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ATH Knockout Round1: Voltwad vs Teamshadowclan

  • 25-05-2011 11:15am
    Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,687 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    Alright so ill add a poll for us to vote on the winner with after the competiters get their say but here is the first match up in this years ATH Tournament.

    Simplified version of the rules:
    I will post a topic and you have to post your response including why you made that choice within a given time limit (before the next match is scheduled to begin), take care while making your responses however as the other contestant can counter your arguement i.e pointing out possible flaws in what youve said.

    *you can only counter an arguement two times so make sure your point is worth making. If someone's defense of their arguement isnt good it will count against them.

    *You can use the same answer as your opponent if you wish i.e you agree with their choice however its hard to win a debate when your making the same points someone has already made

    see the OP of the main thread for further details if any are needed or check out last years competition.

    Q1: If you were given the opportunity to book the return of "The Animal" Batista to the WWE, how would you do it? Who would you feud him with and why would the way you would bring back be better than your opponents?

    good luck.

    Who should progress to the quater finals? 7 votes

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    100% 7 votes


  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,447 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC

    How I’d book the return of Batista.

    Let’s get the obvious out of the way first. I would bring him back to Raw and he would be a heel. For all important purposes, he would resume pretty much where he left off, as the top bad guy on the top brand. In the weeks before he left, Batista had developed his character into something pretty special; he was arrogant and full of himself, but he was also able to back up his words most of the time. In a product where most of the top heels are cowards who need help and run away from people when things take a turn for the worse, Batista has the physique and look that would make people buy him as a legit badass who can kick your ass and destroy you. When someone like Batista attacks Cena, you can believe the baby face is in peril. His departure really hurt WWE and Raw, and his act was a far distance away from stale.

    As for the story though, I went and checked my dates to see if my suspicions were correct.
    Batista left WWE after quitting on Raw on May 24th 2010.

    The Raw Anonymous GM was introduced for the first time on June 21st 2010.

    There’s been a lot of discussions on who would make a logical but exciting reveal as to the identity of the Raw GM, and to me, Batista would be a perfect fit. At the most basic level, the timeline actually fits. Because there’s such a short period between Batista’s disappearance and the appearance of the Raw GM, there’s actually the chance to pretend that was always the plan.

    Before he left WWE, his arrogant and opinionated persona would have moved perfectly into an authority role. His mic skills had developed exponentially. He was all about the money and the spot light. Granted, the later could mean there would be a slight discrepancy (why would someone who wants the spotlight choose to remain anonymous) but that could easily be worked around by claiming he kept his identity secret so as to maintain absolute power. Furthermore, when Batista left, he was pretty beaten up. They could work his supposed injuries from his “I Quit” match with Cena into the reasons behind his decision not to step near a WWE ring.

    So then, from the start...

    It’s after a PPV. Cena comes out after retaining the title and they do the usual thing of having people march out and demand a title match. The RAW GM chimes in. Says there’s going to be a tournament to decide the next number one contender. Tourney plays out with faces and heels working their way up, until we get to the finals. I’d have someone like Rey Mysterio win. A proper baby face. Commentators are going on about how we’re going to get Cena vs Rey for the first time for the title.

    Then the Raw GM chimes in. Cole steps up. “And I quote...Congrats Rey. You won. And now you’re into the real finals of this competition”. Confusion. Shock. The crowd boo. “Now Rey, you have to fight ME for the chance to challenge for the title.” Play with the idea that it’s Cole announcing himself as the GM. Rey laughs. He’s tired from the tourney but he can take Cole. But Cole realises what the confusion is. He speaks to the crowd. “Wait, no. Not me, me. I’m not the GM.”

    I WALK ALONE! Music starts blaring, Batista walks out. Rey fights valiantly but Batista is too strong for him, a challenge at the best of times, a nightmare at the worst. Powerbomb and Batista is the new number one contender. Rey, Cena, all the wrestlers who fought are pissed but there’s nothing they can do (Side note: Fuels Truth’s conspiracy character by saying even if he won, there’s no chance he would have got his shot). Batista is the number one contender AND the GM, so there’s no one to complain to. Meanwhile, Batista announces he waited for so long because he wanted to be 100% fit for when he returned. Cena won last time through “cheating” and cause he wasn’t at his best. Now he’s at his peak. To prove it, he books himself against jobbers leading up to the PPV. Ryder. Santino. Koslov. He dispatches them all with ease. As the months continue, he remains a nightmare for the babyfaces on the roster, constantly being unfair and booking them in bad matches. He’s the prototypical heel GM, who never let’s the faces have a fair chance, but is worse cause he’s big enough to actually beat you up himself if you call him out on it. In particular, Batista constantly puts John Morrison into ****ty stipulation matches, treating Morrison like dirt.

