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runners + cycling shoes

  • 30-08-2012 8:08pm
    Registered Users Posts: 10

    ok, so im an adventure racer.i'm thinkin of gettin cycling shoes as i have been using runners and i know i could increase my speed with cycling shoes.the thing is, does the extra time taken up at transitions cancel out the benefit of using cycling shoes? then, depending on the race, i will have to bring my runners with my while on the bike.i dont like bringin a rucksack and Im lookin for tips on how to caryy my runners with me on the bike without them gettin in the way or havin to use a camelpack.if i didnt have to bring the mandatory bandages, emergency blanket etc i could carry my runners in my jersey pockets but theres v little space.
    just lookin for any tips anyone might have:)


  • Registered Users Posts: 1,907 ✭✭✭woody1

    obviously it depends on the race, where it ends with the cycle like achill roar and theres no other transitions from the bike and just a short run over grass they can work fine, you wont have to carry runners or bike shoes just change at the bike and run the last bit in your feet

    ive seen people do sea to summitt and gaelforce in them, but for me there are too many transitions to make it worth it, youl be changing after the run, after the initial cycle, when your getting back on the bike and when your getting off again.. far too much messing for me.. and obviously youve got to carry the runners with you on the bike, ive seen them bungeed onto the bike, under jerseys, and stuck on the tri bars, which looks the handiest if you dont plan on using the bars..

    so basically check out the layout of the race and see if it suits

  • Registered Users Posts: 10 barrauda17

    thanks a mill for your reply.I might think about gettin dual sided pedals if theyre not heavy so i wouldnt be restricted then.
