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There's something rotten in the world!

  • 14-05-2011 10:33am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 1

    The Americans boast that theirs is the land of the free with with justice for all. They want to bring what they call democracy to the rest of the world.

    Lets look at a few facts. Policemen can shoot to kill someone if they suspect they are about to commit a crime. A man can be put in prison if he cannot prove he enough money to live on. They call it Vagrancy.

    In the USA there are 1% of the population in prison, thats 6 more than any other country in the world. If prisoners do not work at making uniforms for the army they are put in solitary confinment and tortured.
    If someone steals food from a shop, its a crime. The third time someone is found guilty they're sent to prison for life.

    Now lets look at the working population. If a man is sacked or loses their job he gets the welfare for 6 months after that he is given food stamps. I met a man from America, he was a porter in a hospital. He told me he was given 2 weeks holidays a years. I questioned him if he got all of his bank holidays and he replied he got 2 bank holidays.

    America is trying to interfere with every country in the world. Remember Korea and Vietnam. America is giving a powerful arsenal of weapons to countries like Israel to torture their neighbours.

    I remember reading in an American magazines how evil Saddam Hussein was. He had tried to bring in a social welfare system, not for the good of the people but so people would like him more. During the war it was never mentioned how many Iraqi,s were killed but only how many Americans.

    The Americans are murdering people in Afganistan, another Muslim country they are dropping bombs on. In nearly every country in Africa they have interfered and giving weapons to revolutionary forces. They amount of Muslims they have murdered must run into millions.

    When all men live as Christ has taught us how to live,
    There will be no wars no tyranny,
    No man will hate nor live in fear
    There will be no famines, All will share
    The world will be blessed with


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,562 ✭✭✭✭Sunnyisland

    Another anti amercan thread.

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,281 ✭✭✭✭looksee

    Can this be moved to Religion or Conspiracy Theories, I can't see how it is Scientific.

  • Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Moved to Conspiracy Theories (sorry guys!).

    P.S. A thread like this may have some merit for discussion, but presenting such a one sided view is far from the standards this forum sets for itself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,822 ✭✭✭iPlop

    I remember reading in an American magazines how evil Saddam Hussein was. He had tried to bring in a social welfare system, not for the good of the people but so people would like him more. During the war it was never mentioned how many Iraqi,s were killed but only how many Americans.

    He was evil, the Halabja poison gas attack killed between 3,200 and 5,000 people, and injured around 7,000 to 10,000 more, most of them civilians, women and children.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 461 ✭✭Talk E

    Nice of you to wake up Shepherd and Lamb. Don't be fool by thinking that the U.S is the problem, they are suffering also.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,038 ✭✭✭jackiebaron

    He was evil, the Halabja poison gas attack killed between 3,200 and 5,000 people, and injured around 7,000 to 10,000 more, most of them civilians, women and children.

    Come on STB, that was never mentioned until it was time to paint Saddam in a bad light and justify invading him. When that massacre occurred way back in the 80's the US, or anyone else, didn't make a peep. They were fine with it and even supplied him with the damn gas.
    Saddam was no angel but digging up instances of his brutality when you initially went along with it is a tad hypocritical.

    Does the US denounce the Israeli massacres at Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps? Do they fück! Do they denounce Saudi stonings and beheadings for adultery or the chopping off of arms for petty theft? Hell no, yet they lecture China on human rights and all the while Bradley Manning is rotting in a cell, naked and edging ever closer to a catatonic state from solitary confinement and sensory deprivation. And they do this with a straight face. It would be laughable if it wasn't so sickening. They gasbag about freedom and rights and dignity and all they while they torture at Guantanamo and Bagram and Abu Ghraib. They bleat about Gadaffi killing civilians (I've seen no evidence) and they are the ones who massacred 40,000 civilians in Fallujah and left a legacy horrendous maimings, birth defects and cancer. They sputter on about freedom and legalise the process of warrantless wiretaps, racial profiling, and detention without trial. So much for the Magna Carta and Habeous Corpus.

