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Most embarrassing interview?

  • 10-10-2014 11:46pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,303 ✭✭✭

    Ever had an interview for a job that makes you cringe?

    I had the worst interview of my life today on Skype. All I can say is thank feck there was no video. I'm convinced they got the positions mixed up and thought I had applied for something else because I'm good at my line of work but didn't know any of the answers to there questions.

    Needless to say it was awkward and they were laughing at me, didn't help they kept calling me the wrong name ( well my name with an a at the end)

    So anyone else want to share their most embarrassing interview stories?

    I'm still bright red from embarrassment.. Say they had a good laugh about it after.



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,431 ✭✭✭Sky King

    THEZAPPA wrote: »
    Ever had an interview for a job that makes you cringe?.

    I wouldn't apply for that kind of job tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,800 ✭✭✭Senna

    Done a second interview at 9am on a Monday morning after working an 18hour shift that ended at 6am that morning.
    Started badly, reversed my car into a parking space that already had a car in it. Had a few minutes to compose myself before being called into the interview. Started off fine, but about 20 minutes in, my brain just turned off, couldn't concentrate on what they were asking me, started taking ages to answer even simple questions, towards the end I just wanted to go home and sleep.
    One of the guys interviewing me (think he was agency) had done the first interview and outside he just said "what the he'll happened to you".

  • Site Banned Posts: 11 Sub_Merged

    Cuba Gooding Jr. on the Late Late

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,772 ✭✭✭byronbay2

    Tom Cruise on Oprah!

  • Registered Users Posts: 795 ✭✭✭kingchess

    Anything by pat Kenny when he was "presenting" the late late show

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,381 ✭✭✭Yurt2

    I was doing up my CV before and for some reason just to puff it up or a little joke to myself I put in hang gliding as a hobby meaning to remove it later. It should be noted I don't hang glide, don't have a clue about the sport and am an unlikely looking extreme sports person.

    I was sitting in a job interview probably two or three weeks later, all going swimmingly until a lady on the panel who hadn't spoken looked out over her glasses and said 'so I see you hang glide'

    My face went white and mouth went dry instantly. 'Ammm yes, I do'

    *the lady's bull**** detector obviously going off* 'Where?'

    *pause* and I say unconvincingly 'Cork?'

    Muffled snickering from the other two people on the panel, and the interview wrapped up thereafter.

    I remain convinced I would have got the job only I was pulled on an obvious stinker of a lie on my CV.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,093 ✭✭✭rawn

    I was 13, and doctored my birth cert to say I was 16. Years ago when they accepted birth certs at interviews lol. Anyways, I used my 16 year old brothers D.O.B so I wouldn't forget it. 1 minute into the interview, she had obviously sussed I was underage, asked was my D.O.B 14/08/1985, I said yes and she laughed. Continued with the interview. After it ended I was halfway home when I copped she had purposely called out the wrong D.O.B and I fell or it. Cringe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 301 ✭✭Tetra

    I've had several.

    Most recent was last week. I had 3 interviews on the same day last week, and by the end of the day I was so exhausted and I couldn't remember where or what I had applied to...anyway the last one was an interview at an English language school. I have been applying for jobs as a TEFL teacher and I read my e-mails and assumed that the job was as a teacher and then I arrived for the interview and he was asking me questions like "so you have administration experience" and I was saying "yeah but my favourite job has been teaching"...and then it dawned on me that the job was a part-time secretary...I was mortified...

    Anyway I decided to tell him my mistake...and he said not to worry, we will be looking for teachers in the near future...he said he liked my honesty...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,562 ✭✭✭enfant terrible

    Don't pick up a glass and start pouring yourself a glass of water without checking glass is right way around :o

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,750 ✭✭✭fleet_admiral

    I was going for an interview in the sports industry but was incredibly nervous beforehand so I met a friend in a cafe for a milkshake.
    I was bricking it so I took a wee dab of speed for the nerves. Pissed through the interview but for some strange reason I didnt hear back from them

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,675 ✭✭✭thunderdog

    I was going for an interview in the sports industry but was incredibly nervous beforehand so I met a friend in a cafe for a milkshake.
    I was bricking it so I took a wee dab of speed for the nerves. Pissed through the interview but for some strange reason I didnt hear back from them

    Love those speed milkshakes although some sort of downer flavour might have suited you better that day

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,275 ✭✭✭dinorebel

    Guards pictures on internet blamed wife.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 559 ✭✭✭Joe Doe

    The most recent one on live TV was via CNBC's Squawk Box when co-host Joe Kernen hissed like a snake-cat at Nobel prize winning economist Paul Krugman.
    Not long before that one of the female stock presenters on same show zoned out like a frozen statue on air for near a solid minute, must be something in the water....

