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The 2013 Boards PW Draft EVALUATION Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 418 ✭✭lebowskilite

    ...The Undertaker has come to ICW! He makes his way to the ring in darkness and the crowd are going crazy to see the phenomenon that is the entrance of the phenom himself! He turns as he approaches the ring and we can see a struggle in the ring. Undertaker lifts the lights at the apron corner and we see AJ Styles now has Daniels in another Muta Lock. Undertaker gets into the ring and reveals the CWA Legends Championship as he removes his coat. He places the championship over the turnbuckle, and pulls the face.

    The (brave) match referee attempts to stop the interference, but Undertaker throws him through the ropes to another huge pop. Styles releases the hold but its too late for him as Undertaker throws him over the top ropes. Daniels gets up and tries to escape the ring but the dead man catches him and delivers a chokeslam to rapturous screams. Undertaker follows up the chokeslam with an elbow drop. He picks Daniels up, the crowd are going wild and Undertaker milks it as he goes old school on the semi-conscious fallen angel. Taker looks at Daniels in disgust, no doubt at what Daniels did earlier tonight. Taker throws Daniels to the outside and sets him up near the announcer tables!

    In a moment of madness Styles wants to interfere but Taker takes offence to this and whips him into the ring post.

    Undertaker gets back to Daniels and after a bit more beating lifts him high for the last ride through the table! Daniels is spread out in the wreck of the English Announcers table! As Undertaker summons the special referee Styles attempts to crawl past and cover Daniels himself.

    Undertaker sees it and chokeslams Styles through the Spanish Announcer Table! He covers Daniels and the entire stadium counts with the referee: 1-2-3!!!

    The Undertaker is the new International Heavyweight Champion!

    Back in the ring, Undertaker puts the CWA Legends Title back on underneath his coat, before the special referee puts the Big Gold Belt around his waist. The bells start to toll as Undertaker pulls his thumb across his neck and leaves the ring in much the way he entered - with the addition of the International Heavyweight Championship.

    (Somewhat predictably, the match referee now recovers from his bump)
    Match 5 Continued!
    EMTs are out trying to lift Styles and Daniels to their feet. They get Daniels to his feet first and he's screaming at the barely conscious Styles that he hates him, that he's cost him again. Daniels gets the EMTs to put him into the ring and takes a mic with him. He can't stand, he's sat against the turnbuckle. He tells Styles to get in the ring. Styles is up, also hurt. Styles slides into the ring and stands, holding onto the ropes. Daniels gets up and runs to spear Styles and they both collapse in the collisions.

    The two of them can barely move on the floor, but Styles is moving over to Daniels. Daniels suddenly rolls up underneath Styles and we see he's locked in the Koji Clutch (albeit upside down)!! Styles taps out almost immediately!! Daniels releases the hold and rolls around in pain while the match referee calls the bell!
    Chris Daniels wins via Submission - Styles will be banned from Grandslam

    The Announcers are frantic and have been since Undertaker's entrance. It takes several minutes for them to process the Dead Man's appearance, the change of championship, and then AJ Styles being banned from Grandslam. They speculate that the Undertaker must've been the one to attack Michael Cole earlier.

    Daniels is taken away on a stretcher. Styles tries to stand but keeps holding his neck and eventually relents and takes the stretcher option.

    Medical staff are wondering where Chairman Cole is and the event-specific ambulance that should've been back from the hospital to pick up William Regal by now. As they do, two more stretchers arrive carrying Daniels and Styles! Absolute carnage here before the Tag-Team Turmoil main event!
    Match 6: Tag-Team Turmoil Match
    Rules of the Turmoil Match (Vignette)
    In each round, three teams will start in the ring.
    Competitors may be eliminated via pinfall, submission, countout, or by being thrown over the top rope. A team will be disqualified if an eliminated team member re-enters the ring or otherwise interferes in the match.
    A Round ends when both competitors from one team are eliminated.
    A New Round will start immediately with a new, randomly or otherwise selected, tag-team to replace those who were eliminated.
    The Final Round of three teams ends when two of those teams are eliminated.
    The remaining team are crowned International Tag-Team Champions.
    And for this year only, the International Tag-Team Champions will also ahve the right to choose from between themselves the No.1 Contender for the International Heavyweight Champion at Grandslam!

    The 123 Sparks enter, bragging about how they will overcome each and every other team tonight to retain their championships.

    Next out are... The Samoan Swat Team! New Overseas Champion Rikishi and his partner Samu make their way to the ring.

    The third team out for the opening round are revealed as Kris Logan's music goes off, out steps... Hugh Jackman and Kris Logan! They are both dressed like the comic book wolverine! Bah God are we gonna be sued!
    Turmoil Match, Round 1: 1-2-3 Sparks v. Samoan Swat Team v. Hugh Jackman & Kris Logan
    All six men start in the ring and everyone gangs up on the Samoans to begin with, though Kris Logan gets the first elimination when he gets X Pac over the ropes!
    X Pac Eliminated
    Seconds later Holly and Jackman both manage to eject Rikishi! Holly then turns on Jackman and over the top ropes he goes, though he stays on the apron. Holly then kicks him in the gut and he falls to the mat.
    Rikishi Eliminated
    Hugh Jackman Eliminated
    With one from each team left, Holly goes after Logan but is attacked by Samu. A good triple-threat brawl ensues but ultimately Holly is able to eliminate Samu via the ropes after delivering his signature kick to the midsection.
    Samu Eliminated - Samoan Swat Team Eliminated

    Coming out for Round 2 - its D'Lo Brown and Chairman Cole! Cole looks like a nervous wreck but D'Lo leads him down to the ring and gives him encouraging words suggesting that they need to get Cole a championship belt again.
    Turmoil Match, Round 2: 1-2-3 Sparks v. Hugh Jackman & Kris Logan v. Chairman Cole & D'Lo Brown

    Things don't look good for Jackman and Logan, and though Cole is barely taking part they are both eliminated quickly by pins after a beatdown from Holly, X Pac and Brown.
    Hugh Jackman & Kris Logan Eliminated

    The Announcers are split over whether that was fair on the two but they seem happy enough as they acknowledge the crowd and head up the ramp. Out next, our 5th entrants: Larry Zbyszko and Yokozuna!
    Turmoil Match, Round 3: 1-2-3 Sparks v. Chairman Cole & D'Lo Brown v. Larry Zbyszko & Yokozuna

    Michael Cole attempts to leave the ring immediately and it is Zbyszko to catches up to him and drags him back in to begin the round. Yokozuna and Zbyszko are fighting the other four and winning! Hardcore Holly is pinned after a few minutes from a Banzai Drop.
    Hardcore Holly Eliminated
    Zbyszko is laying chokehold after chokehold on Cole while Yokozuna goes to work on D'Lo Brown. Having worked over Brown, he allow Zbyszko to make the cover.
    D'Lo Brown Eliminated
    Cole is unconscious in the middle of the ring, and Yokozuna carries him to the ropes and throws him onto the remnants of the announcer tables. X Pac attacks Zbyszko but the round is over.
    Chairman Cole Eliminated - Chairman Cole & D'Lo Brown Eliminated

    Holly re-enters the ring and the teams are scrapping away as the 6th entrants are announced: The ominous music of The League plays as Tajiri and Matt Sydal emerge and sprint straight into the ring. The announcers note that this will likely be the only league team out tonight given the destruction of both Daniels and Regal.
    Turmoil Match, Round 4: 1-2-3 Sparks v. Larry Zbyszko & Yokozuna v. The League (Tajiri/Sydal)

    A huge bump opens the round as Sydal goes to dropkick Yokozuna only to be caught! Yokozuna turns and tosses the poor super flyweight out of the ring by his leg!
    Matt Sydal Eliminated Holly and Zbyszko are slugging it out in a vicious punch-up while X Pac and Tajiri are double-teaming Yokozuna. Holly slides out of the ring and picks up a chair with Zbyszko's name on in. The referees start to count him out but Zbyszko is out to meet him! The two are broken open by the time they are both counted out and they continue to brawl in the crowd!
    Hardcore Holly Eliminated by Countout
    Larry Zbyszko Eliminated by Countout
    Moments later Yokozuna has floored both Tajiri and X Pac and piles them up for a Banzai Drop! He sits on them for the pin, but it is X Pac, on the bottom of the pile, who is judged to have been eliminated, and not Tajiri!
    X Pac Eliminated - 1-2-3 Sparks Eliminated and will therefore lose their championships!

