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Sold Horse and trouble to get money from buyer

  • 15-06-2011 3:08pm
    Registered Users Posts: 20

    I would like to get some advise on what to do in my following case if you don't mind .

    I sold my mare just 2 Weeks before easter. The man arrived at my yard together with a student to look at my mare ( I am a privat horse keeper and had to sell this mare due to lack of time ) They where happy with what they seen and the information they got and I told them that she might not be easy to load since she never traveled before. The man said that should be fine , if she will load for now she should allways load no prob from his experiance with horses .
    The mare didn't load ok at all , in fact she gave some trouble and I told them that I wouldn't blame them if they want to leave it . But they said they will keep trying anyway ...finaly we got her loaded and once in the lorry she was fine.
    The man wanted to take her on trial for a couple of days and bring her back if she wouldn't suit . He left me a chueqe and I kept her book .
    If he would give me the ok I would go and cash in the cheque and send him the book for change of ownership.
    He rang me two days later, telling me the mare wouldn't load at all anymore , if she only sees a horse box she would go mad , but he would keep trying and see if he could work with her and then let me know .
    He kept in touch with me over the next few days , keeping me informed about what a disaster this mare is around a horse box , no way she would go into one...I was a bit shocked and I realy felt sorry and guilty for the whole situation..( I owned this mare for the last 4 years and I trained her myself , she was a very quite and friendly well behaved animal , a family pet ).he told me not to worry but he couldn't keep this mare and would bring her back to me . I ripped the cheque , which I know now shouldn't have done :( Well I expected him to come back with her next day .
    Instead he called me again , told me that the only way to load this mare would be to sedate her , which could turn out to be very dangerous as the animal could fall in the trailer what could we do ?
    I asked him if he would consider in keeping her anyway and use her for breeding ( she is a fully registered Garde A ISH Mare ) and I would drop the price on her ...we came to an agreement and he told me he will be over with the money in the next few days....he never came ...and since this day he comes up with a new realy dramatic story each time I call him .
    It is so anoying at this stage ! I don't know if they are only fake stories or if they are actually true , some of them are so outragous :confused::eek::mad:
    This is going on for 8 weeks now and I am at a point where feel like getting realy angry with him and thinking of going to the guards and report him ( so far I tried to be friendly and giving him more and more time here and there ).
    The last story he told me was , that his student jumped at the grand prix show jumping in Dublin on the last Bank Holliday monday and she took a realy bad fall and broke a bone in her neck . She was holding up the show for over an hour as the paramedics got her ready for secure transport to hospital on the show grounds ...he asked me for some more time since he had to sort out a few things and he would call me on Sunday on when to meet me to give my my money ....well he never did...I tried to call him last Monday , he didn't answer the phone so I left a text , he promissed to call me after lunch ....again no call .
    I am not sure what to do next hubby says I should go to the guards ..he is afraid that in case that anything happens with this horse , that she might brake out or do harm or so , that we will be made responsible for it ( she is mikrochiped and I am her owner )
    Can anyone give me some advise , please !

    Sorry for the long rant :(:o


  • Registered Users Posts: 20 Logos1997

    Any ideas :confused:

  • Registered Users Posts: 736 ✭✭✭Dilynnio


    I think you should ask the mods to move this thread to the Equestrian forum. You may get more help over there.

    If it was me i would go to the Garda. It sounds like a lot of excuses to me. Plus you have to take the welfare of YOUR horse into consideration.

    Even go with your hubby and a Garda up to the yard and demand payment or load the horse and bring it home. Maybe phone a local solicitor for advice.

    Good luck, it is an awful situation to be in.

    Keep me posted on what happens if you can.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,074 ✭✭✭Shelflife

    Go to his yard and take back your mare. its not his property, if he refuses you entry you ring the guards and get them down to his yard and cause a commotion.
    if he offers to pay there and then, accept cash only!

  • Registered Users Posts: 20 Logos1997

    Thank you ,
    I will post this in the Equestrian Forum too ...but yes I think I will go to the garda seek more advise there .
    I will kep you informed

    Thanks again

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 3,591 ✭✭✭RATM

    Excuse my ignorance as I know little about horses but if the mare is scared of going into the horse box then why can't he just blindfold it? Or back the horse box up to its stable, put food in the box and then wait till it gets hungry?

    Us humans aren't top of the food chain for no good reason !

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  • Registered Users Posts: 20 Logos1997

    Yes RATM you a right ....acording to him ...and I only have his word here ....he tried all that and the last time he only went near her with the trailer she tried to jump a wall far to big for her , then turned around when she realised she couldn't make it over the wall and went for a mouse size gap between trailer and wall and nearly killed herself ...that was when he gave up on the loading and said she has to be sedatet but it would be dangerous for the mare ....So I then asked him if he could use her for breeding, hacking and for giving riding lessons on her and I droped the price on her ....since I would not have the time and also no way to transport her or train her to be transportet , I thought at that stage she would be better off where she is now, after he told me she will go to a professional show jumping yard and stud . He agreed over the phone and told me he will over with the money next few days and then he startet telling me story after story every time I rang him .
    I tried to call him yesterday and several times today , but he doesn't answer the phone anymore
