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Advise soughton BTEA/Postgrad/ Rent allowance, please ;)

  • 07-01-2013 6:24pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5

    First post. Hello Boards, and good folk.Happy 2013 :D

    I know the standard advice is to go ask my local CWO, but before i do, i'd like your opinions..

    I am on BTEA in a University in England. (You're allowed transfer your undergraduate BTEA within approved EU courses). I graduate this June, and my BTEA stops. (obviously)

    So I am left with a prediciment, I fully intend coming home, and was hoping to secure a postgraduate course in UCC, knowing that I would qualify for the 6k fees helps a lot(and to the taxpayers, thanks very much, I intend to stay here and contribute when i finish my masters (if..) ).

    Basically,my question is this, if i come home in june, will i qualify for rent allowance even if I have just been on BTEA? (I see something on citizensinfo suggesting that its possible seeing as its an unemployment scheme).

    My next question then is taxing me (no pun intended), If i moved back to cork in june and went on RA, would it stop when I take up a place in UCC in Oct, or can i theoretically recieve RA whilst a student who was on BTEA?

    Even writing this, i feel like a leech. In general, would people consider it taking the piss I wonder?

    All help appreciated ;)



  • Registered Users Posts: 41,044 ✭✭✭✭Annasopra

    Having read through this I think that

    a: you would probably be eligible for rent supplement in June
    b: once you return to full time education you wouldn't be eligible

    I can only give general advice though and might be wrong about part a

    It was so much easier to blame it on Them. It was bleakly depressing to think that They were Us. If it was Them, then nothing was anyone's fault. If it was us, what did that make Me? After all, I'm one of Us. I must be. I've certainly never thought of myself as one of Them. No one ever thinks of themselves as one of Them. We're always one of Us. It's Them that do the bad things.

    Terry Pratchet

  • Registered Users Posts: 5 DJfunny

    Thats what I thought.. ah its fair enough really isnt it..

    Thanks for your response, you seem pretty clued in...i'm going to ask anyway..I won't lie or try anything underhand...

    I wonder how hard it is to get a part time job, I mean there has to be something out there like. Been a few years since I tried for a job at home, twasnt easy then.

    Thanks again ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 22 brokenaudio

    DJfunny wrote: »
    So I am left with a prediciment, I fully intend coming home, and was hoping to secure a postgraduate course in UCC, knowing that I would qualify for the 6k fees helps a lot

    Hello mate, I'm in a somewhat similar position myself at the minute and was wondering what exactly you mean that you would "qualify for the 6k fees"?

    Iirc, I read somewhere that if, under the old conditions, you were entitled to the special (higher) rate maintenance grant, you'd qualify for full fee payment (up to 6k) on a masters course. Is this what you are referring to above?

    I think what you're saying re: rent supplement makes sense. In theory, even though whilst doing a masters you're not unemployed in the sense of "claiming jobseekers/btea", you are still technically unemployed - in which case it would be reasonable enough to feel entitled to rent assistance, no?