    AJ Styles (holding his neck) and Billy Kidman are 7th out. While they make their way to the ring however, Yokozuna gives Zbyszko a hand in assaulting Hardcore Holly whom, he knocks out with a piledriver! The round begins when Kidman and Styles enter the ring. Yokozuna and Zbyszko make their way back in...
    Turmoil Match, Round 5: Larry Zbyszko & Yokozuna v. The League (Tajiri/Sydal) v. AJ Styles & Billy Kidman

    Not long after the round gets underway X Pac re-enters the ring and goes after Yokozuna (is he nuts? yes). Not long after he is thrown out, Holly re-enters with a chair and floors both Yokozuna and Zbyszko amidst the rest of the fighting. Sydal and Tajiri score the pins and the round is over.
    Larry Zbyszko & Yokozuna Eliminated

    The former champions aren't finished there and go to town on the floored Yokozuna! Styles and Kidman attempt to help but it is the hoardes of referees that eventually gets the 1-2-3 Sparks and Zbyszko & Yokozuna out of the ring. The 8th entrants, Kaientai, are in the ring when the referees order the next round to start.

    The Announcers explain that Kaientai will be the final entrants unless either Regal or Daniels is able or willing to present themselves for the next round.
    Turmoil Match, Round 6: The League (Tajiri/Sydal) v. AJ Styles & Billy Kidman v. Kaientai

    Perhaps the best round for wrestling quality so far, AJ Styles is unlucky in that he leaves the ring due to pain in his neck and is counted out.
    AJ Styles Eliminated by Countout
    Sydal and Tajiri double team Funaki while Taka Michinoku and Billy Kidman exchange manoeuvres hard and fast. Funaki is eliminated via the top ropes.
    Shoichi Funaki Eliminated
    However Michinoku soon delivers a drop kick that knocks Billy Kidman over the ropes to end the round.
    Billy Kidman Eliminated - AJ Styles & Billy Kidman Eliminated

    William Regal's music plays but no one emerges on the ramp. The referees order the four remaining men to start the final round.
    Turmoil Match, Round 7: The League (Tajiri/Sydal) v. Kaientai

    After several minutes of great back-and-to action between these sides, Sydal eliminates Funaki with a spectacular hurricanrana that sends Funaki over the top ropes. Sydal turns straight into a super kick and the same fate meets him, however.
    Shoichi Funaki Eliminated
    Matt Sydal Eliminated
    The final two in the ring are Michinoku and Tajiri, who fought 5 weeks ago for Michinoku's SuperFly Championship. The action is brutal but it is Michinoku who pins Tajiri off the Michinoku driver.
    Yoshihiro Tajiri Eliminated - The League (Tajiri/Sydal) Eliminated!

    Taka Michinoku and Shoichi Funaki have won the Turmoil Match!

    Taka is ecstatic, the crowd's reaction is mixed! Funaki comes into the ring with two chairs and lays them out as Taka celebrates! Funaki has Taka sit down and goes to get a microphone.

    Announcers: "Are we going to end the PPV with Funaki interviewing his own partner? Are one of these two going to face Undertaker at Grandslam? They already have a match against one another!"

    As Funaki re-enters the ring, he starts telling the crowd to look forward to Grandslam where Taka Michinoku will face the Underta- but Taka has a chair and smashes Funaki in the back of the head! Oh my god what is going on?

    The crowd are furious with Taka as he picks up the microphone and tells Funaki he will see him at Grandslam before he fights Undertaker, and he will not be embarrassed any longer by his less worthy partner Funaki...

    Funaki crawls out of the ring and the announcers are speechless. As he does though, Billy Graham's music plays!

    The ambulance we saw from before comes to a screeching halt by the side of the ramp! None other than Billy Graham gets out of the driver's door and from the back he pulls William Regal on a stretcher trolley!

    Graham is pushing Regal on a trolley down the ramp! He's coming to ringside! The Announcers are in up roar! With Regal at ringside, he can enter the Match as the final team! Graham is perfectly able to substitute as Regal's team member!

    The referees seem to agree with Graham and they let him enter the ring! Only Taka remains to defend Kaientai's perceived victory! Graham has a mic. and informs the audience that he is filling in on the final entering team with William Regal!
    Turmoil Match, Round 7 - Resumed!: Kaientai v. William Regal & Billy Graham

    Funaki is Eliminated by Countout
    Taka still has the chair and goes for Graham, who grabs it and throws it out of the ring. He whips Taka and delivers a piledriver to stun the SuperFly champion! Graham goes for the pin... 1, 2, 3!!!!
    Taka Michinoku is Eliminated - Kaientai are Eliminated

    Billy Graham and William Regal have won the Turmoil Match!

    As Taka rolls out of the ring, Graham soaks up the atmosphere. The clock on the Lebowskitron reads 12 minutes. The Announcers excitedly promote the presumed main event for Grandslam, Billy Graham v. The Undertaker!

    As Graham has a mic handed to him, the lights go out for the second time in the night, and the bells toll... The Undertaker makes his way to the ring!

    The Undertaker is carrying something familiar, a briefcase we've all seen recently. He and Graham stare each other down in the ring and he gives Graham the briefcase. Graham summons the special referee to the ring and hands him the briefcase - the crowd are on their feet for what they think they know is coming!

    Undertaker reaches to the heavens and lowers the Double Cage Structure! The Announcers are going nuts, the crowd is going nuts, and at the ramp, Chairman Cole is emerging, limping from backstage, and he too is going nuts! Billy Graham is cashing in his main event match and the Undertaker seems to will it!

    Chairman Cole paid a physical price today to try and save his job. Many others have been subjected to worse including Christopher Daniels and Billy Graham! Could it all turn full-circle in the ten minutes we have left? Could Graham take back the championship? Could Michael Cole be saying goodbye to his pay packet here tonight?! The Cage is down, the match bell rings! The atmosphere is electric!
    Unbilled Main Event Match: Undertaker (c) v. Billy Graham (International Heavyweight Championship) - Double Steel Cage
    The match is a back-and-to of clotheslines, shoulder bumps, big boots and other big strikes between these two. Chairman Cole is on the outside trying to persuade the referees to get the cage lifted, they say it isn't working for some reason. The crowd are going wild for the match.
    A groggy taker falls prey to an aeroplane slam followed by a Knee Drop from the turnbuckle! Graham goes for the pin, 1... 2- and he kicks out!

    Taker sits up and Graham goes running to the ropes and kicks Taker square in the face (ala Kane)! He picks Taker up and sets him up for the piledriver but Taker reverses it and lifts Graham by the legs and dumps him in a massive facebuster.

    Taker lifts Graham and delivers the snake eyes on the turnbuckle before giving him the big boot! Graham is spread-eagled as Taker hooks the leg, 1... 2... No! Graham kicks out!

    Graham gets Taker in a bear hug on the canvass and stands up with him before actually lifting the 305lb Undertaker into the air! The referee is asking Taker if he gives up and his hand hovers, will he tap? It comes crashing down to his side but only because the two of them have fallen to the ground!