    Of course, one problem is Cena. He’s already said he’s facing Rock at Mania and for the title so that’s the major work around. First off I’d have a straight PPV match, with no gimmicks. Cena wins with a roll up but is destroyed post match with a string of powerbombs. The two feud for a few months, but Cena keeps pulling out small wins, just about able to keep his title, but Batista getting closer and closer every time to winning and taking it. Then, last PPV before the Rumble, Batista issues one final challenge. Cena says he has had countless chances. He pushes Batista into making a stipulation. Either Batista wins the WWE title. Or he relinquishes the GM’s powers. The two fight in the main event, back and forth, giving it absolutely everything they have, and Batista pulls off the win. Claims the WWE title. Goodnight.

    Next night, Batista announces Cena does not get a rematch. It’s unfair but he’s still the GM so there’s nothing Cena can do (*Cue evil laugh*). Unless Cena enters and wins the Rumble that is. Sure, he’s already facing Rocky, but winners have used their title shots at Elimination Chamber before. Cena can enter the rumble, win it and try and get the title back at the show before Mania, just in time for his match with Rock. Cena doesn’t like it but he has no choice.

    Night of the rumble. Cena starts off right at number one thanks to more screwing from Batista, but he makes it to the final four. Cena, Morrison, Khali and Sheamus. Suddenly a hooded man comes darting through the crowd. Cena doesn’t see him as he climbs into the ring and throws Cena over the top rope. The man takes down his hood and the crowd go wild as The Rock stands in the ring. Meanwhile, Morrison, who it should be pointed out has been slowly been built up over the previous months with feuds with Truth, Rey and Del Rio, manages to overcome the odds and beat Khali and Sheamus, winning the Rumble.

    Next night, Batista is delighted because Cena has no right to face him. Rock cuts a promo saying it was never about the WWE title. It was about his personal beef with Cena. He respects the WWE title but he doesn’t want people confused over why he wants to fight Cena. He wants Cena because he wants to fight Cena, he wants to beat up John Cena and get revenge for all the stuff that has been said. Later on the show, Morrison announces he’s challenging Batista. Batista is arrogant and completely underestimates Morrison. Thus, when Morrison challenged him to the same stipulation that Cena got at TLC, whereby if Batista loses, he’s gone from the GM position, Batista stupidly agrees. He reckons he can destroy Morrison. He’s already been making his life a nightmare for months anyway.

    In the weeks that follow though, he learns he’s made a mistake. He uses his GM powers to book Morrison against bigger men. Khali, Sheamus, Henry, Mason Ryan. There are handicap matches and all sorts of bad odds, but Morrison keeps shining through. Not just the crowd but the faces backstage rally around Morrison, with Cena even giving him full support, stressing to the crowds that John Morrison is the last hope to topple the evil dictator that is Batista.

    The Mania main event pretty much writes itself then. Morrison vs Batista for the WWE title. Morrison wins and Batista’s reign of terror is over. You’ve got your brand new headline main eventer in Morrison, and a revenge story brewing between him and Batista, as well as a whole string of possible stories which revolve around “You were a bad GM who was unfair to me, now I get to have my revenge” matches with the likes of Cena and Rey.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    Evidently, Batista’s short run as a heel was one of his best periods as a WWE wrestler. When he left, he was sorely missed and the void was never filled, not even by Ireland’s own Sheamus. Therefore, like my opponent has pointed out, it would be crucial for him to return in a heel role. He’s a credible main event talent who is missed badly. WWE is hurting with the absence of Undertaker/Edge/HHH. Teamshadowclan has gone down a clever but arguably obvious road of appointing big Dave the anonymous G.M. and he has done so very well. Clearly the role of the Mac and Cole being messenger has run its course. However, not only do I see flaws in this logic, I also see a better way of returning The Animal to the WWE.

