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Reach for the sky...



  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    At least you have managed to get into the open water. Are you doing Gortnor Abbey this weekend???

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    At least you have managed to get into the open water. Are you doing Gortnor Abbey this weekend???

    Yeah bike and run not sure about swim after today will try to get into lake again maybe Thursday and see how that goes

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    15th may ..pool swim.. 40 something lengths.. 18 in a row and then foot cramp, if that hadnt happened i felt i couldve kept going for another while so thats good, was meant to be in the lake today but better half has a cold and is swimming on saturday so wont be going today and more than likely wont be swimming on saturday.. its a pity and i know watching some worse swimmer than me battling through and getting through it will bug me on the day i think for the moment not swimming is the sensible thing to do, if its a really nice morning and the lake is very calm things may change.. but we'll see..
    thats the furthest ive swam in a pool by a long way.. my shoulder blades feel like someones driven a nail through them

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    16th may bike 34k run 2k .. cycled out to crossmolina to look at some of the bike route for the weekend.. glad i did.. more rolling than i thought and windy.. short run after

    18th may..gortnor abbey triathlon
    hmmm... local to me.. 10 minutes from house and very competitor friendly, in that you could mix and match the distances from the student and normal ( sprint ) distances.. so i had thought about doing the shorter swim of 350m and then changing to the longer bike and run.. BUT .. i lost a bit of confidence when i was in the lake for the first time on the tuesday before and although i wasnt 100 percent sure what i was doing i think that effectively made the decision for me.. so i didnt even bring the wetsuit ( idiot )
    got there, eilish ..better half .. was swimming with christy her brother who has down syndrome .. great swimmer but hadnt done a lake swim before and we werent sure about following round the bouys .. more than likely would be fine but just to be sure eilish swam with him..and since she was i said she could wear my chip and wed effectively be a relay team..
    anyway at the race briefing it was revealed that the shorter swim was all in shallow water ..shallow enough to stand up in easily.. so i was a pit peed off then that i hadnt brought the wetsuit and taken the chance to get some o/w experience and do a full , if short , triathlon..
    horrible day.. gale force winds, lashing rain all day.. but with it being in a school, there was a gym , changing rooms ,proper car parking, loads of places to shelter before it..very well run.. il be back to to it all next year
    so eilish and christy swam and got round in 18 mins..with eilish breaststroking the whole way.. id say if she could have freestyled she'd be well up in the swim times ..
    ran up to transition with them, got chip, took an age to get helmet, shoes etc on and got going.. out and back and the 10k out was into a horrible wind..tough tough cycle out, of course lovely coming back, flying along, until an aul one that couldnt decide which side of the road she wanted to park her car made a bit of tit of things for a few of us.. anyway took 44 minutes..which is slow but seeing that some of the clubs much faster cyclists were in the high 30s i dont feel too bad about it, especially considering i havent been on the bike a lot lately..
    got out of tranistion a little quicker and got going on the usual took the first kilometre to get lungs to calm down and legs to wake up, felt like a slow and easy run but chip times have it at 23 minutes which is a 2 minute pb for me..and the previous time is from a straight 5k with no cycle before so thats nice..
    havent done a thing since.. was in liverpool for the weekend spent saturday evening driving east and this morning driving west, have a cold now so im probably not doing anything today or tomorrow to make sure i get rid of it and then its going to be into the last 4 odd weeks of training for ballina with a vengeance.. at this stage ive realised that its all about getting through the swim, therel be no bike or run pbs.. just get thru the race and worry about impoving for the next one..
    on the plus side at least we've found a nice spot for some open water swimming at gortnor abbey pier, hope to get out 3-4 times before ballina ..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Well done on the pb, hopefully next weekend goes okay for me and I will sign up for Ballina

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    thanks dave.. soft enough pb its an age since i ran 5k..
    23rd may .. finally back to it.. 5.5k run 30 mins was nice to be running without some part of me being stiff or sore or tired.. 4 days off.. still nursing a cold , hoping to swim tonight but will make a call on it later..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    24th may pool swim.. not great but ok given that i havent been in the pool in a week ..
    25th may 8k run.. slow wet and windy..
    o/w swim practice with the club.. everyone else set off to do a 750 course thats marked with bouys in the bay.. with kayak support.. i thought that would be a bit much for me so i just did some splashing and trying to get comfortable close to the pier.. in fairness someone offered to swim with me out to the first bouy about 200m out but i freaked out as soon as i knew there was nothing under my feet and turned around and left him to himself.. i probably swam as far to get back to the pier as would have taken me a lot of the way to the bouy ! just wasnt comfortable.. spent most of yesterday being annoyed with myself afterwards.. but i had spent most of before worrying about it so that doesnt help
    i have to work on a lot .. most of it is nerves and comfort and trusting that the wetsuit is going to give me a lot of help staying up in the water..i think if i had some class of a breastroke it would give me some more comfort at least but i just cant crack it.. 6 weeks left so lots of time to fix it, will be going again next weekend.. oh yeah it was f*ckin freezing.. serious respect to anyone actualy racing in the past few weeks..