    Graham can't believe it and he ends up paying for it as Taker scrambles and locks in the Hell's Gate! Graham is in agony - his head already having taken a beating today! His hand is out to and it hits the canvass once, twice but not a third time as Graham catches the ropes! Undertaker relents!

    Graham slowly gets to his feet to find the Undertaker charging at him - Graham dodges and slams Taker into the cage wall! He then sets up the piledriver and delivers! Slamming Undertaker's skull onto the canvass with a manoeuvre he often uses himself! The crowd can't believe it and neither can a maddened Chairman Cole as Graham goes for the pin! 1... 2... 3! No!

    Undertaker kicks out and again! Graham goes to the ropes and comes back to meet a chokeslam from the dead man!

    Undertaker goes for his signature pin and gives the tongue to the camera for the count:1... 2... 3...!

    The referee calls for the bell!

    The Undertaker has defended his title!
    The Undertaker wins via pinfall and remains the International Heavyweight Champion!

    The Undertaker raises his arms and the cage lifts! He helps Graham to his feet and they shake hands. In the near distance, the lebowskitron clock hits zero. The closing image of the pay per view is Undertaker showing his Championship as the lights go out for the final time in ICW this draft year.

    Summary of Results

    1. D'Lo Brown (C) def. Larry Zbyszko (Pin) - Singles Match for ICW American Championship
    2. Taka Michinoku (C) def. Hugh Jackman (DQ) - Singles Match for ICW SuperFly Championship
    3. Shoichi Funaki def. Matt Sydal (Pin) - Double Steel Cage Match for No.1 SuperFly Contendership
    - Christopher Daniels def. Billy Graham (C) (Pin) - 4-Hour Title Defence for International Heavyweight Championship
    4. Rikishi def. William Regal (C) (Pin) - Singles Match for ICW Overseas Championship
    - The Undertaker def. Christopher Daniels (C) (Pin) - 4-Hour Title Defence
    5. Christopher Daniels def. AJ Styles (sub) - Submission Match; AJ banned from Grandslam after loss
    6. Billy Graham & William Regal win - Tag-Team Turmoil Match for Tag-Team Championships and No.1 Heavyweight Contendership
    - The Undertaker (C) def. Billy Graham - Double Steel Cage Match for International Heavyweight Championship

    Why like this and what next?
    1. I had D'Lo Brown win because I don't think this is the end of this feud. Zbyszko has a lot of unfinished business with a lot of people and I think people who complain about injustice while carrying a championship belt look like whiny idiots. After getting out of a losing streak I would hope to grow Yokozuna in the coming months. It might make sense to put the tag-team belts on a dominating Zbyszko and Yokozuna at Grandslam and have Yokozuna turn heel or go for a championship later in the year.

    2. The Taka Michinoku/Hugh Jackman match was important but only because Taka had demanded it as part of the build to his heel turn. Jackman accidentally low-blowing him and taking a revenge bump was the only way I could see the match not being too terrible :p After having picked Jackman I couldn't resist picking Logan just for the tag-team potential. Obviously, Jackman wouldn't be a part of the roster but to have a struggling Logan go around calling himself one half of whatever ridiculous name the team could've had would tickle me a bit if I were a fan. While I mention him I should also say that giving Logan the Monday Night Championship in show 4 served to deny Cole his contiuing glory while also continuing to define the belt as essentially being a joke title.

    3. Funaki's turn of fortune had to be completed and this would set up to a bitter rivalry between himself and Taka Michinoku. They would definitely face each other at Grandslam and whether he wins there or not Funaki would definitely win the title from Taka at some point. These two have excellent matches together and are/were brilliant wrestlers. I picked them specifically to map a route to success for Funaki who rally didn't deserve to spend 8 years as a WWE jobber. An idea I was dabbling with is that Taka may join forces with the League.

    4. William Regal came out of this ordeal as one half of the tag-team champions, and Rikishi is a popular enough name to be defending the title at Grandslam. I also fancy a story in which Samu is revealed as a mystery challenger to Rikishi at Grandslam. In a couple of months I would have a face Regal challenge for the Overseas Championship again or possibly the Heavyweight Championship - but in the short term the tag-team championships will find a home in the team of Regal and Tajiri - with Graham showing no interest in them.

    5. Like many others who've used duplicates for their rosters I wanted to make it clear that Styles was a temporary employee in ICW - coming in provide a mini feud for Christopher Daniels. Unfortunately for these two their two main matches in ICW were both dramatically interrupted for more important storyline issues, and so a return feud wouldn't be unheard of but for now Styles is going to leave ICW. I would have big plans for the now 2-time international champion Christopher Daniels and would put him in the main event at Grandslam via some trickery that sees him inserted into the match. At some point soon he needs a serious title run and when I did slap the gold on him I would make sure he has the championship for at least 10 months to make up for his somewhat unfortunate record to date.

    6. The Turmoil Match allowed me to develop so many of tonight's stories - none of which came to a definite end (I didn't want them to). In my head for the draft I had a 10 week story arc in mind and this ppv was the midway point in that arc. That's why it won't come across as the story-ending finale that a wrestlemania type ppv would - but it was one that due to the events taking place within I knew I would enjoy writing.

    This is also why I didn't use Taker until the pay-per-view. When I picked him I was determined to use him only as part of the arc demanded - at some times I thought this was a mistake but I'm happy I stuck with it. As part of the story arc Taker would keep his championship until Grandslam where he would defend it against both Graham and Daniels. I think him and Graham would make a great rivalry - but more on that later.

    Also important to this was Michael Cole's relationship with the entire roster, but specifically Billy Graham and Larry Zbyszko. I wanted to cast Cole as the insecure dictator who is caught in a vicious circle of trying to assert himself and in the process igniting more opposition. I would keep Cole in the role for a long time but would erode his influence by way of the anonymous Council of Commissioners cutting deals behind his back. I would slowly turn Cole face as his work is interfered with and some of his heel allies cut deals with the council to leave his side. I would do this very slowly though and Cole would still be a mega heel at Grandslam.

    The most fun I had with this draft was Billy Graham. In my opinion, Billy Graham could've been better on the mic than the Rock and have had more attitude than Steve Austin if he'd have been around at the same time. His personality was a standard heel in the 70s but it could've gone either way in the 90s; in rl Graham was able to electrify crowds into hating him. His in-ring ability is lacking but, again, if he'd have been around after the trials in the early 90s maybe he would've spent more time training and less time body building and sampling the more illegal substances that athletes enjoy. With this draft I wanted to suggest what Graham could be like if he were in a promotion and in his prime today. That said, at the end of my story arc I would plan to turn him heel and properly feud with Undertaker.

    The final unbilled match was a sampler for what is to come and also allowed Undertaker to prove on the night that he wasn't just coming back to steal a championship from an injured champion, but rather to dominate as he should. I'll leave you with an unconfirmed partial run-down of the card for Grandslam in 5 weeks time that was leaked on the morning after Turmoil!.
    Undertaker (C) v. Billy Graham v. Christopher Daniels (60-Minute Triple Threat Iron Man Battle, International championship)
    The League (Regal/Tajiri) (C) v. Larry Zbysko & Yokozuna (International Tag-Team championships)
    Taka Michinoku (C) v. Shoichi Funaki (2 out of 3 falls: ICW SuperFly Championship)
    Rikishi (C) v. Mystery Challenger (ICW Overseas Championship)

  • Registered Users Posts: 85,686 ✭✭✭✭JP Liz V1

    JP Liz V1 wrote: »
    Part I

    LWE - LizLinear Wrestling Entertainment



    Venue - Madison Square Garden in New York City

    The show opens with William Shatner in the ring telling everyone he would like to sing for them so to all stand as he starts singing his version of Stronger by Kanye West. The General Manager Bobby Heenan comes out and stops Shatner. Heenan asks what happened to singing the national anthem and Shatner says he thought he would mix it up a bit and be fresh and hip. Heenan laughs and then turns and asks the crowd do they want more of Shatner's singing and then cheer loudly yes so Heenan tells him to carry on and leaves the ring. Shatner even tries to do some dance moves and injuries himself. He has to be carried out of the ring.

