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  • Registered Users Posts: 25,230 ✭✭✭✭King Mob

    Obelisk wrote: »
    What is it you are questioning precisely?
    What people are telling others to believe.
    You apparently are not.
    Obelisk wrote: »
    Just to clarify, I never said Cooper predicted 911. I did however paraphrase humanji. I would more call it an insight.
    So then we agree that it can't be called a prediction.
    So what exactly was this "insight" based on?
    Obelisk wrote: »
    Alex jones should not even be mentioned in the same sentence as Cooper tbh, unless it's about Cooper exposing Jones for the lying scum that he is or Jones caught out plain lying about Cooper after his death.

    Alex Jones is a shill, and a pretty good one at that.
    What exactly is the difference between the two exactly?
    How do you know they just aren't both shills.
    Or that they're just crazy?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    I'm curious, Is this what consitutes a conversation around here?

    Anyway, for anyone reading this I'm on the phone but there is plenty of evidence I can produce that shows AlexJones is a shill.

    Obviously, this does not apply to Cooper.

    I recommend his 'Mystery Babylon' series above all else, some of you should check it out if you haven't already.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Jonny7

    Obelisk wrote: »
    That is interesting, I will definately check that out when I have a chance which wont be until later.

    Can't say I like the tone of your statements in most of your posts

    I'm still waiting for this by the way.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    That won't until after the weekend.

    Feel free to bump it then, if you wish.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Jonny7 wrote: »
    Cooper is referring to what he has seen "today" on CNN - June 28, 2001 but isn't he referring to an interview which took place in 1997 with Peter Arnett?

    This is correct. What's your point?

    Jonny7 wrote: »
    Then he says a CNN reporter "found" Osama Bin Laden, yet its quite clear that the reporters were contacted by Bin Laden's people and taken across the border under strict controls and secrecy to conduct the interview.

    I'm curious, did you even read the description of the video you posted?

    FBI 9/11 Reporter John Miller. CIA News Network reporter Peter Arnett. A small group of mainstream network reporters scripted the spooky caveman persona for America to be afraid of. Their stories, were the evidence that was presented, all the evidence ever presented."

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Jonny7

    Obelisk wrote: »
    This is correct. What's your point?

    Cooper says in his broadcast (the one you linked) dated June 28 2001..

    "Can you believe what you have been seeing on CNN today"

    However he is referring to an old interview. Not a recent one.

    In that interview from '97, the reporter is taken to meet Osama - they don't "find" him, and under strict control and secrecy.

    Remember this is before OBL's meteoric rise to our attention and the most wanted, because its before the US embassy bombings, the Cole attack and before his indictment.

    Cooper appears to have somehow mistakenly assumed the 4 year old interview is somehow current, and then bases the next part of his broadcast on that notion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Dude. your point is so ridiculous that its not even funny! Well maybe a little bit...

    I'm gonna go out on a limb here- from what I can see, I'm sure you noticed the date on coopers broadcast, right? June 2001. So you decided to look for the Osama interview on youtube, and noticed the date 97-98 (in the video title conveniantly).You immediately thought to yourself "Eureka! I have point!" hence where were are now. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

    Unfortunately for you though, you didnt look any further than that and you dont.
    Jonny7 wrote: »
    Cooper appears to have somehow mistakenly assumed the 4 year old interview is somehow current, and then bases the next part of his broadcast on that notion.

    So again... Where did you get this idea from???

    (words highlighted in bold for effect) :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Jonny7

    Obelisk wrote: »
    Dude. your point is so ridiculous that its not even funny! Well maybe a little bit...

    I'm gonna go out on a limb here- from what I can see, I'm sure you noticed the date on coopers broadcast, right? June 2001. So you decided to look for the Osama interview on youtube, and noticed the date 97-98 (in the video title conveniantly).You immediately thought to yourself "Eureka! I have point!" hence where were are now. Correct me if I'm wrong here.

    Unfortunately for you though, you didnt look any further than that and you dont.

    So again... Where did you get this idea from???

    Cooper thinks the interview is recent - He uses the word "today" not "four years ago" - that's the first mistake.

    He then goes on to say that CNN "found" Bin Laden, they didn't, they were contacted by Bin Laden's people. Another mistake.

    Lastly, the attacks on the US embassy's took place in '98, would've been just a tad harder to secure a "Western" interview with Bin Laden after that.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Jonny7 wrote: »
    Cooper thinks the interview is recent - He uses the word "today" not "four years ago" - that's the first mistake.

    He then goes on to say that CNN "found" Bin Laden, they didn't, they were contacted by Bin Laden's people. Another mistake.

    Lastly, the attacks on the US embassy's took place in '98, would've been just a tad harder to secure a "Western" interview with Bin Laden after that.