    It’s been almost a year since both Batista’s departure and the Anonymous G.M. was instated. During his/her time, the G.M. has personified both heel and face actions (although I would argue that the latter is more common). Batista, in a heel role, could not, even as an anonymous figure, treat Cena with any fairness. If the G.M. was going to be Batista, there would need to be a culmination of unfair treatment towards Cena that would lead to him trying to find out once and for all who it is. Furthermore, kayfabe or not, every man and his dog knows that Batista was going to try his hand at MMA so I believe that it’s best to rule him out as the G.M. altogether. It's also very doubtful that Morrison is near ready to be a top guy. I'm surprised by the choice to make him the next bug thing. He's awful, just awful charisma wise and Batista would destroy him any day in that department.

    Make no mistake, Batista’s return would see him going after Cena and this is how I would book it:

    It’s the biggest event of the summer, WWE Summerslam. A sold out crowd has witnessed a lengthy bout between WWE Champion John Cena and Alberto Del Rio. With it seemingly coming to a climax, referee Mike Chioda is knocked to the ground and is groggy. Cena goes for the five move flurry but just as he is about to hit the 5-Knuckle Shuffle, Batista is standing in the ring. He spears Cena, picks him up and delivers a huge Batista Bomb with the referee still coming to. Batista disappears back up the ramp as Del Rio clambers over Cena. Ricardo Rodriguez shakes the referee and eventually gets him to make the count. Alberto Del Rio is the new WWE Champion, a new star is born. He and his ring announcer celebrate and then make their way into the back. Cena tries to get to his feet but as he is on his knees, Batista’s music hits. You can sense the fear in the crowd. Batista makes his way back down to the ring as Cena tries to stand up. It’s reminiscent of Elimination Chamber 2010 when Cena didn’t stand a chance. It’s annihilation.

    The next night on Raw, Del Rio has a proper celebration. As you do, it’s cut short by various superstars who want to be next in line. Punk, Mysterio and Miz all make a case for their contendership. All are interrupted by Batista who tells them that none of them could do what he did to Cena last night. The anonymous G.M. makes it a fatal 4 way to determine who the next man will be. This match climaxes with Cena’s music hitting. Batista goes straight for him and basically leaves Mysterio to claim a victory. Cena and Batista brawl out in the parking lot. Cena is still wounded from last night though and the animal gains the upper hand to leave him laid out again.

    It lasts a few months. Cena claims that Batista is nothing but a coward whose bark is worse than his bite. He points out his failed MMA career and reminds him of how slyly he won his last WWE Title. Batista doesn’t appear to want a grudge match and continues to avoid Cena in the ring whenever they are booked opposite each other in tag matches. Cena presents Batista with an offer. He says that he’s desperate to face Batista and that he’ll do anything to get his wish. He lets Batista choose three opponents to face Cena in a gauntlet match. If Cena wins, he can choose the stipulation but he loses, Batista can. A November Raw’s main event sees Cena beat Jack Swagger, Mason Ryan and Kane. Cena looks into Batista’s eyes and tells him the stipulation. It’s Hell in a Cell.

    This feud can happen without the use of the WWE Championship and I think it benefits the show overall if it does. Similar to Austin and HHH’s feud, it comes to a head at Survivor Series in Madison Square Gardens. There’s only one way to settle a feud this serious and that’s in a Hell in a Cell match (The Hell in a Cell Pay-per-view has been rightfully done away with at this point in time). Essentially, Cena goes over in this match. Both are battered, bruised and broken afterwards but Cena can now go on to regain the title and re-focus on his monumental match with The Rock at the next Wrestlemania. Batista’s return has resulted in one of the most violent feuds in years but has also paved the way for Alberto Del Rio to become a top star now. When Cena returns to feud with him, it’s much more worth paying to see.

    With this feud settled in the ultimate way, Batista can go a number of ways. A top draw who can play heel or face, he is a valuable asset to the WWE. At 42, his prolonged days in the main event are drawing to a close though. Having given Cena his best feud ever, he turns face the next night on Raw. He arrives out in a rough way but as he is about to speak, Cena arrives and offers his hand. They shake hands and raise each other’s hands to a standing ovation. Interrupted by Del Rio, the G.M. makes a tag match for later that night but Del Rio has to find a partner. He eventually finds Big Red, Sheamus who came to Raw especially to see Batista. Sheamus comments that since Batista’s return, no one believes that Sheamus is the ultimate big guy anymore and he has to set that straight. Cena and Batista win the tag match but go their separate ways. Cena feuds with Del Rio to eventually reclaim the WWE Championship and Batista works with Sheamus. They trade a few victories which boosts Sheamus’ credibility as a main eventer and keeps Batista in the fray.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,447 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC

    At least we agree that the smart moves seems to be in a Cena vs Batista feud with regards Big Dave's return, at least to begin with. But there are some points you bring up that I do disagree on.