  • Subscribers Posts: 19,425 ✭✭✭✭Oryx

    Next time you're in open water just take a minute to lie on your back and float. You'll realise you can't sink if you tried. Youll also bob like a cork in the upright position. Trust your suit. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    yeah i was saying to the better half that the next time were out that wel do just that, instead of worrying about distance just bob around and see what happens when im not moving and try to get more comfortable with that..

    anyway 26th may ..pool swim 750m 20 together, 4 and 6 cycled in and out 22k.. ..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    27th may off .. better half working shouldve put bike up on turbo but couldnt be arsed.. god knows my cycling needs the work

    28th may.. braved the lengths session for the first time.. in the lane with eilish and christy , christy swims a lot and is pretty fast all things considered, eilish doesnt swim a lot any more but is still very fast.. ( well to me anyway ) and i swim like a ferry crawling out of a port.. slow as hell..
    so we agreed theyd just go around me , but i still felt under pressure.. it probably made me swim a bit faster but i did less.. probably no harm though if we do a few of these it might speed me up a bit.. anyway about 20 decent lenghts 500m and did a bit of treading water again with some degree of success..

    29th may bike 22k.. savage weather, had hoped to go further but time restrictions put paid to that.. cycling is suffering with emphasis on swimming , into not the worst headwind on the way out was getting it tough to get to 30 kmph coming back of course was breaking 40.. and seeing as the chances of a windless day in the west are slim, i need to work on the into the wind bit..

    today..core workout trying to get a prick of a lawnmower to start... :D

    tonight.. eilish working late.. so unlikely to get out, maybe turbo.. could set it up on the patio and watch telly through the window !! :) as weather is predicted to be good we are hoping to get to lake or sea twice over the weekend..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    31st may 10k run.. hour deliberately slow.. tempted to take on the marathon in portumna in 2 weeks .. wanted to see how slow i could run comfortably...

    2nd June lake swim 45 mins . cycle home 11k, 2k run .. wouldnt be sure of distance, call it 2 or 300 m total, mostly treading water , backstroking and trying to get comfortable in deeper water..which went well to a degree.. did a couple of long swim efforts as well just to break up the time.. water was almost not cold.. almost..

    3rd june 30k cycle in the afternoon, shoulders sore from yesterdays swim so stayed out of the tri bars, swimming later so didnt go too hard

    o/w sea swimming practice with tri club.. 400m at a guess.. this was billed as an introduction to open water swimming and in fairness it was done very well.. sea was bloody cold mind.. couple of short bursts to warm up, and then into a long swim out into deep water out to a kayak, which to my eye looked to be halfway to america but realistically 250-300m out.. ran out of energy a bit more than halfway out, still a bit nervous too, prob didnt help, but yesterdays swim, and 2 days gardening had my arms and shoulders in bits and i didnt have the energy for it.. hung onto a paddle board for a while but when i let go i was grand treading water.. swam back in took a few breaks and treaded a bit.. need to work on breaststroke ..hard to sight otherwise.. but the past 2 days in the lake and sea has brought me on a lot..

    finding neck of wetsuit very restrictive.. borderline choking me.. wonder is there any way i could stretch it a bit.. even half an inch would make a difference..

    anyway good weekends training... shagged now taking tomorrow off...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    6th June. 600 max lake swim. . 16k bike. 5.8k run

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,830 ✭✭✭catweazle

    woody1 wrote: »

    finding neck of wetsuit very restrictive.. borderline choking me.. wonder is there any way i could stretch it a bit.. even half an inch would make a difference..

    Rub baby oil under and around the edge of the suit - should help a lot

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    catweazle wrote: »
    Rub baby oil under and around the edge of the suit - should help a lot

    Thanks. Really wedged it up under armpits yesterday made a big difference. Will try the baby oil next time to make it easier to get off

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    7th June 6k run.. hot..slow

    9th June 34k bike ..slow ish bike..

    4 day week , but 1 swim bike and 1 swim bike run, so prob not bad overall.. have to work on bike intensity..just dont have the gra for it at the moment to push the speed for 30k, pure junk mileage really, so maybe shorter sharper efforts for a bit,

    pain developing on outside of knee.. runners have huge mileage on them ( over 1000 km ) so thats more than likely what the problem is, but il suffer them for another month as im not running long distance for this anyway

    weather going back to normal, there is an o/w swim tonight but im heading for the pool as it just suits me better tonight..will try to hit the lake or sea later in the week or at the weekend..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    swimming here a fair bit lately.. lovely spot.. pic is obviously from last week !