    Maybe Saddam was a right bastard but I know quite a few Iraqis who say that their lives were blissful under him compared to what they have now. They could let their kids play football in the streets without them being crushed to mincemeat under the wheels of a 3-ton humvee driven at speed through the alleyways because the drivers got spooked by a car backfiring or a tyre blowing out somewhere. They could sit down with their families at the end of a work day and enjoy a nice meal and a chat. They could watch telly without the fear of a Hellfire missile ripping through the house and incinerating all of them. They could relax in bed without the fear of Marines booting the door down and dragging them away into the night never to be seen again. People always say that Iraq and the world is better off now that Hussein is gone no matter how things are now. Well I just don't see it. Are the Iraqis really so much happier and better off now? I certainly don't think so.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,455 ✭✭✭✭Monty Burnz

    Where are the Russian conspiracies? And the condemnations of Russia?

    Why is it always the US??

    How about China? India?

    Seriously, the US actually is a fantastic place when put in context.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,117 ✭✭✭shanered

    There is a problem that exists here, as most of americans are patriotic in some sense but the truth is that there countries forgein policies over the last few decades have left some serious doubts on their commitment to democracy when it come to geo-political issues.
    They don't care how other countries do anything once it suits them and their allies. Its just that democacy and capitalisim combined create this conundrum that big business rules, morality to a certain sense goes out the window and instead of doing what is best, countries do what is profitable, which includes privatising their natural resources and letting the worlds larges coporations operate in their territory,
    the problem is not the US or America, as you point out that the poor americans have to live under these strict laws, on low-wages and degrading circumstances with food stamps/in jail.
    There was said to be more 20-25 year old black people in prison than education, this country has got some fundemental problems.
    I believe people are given no choice but to accept the system presented to them, a system that has so many flaws, and may I add the failure of shift on any major forgein policy issues between the george bush to ombama administration, its just like here in Ireland, they say the opposite but once Fianna Geal got into power they were a mirror to the policies to fianna fail, this is not true in exact terms as the politicians would ids-sect my statement showing minor changes, but in a wider context there is some serious changes spawning from america and its not the US or America's fault I believe.
    Its just that it happened to start in America, the americans are suffering aswell because of what I am talking about. Its the corporate and militry industrial complex that has gotten so out of hand, its the likes of Henry Kissenger and the application on social sciences on the (firstly now spreading onto others) American people.
    Its the effects of capitalisim on the modern human, and its the problems with democracy that have been completely exploited by some very clever people that use them as tools to make more profit/power even when democracy and capitalisim and the following materialisim could all have positive effects, I believe due to the manipulation of people who are similar to those portrayed but maybe not exactly them, people in the bilderberg group, have vast fortunes and more importantly yeild huge political influence due to there connection to central banks and high up polititions and institutions.

    Look at what happened to ireland, completely bankrupted due to "forgein bondholders", now the loss of sovernty, the breakdown of Ireland will leave us in a similar place as the americans, slaves to big business and taxes.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 126 ✭✭David Matthew

    Where are the Russian conspiracies? And the condemnations of Russia?

    Why is it always the US??

    How about China? India?

    Seriously, the US actually is a fantastic place when put in context.

    And the more fantastic it becomes (in context), the more truly insidious it really is... ;)

    I would hazard a guess that people (who post here) feel far more in touch with American culture, and therefore feel more entitled to expose its unsavoury elements, as they can be perceived or construed as potential (or actual) threats. Russia, India, China, on the other hand; the evils perpetrated there don't seems like the kind of evils we could possibly suffer, as they take place in a culture so seemingly 'alien' to ours.

    Just a thought. And I would say this takes place subconsciously, in the main.

    There is also the possibility that when people find out negative things about Russia, China, India, it probably just confirms a previously existing subconscious bias (i.e. that they are dodgy places...), and doesn't warrant the label of a 'conspiracy theory' as it doesn't seem to fly in the face of what's perceived to be 'generally accepted'.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 126 ✭✭David Matthew

    In the USA there are 1% of the population in prison, thats 6 more than any other country in the world.

    What, 6 more people? :D

    Or six more %? (is it possible to have -5% of the population in prison?) :)
    When all men live as Christ has taught us how to live,
    There will be no wars no tyranny,
    No man will hate nor live in fear
    There will be no famines, All will share
    The world will be blessed with

    Sorry, shouldn't be wasting your time by asking questions... :rolleyes: You seem to be here to instruct, not discuss.

