached -v- being self coached? Do you feel as if there is more structure in your training, have you noticed improvements where you previously were weak? Are you a slave to the plan?
    What are your short term plans race wise? Will you do a Spring marathon?
    What's the shortest race you've done?
    What's the longest race you've done?
    What's the longest training run you've done?

    1. I would like to do a triathlon at some stage but I cant swim and Im too lazy to learn. I do, I discovered, own a road bike but I lent it to my brother on one of his "borrow to keep" schemes.
    2. Im not a lover of crisps but forced to choose it would be tayto cheese and onion hands down.
    3. I dont really have favourite sessions, I enjoy what Im doing at the time once Im doing. There is always dread before hard training sessions but once I get the first rep done I usually enjoy most sessions.
    4. My training always had a general structure but now its a lot more specific. Its a big transition from setting my own training where I know generally what Im going to do but ind of adapt it to how I feel on the day to training exclusively off a programme. Its been good and I have learned a lot and also ran well off it.I wish I had done it years ago.
    5. My short term targets are Raheny 5 and the Masters XC.
    6. 800m is the shortest race I have ever run.
    7. 100k is the longest so far.
    8. the longest training run was 41 miles in prep for a 100k.

  • Registered Users Posts: 173 ✭✭oldrunner

    ultrapercy wrote: »
    8. the longest training run was 41 miles in prep for a 100k.

    41 miles in training - I'd get tired driving that far.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Ok thanks to ultrapercy for taking all those questions and for giving us such great answers, think it's time to give him a break and move onto the next candidate (still trying to round one up so bear with me!).

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    pconn062 wrote: »
    Ok thanks to ultrapercy for taking all those questions and for giving us such great answers, think it's time to give him a break and move onto the next candidate (still trying to round one up so bear with me!).
    Any progress? Love this thread :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭menoscemo

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Any progress? Love this thread :)

    Did you just volunteer?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 15,704 ✭✭✭✭RayCun

    beat me to it :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 572 ✭✭✭Calvin Johnson

    Are you volunteering?

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,695 ✭✭✭Chivito550

    I want to see one done with walshb. Long overdue. Let's make this happen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,272 ✭✭✭Dubgal72

    menoscemo wrote: »
    Did you just volunteer?
    RayCun wrote: »
    beat me to it :)
    Are you volunteering?
    Haha that's like asking a twelve year old to write their autobiography :) In running terms I am but a juvenile ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 55,076 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    Chivito550 wrote: »
    I want to see one done with walshb. Long overdue. Let's make this happen.

    Are you for real? The site would crash with the troll accusations bandied about....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,420 ✭✭✭Ososlo

    Dubgal72 wrote: »
    Haha that's like asking a twelve year old to write their autobiography :) In running terms I am but a juvenile ;)

    But you did run as a youngster (I mean a younger youngster than you are now;)) so you must have lots of interesting stuff to relay from then and now with your comeback.
    I think you'd be great. I'd like to know more!

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,545 ✭✭✭tunguska

    Chivito550 wrote: »
    I want to see one done with walshb. Long overdue. Let's make this happen.
    walshb wrote: »
    Are you for real? The site would crash with the troll accusations bandied about....

    No for real I wanna see that happen, I know a lot of the other lads would like to hear what you have to say aswell.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,370 ✭✭✭pconn062

    Tunguska, I believe you mentioned something about after Xmas, well it's after Xmas now....:)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,742 ✭✭✭ultraman1

    pconn062 wrote: »
    Tunguska, I believe you mentioned something about after Xmas, well it's after Xmas now....:)
    tungusta's a bluffer,failed at middle distance.etcetc..walshb ..we wanna know the real u,are u **** or just a grumpy oul bitter man,and I'm sure Raccoon wants to know Wat fried potatoes u eat,just in case

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  • Registered Users Posts: 55,076 ✭✭✭✭walshb

    ultraman1 wrote: »
    tungusta's a bluffer,failed at middle distance.etcetc..walshb ..we wanna know the real u,are u **** or just a grumpy oul bitter man,and I'm sure Raccoon wants to know Wat fried potatoes u eat,just in case

    **** ????