    The first match up is next

    Justin Gabriel Vs. Tyson Kidd

    Gabriel is out first and don't wait for Kidd to enter the ring he comes out to meet him and they brawl outside the ring until Gabriel rolls him into the ring and the official bell rings to start the match. Gabriel is in control early on and dominates the match but sneakily Kidd picks up the win with his foot on the ropes. Gabriel complains to the ref afterwards while Kidd laughs up the ramp.

    Winner -Tyson Kidd

    Barrett goes to Heenan's office and asks why his match tonight is a ladder match, he claims he has a fear of heights and vertigo. Heenan tells him to shut up and get out because the ladder match stands so he better get over his fears. Barrett leaves angry.

    Next match up is the tag title match

    Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards Vs. Frankie Kazarian & The Pope D'Angelo Dinero Vs. Derrick Bateman & Daniel Bryan

    Edwards and Bateman start the match off. Richards and Dinero are battling outside the ring for long spells. Bateman tags Bryan in and he and Edwards battle. Kazarian tags himself in off Edwards who stays in the ring and now all three are fighing. Dinero and Richards are also in the ring continuing there outside clash. Three masked men come through the crowd and surround the ring. One pulls Bryan from the ring to the outside, Bryan is mad and pushs them, another one of the men unmasks himself and is revealed to be Connemara Man from CCW he tells Bryan he cannot be here as his true home is elsewhere is and they leave together through the crowd. Bateman looks on confused and now only him and Dinero are in the ring. Dinero tries for a few pin falls but Bateman kicks out at two. Kazarian is in and him an Dinero double team Bateman they laugh and smirk at they look at Richards. He tries to come in the ring but the ref hold him back. Edwards is recovering down outside the ring not back on the apron yet. Bateman finally gets some offensive in and knocks Kazarian to the outside. Bateman tags in Richards and now is it him and Dinero. In the end Richards picks up the win for his team with the elevated cutter to retain their tag titles.

    Winner - The American Wolves aka Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards

    Layla is preparing for her match backstage but Barrett is still fuming at Heenan for the ladder match. She tells him to calm down but this angers him more and he walks off. Scott Hall walks by and wishes her well for her match.

    The next match is the women's title match

    Layla Vs. Velvet Sky

    Layla has the match early in control. Wade Barrett comes out at the top of the ramp to watch the match. Scott Hall comes out also to watch the match from the ramp and he and Barrett exchange heated words. Layla is distracted so Velvet picks up the win with a roll up and Layla is shocked. Refs come out to keep Barrett and Hall apart.

    Winner - Velvet Sky

    Mr. Perfect goes to see Heenan in his GM office, he tells Heenan that they have been through alot together and they should be on the same side which is keeping Mr. Perfect as champion of the promotion. Heenan tells him he don't take sides anymore and lets see tonight if Mr. Perfect really is perfect and can keep his title on his own as he is done helping him. Mr. Perfect pulls Heenan up by the collar and says tonight family ties ends and leaves.

    Next match is

    Stephanie McMahon Vs. Michelle McCool

    Quite a short match in which Stephanie wins so she is now the Assistant General Manager of LWE

    Winner - Stephanie McMahon


    Part II

    Up next is

    Austin Aries Vs. Dean Malenko in a Submission Match

    Malenko comes out first to a good crowd reaction and legend chant. Aries is out next and enters the ring. The official bell rings to start the match. Malenko starts the match well which angers Aries. Malenko gives it all he has with usual spots from both but near the match end Aries low blows Malenko and gets the win with Brainbuster and then Last Chancery submission hold.

    Winner - Austin Aries

    Backstage Mr. Perfect is talking to Stephanie McMahon he congratulates her on her win and asks to speak to her privately so they enter a private room.

    Next match is

    Wade Barrett (c) Vs. Scott Hall in a Ladder Match for Intercontinental Championship Title

    Scott comes out first and then Barrett without Layla. Barrett starts off the match well and is the first to bring the ladder in the ring and attacks Hall with it. Barrett attempts his first ladder climb but Layla runs down and pushs him off the ladder he is down outside. Hall is getting to his feet now and he attempts to step the ladder up to climb and starts but then Layla enters and pushs him off too. She looks at both men down and smiles and leaves up the ramp to the back. Nearing the end of the match both men are climbing the ladder together Hall manages to knock Barrett off and gets the title so we have a new champion in Scott Hall.

    Winner - Scott Hall

    The main event title match is next

    Drew McIntyre Vs. Mr. Perfect (c) Iron Man Match for World Heavyweight Title

    The match lasts for an hour and Drew has shocked and surprised Mr. Perfect because nearing the 50 minute mark both were tied at 2 - 2 in pinfalls and submissions. You can tell both men have given everything and are barely able to stand on their feet. The crowd is clearly behind Drew and chanting time for a new champion. The ref has taken a bump is down now in the ring. The clock is nearing 58 minutes. Heenan runs down and begins to count as Drew covers Perfect 1, 2, but stops. Drew gets up and asks Heenan what he is doing. Heenan says sorry but family is family. Perfect rolls out of the ring to get the title. He comes back in and hits Drew with the title Heenan counts 1, 2, and 3 fast as the clock stops at 60 minutes. Mr. Perfect retains his title with Heenan raising his hand in the ring as the show ends.

    Winner - Mr. Perfect

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,453 ✭✭✭glenjamin



    *The pyro's kick off Wrasslemania with the Wrasslemania team song blaring in the background [some decent classic rock song and not P-Diddy or some ****]. The announcers welcome us the biggest of the big. The ultimate. The grandest stage of them all. Wrasslemania!*
    Segment 1


    World Tag Team Championship
    The Midnight Express (c) vs. Strike Force

    I've gone for a fast paced opening match and none faster than the current champions, The Midnight Express. [The build up wasn't anything special for this. The challengers won a non-title match 2 weeks back despite the use of pulling of tights to win. Last week Strike Force joined forces with WTF GM Jonathan Coachman in a handicap match against Bob Backlund and The Midnight Express made the save for Backlund, beating off Strike Force.]

    The Midnight Express start off on the offence with some sleek moves to immediately get the crowd riled up. Lots of double-teaming by both sets of teams. A big spot was The Midnight Express doing a double dive over the top rope onto Martel and Santana on the outside. The heels take control and after several minutes Lane makes the hot tag to Eaton who clears house, and The Midnight Express get the win following a double crossbody on both members of Strike Force with Eaton and Lane both getting 3 counts on their respective opponents.

    Winners: The Midnight Express

    Segment Length: 13 minutes

    [Not as long as their Mayhem match but it was a quick paced opener and it gave the crowd something to cheers for right off the bat as the champions retained.]

    *Kurt Angle is being interviewed backstage. Angle is asked whether he's worried about the Hart brothers double teaming him tonight. Angle says that they'll be too busy tearing eachother apart for them to double team up against him. Angle says he'll sit back and let them take eachother out before sneaking in and getting the pin.*
    Segment 2


    Hardcore Championship
    Bam Bam Bigelow (c) vs. Takeshi Morishima

    [First up is a video recap of Morishima's debut three weeks ago and his path of destruction so far. The announcers are quick to point out that no one has manhandled Bam Bam Bigelow like Takeshi Morishima has.]

