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Helicopter Up on Bray Head 22:50 Weds Night

  • 27-07-2011 10:56pm
    Registered Users Posts: 17,902 ✭✭✭✭

    Anyone see that just there? Very cool, it had the whole thing lit up in floodlights in the mist like a UFO, it couldn't have been much higher than the cross. Anyone know whats going on? It hovered there for ages.


  • Registered Users Posts: 177 ✭✭beatrice33

    Yeah,I followed the whole thing from the attic. I think someone was lost.the helicopter hovered over brayhead for ages and then left,but we saw a light moving on the brayhead so we reckon it was someone from the helicopter leading whoever was lost out of the mountain...

    It was cool,better than any thriller :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,427 ✭✭✭Dr Strange

    After the helicopter left there were at least three separate lights and a flash light moving very slowly down the NW side of Bray head. Was able to watch it for a while with binoculars but couldn't make out if they were carrying someone or just very slow in their descend because of the darkness.

  • Registered Users Posts: 455 ✭✭mathproblem

    there was also a campfire in the corner of the south/west forest (by the golfcourse).. probably separate completely from the activity on top

    yesterday was a fine day and then the weather changed pretty suddenly, the beach area was packed with people from out of town... it wouldn't surprise me if a gang decided to hang out on top with some cans then panicked not knowing their way down when the rains came in... i dont think there was much of a moon out to light the way earlier..

    the lights seemed to be trained on that steep section of sparse conifer forest just above the farm buildings. Could easily see somebody not knowing the way injuring an ankle or breaking a leg trying to get down there, especially if they had a drink on them

  • Registered Users Posts: 85 ✭✭airsofter.adam

    i live beside bray head but didnt see anything that night