    Starting off, I question your claims that Morrison is awful charisma wise; awful is a strong word. While he has certainly been questionable, the blame can only be partially laid at his feet, and I believe with the right writers and the write material behind him, he could certainly learn to improve. Regardless, his abilities in the ring can cover somewhat for the lack of charisma, and furthermore I'm talking about using him in a long term story. With the proper guidance and teachers helping backstage, work could be done on hiding and building on this weakness. However, I'd point out that the story could reasonably be done with any up and coming face main-eventer; Kofi could equally be inserted into the story in Morrison's place, or perhaps Christian. However this debate is on Batista's return. In relation to that, the importance is that a face would be chosen to be elevated within the story and his return would be used to create a new megastar. If your opinion is that Morrison is not suited for the role, then I can reply that there's a host of other wrestlers who could be used. The main point is that Batista's return is used to push a fresh face to the top of the card; by your own admittance, he is aging and WWE is hurting in terms of top string talent. My story gives you a chance to build one up in a way the crowd can really get behind.

    I'd also argue you are being presumptuous when you claim "every man and his dog knows that Batista was going to try his hand at MMA". It's an easy mistake to make, but you seem to be under the illusion that 100% of the WWE fanbase are on the dirtsheets or the net in general, following Batista's post-WWE exploits. I would argue that the vast majority of people have no clue whatsoever that Batista was even considering MMA, since the typical WWE fan does not follow anything except the product as presented by WWE. I was tempted in my own opening post to say a Batista/Morrison confrontation could involve the alleged Melina relationship they "enjoy", but opted against it. To go with either idea would be to follow the booking methodology of Vince Russo and presume everyone follows the backstage events as much as we do. The Internet Wrestling Community does not make up the whole fanbase. Go to any WWE show and see how many little kids are there. Do you really think they all know Batista is trying to get into MMA? I doubt it...

    To go further, and without meaning to insult the general fanbase of the WWE, I'd argue it would be easy enough to erase the memories of the GM's face tendencies. The typical fan tends to forget anything that happened past a week ago (e.g. A-Ri getting cheered on Raw despite spending months launching sneak attacks on Cena; one segment can erase months of bad actions), and it would be easy to spend a few weeks with the GM making more and more heelish actions. The Anon GM story already has a tonne of plotholes, and adding Batista would, in my opinion, close as many as it would open. A simple line like "I wanted to lure people into a false sense of security" would cover the face-ish actions and most fans wouldn't blink an eyelid. With regards the fact it's a simple but obvious story, I don't think that makes it a bad storyline; that's the same attitude which has derailed too many stories too soon (See: Christian attacking Jeff Hardy as an example). Obvious does not equate to bad. In fact, fans can often get more excited about the obviousness, and one of the reasons I outlined right up to Mania was to show what you could do with a simple but obvious starting point.

    Without being overly aggressive, you claim my story follows an obvious route but I cannot help but think yours is a tad bland. Yours seems to revolve around a simple hatred between two men and little else. This is typical in WWE's modern product, but I have attempted to incorporate that hatred and add to it with a plotline about a powerful dictator. I have tried to make my story somewhat deeper than just a "I hate you, let's fight" story.

    Furthermore, we have both tried to push someone new to the top, but your way seems to be to just pop the title on someone. This has been attempted and failed a few times (Swagger being the most recent). Winning the title does not make you a star in the eyes of the fans, especially if you need help to win it as you have booked it. Why would the fans accept Del Rio as a star if he needed Batista's help to win the title? My way revolves around giving the fans someone to get behind, to relate to and to go on a journey with. A journey with ups and downs and moments of happiness and anger. Moments they can savour for months rather than see blown in a single PPV. A wrestler they can believe in and the celebrate with when he overcomes the odds and defeats the tyrant.