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  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    What, 6 more people? :D

    Or six more %? (is it possible to have -5% of the population in prison?) :)

    Sorry, shouldn't be wasting your time by asking questions... :rolleyes: You seem to be here to instruct, not discuss.

    You didn't consider the most obvious scenario that it is a typo? Strange.

    Without the "6" it is a fairly factual statement on the land of the free.
    More than 9.8 million people are held in penal
    institutions throughout the world, mostly as pre-trial
    detainees (remand prisoners) or as sentenced prisoners.
    Almost half of these are in the United States (2.29m),
    Russia (0.89m) or China (1.57m sentenced prisoners).
    A further 850,000 are held in ‘administrative detention’
    in China; if these are included the overall Chinese total
    is over 2.4 million and the world total over 10.65 million.

    The United States has the highest prison population
    rate in the world, 756 per 100,000 of the national
    , followed by Russia (629), Rwanda (604),
    St Kitts & Nevis (588), Cuba (c.531), U.S. Virgin Is.
    (512), British Virgin Is. (488), Palau (478), Belarus (468),
    Belize (455), Bahamas (422), Georgia (415), American
    Samoa (410), Grenada (408) and Anguilla (401).

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    And the more fantastic it becomes (in context), the more truly insidious it really is... ;)

    I would hazard a guess that people (who post here) feel far more in touch with American culture, and therefore feel more entitled to expose its unsavoury elements, as they can be perceived or construed as potential (or actual) threats. Russia, India, China, on the other hand; the evils perpetrated there don't seems like the kind of evils we could possibly suffer, as they take place in a culture so seemingly 'alien' to ours.

    Just a thought. And I would say this takes place subconsciously, in the main.

    There is also the possibility that when people find out negative things about Russia, China, India, it probably just confirms a previously existing subconscious bias (i.e. that they are dodgy places...), and doesn't warrant the label of a 'conspiracy theory' as it doesn't seem to fly in the face of what's perceived to be 'generally accepted'.

    Or it could be that the US, Israel & friends are actually involved in more large scale conspiracies. Who else has the CIA's annual trillion dollar black budget?

    China is the archetypal police state. It's just that less is known due to the language barrier. I don't actually know of a reliable alternative source of news and analysis on China. Russia has been posted on in this forum and India is very much part of the US/Israel and friends axis of evil. 50% of Israel's military exports go to India. They've alos been carrying out false flags with the intent of framing Muslims. The 2008 Malegeon blast is a good example, it was carried out by BJP with help from Indian security.

    The guy speaking in that video is Indian anti terrorism lead investigator Hermant Kharkare. He was investigating a Hindu terror network involving members of India's security services when he was assassinated during the Mumbai attacks. Funny that.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,117 ✭✭✭shanered

    Its just this thread was about America, I am from Ireland and I can see things that people in power here have done to sell our sovernty, financially and politically. We are now pretty screwed, but this is a new development, I could go rant about the evils of the Irish elite and how they conspire against the working class people,
    You heard, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, its just that this pyrimid structure of money and power has been put in place so as to be almost impposible to weed out of society, being moral and passive just cannot fight this aggressive sprawl of financial and societal evil of supporting big business and government over supporting the enviorment and the people who live in it.
    In other words as we can all see, even if we happen to be living comfortably at the moment that most governments and society have some serious ills and are complete hypocrites and are destroying our enviorment and throwing people in prison and financially crucifying the masses of people. Privitization of water, gas and electricity is seeing people not owing anything and big companies left with the moral dicisions on whether somebody will have to freeze during the winter or can get a glass of water if they cannot afford their bills.
    I think there could be an element of divide and conquer here, never before have we entrusted big corporations with so much info, and power in the deliverence of water gas and electricity, they could stop the farmers ability to grow as most things come from monsantos, which is all genetically modified so as to make it harder to grow naturally without their pestidicides, so many things taking away from the masses the ability to provide for themselves.

    May I remind people of Hitler's final solution, and I do this in the context that I believe that their may be a case made that some elites and for that many other believe in eugenics in the form of depopulating the world, and one way would be to take away peoples ability to provide for themselves and make them rely on forgein countries as trade mechinisims and if anything similar happened to the world now, there is so many people less able to support themselves as would have been the case 65 years ago.