    Lollerskatez... Please... Wont somebody think of the children...

    You should be thinking damage limitation @ this stage, tell me... Is this what you have been 'waiting' all weekend for? :pac:

    Is anyone else reading this? Care to point out the obvious to this chap?

    Lord knows I've tried...

    (You didnt correct me btw, in that case I'm going to have to assume I was bang on the money with my last post :rolleyes:)

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    Well I've been reading it and he has a point. All you've been doing is saying he's wrong but not showing how he could be.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    The onus is on him. What is the point? So far it has eluded me.
    Jonny7 wrote: »
    Cooper is referring to what he has seen "today" on CNN - June 28, 2001
    but isn't he referring to an interview which took place in 1997 with Peter Arnett?

    Is he? That's your unfounded opinion and I would appreciate if you would substantiate it for the rest of us. Sources please?

    Jonny7 wrote: »
    Then he says a CNN reporter "found" Osama Bin Laden, yet its quite clear that the reporters were contacted by Bin Laden's people and taken across the border under strict controls and secrecy to conduct the interview.

    You dont say? And here was me thinking all along that they may have just happened upon him as one might 'find' a four leaf clover in a field lets say. Here is a definition of the word "found"; (for your learning pleasure)

    Found: Adjective: Having been discovered by chance or unexpectedly, in particular.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Jonny7

    Obelisk wrote: »

    Is he? That's your unfounded opinion and I would appreciate if you would substantiate it for the rest of us. Sources please?
    Originally Posted by Obelisk
    Mostly not these days (Alex Jones) but the "real information" is out there.
    Cooper was murdered because that's what he was sharing with us.

    Take this; (as an example)


    And still, ten years on people cant figure this one out in their heads...

    In this video you linked Cooper is speaking on June 28, 2001.

    He is talking about an interview that he has seen "today", he repeats the word "today".

    He later says in that broadcast
    "if you don't believe me tune into CNN they're probably running it right now"

    He is actually referring to an interview that is old, from 4 years back.

    The whole basis of that part of Cooper's broadcast is to state how easy it is to find Bin Laden based on the fact that a camera crew has just found Bin Laden. That didn't happen it was Bin Laden's people who approached the CNN team, and took them in under strict controls and secrecy etc.

    As I said before Cooper seems like a nice chap, articulate, but for someone claiming to have such detailed inside knowledge, he seems to slip up on the basic stuff.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Jonny7 wrote: »
    He is talking about an interview that he has seen "today", he repeats the word "today".

    He later says
    "if you don't believe me tune into CNN they're probably running it right now"

    He's referring to an interview that is old, from 4 years back.

    Look I'm a nice chap too, but that still doesnt mean I'm going to allow you to repeatedly blow smoke out of your arse in this thread.

    Show me where "He's referring to an interview that is old, from 4 years back"

    It's a moot point but you insist on pushing it on me. Now prove it.

    PS- The bit you edited in "it would indeed have been impressive if a "Western" camera crew had secured an interview with him in 2001. However 1997 is a different story"

    What does that even mean? Funnily enough you are the only one to mention either of these dates.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Jonny7

    Obelisk wrote: »
    Look I'm a nice chap too, but that still doesnt mean I'm going to allow you to repeatedly blow smoke out of your arse in this thread.

    Show me where "He's referring to an interview that is old, from 4 years back"

    It's a moot point but you insist on pushing it on me. Now prove it.

    PS- The bit you edited in "it would indeed have been impressive if a "Western" camera crew had secured an interview with him in 2001. However 1997 is a different story"

    What does that even mean? Funnily enough you are the only one to mention either of these dates.

    There are no other interviews with Osama Bin Laden by CNN on or before June 28, 2001, apart from the '97 interview.

    It means, it became a lot harder to interview Bin Laden after he blew up US embassys and a warship than before.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Jonny7 wrote: »
    There are no other interviews with Osama Bin Laden by CNN on or before June 28, 2001, apart from the '97 interview.

    I'm curious, did you happen to think the interview went out live? Or what...

    Please allow me to quote from the video you posted, to make your point (which you still haven't reasonably demonstrated IMO).
    [CIA Agent/ News Network reporter] Atwan offers his thoughtful review of the bin Laden video, courtesy of PTI, datelined London June 22, 2001: "[Atwan] said the video was proof that the fugitive Saudi millionaire [the Bruce Wayne of terrorists] was fit, well equipped and confident enough to send out a call to arms." Why this sudden need for proof? According to Atwan in the same article: "There have been rumours that [bin Laden] is ill and that he is being contained by the Taliban in Afghanistan. It is quite clear from the film that he is in good health to the point where he can fire a rifle, and is free to operate as he chooses." In other words, limber enough for his starring role in the months ahead

    Observe the underlined date. So, what was your point again :pac:

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Jonny7

    Obelisk wrote: »
    I'm curious, did you happen to think the interview went out live? Or what...