    Morishima is out first with a kendo stick and waits patiently in the ring for Bam Bam. Bigelow surprises Morishima though by coming from behind with a steel chair. Bam Bam beats down Morishima to the pleasing of the crowd and Morishima slowly crawls to the outside. Morishima uses a fire extinguisher to fight off Bigelow and take control of the match. The match moves through the crowd and through the back. Eventually it leads to outside the arena where Morishima hits Bigelow with Amaze Impact off a loading dock, through some wooden pallets for the three count.

    Winner: Takeshi Morishima

    Segment Length: 16 minutes

    [Morishima's rein of terror continues as he becomes the new Hardcore Champion. Even though the heel won there's nothing better than a hard hitting hardcore match and the crowd loved every minute of it including the finish. Definitely the sort of match you'd love to see a rematch as the possible finishes for this match are endless.]
    Segment 3


    Cruiserweight Championship
    Ultimo Dragon (c) vs. Carlito

    [Again the build for this match was minimal, with the bigger matches on the card being given more time. Carlito has come across as a weasel heel who will do whatever it takes to win.]

    Again a quickfire opening with lots of reversals from either man. Plenty of arms drags by Dragon with the crowd eating them up. Carlito uses a thumb to the eye to change the direction of the match. Carlito starts weighing Dragon down using the bottom rope to choke him. Carltio showing elements of Ric Flair. The finish comes with the Ultimo Dragon is climbing the top rope and Carltio comes from behind to hit a huge Backstabber for the three count.

    Winner: Carlito

    Segment Length: 11 minutes

    [Another heel win and another title change. Carlito winning was the right choice though as the young heel is climbing the ladder fast in WTF with both his promos and wrestling moves. Giving him the Cruiserweight title is the next step on that ladder]/
    Segment 4


    Batista vs. Vader

    [Video package plays Batista's dominant form at the moment and his run to a possible title challenge. The video plays the last couple of weeks of Batista and Vader fighting.]

    Batista comes out to a massive tonne of heat. Typical big man matches are usually ****e and dragged out so this one is designed to play on the already hot crowd was big moves followed by a pause for reaction and then another big move, back and forth. The ends comes when Batista went for the Batista Bomb but couldn't get Vader all the way up. Vader reversed and laid Batista out for the Vader Bomb and the three count. The camera pans to a shocked Batista after the match.

    Winner: Vader

    Segment Length: 9 minutes

    [A decent big man match. There where no spots involving pointless submission moves or bear hugs to drain the crowd. Nice and short match. This was supposed to be a Batista banker in order to continue on his dominant form, but I decided to go with Vader instead as a reminder to the fans that Vader is still a force to be reckoned with. It also allows for a rematch and for Batista to go over then. This way keeps both men involved in a feud and away from the already jam packed title challenge.]

    *The announcers plug tonight making history and all that junk before announcing the attendance of 78,137 or some random high number like that.*
    Segment 5


    Intercontinental Championship
    Jack Brisco (c) w/ Jonathan Coachman vs. Bob Backlund

    We dive straight into it with Backlund coming out to cheers from the crowd. Next Jack Brisco is out with Jonathan Coachman but instead of music Brisco comes out with a mic saying he has a doctor's note excusing him from competing here tonight. [Great heat for Brisco] Brisco keeps on the mic right up to Backlund's face until Backlund kicks Brisco, before grabbing the note off him and ripping it in half. The refs rings the bell and we're off.

    Great technical battle with these two. Brisco tries to leave but Backlund drags him back. Coachman tries to get involved but Backlund flattens him with a clothesline. After a while Backlund locks in the chicken wing and falls to the ground. Brisco is about to tap when Coachman jumps up on the apron to distract the referee. Brisco taps but the ref doesn't see it so Backlund releases the hold to deal with Coachman. However Brisco comes from behind and hits a roll up on Backlund for the 3 count.

    Wiiner: Jack Brisco

    Segment Length: 17 minutes

    [A nice long match between these two veterans. The team of Brisco and Coachman generated a lot of heat between them. The finish leaves Backlund looking strong and gives Brisco more heat. A rematch between the two will definitely be on the card.]
    Segment 6


    Randy "The Ram" Robinson vs. The Ayatollah

    [We start with a video package from three weeks ago with Robinson declaring his retirement from professional wrestling. Then it switches to Randy Robinson appreciation night and The Ayatollah's shocking promo on Robinson, before last weeks promo where Robinson said he would come out of retirement to face off against The Ayatollah.]

    Both men come out as the camera pans to Robinson's daughter in attendance. Huge heat for The Ayatollah. Robinson is straight on the offence and nearly gets disqualified for stamping on The Ayatollah. The Ayatollah hits back with huge heat from the crowd. Not a five star classic but the crowd are heavily invested. Lots of near falls with the crowd counting along each time. Robinson takes out The Ayatollah and heads for the top rope for the Ram Jam. Robinson points to his daughter in the crowd before leaping onto The Ayatollah and the three count.

    Winner: Randy "The Ram" Robinson

    Post match Robinson's daughter jumps the railings and into the ring to embrace her Dad. They both hug to a true Wrasslemania moment. Robinson grabs the mic and thanks the crowd. Just when you think he's going to announce his retirement Robinson says he loves the business and could never leave. Robinson says he wants to become WTF Heavyweight Champion once again. Robinson says he will defy the doctors and fullfill his destiny of becoming the greatest wrestler of all time. Robinson's daughter, Stephanie looks on in dismay and quietly leaves the ring as Robinson poses with the fans. Robinson oblivious to the fact. Did you ever think he'd change?

    Segment Length: 16 minutes
    Segment 7


    WTF World Heavyweight Championship
    Kurt Angle (c) vs. Owen Hart vs. Bret Hart

    [We start with a video package highlighting the last year of each man and their journey here. Great video package, similar to what the WWE do best.]

    All three men surround eachother not knowing who to go for first. Angle ducks out of the ring and leaves the Hart brothers to start the match. Back and forth action with Bret and Owen. Bret throws Owen over the top rope allowing Angle to come from behind and attack Bret. Your typical triple threat formula. Owen re-enters breaking a Sharpshooter attempt from Angle on Bret. Owen then locks in the Anglelock onto Angle. A big spot is up next when Owen is Angle Slammed from the top rope and Bret is forced to break the count and the last possible split second. Bret takes out Angle by reversing an Angle Slam into a German Suplex, crashing Angle through the announcer's table on the outside. Bret goes back into the ring and gets Owen in the Sharpshooter. Owen some how reverses it into his own Sharpshooter and Bret finally taps giving Owen the historic win.

    Winner: Owen Hart

    Segment Length: 28 minutes

    [Great action from all three men and Wrasslemania goes off the air with Owen celebrating his first title win. Sometimes predictability is the right way to go. Just like when in real life Roode should have beaten Angle at Bound For Glory 2011. Owen winning is a proper Wrasslemania moment for all to see. Anything could happen next following tonight. A rematch, Owen vs. Bret, Owen vs. Angle, or even Bret vs. Angle. I would go for a rematch, either have Owen retain, or a shock Bret win, leading to a long awaited feud between the two. A great moment for Owen and one that should have happened in real life.]

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 6,773 Mod ✭✭✭✭connemara man

    first show.
    second show
    Trump Industry Wrestling presents its third show and opens on a look back from previous shows

    Opening Segment

    Kane walks down to the Ring


    "After the last two weeks and, given that i can't get my hands on JBL till Wrestletastic I want someone to come down here and face me!!"
    no response from the locker.