    Is just that the main driving force of what I am saying I believe is going on sources itself from the US, not that the US people as a population support anything along these lines though I am sure a few do, most wouldn't, but unfortunitly most that would are stuck in a system that doesn't empower them to really change anything as they have to struggle too much trying to make ends meet and on bread and butter issues, most people don't care about what happens internationally, and politically, more just can they keep there job, put bread on the table, pay bills, this usually takes people's mind of what our society is becoming and allows the people I am portraying to take ever small steps to more surviallence, more privatization, more taxes until people are laden with debt and are slaves to the system and owe their lives to supporting the very same people who orcastrated their demise.
    Its true, there is something rotten in the world and its like a cancer, just getting bigger....unfortuinitly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 126 ✭✭David Matthew

    You didn't consider the most obvious scenario that it is a typo? Strange.

    Not so strange really. It is an unusual typo which occurs with a space before and after it, while also being distinguished by the fact that it was a figure rather than a letter.
    India is very much part of the US/Israel and friends axis of evil.

    So I guess the US have no reason to see India as any kind of threat then, neither economically nor politically?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 119 ✭✭click_here!!!

    Policemen can shoot to kill someone if they suspect they are about to commit a crime.

    As far as I know, US armed police officers rarely actually shoot people. The gun could be used for warning shots, self-protection, etc. It's not like in the movies. When they do, there is usually an investigation. The officers would prefer not to have to deal with all that bureaucracy!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 1995sarah

    America has got one thing no other country in the world has. Justice. Where criminals are criminals and treated as so, not given a slap on the hand and told to go about their business like here in Ireland. Womens rights in America are the best in the world, as so are the civil rights. I will agree America is not perfect but it does have the fairest justice system in the world. Violant criminals are treated badly because they have caused misery to other people. If I was to be a victim of a crime I would choose to be a victim in America. In Ireland it seems victims are treated like crap, have few rights, and are given very little information. America is very good to its victims of violent crimes. Freedom means freedom in the the sense that its people are free to express themselves, choose, say what they want under this constitional right. A persons basic human rights are respected and upheld by the law which is for the most part fair and just.
    So I really don't mind America invading the rest of the world if it means them imposing their justice system. Heck, they can invade Ireland for all I care.
    The Irish want to be like the Americans anyway in the way they walk talk and dress. They even want to sing songs in an American accent. Their Constatution is the best one in the world as is the Bill of rights. It's the strongest and the fairest.
    Even the animals are treated the best in the world in America, lol.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,455 ✭✭✭✭Monty Burnz

    1995sarah wrote: »
    America has got one thing no other country in the world has. Justice. Where criminals are criminals and treated as so, not given a slap on the hand and told to go about their business like here in Ireland. Womens rights in America are the best in the world, as so are the civil rights. I will agree America is not perfect but it does have the fairest justice system in the world. Violant criminals are treated badly because they have caused misery to other people. If I was to be a victim of a crime I would choose to be a victim in America. In Ireland it seems victims are treated like crap, have few rights, and are given very little information. America is very good to its victims of violent crimes. Freedom means freedom in the the sense that its people are free to express themselves, choose, say what they want under this constitional right. A persons basic human rights are respected and upheld by the law which is for the most part fair and just.
    So I really don't mind America invading the rest of the world if it means them imposing their justice system. Heck, they can invade Ireland for all I care.
    The Irish want to be like the Americans anyway in the way they walk talk and dress. They even want to sing songs in an American accent. Their Constatution is the best one in the world as is the Bill of rights. It's the strongest and the fairest.
    Even the animals are treated the best in the world in America, lol.
    I don't mean to sound rude, but I think you need to read more, and see more. I'm no America hater, but your post comes across like the type of deluded, myopic and ill-informed ramblings that you might hear from a Faux News talking head. :)

    Their constitution is 'the best one in the world'? Have you read all the world's constitutions? Have you even read the American constitution?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭steelcityblues

    1995sarah wrote: »
    America has got one thing no other country in the world has. Justice. Where criminals are criminals and treated as so, not given a slap on the hand and told to go about their business like here in Ireland. Womens rights in America are the best in the world, as so are the civil rights. I will agree America is not perfect but it does have the fairest justice system in the world. Violant criminals are treated badly because they have caused misery to other people. If I was to be a victim of a crime I would choose to be a victim in America. In Ireland it seems victims are treated like crap, have few rights, and are given very little information. America is very good to its victims of violent crimes. Freedom means freedom in the the sense that its people are free to express themselves, choose, say what they want under this constitional right. A persons basic human rights are respected and upheld by the law which is for the most part fair and just.
    So I really don't mind America invading the rest of the world if it means them imposing their justice system. Heck, they can invade Ireland for all I care.
    The Irish want to be like the Americans anyway in the way they walk talk and dress. They even want to sing songs in an American accent. Their Constatution is the best one in the world as is the Bill of rights. It's the strongest and the fairest.
    Even the animals are treated the best in the world in America, lol.

    Exhibit A:

    Exhibit B:

    Exhibit C:

    and so on.....

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    1995sarah wrote: »
    America has got one thing no other country in the world has. Justice. Where criminals are criminals and treated as so, not given a slap on the hand and told to go about their business like here in Ireland. Womens rights in America are the best in the world, as so are the civil rights. I will agree America is not perfect but it does have the fairest justice system in the world. Violant criminals are treated badly because they have caused misery to other people. If I was to be a victim of a crime I would choose to be a victim in America. In Ireland it seems victims are treated like crap, have few rights, and are given very little information. America is very good to its victims of violent crimes. Freedom means freedom in the the sense that its people are free to express themselves, choose, say what they want under this constitional right. A persons basic human rights are respected and upheld by the law which is for the most part fair and just.
    So I really don't mind America invading the rest of the world if it means them imposing their justice system. Heck, they can invade Ireland for all I care.
    The Irish want to be like the Americans anyway in the way they walk talk and dress. They even want to sing songs in an American accent. Their Constatution is the best one in the world as is the Bill of rights. It's the strongest and the fairest.
    Even the animals are treated the best in the world in America, lol.

    1995sarah....Palin? :D

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 873 ✭✭✭ed2hands

    I don't mean to sound rude, but I think you need to read more, and see more. I'm no America hater, but your post comes across like the type of deluded, myopic and ill-informed ramblings that you might hear from a Faux News talking head. :)

    Their constitution is 'the best one in the world'? Have you read all the world's constitutions? Have you even read the American constitution?

    Not rude at all Monty. Why would the OP think that? :pac:

    (If that's you not meaning to sound rude, i don't want to be on the receiving end when when you do let fly!) :pac::pac:

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 1995sarah

    What can I say, its a free country, where people can speak freely. How many beatings inflicted by the Irish guarda come to the press so freely and so on. The guarda here are not allowed to use very many weapons so they just use their fists.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 30 1995sarah

    I don't mean to sound rude, but I think you need to read more, and see more. I'm no America hater, but your post comes across like the type of deluded, myopic and ill-informed ramblings that you might hear from a Faux News talking head. :)

    Their constitution is 'the best one in the world'? Have you read all the world's constitutions? Have you even read the American constitution?

    Learned about the constitution in School.
    Its spelled Fox not Faux. See more, don't know bout that one, seen enough thanks for one lifetime. Enough to make one wonder and think.
    And yeah you do come across as an American hater cause you don't seem to relize the real meaning of democracy.
    Ireland is like Iraq in some ways, The people won't protest and speak up when their own gov are pulling the rug out from underneth them. Its like, ah sure, lets just emigrate, where, to America, tis where most of yea come looking for the American dream, cause your own country can't support your dreams of a better life. Its America that takes in al your torn and weary. Its America that homed the half of Ireland throughout the ages, its America that gave them jobs, education, homes, food and not to mention dreams. I'm sure you have relatives of old or mabey new in the States, so I wouldn't go cursing them, when your country needs America for help. Just remember its America that took in your poor and fed them, gave them a better life. And the way things are right now, your poor are needing America yet once again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,455 ✭✭✭✭Monty Burnz

    1995sarah wrote: »
    What can I say, its a free country, where people can speak freely. How many beatings inflicted by the Irish guarda come to the press so freely and so on. The guarda here are not allowed to use very many weapons so they just use their fists.
    You will find you have freedom of speech here too, no?