    Please allow me to quote from the video you posted, to make your point (which you still haven't reasonably demonstrated IMO).

    Observe the underlined date. So, what was your point again :pac:

    You are quoting the YOUTUBE user, who's handle is "Irancontrascumbdid911".

    The video simply shows that the CNN interviewed Bin Laden in 1997, not in 2001. There are many other videos I could have chosen that show this, or links from CNN themselves, or the Bin Laden chronology of interviews.

    Here is the full context of your quote from that youtube user

    Leading up to 9/11, by the Spring of 2001, an incriminating wedding videotape, apparently implicating bin Laden in the Yemen bombing, was circulating around the Middle East after being broadcast on the ubiquitous al-Jazeera television station (reconstituted from the BBC TV Arabic Service - more on them later). In the video, bin Laden, according to the Saudi-owned al-Hayat newspaper (more on them later, too), recited a poem celebrating the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole (shades of deja vu here?) This from the site dated March 1: "Al-Hayat, which carried a photo of bin Laden and his son at the wedding, said its correspondent was the only journalist at the ceremony, also attended by bin Laden's mother, two brothers and sister who flew to Kandahar from Saudi Arabia."

    And yes, here, too, Atwan offers his thoughtful review of the bin Laden video, courtesy of PTI, datelined London June 22, 2001: "[Atwan] said the video was proof that the fugitive Saudi millionaire [the Bruce Wayne of terrorists] was fit, well equipped and confident enough to send out a call to arms." Why this sudden need for proof? According to Atwan in the same article: "There have been rumours that [bin Laden] is ill and that he is being contained by the Taliban in Afghanistan. It is quite clear from the film that he is in good health to the point where he can fire a rifle, and is free to operate as he chooses." In other words, limber enough for his starring role in the months ahead.

    The lines bolded above are not a reference to the CNN Bin Laden interview

    Which CNN interview is Cooper referring to in his video if not the 1997 CNN interview?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Jonny7 wrote: »
    Which CNN interview is Cooper referring to in his video if not the 1997 CNN interview

    That seems to be the simple point you have been missing all along here :confused:
    Jonny7 wrote: »
    You are quoting the YOUTUBE user, who's handle is "Irancontrascumbdid911".

    Again I've said previous, I merely quoted from the description of the video you posted, whilst stating to me that "Cooper was wrong" or something to that effect...
    Jonny7 wrote: »
    The video simply shows that the CNN interviewed Bin Laden in 1997, not in 2001.

    EXACTLY . The only person that brought this fact into disrepute is you yourself. Hence my question, whats your point? Nobody said anything otherise.
    Jonny7 wrote: »
    There are many other videos I could have chosen that show this, or links from CNN themselves, or the Bin Laden chronology of interviews.

    That's fine, but you chose not to so I will take liberty on your behalf;

    This video is a mash up of both the clip you posted, and some excerpts from the various clips I posted, I encourage you or anyone else for that matter to point out where "Cooper is wrong" or whatever point it is you were trying to make initially.

    The story/ a story was aired in June 2001 as Cooper states, and as I have already pointed out to you (using your own source may I add)

    Accept the fact- you made a hasty call and were wrong but you don't seem to want to admit it, and have chosen to argue instead.

    Why you are still clutching at straws at this stage is beyond me . Just sayin'

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Jonny7

    Obelisk wrote: »

    That seems to be the simple point you have been missing all along here :confused:

    Again I've said previous, I merely quoted from the description of the video you posted, whilst stating to me that "Cooper was wrong" or something to that effect...

    EXACTLY . The only person that brought this fact into disrepute is you yourself. Hence my question, whats your point? Nobody said anything otherise.

    That's fine, but you chose not to so I will take liberty on your behalf;

    This video is a mash up of both the clip you posted, and some excerpts from the various clips I posted, I encourage you or anyone else for that matter to point out where "Cooper is wrong" or whatever point it is you were trying to make initially.

    The story/ a story was aired in June 2001 as Cooper states, and as I have already pointed out to you (using your own source may I add)

    Accept the fact- you made a hasty call and were wrong but you don't seem to want to admit it, and have chosen to argue instead.

    Why you are still clutching at straws at this stage is beyond me . Just sayin'

    Cooper, June 2001, referring to a 1997 interview

    "How about that, they are doing the same thing today with Osama Bin Laden"

    "Can you believe what you have been seeing on CNN today ladies and gentlemen"

    "if you don't believe me tune into CNN they're probably running it right now"

    Here's the facts, in 1997 Bin Laden granted CNN an interview, which was conducted under strict control. Four years later Cooper is on the radio asking his viewers to tune into CNN to see the interview and that the CNN crew "found" Bin Laden, constantly using the word "today" as if its just recently happened.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    FYI- The smoking gun. From the horses mouth;
    Baker Atyani is a former Middle East Broadcasting Co. bureau chief in Pakistan. He was summoned to meet bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri in June 2001 near Kandahar, Afghanistan, for an interview, but when he arrived they would not do an on-camera interview. Atyani spent a few hours with bin Laden and al-Zawahair and said the two dropped hints about what would become the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States. Interviewed in Pakistan.