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Where is that Woody


    Did you see the race on the 6th is not starting until 6.30 which is a pain.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    lough conn, bout 10 minutes down the road from the lodge pub if you know where that is.. could be off there this weekend as i cant get baby sitter to suit tides in killala ..

    yeah i saw that.. myself and better half were saying it would be a pain for anyone just coming for the day..i assume its to do with tides...

    be interesting to see if theres any more than normal around town at that time to support it.. also get to go out straight after..which is only good for locals i know..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Cant say I know that spot.

    Its a shame they didn't put it on in the morning, I would say they will lose a good few entries because of the late time. It will make for another long day waiting around. I suppose there could be a good few locals around with it been the first night of the festival.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    10th june 750m pool swim.. 750 in one go no breaks, 5k run after

    13th june 6am turbo 1 hr, 7pm 20k bike , 1k run

    15th june 16k bike 30 mins.. 2k run
    .. bike close to flat out.. wouldve been hoping to be a bit better but a lot of my cycling lately has been junk miles so cant really expect more

    16th june.. sea swim.. 1300m or thereabouts.. not quite all continuous but very close.. if the tide was higher i wouldve treaded rather than stopped and stood, but it was a low, high tide and at times the water was barely waist height .. almost harder not to stand up.. still good session for me to get some distance in.. tide meant to be a metre higher next weekend so hopefully will get out again ..

    out and onto bike for 12k bike ..

    funny week not as many days as i would like but again mostly double sessions.. eilish going to be working late this week and next and there has been mention of the dreaded bog.. so just going to have to take it as it comes for next few weeks.. more early mornings id imagine ..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    17th off
    18th 500 swim in pool, had kids with me so 2 x 10 and general slobbering with kids and better half had whole pool to ourselves
    14.5k cycle home.. been messing about with position on bike, put on a forward seatpost i had from another bike and dropped the handlebars / tri bars as much as theyd go... seemed to have more constant speed than before to hold higher for longer, can feel the difference in the leg muscles so i need to get out in this position a few more times..will probably post a picture of the position so people can give their comments ( take the piss !! ) dont have enough cycling done so i need to get all the free seconds i can.. gonna change the tyres .. considering an aero helmet as well !! ( albeit a cheap one ) which will go down well with all the slagging i do of people that have them..

    did about 7k of the tri route and then bailed for home

    yesterday off

    today hopefully turbo and run later.. bailed on a 6am cycle earlier.. sorry now cos its lashing outside now and it wasnt earlier

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    20th .. blender 1.20 turbo.. bailed on the last 20 mins as had enough done at that stage, and it was getting late , i can never sleep right after turbos..
    forgot what a good workout this one was though,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    22nd 750 ow ( sea ) swim
    lucky to have a bouy marked 750 swim in killala bay which is just 10 mins up the road from my house.. proper high tide this week which meant no standing up for no good reason so had to swim it all apart from once i had to tread to sight the next bouy.. but happy to get that experience too
    took 22 mins which im happy enough about, thought itd be closer to half hour
    only did the one lap as the trial run for the triathlon is on today so didnt want to be wrecked for that.. probably wont cycle just run after swim as time is tight..swim should be a nice bit easier as its downstream but im taking nothing for granted..
    5k race on today for eldest new school so will be doing that too
    supposed to be aquathon on tomorrow in kilalla but better half more than likely working late might go down with the kids and watch it though...

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    23rd june...5k race.. 21.45 big pb there but 5k pb was very soft.. anyway nice run to start 3k into the wind .. last 2k was tough, normally would have a tiny kick but hadnt a thing..

    750 swim in the moy for ballina salmon run trial run.. went well, was second last out but didnt kill meself , never felt under pressure or anxious , not much flow in the river so hopefully itl be a bit faster on the day.. but happy with anyway.. didnt do anything else as legs were baked after the run earlier..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Well done on the p.b

    Did ye get in at the ridge pool? Was it freezing?? Finally could you stand up at the start??

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    yeah in at the hotel, theres a bit of a shelf to stand on beside some building before you commit to swimming out into the river, very high tide in it and i could still stand up,im 6 2 and it was just up to my neck when i was standing... nah wasnt freezing, although 1 girl thought it was, it was warmer than the sea yesterday.. couldnt see a thing in it though,

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Yeah it was the same in Athy could see feck all. Once I have a place to stand up for a minute I should be okay just takes me a while to catch my breath when I get it in first

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    24th off
    25th quick 5.6k run
    26th off again
    27th bog
    28th was supposed to be swimming but not sure on babysitters so hopefully tomorrow, will have to do something today though..and no doubt itl be back to the bog as well..

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,166 ✭✭✭red face dave

    Woody any word what time the race is starting getting different. I was told 6.00 and now on the poster it seems to be saying 4.00. Any update would be good

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    yep dave confusion reigns...
    t.i. website and press release in the western and online
    say 6.00 , flyer says 4.. trying to find out
    will let you know as soon as i do