    Finally, I also think the idea of a Batista face turn would be catastrophic. We had Batista as a face for years, and simply put, it doesn't work. He's bland and boring as a face, and part of what made him great as a heel in the final weeks of his WWE tenure was how amazingly good he was at being an ***. It would be a huge mistake to turn him back again when the heel character is so genuine and believable, and also presents him with a whole host of new people to fight. A face Batista would quickly grow tired and boring again.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    One of the main differences between the directions we’re going is that you’re pushing a new face and I’m pushing a new heel. The latter, I believe, is far more necessary at this point in time for WWE. Orton and Cena are the superfaces of WWE at the moment but there are no two heels that can stand against them with the same aura. Del Rio winning the belt as a knock on effect of Batista return could, if booked properly, go some way to making him a top, top heel. He already has the charisma, the unique cockiness and the patronizing personality. Del Rio has credibly beaten Mysterio clean and put Christian out of action. There is no doubt in my mind that despite winning the title through questionable means, his title run could be a credible one. We are talking about strong booking after all! To summarize this, one key use of Batista’s return here is freeing up the strap for a new top name to be made. Del Rio fits the bill perfectly.

    The WWE Universe is already behind Orton and more so Cena. They need someone to really despise. Not even Batista fills that given the fact that any return wouldn’t last long. Sheamus’ title reigns didn’t get branded a failure because of the luck that he had in starting them. Rather, it was the inability of WWE Creative to give him a solitary clean pinfall victory over a threat. This is a mistake that I would not make with Del Rio. I don’t take the stance that a defeat is the be all and end all of someone’s push. The way that you have outlined is the textbook way of building up a new face as champion. I’ve gone the direction of a heel. I’m not criticizing your proposed method, I just feel a new top heel is much more necessary at the moment.

    While I wouldn’t favour the Vince Russo method of booking, I do think that Cena could use his failings in various promos to try and talk him down as a threat. I don’t see elements from real life crossing with kayfabe for the good of a promo being a problem to be honest. I also do not favour the method of booking that you speak of, presuming that the fans will simply forget things. It shows lack of foresight, planning et al. when WWE do it and it annoys me no end. The idea that somehow, the ‘typical fan’ forgets actions of the previous week isn’t something that I’d go along with or write on the basis of.

    You talk about the WWE overusing hatred between two men as fuel for a feud. Hatred and a will to be the best are really the only two reasons that superstars would face each other and I feel that the former is the key for this feud. Cena took Batista’s title on the grandest stage of them all after he had been slyly done out of it at Elimination Chamber. Cena made Batista say ‘I quit’ and still sent him through the stage floor afterwards. It’s a story that writes itself and it’s a hatred that only a handful of feuds could match. Cena needs a feud like this. Pretty much all of his to date are forgettable. He needs an iconic image to define his career. Something along the lines of raising his arms on top of the cell would suffice. My main point here is that while the basis for this feud is just like any other, the two characters along with the history they carry and the way in which I have stated how it would play out make it not only one of the best potential feuds in WWE in recent years but also the defining feud of Cena’s career.

    Just to come back on the notion that a face turn would be a disaster, I believe not, if done at the right moment. Having just played heel to the biggest star in the company, it would be time to move to pastures new. We have both agreed that a return for Batista would eventually see him in a role where he makes a star out of younger people. Heels like Sheamus and even the likes of Mason Ryan could benefit from a face Batista’s help. A face turn done through the way I have suggested is very credible. The fans accept him again after all of his efforts, the blood, the sweat and the years of his career that he lost inside the cell the previous night. Of course, given the interchangeable nature of heels/faces nowadays, he could be back heel in no time. I just feel that once the Cena business is done, it would be time for a change of pace.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 42,447 Mod ✭✭✭✭Lord TSC

    I fully appreciate where you are coming from in terms of the belief WWE needs a strong new heel. I just happen to disagree that it is possible to create one off the back of a Batista return, or at least in the way you've outlined.

    The problem with WWE's heels at the moment is that none of them get clean wins, as you did indeed point out. You say you wouldn't make the mistake of not giving Del Rio a big clean win to make him a legit threat, but you're very first moment of his title run is making that exact mistake; he can go over as many other people as you want him to after he wins the title, but if he wins it by a screw job finish against Cena and doesn't get the clean win against him, then it's pointless. He would never be seen to be on the same level as Cena. We have dozens of heels who they've tried that method with; some worked, most didn't. Furthermore, despite there not being one top heel, there's a greater abundance of heels than faces on the roster at the moment overall, and as such I feel it's more important to get someone raised that fans can get behind. Finally, a new face means a new merchandise machine which means more money. THAT's what's best for WWE. The ability to make more money.

