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I have quit dating

  • 06-03-2013 6:41pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,980 ✭✭✭

    Well It is now official. I have now quit dating with the opposite sex. No I am not gay, at times I wish I was. I am not that highly sex and am sexually attractive to women. I am highly frustrated mentally and emotionally with the opposite sex. I do not have a high sex drive and I do not frustrated sexually. I can w*nk it off these days if needed. I am quite content been alone in my own home. I have good friends and good members of my extended family for support. I am very independent and I can cook and look after myself even when very sick. I am 36 and getting on well without a woman.

    Some women call me a nice guy, that code that I am too easy to manipulate and they want a guy to plunder or ignore for the sexier man or I am going to bull dose over you.
    When I hear that from a woman especially the tone of the voice, I walk away, any relationship they think they can get from me is dead there and then.
    I even been assaulted by a woman, when I refused to have sex with her. This was a women on the street I do not know, demanding me for have sex with her at her place that night. I politely said "No thanks". Yes she had a bit of drink but was not drunk and it hurts and right in front of a female and a male garda who laugh and walked away. I found their behaviour disgusting. If that woman did that to the male garda she be arrested for assault.

    I am finding that the only women who are attractive (or claims to be attracted) to me, are those who are only looking to be looked after, wants to get pregnant, or desperate to be hooked up, looking for money to meet their more expensive lifestyles. many often claims that they love me in order to hook me. Their love turns out to be false and shallow. There is no emotional or mental depth other than anger and they get frustrated and angry with me when I refuse sexual advance from them, despite having a hard dick.

    I get turn off when I see their reaction and behaviour when I hear their friends men bashing stories and how they manipulated men. If I as a man did what her friends said to her, women would be furious.

    When I think I found a nice genuine woman, I am later let down by them. I am finding that there very little depth to their personality, or when they fake their attractiveness to me and do not love me or becomes too bossy. Other women have feminist view with skewed false facts about men dominance and rewriting history with no genuine information such as stats to back it up. When I kindly ask that i wanted to know where the data is coming from. I get verbally and emotional abused when I just see statements but no data to back it up.

    I hate vanity, I hate all these dolled up women with eye liners and hair extensions with dress that make them look like prostitutes. I hate the shallowness of many of those women personality. I hate women who just looking for either money or sex to get pregnant and like to be the boss all of the time and then tell their man to "man up" when they do not get their way. I been told to do that so I did. I said "goodbye, our relationship is finished" and walk away from them, block their calls on my smart phone.

    I would love to have a child some day, but the problem is with the prohibited and punishment Laws and family courts towards men, For that reason alone, I am restricting where my dick goes because of it. I can see another disastrous outcome to my later life.
    I love playing with children helping them to learn and grow, dealing with their issues, reading for them. A comforting shoulder to cry on and a ear to tell me their troubles and showing them a different way of dealing with problems through their eyes rather than a adult eyes and views.

    The problem I have seen it too many times with women to friends and acquiescent is when their other half want them out of their child life's, it destroys the men lives. Our Laws and courts punishes the men, Around the world a simple false unproven allegations about abuses punishes the man and it destroy the man live and he loses custody of his child and have to pay extraordinary amount of money to ex partner/wife. I can see why good men commit suicide because of it. Their whole emotional well been and sense of identity is destroyed. I can see why men further destroy their life and refuse to cooperate with society and at society loss. Loss of taxes when the man loses his Job out of frustration and anger caused by relationship breakdown and no access to his child and seeing his child views of him been distorted by the cruel mother who is denying him access. I can see why men becomes so isolated out of shame and embarrassment out of false allegations and degraded by the ex partner and by the states agencies and courts and by society in general.

    I can see the pressure that young men are under with all these pressures from women groups who are trying to conform to their unrealistic (and unnatural (for males) views and dealing with their much higher than me in sexual hormones and get fool into getting married with the wrong undependable woman and then dumps his ass when she is tried of him and have taken his money and future income if they have kids.

    I met this guy several years ago he was infatuated with this beautiful young woman and love her very dearly and it as very obvious to a complete idiot. She was doing the right things sexually using her womanly wilds to keep him hooked, talk to him softly and laugh with him, she had this innocent look to her child like in a way with her personality. Everybody said they looked great together. He was smart got his degree in engineering and manage to get a good job and had good prospects and came from a good family and had a clean life and rarely drinks. He married her, got a house and got her pregnant. As soon as the child was born things changed, the economy crashed, he had to reduce his wages as the company was in trouble, but he was not worried about that, he said she will in a few months will be going back to work after maternity leave. Her personality changed she did not want to go back to work. She started verbal fights with him, she emotionally and verbally abuse him and demanded that he get a second job and they got a legal separation.

    Because she was not working and he on reduce wages trying to pay for the whole family he could not move out. His family live in the north of the country, so he could not move home. Unbeknown to him she went to the gardai numerous times and claim that he was abusing her and the child. she showed the gardai the bruises on the child arms. She manage over a few months to get a court order to force him out of the house with gardai help. He was denied access to his child. I met him again after that and saw how this easy friendly going guy and to see his life was destroyed which was written all over his face and body language. His eyes were black, his skin colour was pale and depression all over on his face and he walk with a slump. He lost his Job over the stress of losing his family. The following day I saw his wife in Tescos and she was laughing into her smart phone and so ignorant towards other women in the shop, pushing her shopping trolley into other people and slapping her child hard to trivial misbehaviour and her body language showed that she held back on the hard slaps more like beating. Luckly for the kid she was of weak strength but the child was suffering from abuse.
    A week later I was him walking on the street while in one the pubs here in Limerick and I went to go out to talk to him and the garda next to me told me that he abusing his child. I told the garda he was an bloody idiot. I was glad you are not a detective. It was she who is abusing the child. look at him I sad. Does that looks like a man who abuse his child, there is no life in that man eyes. When was the last time you seen an abuser who had genuine remorse for his abuse which showed no life in his eyes. Abuser defy others with anger or blame others for the abuse. By the time I got out of the pub he was gone. I heard later that he later commit suicide. I never spoke to that garda ever again and ask other to tell him to stay away when he get into visual range. There one thing worst than abusers in my eyes, it is those who help them.

    When I hear women speak about equality I hear them man bashing with incorrect information and they they used the abuse card to get their way.
    So no I will not be getting together with a woman while there is huge inequalities and discriminations in Irish laws and actions Courts when it comes to gender.

    I am finding out quickly that the real good women are married and staying in marriages and do love their man for all his faults (does not included abusive faults).


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,878 ✭✭✭iptba

    Sorry to hear you have had, or observed, experiences that disullusioned you.

    By the way, you are not the first man to make such a decision (although perhaps you will change it): some men are deciding to "go their own way", with MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way) an acronym used to describe them.

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