    I'll take a beating from the Gardaí ahead of being shot 19 times by the US police for reaching for my wallet anytime.

    Evidence: Police laugh about shooting peaceful protestor in the face with rubber bullet -

    Police smash defenceless handcuffed woman into wall -

    Police break the neck of 84-year-old man -

    Police beat grieving father whose son committed suicide -

    Following shooting, Miami Cops grab camera phones at gunpoint, and destroy them -

    There's tonnes of this stuff out there. Reams. I could spend a week posting this type of stuff here and I wouldn't make a dent in it.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,455 ✭✭✭✭Monty Burnz

    1995sarah wrote: »
    Learned about the constitution in School.
    Just the American one? So you didn't read all of the other ones that you claim it is better than? So that would be like me reading one book and then telling everyone that it's the best book in the world, right? Do you believe everything you are told?
    1995sarah wrote: »
    Its spelled Fox not Faux.
    Pro-tip: before you correct someone else's spelling, look up the meaning of 'faux'.
    1995sarah wrote: »
    See more, don't know bout that one, seen enough thanks for one lifetime. Enough to make one wonder and think.
    And yeah you do come across as an American hater cause you don't seem to relize the real meaning of democracy.
    Firstly, that is a total non-sequitur. Secondly, I suggest you examine my posting history if you think I'm anti-American.
    1995sarah wrote: »
    Ireland is like Iraq in some ways, The people won't protest and speak up when their own gov are pulling the rug out from underneth them.
    Oh god. I'll just skip that one. Have you ever been to Ireland??
    1995sarah wrote: »
    Its like, ah sure, lets just emigrate, where, to America, tis where most of yea come looking for the American dream, cause your own country can't support your dreams of a better life. Its America that takes in al your torn and weary. Its America that homed the half of Ireland throughout the ages, its America that gave them jobs, education, homes, food and not to mention dreams.
    Sure. It was pure charity on the part of the US. It's not like the US needed a cheap workforce, or more white people to drive the Native Americans off their land. The US accepted and accepts immigrants because it is in its own interests.
    1995sarah wrote: »
    I'm sure you have relatives of old or mabey new in the States,
    I actually don't.
    1995sarah wrote: »
    so I wouldn't go cursing them, when your country needs America for help. Just remember its America that took in your poor and fed them, gave them a better life. And the way things are right now, your poor are needing America yet once again.
    Um...when did I curse the US? Are you one of those people who read something, but the words in their head are coming from somewhere else? :confused:

    I've already emigrated to the world's most powerful economic bloc (the EU), I've no need or desire to move to the US. You should probably know that Irish people are not free to emigrate to the US, unless it suits the US due to the alien's high levels of skills or wealth (aside from a small number of green-card lottery winners, of course).

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,630 ✭✭✭steelcityblues

    1995sarah wrote: »
    What can I say, its a free country, where people can speak freely. How many beatings inflicted by the Irish guarda come to the press so freely and so on. The guarda here are not allowed to use very many weapons so they just use their fists.

    I'm glad for ya that you are proud to be a American, where at least you know you are free - unless a dimwitted officer takes one look, and has a bit of 'fun' with his taser. :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,775 ✭✭✭Spacedog

    it occurred to me today, that if one truly believed in the values of the west. they would be in favour of:

    Globalisation - consolidation of common values, human rights and trade across the globe
    Democracy - one man 1 vote in fair elections for everyone
    Freedom of speech - to express opinions etc.

    Then I thought what kind of world that would be, who would get elected as the first President of Earth, to which the US president would take his orders from... a Chineese dude no doubt, as he would have an easy billion votes give or take.

    From this I concluded that all our talk of our values of freedom and democracy are smokescreen for our real desire to keep the status quo, where we in the west are all disproportionately more well off than the average human on planet earth.

    Turns out were the bad guys. Bummer eh?

  • Registered Users Posts: 312 ✭✭

    Policemen can shoot to kill someone if they suspect they are about to commit a crime.
    no that's just not true, a police man can shoot and kill if someone is in the process of commiting a crime and his behaviour in doing so is reckless and could lead to the injury/ death of civilians. AMERICA IS JUST PROTECTING ITS LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, SOMETHING IRELAND COULD LEARN TO DO MORE.