    JBL comes and stands at the top of the ramp
    "Kane you wont get anywhere like this youll get your chance one on one"

    as JBL in talking Farooq cleans out Kane from behind with a chair drops it and takes the mic from JBL
    "DAMN!! you not looking well"

    the 2 walk out as Kane Rises.

    Match 1 MIZ Morrison vs London Kendrick

    Morrison and London start the match great to and fro morrison really keeping the tempo up London gets a break as Kendrick shakes the rope as Morrison was on the top turnbuckle. London tags in and Kendrick comes in to take control. Morrison is trying to work his way to the corner to tag in Miz but cant make it across. Morrison gets a quick kick on London.. crawls over to the Miz who shows no interest in tagging in.. London drags him back into the center of the ring Kendrick enters and they hit Get Well Soon for the 3 count

    London and Kendrick grab the mic
    london" We will be the Tag champs no one is going to stop us from getting our tag belts"

    The Miz Grabs the mic of the as the walk by and walks to Morrison
    " you are Pathetic! I have always been to good for you" drops the mic onto his head as hes still on the matt and walks of.


    Daniel Bryan
    "I cant Believe you are Champion! you're to afraid to fight anyone"

    he runs to the ring as The Miz escapes out through the crowd

    " I'll get my shot"

    Hunico and Camacho are talking back stage just as they are about to go down the ramp. the hurricane corners them
    "we will get our capes back no matter where you have put them"
    Hunico and Camacho laugh him of and walk to the ring

    Match 2
    Camacho vs Cabana
    the match begins and Cabana takes control. a good match Hunico egging Camacho on the whole way through. Rosey comes down to the ring after hunico after the attack from the previous week and chases him of. all hunico does is taunt him up the Ramp.
    Camacho getting desperate goes for a dropkick Colt steps back and sees his oppurtunity and locks in the Chicago Crab. Camacho taps out

    Colt grabs the mic while Celebrating
    "I am now undefeated in this federation. this is the third week ive come out here and defeated another wrestler I want my shot at The Miz I even beat his so calleed no one contender"

    D Trump comes out
    " the decision is made but if you keep this up next week I'll add you to the match between The Miiz and D Bryan at wrestletastic"

    Big E and Tazz are walking in the back The Sand man pounces and swings his cane at Tazz who manages to put Big E between him and Sandman. Tazz hits The Sandman with the Angry Man's Clothesline and helps up Big E.
    Tazz "good work kid"
    Big E looks on annpyed Clenching his Fists.

    Match 3
    the usos vs Big E vs Tazz

    Tazz starts of vs Jimmy uso Tazz really hitting heavy hits on Jimmy not letting him build up momentum. a good showing of his athleticism and ability to control a bout. He tags in Big E who continues on Jimmy. Big E lets it get to his head allowing Jimmy to get the tag. Jey comes in fast paced really laying into Big E the tide starts to turn but a big hit from Big E sends the 2 men to the matt Big E manages to get the tag but Jey doesn't. Tazz drags him into the ring and sets him up for Tazz mision when The sandman enters Big E comes in again for the save but it gives time to jey to get the tag.. Tazz hasnt seen it and goes after jey again... Jimmy hits the full nelson Bomb on Tazz.. Jey goes up top and hits the superfly splash rolls of and Jimmy covers fro the 3 count.
    announcer "the winners the Usos and new Hardcore champion Jimmy uso"

    Jimmy shocked exits the ring as Big E hits him with a running body block and then the Big ending pins Jimmy for the 3 count

    "new Hardcore champion Big E Langston"

    Big E pics up the Mic
    " Im through with you tazz I learnt how to defend this seeing you this is my belt my time is NOW"

    End show

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 6,773 Mod ✭✭✭✭connemara man

    first show.
    second show
    third show

    Trump Industry Wrestling presents its third show and opens on a look back from previous shows

    We open with The Miz walking down to the ring in a suit. stops in the middle of the ring
    "as my opponent for wrestletastic still has to be decided, If Kane and Bryan make it through tonight my opponent will be Colt if they dont it will be Daniel will have that honour"

    "so given that I will be on commentary for the Evening evaluating my oponents"

    JBL walks down after him
    " Miz you are a wise man lets take over this commentary and see whats what"

    BOOOs echo out from the crowd as Farooq comes down in a match vs Tazz

    A big heavy hitting match the two men really going at it Tazz fuming at the loss of his title the previous week keeps having to get restrained by the ref

    during the match Miz and JBL spend their time biging each other up

    Tazz eventually gets Disqualified for not releasing the Tazzmision. Farooq gets up and hits him with a big boot for revenge.

    Back stage
    Cman is ion trumps office

    "I took your advice and got better Lawyers so even though you had control till now. I will at the end of the night put ij place the stipulations for wrestletastic"

    Trump is in shock as Cman Leaves

    The Miz and JBL share a nervous look as the usos make there way to the ring
    match 2 The usos vs Hurricane and Rosey semifinal in the tag team competition.

    Rosey and Jey start of rosey not letting Jey build up momentum he controls the match well and tags in Hurricane. who also controls the pace Jey slips out of a hold and scrapes of a tag to Jimmy who turns the tables is his favor. the two men collide mid air as they come of the ropes. jimmy is the first to rise and tags in Jey just as Huricane crawls over to rosey and gets the tag. but this time Jey doesnt let Rosey get the upperhand. Jimmy gets tagged in Rosey still in the ring as hurricanes music hits confusion among the rour men at the ring as hunico and camacho fly over the ing to the stage on zip lines Rosey fixated on them Gets hit by Jimmy usos Full nelson Bomb. the Pin and 3 count

    announcer "winners and tag team finalists the Usos!"

    " oooooohhhhhhh the superheros not so super now hey"
    the two leave laughing

    Hurricane "We will get you at wrestletastic one way or another"

    Backstage Big E is walking down the Corridor and Steve Blackman is in front of him he stops and takes two steps around to see The sand man a brawl ensues big E hit with a cane and kendo stick. Steve then hits a thrust Kick on The sand man then hits a belly to back suplex on Big E gets a bridge formed 3 count and new Hard core Champion Steve Blackman. Tazz tries an ambush but steve is able to fend him of.

    Donald Trump

    "enough the four of you wresltetastic that title is on the line and thats it till the UNDERSTAND!"

    Match 3
    Cabana vs Hunico

    Hunico trying to save face for his team really gets at cabana. Camacho as well circling the ring distracting Cabana whenever he can. but Cabana fast style turns the match in his favour. Miz looks a bit anxious on commentary at how well he is doing.

    Hurricane runs down at camacho who escapes up the ramp but only into rosey who hits him with a clothesline. in the commotion Cabana hits the colt.45 and a pin 3 count and victory.

    Colt grabs a mic
    "Miz, Bryan i dont care if its all of us or just me and Miz in that ring I will walk out champion!"

    Match 3

    Hell no! vs London and Kendrick

    Just before the Bell goes Farooq and Steve Black man walk down the Ramp and stand by JBL a show of power from the WHC and the men who support him.
    Kane in the Ring looks on as the bell goes and London hits him from behind. Kane on the backfoot from the begining being out manouvered by london as he has one eye on the pack outside the ring. Kendrick tags in to give a London a breaK Kane gets a small bit of steam built up enough to tag in D Bryan. Daniel picks up the pace eeven manages to get his Repeated shoot kicks in. London makes a save before the roundhouse and follows through to knock Kane of the apron. as hes down Faroq hits him with a big boot hes out on the ground. Bryan loks for the tag but cant see Kane. Kendrick has tagged in london who hits Bryan with a spinning wheel kick then he makes it to the top turnbuckle hits the 450 splash. and 3 count for the victory.