    And again;
    BAKER ATYANI, MET BIN LADEN: My name is Baker Atyani. And I met with bin Laden on the 21st of June 2001, in Kandahar City, Afghanistan.

    Cooper was telling the truth. Case closed.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    I haven't been following this argument really,

    But why does Cooper think it remarkable that Atyani managed to meet with Bin Laden?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Jonny7

    Obelisk wrote: »
    FYI- The smoking gun. From the horses mouth;

    And again;

    Cooper was telling the truth. Case closed.

    I was actually already aware of Atyani and that interview but discarded it because it wasn't a CNN reporter. Cooper repeatedly states its a CNN reporter, however Atyani was a reporter for the Saudi owned satellite channel MBC who Bin Laden invited to give an interview.

    Therefore I only searched for actual CNN reporters who interviewed Bin Laden.

    The transcript you have provided is from a CNN Special called "In the Footsteps of bin Laden" which was aired August 23, 2006, it uses the Atyani interview as a source, as it does many other sources.

    Regardless, if this is the interview Cooper is talking about, then he is clearly mistaken in thinking its a CNN reporter (it was a MBC reporter) and he is mistaken that the reporter "found" Bin Laden (the reporter was contacted by Bin Laden's people and spent 3 hours in a blacked-out car)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Di0genes wrote: »
    why does Cooper think it remarkable that Atyani managed to meet with Bin Laden?

    He doesnt. Nor does he say it's a live report. (source CNN)

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    Obelisk wrote: »
    He doesnt. Nor does he say it's a live report. (source CNN)

    No one claimed it was a live report, thats a strawman.

    And he does refer to Atyani as a CNN reporter.

    And he does think it's remarkable, describing how Atyani "waltzed" into the compound of Bin Laden.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Di0genes wrote: »
    And he does refer to Atyani as a CNN reporter.

    And he does think it's remarkable, describing how Atyani "waltzed" into the compound of Bin Laden.

    No mention of Atyani in Coopers broadcast, just a description of what he observed on the news of that day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Jonny7

    Obelisk wrote: »
    No mention of Atyani in Coopers broadcast, just a description of what he observed on the news of that day.

    Yes but we do know how many interviews were conducted with Bin Laden and when. Cooper is either referring to a 4 year old CNN interview, or a recent June 22 Atyani interview (who was not a CNN reporter).

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    Obelisk wrote: »
    No mention of Atyani in Coopers broadcast, just a description of what he observed on the news of that day.

    You're now being obtuse. He's mentions it's remarkable that the reporter who he identifies as a CNN reporter can just "waltz" into Bin Laden's compound. Which simply isn't true.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Jonny7 wrote: »
    . Cooper is either referring to a 4 year old CNN interview, or a recent June 22 Atyani interview (who was not a CNN reporter).

    Or both no? It's pretty clear to anyone who listens to the tapes that he's referring (in a lot of disbelief) to whatever he has heard on the news, namely CNN that morning. The report he describes hearning on CNN, is a mixture of both the meetings you've mentioned I would concur.

    So getting back on topi: He clearly states, given his level observation (from a random cnn report) that he believed there was going to be an attack on the US soon, as the report told Osama said, but that it would be only blamed on Bin laden. In his opinion, the real perps would be 'those behind the new world order'. Some credit where it's due, many have came to the same conclusion but a whole lot later (ie since the event did indeed materialised)

    Would anybody like to hear Coopers actual broadcasts from the day of 911?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    Di0genes wrote: »
    You're now being obtuse. He's mentions it's remarkable that the reporter who he identifies as a CNN reporter can just "waltz" into Bin Laden's compound. Which simply isn't true.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 2,005 ✭✭✭Di0genes

    Obelisk wrote: »

    Here's just a few points

    A) What does repeating the same clip get us. We've heard Cooper's rant before.

    B) As I understand it Bin Laden wasn't trained and recruited by the CIA. Cooper repeats this claim often. I'd like some evidence please.

    C) Why does whoever edited this video keep showing American politics making the American sign language symbol for I love you.


    And what does he suppose is the significant of the symbol?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    A) It's symbolic of me having to say the same thing over and over, but in a different way everytime (That's real art, maan)

    B) In that case make yourself useful. Go look for some!

    C) Rock on, dude;