    In the USA there are 1% of the population in prison, thats 6 more than any other country in the world. If prisoners do not work at making uniforms for the army they are put in solitary confinment and tortured.If someone steals food from a shop, its a crime. The third time someone is found guilty they're sent to prison for life.
    again i dont see anything wrong with this. the 3 strike rule is not for life, on your third offence you serve the maximum term that that offence holds so if your arrested for shoplifting and its your third offence, you serve 5 years. i dont think that is wrong, i think it is a fantastic idea
    Now lets look at the working population. If a man is sacked or loses their job he gets the welfare for 6 months after that he is given food stamps.
    whats wrong with that, they are not leaving them to starve. i believe are welfare system is a joke, a person in ireland can be unemployed for his entire life, and never even look for a job and live relatively well on the back of hardworking tax payers. social leeches need to be tackled.
    America is trying to interfere with every country in the world. Remember Korea and Vietnam. America is giving a powerful arsenal of weapons to countries like Israel to torture their neighbours.
    yes america is liberating many countries. it is the duty of great countrys like america to intervene when called upon or in the belief that what they are doing is for the greater good.
    I remember reading in an American magazines how evil Saddam Hussein was. He had tried to bring in a social welfare system, not for the good of the people but so people would like him more. During the war it was never mentioned how many Iraqi,s were killed but only how many Americans.
    saddam was pure evil, i dont see your point here. obviously it only reported how many americans died, its called the media, they report what people want to hear about. there is numerous washington reports that outline the number of iraqi's killed.

    When all men live as Christ has taught us how to live,
    There will be no wars no tyranny,
    No man will hate nor live in fear
    There will be no famines, All will share
    The world will be blessed with

    and finally you show us all your a religious nut or plain crazy

  • Registered Users Posts: 312 ✭✭

    1995sarah wrote: »
    America has got one thing no other country in the world has. Justice. Where criminals are criminals and treated as so, not given a slap on the hand and told to go about their business like here in Ireland. Womens rights in America are the best in the world, as so are the civil rights. I will agree America is not perfect but it does have the fairest justice system in the world. Violant criminals are treated badly because they have caused misery to other people. If I was to be a victim of a crime I would choose to be a victim in America. In Ireland it seems victims are treated like crap, have few rights, and are given very little information. America is very good to its victims of violent crimes. Freedom means freedom in the the sense that its people are free to express themselves, choose, say what they want under this constitional right. A persons basic human rights are respected and upheld by the law which is for the most part fair and just.
    So I really don't mind America invading the rest of the world if it means them imposing their justice system. Heck, they can invade Ireland for all I care.
    The Irish want to be like the Americans anyway in the way they walk talk and dress. They even want to sing songs in an American accent. Their Constatution is the best one in the world as is the Bill of rights. It's the strongest and the fairest.
    Even the animals are treated the best in the world in America, lol.

    i agree completely with this, well said

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 12,455 ✭✭✭✭Monty Burnz

    i agree completely with this, well said
    It's a load of rubbush though.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 456 ✭✭Obelisk

    1995sarah wrote: »
    America has got one thing no other country in the world has. Justice. Where criminals are criminals and treated as so, not given a slap on the hand and told to go about their business like here in Ireland. Womens rights in America are the best in the world, as so are the civil rights. I will agree America is not perfect but it does have the fairest justice system in the world. Violant criminals are treated badly because they have caused misery to other people. If I was to be a victim of a crime I would choose to be a victim in America. In Ireland it seems victims are treated like crap, have few rights, and are given very little information. America is very good to its victims of violent crimes. Freedom means freedom in the the sense that its people are free to express themselves, choose, say what they want under this constitional right. A persons basic human rights are respected and upheld by the law which is for the most part fair and just.
    So I really don't mind America invading the rest of the world if it means them imposing their justice system. Heck, they can invade Ireland for all I care.
    The Irish want to be like the Americans anyway in the way they walk talk and dress. They even want to sing songs in an American accent. Their Constatution is the best one in the world as is the Bill of rights. It's the strongest and the fairest.
    Even the animals are treated the best in the world in America, lol.

    i agree completely with this, well said

    This is what's wrong with world today. Baaaaaaaaaa