    JudgeJudy and a few other presenters also had episodes where they was unable to talk or compose a two word sentence, and just spoke 'plain gobbledegooky'. One for the Icke followers perhaps to solve, too much wifi in the studio or something..

    Once interviewed a tech chap who thought nothing of arriving in old jeans and kicking the cowboy boots up on the conference desk, ah sure make yourself comfortable...
    Another time interviewed a magazine Production Artist, when I asked him why his name wasn't on the credits of any of the brought along magazines, his face went red and ran for the exit, ah well...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,475 ✭✭✭con___manx1

    I had a phone interview when i was living in melbourne. the interview was for 9am. the job was in another part of oz that had a one hour time difference. the dumb ozzie bitch called me at 8am and i was still asleep.I woke up straight away to an interview and completely ****ed it up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,666 ✭✭✭Rosy Posy

    Went for an interview with an NGO to be working in Haiti. I'm quite interested in the indigenous culture and religion and so in the interview waxed lyrical about how it was really important to preserve and respect culture and how I didn't approve of missionary style aid, dependent or with the aim of converting the locals to Christianity and Western values. I was getting quite passionate about it, but the interviewers were exchanging terse glances and hardly asked me any more questions. Only after I left did I look up the NGO's website and realised they were a missionary charity AND one of the interviewers was an actual priest (he hadn't been wearing his priestly raiments at the time). I had been applying to heaps at the time but it was a lesson to me to always research the company before going for interview!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭Soft Falling Rain

    I'm bad at interviews, but the worst was probably one where I started laughing and said to them midway through it "I think we can stop here." I then got up and left. Thankfully I got a job soon after though.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,943 ✭✭✭smcgiff

    Two summers ago I went for a lecturing position at a university. It was overcast but fairly humid.

    I got a little more delayed in traffic than I planned. I got to the uni to find the car park I wanted to use was closed for some work that was being carried out so I had to park further away than expected.

    I looked at my watch and realised I'd have to jog to ensure I got there in time.

    I'd built up a sheen of sweat by the time I reached the building and from there on it just wouldn't stop. Whatever I triggered in my system it just kept going.

    So, at intervals for the first few minutes of the interview I had to wipe beads of sweat off my brow. I knew it looked terrible and probably added to the sweat production.

    I wasn't nervous about the interview process, but it didn't look that way.

    Just to take ye out of the suspense. I didn't get offered the job.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 243 ✭✭Lukehandypants

    Imelda May interviewing anyone on her "show"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 500 ✭✭✭indigo twist

    A friend of mine was doing an interview for a work placement at Quinn Glass (this is way back in the day, when Quinn Group was still making a fortune and Sean Quinn was a bit of a local celebrity in Cavan) ... when she was parking for the interview, she crashed her car into a huge glass window at the front of the building. Just as Sean Quinn happened to be walking by.

    She was so upset she had to reschedule the interview ... she still got the job, though!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 5,943 ✭✭✭smcgiff

    A friend of mine was doing an interview for a work placement at Quinn Glass (this is way back in the day, when Quinn Group was still making a fortune and Sean Quinn was a bit of a local celebrity in Cavan) ... when she was parking for the interview, she crashed her car into a huge glass window at the front of the building. Just as Sean Quinn happened to be walking by.

    She was so upset she had to reschedule the interview ... she still got the job, though!

    You could say she had a breakthrough. And if not through the glass ceiling, at least through the glass wall.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,069 ✭✭✭✭wp_rathead

    Pussy Riot on The Saturday Night Show was a wonderful Clusterfnck of an interview..

  • Registered Users Posts: 22,348 ✭✭✭✭Akrasia

    A few years ago the department I worked in lost a contract and closed down. There were some open positions in other departments in the company so I applied for every single one of them despite not knowing what half of them were. One interview was for some kind of management information reports role. They kept asking me what made me interested in the role and I had to be honest and told them I actually wasn't interested in it at all, and it actually sounded extremely boring.