    Final segment

    Cman in the ring
    "welcome so I get to put a bit of respect back into this organisation people walking around like they own the place

    so firstly Rosey Hurricane you will get Hunico and camacho in the opening to wrestletastic
    Tazz, Steve, The Sandman and Big E you will have your match but it will be a 20 minute championship scramble and of course no DQ so good luck
    London and Kendrick, Usos you will face of in a ladder match for your title
    Miz Bryan I am no refuting the addition of Colt to your match so a straight 3 way match will do.
    JBL JBL JBL you came in here and tried to ake over this company wih help and when you had the power you used it for your own gain so I am giving Kane the shot he deserves at you in a way he deserves no interuptions for your cronies so the WHC strap will be contested In a cell"

    End on JBLs face

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators, Regional West Moderators Posts: 6,773 Mod ✭✭✭✭connemara man


    Match one
    Hunico and Camacho vs Hurricane and Rosey in a winner gets the capes match.

    Hunico and camacho come out to a hostile response from the audience they really are hyped up for tonight. Hunico and Rosey start, Hunjico goes at it at a frenetic pace nullifying roseys size the mind games seemed to have taken its toll. Rosey out of breath manages to get to Hurricane for the tag and The pace doesnt effect him at all and starts to get the upper hand a great showing of an older head controlling the match but hunico manages a tag and a fresh camacho gets a small bit of an upperhand but hurricane slows down the pace of the match and gets rosey in. they hit the Simultaneous sidewalk slam (Rosey) / Eye of the Hurricane (The Hurricane) combination
    Rosey gets the pin 1..2..3..

    Winners Hurricane and Rosey

    Match 2
    Steve Blackman (c) vs Tazz vs Big E Langston vs The Sandman
    in a no DQ championship scramble

    The bell goes and all four men scramble at each other. the Sandman introduces the weapons and all hell breaks loose the Big E gets a pin on Steve and is champion again. Tazz hits Big E with a chair and gets taken out by steve over the top rope. The sand man pick up a pin here the title doesn't changs hands again for another 5 minutes as Tazz pins The Sandman, as hes standing up big E hit him with the steps and knock him out and Pin champ ion again. the fight rages on with 1:30 on the clock Big e runs up the Ramp. the fight the three others follow hiim up hitting each other to get at him but Big E holds on long enough to retain the Championship.
    Winner and new Hardcore Champ Big E

    Match 3
    London & Kendrick vs The usos

    The match starts of cautiously, with The Usos slowly taking control of the match and keeping it at their pace but london introduces the first ladder and suddenly the match changes tempo. the more high risk pair take control. London and Kendrick try to make their way back into ring but hit by Jey uso hits them with a ladder. Jimmy starts to make his way up another hes half way up when Kendrick manages to pull himself up and push over the ladder Jimmy flies oout into ladders on the announce table side of the ring.
    Kendrick climbs up only to be caught by Jey. London gets in and takes Jey out.
    Kendrick finishes the Climb and grabs the belts but the ladder goes from under neath him hes hanging above the ring and carries on working to loosen the straps... eventually he frees them and falls to the ring.
    winners and new tag team champs London and Kendrick

    Match 4
    The Miz(c) vs Daniel Bryan vs Colt Cabana in a Triple threat match

    The bell goes and Miz slips out of the side of the ring Bryan an Cabana follow him out and corner him. Bryan and Cabana launch into Miz who cowers into the corner. they then turn to each other the Crowd really getting into bout. Bryan gets the upper hand and gets a near fall. The miz starts to get back up and knocks Bryan out of the ring. Cabana and the Miz get into it with goood to and fro Miz hits Cabana in the corner. and locks in the figure four but Bryan makes the save. Miz frustrated manages to get the skull crashing finale on Bryan but before he can turn him Cabana hits him and locks in the Chicago Crab. Miz Taps out

    winner and new champion Colt Cabana

    Match 5
    JBL (c) vs Kane Hell in a cell

    The two men lock up early JBL not wanting to let Kane unleash on him. Kane gets a break and starts hammering away at JBL he gets thrown out into the cell. this match gets bloody fast as kane doesn't seem interested in pinning JBL all he wants to do is unload pain on JBL. 15 mintes in Farooq runs down trying to break into the cell. Kane gets distracted and JBL hits Kane with a big boot to try and get back into this. Farooq is searching around the ring and finds a hammer smashes the lock and gets in. Kane clotheslines JBL out of the ring as Farooq gets on the apron then hits Farooq with a big boot that sends him through the cell. JBL gets up and is lifted into the ring by Kane he then hits him with a chokeslam for a 2 count. Kane is furious lifts him up again Farooq runs in and gets caught, in an immense show of strength manages to chokeslam the two of them. Kane picks up JBL and picks him up for a tombstone pile driver for a 3 count

    winner and new heavyweighjt champion Kane

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 14,906 Mod ✭✭✭✭Furious-Red

    Redemption PPV

    It has finally arrived, the biggest PPV of the year as the pyro goes off all around the stadium as we are set to kick off this year’s Redemption in style with a 4 way ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship

    Opening Match
    4 Way Ladder Match for the Intercontinental Championship
    Kofi Kingston vs Kenny King vs Sin Cara vs Lance Storm

    Match kicks off with all 4 men running to get a ladder each to attempt the climb but because all 4 men had the ladders there was no way for them to set up and climb , so Kofi and Sin Cara dropped their ladders and hit dropkicks on King and Storm . All 4 men would go on the offence to try and get the opportunity to climb the ladder and grab the championship , it was clear that even friends were no longer friends in this match . Kofi and Sin Cara would throw King/Storm to the outside of the ring and start battling each other to gain momentum for the match and both men did not hold back as they gave each other everything they had as both men were flying all around the ring . It looked like Sin Cara was going to grab the belt but King took him off the ladder with his springboard neck breaker. King would go straight after Kofi who was making it back to his feet but would get caught by King who just kept the attack on Kingston. King would hit Kofi with a flying ddt and started to make the climb up the ladder , but because King kept showing off and taking his time to get up the ladder Kofi was able to make a comeback and also start to climb up the ladder and even shocked King by knocking him off the ladder , Kofi tried to grab the belt but Storm would sneak up and push the ladder which sent Kofi to the outside


    King and then went at it both men were trying to outdo each other but once again Kings cockiness gets him in trouble as he set up a ladder on the outside leaning on the apron and the barricade . It looked like King was going to suplex Storm onto the ladder outside but Storm was able to land on the apron , King then ran to try knock him down but Storm was able to jump into the ring and use Kings momentum to bodydrop him from the inside to the outside landing on the ladder . Storm then grabbed a ladder and made the climb but was quickly followed by Cara up the ladder , both men battled on the top of the ladder until Storm was able to lock in a single legged boston crab on Cara on the top of the ladder and then Cara fell to the floor but as this was happening Kofi was able to use 2 ladders as stilts to make his way from the corner of the ring and was able to climb onto the same ladder Storm was on.


