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Glee to do "School shooting" episode

  • 11-04-2013 12:42am
    Registered Users Posts: 12,606 ✭✭✭✭

    One of those news stories I read and googled the source to make sure it wasn't satirical.
    “Glee” is back Thursday night with the episode “Shooting Star,” and fans want “Glee” spoilers. From the sounds of what is available, fans will want to buckle their seat belts, as this is going to be quite the ride. On April 9 TV Line shared some delectable tidbits about what fans will see in this week's episode. Will the episode live up to the hype?

    Michael Slezak of TV Line says in his “Glee” spoilers that this week the show tackles a hot-button topic in its central storyline. The spoilers reveal that there will be gunshots at McKinley this week, and Michael Ausiello of TV Line called a key scene “the most harrowing scene the show has ever done.” From the hints shared so far, this could be a brutal, heartbreaking episode for Gleeks.

    Heather Morris will be front-and-center this week on 'Glee'
    Photo credit: Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images
    Other teasers indicate that Ryder will get closer to figuring out just who “Katie” is, and it is someone with ties to New Directions. As for Sam and Brittany, he makes a “big romantic gesture” this week that will somehow impact Lord Tubbington.

    Ryan Murphy has said this is “the most powerful, emotional 'Glee' ever,” and TV Line does not disagree. The episode takes place entirely in Lima, with no New York action. The show starts off on a light note as Brittany worries about an asteroid or comet coming to destroy Earth. The theme for New Directions is on “last chances,” and that is when two gunshots are heard in the McKinley halls.

    Much of the rest of the show is said to be confined to the choir room with Mr. Schue and Coach Beiste scrambling and sheltering the students with the unknown issues happening in the halls. Then, Artie uses the camera on his phone to have his fellow classmates record messages for their loved ones. People may be used to Brittany's quirky and dim personality, but it is said Heather Morris really shines in this episode, particularly in a scene in the high school ladies room.

    Many are worried that there is major tragedy ahead, and it seems viewers will be left on the edge of their seats. TV Line teases a “big twist” that could be perceived as predictable yet impactful. They also say there will be speculation after the episode when it comes to the fate of “a major character's fate on the series.” TV Line emphasizes that they are not exaggerating with the “major” part in describing the character.

    Guns in schools are definitely about the hottest topic around right now, and there will surely be viewers who are not happy to see the theme incorporated into “Glee.” However, the “Glee” spoilers indicate this is a must-watch show, regardless of one's views. Tune in to FOX Thursday, April 11 to see how it all goes down in “Shooting Stars,” episode 418.


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