    Needless to say, I didn't get that job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 837 ✭✭✭Going Strong

    Two that stick in my mind.

    A complete airhead of a team leader who interviewed me for a QA position on her project.

    She hadn't a notion what she was doing, what role she was advertising for or how to conduct an interview. I kept having to correct her all the time while thinking "Get me the feck out of here, she's a complete nightmare." A month later I got another role in the department next to hers and had a ringside seat for her comedy management style of headless chicken proportions. I was told that she'd interviewed nearly fifty people for the position and only chose the 'winner' when senior management told her to "Pick one for God's sake or you're fired."

    The second was a mix of myself and one of the interview panel taking an instant dislike to one another. He started it by being obnoxious and sarcastic from the outset. I'd walked through the main floor to the interview room and looked at a sea of miserable faces sitting there with an atmosphere of utter despair hanging over them and thought "Nope, not working here." I was asked questions that only someone already working in the company would really know - like where the XYZ widget of the ABC control software of one of the company's lesser known products might be found variety. The two women on the panel kept looking at your man with "WTF???" expressions and desperately tried to steer the conversation away from him as he sat there and pretty much called me a fool to my face while idly examining his nails in a "You'll not work here if I have anything to do with it" manner. Only for I didn't want to work there I'd have complained about his unprofessional attitude.

  • Registered Users Posts: 271 ✭✭SkyBlueClouds

    My very first interview for a part time job in a shop at 17, before I knew how interviews ''worked''

    What are your salary expectations?

    Me (jokingly) ''More then you can offer haha''

    Needless to say didn't get the callback. :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,652 ✭✭✭fasttalkerchat

    Online video interview for a graduate management job. There were 5 questions with 2 minutes to answer each. The last 2 questions were exactly the same.
    I found out later that everyone got different questions so it was probably a mistake and not some dumb test.
    I didn't get the job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,736 ✭✭✭✭kylith

    I got called for an interview, researched the hell out of the company and was good to go. Then I not only got lost en route to the place, it turned out that I'd misheard the name of the company on the phone and had prepared for an interview for a totally industry.

    Still got the job though :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 837 ✭✭✭Going Strong

    My very first interview for a part time job in a shop at 17, before I knew how interviews ''worked''

    What are your salary expectations?

    Me (jokingly) ''More then you can offer haha''

    Needless to say didn't get the callback. :rolleyes:

    I was on a computer course years and years ago. There was a complete eejit in the class who thought he knew it all but couldn't turn on a computer without some disaster happening. Anyways, we were interviewed for a work experience position as part of the course. A company came in with their interview panel and we all did our best. Except for the eejit who not only came out with the classic "You can forget about all the others, I'm the man you want." line but went on to tell the owner of the company where he was going wrong when it came to running his own company. Strangely, he was the only one of us who didn't get a work experience placement.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,736 ✭✭✭✭kylith

    My very first interview for a part time job in a shop at 17, before I knew how interviews ''worked''

    What are your salary expectations?

    Me (jokingly) ''More then you can offer haha''

    Needless to say didn't get the callback. :rolleyes:
    At about the same age I went for an interview with Dunnes. That's where I learned that "Because I need money" is not the correct answer to "Why do you want to work here". You'd think that honesty would count for something.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,028 ✭✭✭✭--LOS--

    I did an interview for my twin sister before, we both had interviews there, she was abroad with too much work to come home for it, it was just a temporary clerical thing so if you appear like a normal person with half a brain you get the job. Brought 2 changes of clothes, put my fringe back in a hairband for one of the interviews. The panel commented of course, was I not there already or something, just said that was probably my twin sister, both had jobs for the summer grand.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 234 ✭✭breakfasttime

    --LOS-- wrote: »
    I did an interview for my twin sister before, we both had interviews there, she was abroad with too much work to come home for it, it was just a temporary clerical thing so if you appear like a normal person with half a brain you get the job. Brought 2 changes of clothes, put my fringe back in a hairband for one of the interviews. The panel commented of course, was I not there already or something, just said that was probably my twin sister, both had jobs for the summer grand.