    Both men started to battle for the title but you can see King making his way back into the ring and got another ladder right beside where King also made the decent up the ladder and joined in the battle for the belt , King tried to push the ladder which sent Storm flying outside but Kofi was able to use the ropes as momentum and push himself and the ladder back and he managed to jump onto the ladder with King on it and started to do battle . While both men were fighting Sin Cara was able to set up a ladder and use it as a ramp . Sin Cara ran up the ladder to take out both men but just as Sin Cara was coming up the ladder King ducked meaning Sin Cara only took out Kofi and himself , allowing Kenny King to grab the title and become the new champion

    Winner: Kenny King

    Backstage Segment:
    We see Gail and Madison arguing over who should be in the 6 person match but Gail keeps telling her its because she is the one that lost last week and she will shoe Madison how to win on the biggest stage of them all . So Madison will have to watch from the outside of the ring in the next match

    Second Match

    6 Person Inter-gender Elimination Match
    Abyss/Robbie T/Kaityln vs Chris Harris/Robbie E/Gail Kim

    Fun 6 person match , starts of with Harris and Robbie T . Harris tries to out power this massive wrestler from Wales but no luck in small distraction from Madison allowing Harris to take him down. Harris and Robbie E tag in and out to work over Robbie T and numerous close calls but Robbie T keeps kicking out . Robbie E and Harris hit a double DDT on Rob T and Gail asks to be tagged which they do and Gail comes of the top rope looking for a crossbody but Rob T just moves out of the way and tags in Kaityln who goes straight for Gail , she really un-loads aggression on Gail . But just as it looked like Kaityln was going to hit Gail with a Spear once again Madison would get involved and cause a distraction which the ref would see this and force Madison to go to the back however this would backfire as this would mean Gail would start to argue with the ref and allowed Kaityln to use this to her advantage and hit the spear on Gail to eliminate her

    Gail Kim Eliminated

    As Gail and Madison are being brought to the back this would leave Harris in the ring with Kaityln who would soon follow behind Gail as Harris would roll her up using the tights to get the pin and elimination

    Kaityln Eliminated

    Now its down to 2 on 2 as Abyss gets in the ring with Harris , both men go at it trying to get a pinfall/elimination . But as Harris was trying to lift Abyss up for the Catatonic but Abyss was able to counter it into a Black Hole Slam for the elimination

    Chris Harris eliminated

    Now Abyss tagged in Rob T so he could finally get his hands on Robbie E. Rob T would keep using his fists on Robbie even though the ref ordered him to stop and in the end would mean the Rob T would get DQ’d and mean he has been eliminated from the match as Robbie E just looked on laughing

    Robbie T Eliminated

    As the ref tried to calm down Rob T , he would turn around and hit Abyss with a massive bicycle kick as everyone around looked shocked at what happened . He then picked Abyss up and hit him with a massive chokeslam as Robbie E crawled over and got the final pin and win for his team

    Winner and Sole Survivor:
    Robbie E


    Robbie E and Robbie T celebrate as they set up Abyss like this

    Third Match:
    Falls Count Anywhere Grudge Match
    Chris Jericho vs James Storm

    One of the most heated and personal rivalries we have ever seen in the FWC . The minute the bell rings both men just straight at it brawling all around the ring , punches/kicks thrown out everywhere until Jericho would sneak to the outside of the ring but is quickly followed by Storm who goes straight after Jericho dragging him from table to table then to the steel steps . Storm had Jericho set up against the steps and started to run towards Jericho but Jericho would counter it into a drop toehold into the steps which caused Storms previous head injury to re-open and start to bleed

    Jericho just smiled and kept hit storms head against the steel steps . Jericho would then setup Storms head against the steps and picked up a chair but as he swung luckily storm was able to move out of the way . Storm started to battle back and ended up throwing Jericho over the barricade into the crowd , Storm would get onto the barricade and hit a diving clothesline onto Jericho for the first pinfall attempt of the match but only getting a 2 count . Storm dragged Jericho all through the crowd using anything he could find to punish Jericho with and even took items from the fans in the crowd (such as laptops , Jericho’s autobiographies etc) . He then put Jericho on a fans seat and was setting up to hit the last call but Jericho would move and Storm would hit the fan with a kick by accident this allowed Jericho to rake the eyes and head back over the barricade , again Storm was not far behind. As Storm was following Jericho , Jericho had picked up a set of brass knuckles and would hit storm right in the ribs , he then hit him on the side of his head , but instead of going for a proper pin Jericho went for his cocky pin attempt which clearly didn’t work as Storm would kick out at 2.5 . Jericho would start looking under the ring for weapons and picked up a table and set it up in the middle of the ring , Jericho would grab Storm’s life-less body into the ring . He set Storm up on the table and went to the top rope , but as Jericho came of the top rope Storm was able to move out of the way sending Jericho crashing through the table. Sadly Storm was not able to make a pinfall but by the time Jericho started to get back to his feet so did Storm and was looking to go for the last call again but Jericho was able to counter it into the walls of Jericho, Storm tried to crawl to the ropes but Jericho was able to drag him back into the middle of the ring , eventually storm was able to counter out of the Walls and connect with Eye of the Storm for a close call but Jericho would also fell out of the ring after the pinfall , as storm was trying to get Jericho back into the ring Jericho would try hit Storm with a beer bottle but Storm was able to grab it out of Jericho’s hand before he could do any damage but Jericho would hit a low blow on storm followed by a codebreaker , Jericho would go for the pin but somehow Storm was able to kick out just at the last moment . Jericho took Storm onto the announcers table and was about to set up for another codebreaker but Storm was able to counter and hit the spear crashing both men through the table , Storm was able to get his shoulder over Jericho but Jericho was able to kick out. Both men slowly got to their feet and went towards the ring , Jericho thought he was clever by bring back in the brass knuckles but he didn’t realise that Storm had brought in a beer bottle and would crack one over Jericho’s head now busted open . Instead of going for the pin Storm would get another bottle and break it over Jerichos head followed by the eye of the storm for the win

    Winner: James Storm


    Main Event

    Triple Threat For The World Heavyweight Championship
    Edge (c) vs Austin Aries vs Jeff Hardy

    The main event of Redemption has finally arrived and what a match its gonna be. Aries starts by going after both Hardy and Edge trying to prove who is going to win the title. For a short time we actually see a Hardy/Edge team hitting a double suplex but its not long before Edge and Hardy are battling out and Hardy throws Edge out of the ring . Hardy was about to hit a crossbody from the inside of the ring to the outside until Aries attacked Hardy . He irish whipped Hardy but Hardy would avoid and duck under Aries and hit a diving senton onto Edge to the outside . Aries then followed with a diving elbow to both Hardy and Edge . Aries would pick up Hardy and brainbuster him on the outside so now its a 1 on 1 match for the time being . Edge would gain control as Aries was getting into the ring and would be in control for a good bit of the match with lots of near falls . Edge would start working over Aries’s neck and back with numerous submissions . Just as it looked like Edge was close to making Aries tap out but Aries was able to make a comeback on Edge . He took out Edge with a clothesline followed by a flying elbow . He then hit Edge with a running dropkick in the corner of the ring and then Aries went for his brainbuster but Edge was able to counter it into an inverted DDT , Aries was lucky enough to be able kick out and Hardy was trying to get back into the ring but Edge just kicked him knocking off the apron


    Aries would go for a roll up but Edge was able to kick out before the 3 count as the match continued. Aries would keep on the attack and lock edge in the Last Chancery but just like Aries from earlier Edge was able to get to the ropes , both men started to go for a clothesline but ended up colliding with each other . While they were getting up Hardy would come off the top rope with a double dropkick to both Aries and Edge . Hardy started to feed off the fans and made a major comeback hitting moves like Whisper in the Wind and his springboard dropkick . When it looked like Hardy was about to hit the twist of fate on Edge , Aries would kick Hardy in the stomach and set up for a brainbuster but Hardy was able to drop down off Aries’s shoulders but Edge was able to hit a spear on Aries but then walked into a twist of fate from Hardy . Hardy then went up for the Swanton Bomb but Aries was able to get to Hardy before he came off the ropes. Aries and Hardy would start to battle on the top , until Edge got involved . It looked like Aries was gonna hit a superplex on Hardy while Edge tried a backdrop but Hardy was able to hold on while Edge hit the backdrop on Aries , Hardy took advantage and hit the Swanton Bomb on Aries for the win

    Winner and New World Heavyweight Champion:
    Jeff Hardy