    I agree fully that there needs to be someone to really despise, and also that Batista can only fulfil that role in the short term. I just don't agree that the way Voltwad is going about it is going to create a heel that's above the current crop. The way being suggested to push the new heel has been tried and is iffy at best when it comes to results. Meanwhile, I have confidence that my proposals to get a new face into the main event would have more long term success, both in story and for WWE as a business. Both are nessecary but I simply don't believe your way offers the results you hope for.

    I agree bringing in aspects of real life into promo works, but only if you do not presume everyone knows everything about the wrestler. Furthermore, bringing up Batista's failures in MMA only serve to diminish his character; the guy who is supposed to be able to beat people up...couldn't legit beat people up. Hurts his aura and thus in this case the MMA ventures should be more or less ignored. You propose pointing out that the monster fell flat on his ass when it came to beating up others.

    Furthermore, I am not saying WWE overuse hatred for fuel. At the very core of every feud should be a legit beef between two individuals. More that if the choice is between a clichéd story that mirrors every other one in the WWE at the moment, and an attempt at something that is at least partially fresh, the choice should be the later. As I said, my story does bring in the hatred as well. I just make the story a bit more diverse. I don't want to ride the coat tails of the past. I want to take those past actions and build on them; to further the story, not just rest it in place and do nothing else.

    To close, I accept all your points and I think on the most basic of levels, we seem to agree on the core principles that need to be employed; we both think he should come back as a heel on Raw, feud with Cena and be used to create new stars for after he's gone. However I am of the opinion that what you are proposing is nothing we have not seen before. While I accept my angle may be a direct copy of the likes of Austin/McMahon, yours copies pretty much every feud of the last ten years that John Cena has had. If you want a defining moment, a defining feud for John Cena, you won't get it through replicating the exact same formula they have for months if not years with Miz, Edge, Orton and others. Furthermore, I John Cena in need of a defining moment? I am not suggesting we ditch Cena and move on completely, but for me, there are others who need that big moment to cement their career. Cena will never be forgotten, despite how some may resent that. He has etched out his Hall of Fame career. But there are others who have not. That's why I moved into the Batista vs (*insert face here*) angle. My angle gives one person the chance to really reach main event status through the long term booking of Batista in a fresh role for him. And that is why I feel that my way is the best in the long term for WWE as a whole.

    Thank you for reading.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,957 ✭✭✭The Volt

    You seem to be taking the approach that a mediocre star like Morrison or Kofi beating Batista clean will make them something worthwhile. I seem to remember a certain Shelton Benjamin scoring a couple of clean pinfall victories over the biggest heal in the company, HHH, a few years back and yet his career stood still due to his inability to connect with the fans. Morrison has pinfall victories over former WWE champions already. He’s going nowhere until he learns how to handle himself on the mic, big victory or not. I don’t believe that the method you are proposing will make a new top face out of anyone to be honest. Cena’s been at the top of the WWE for years now. I remember some of his matches but unlike Austin, HHH, Rock, Michaels, Taker, Benoit, Guerrero, Angle etc etc etc… he does not have a match that stands out above everything else he has done. If Batista is truly valued as a heel the way that we and most of the WWE universe seem to think then he may be the one to give cena his Kodak moment so to speak. He may have already cemented his place in the Hall of Fame but for crying out loud, so has Drew Carey. Personally, I want something more from John Cena, the multiple time World Champion and biggest face of the last decade in professional wrestling. It’s not the formula that’s wrong, often it’s been the execution.

    You talk about how what’s best for WWE is a new face to sell merchandise and make more money. Forgive the fan in me, I know that WWE will ultimately do what makes them $$$’s at the end of the day but what’s best for the company is very rarely what’s best for the fans. Cena, Orton and to a lesser extent Mysterio all sell merchandise phenomenally if that’s a worry of yours.

    You agree that we need someone to hate, I think Batista’s return is a possible way of achieving that. It has been tried plenty of times but WWE have got to keep trying. You claim that unless someone goes over Cena cleanly then there won’t be much to shout about but I might remind you that the man we are actually talking about, Batista, well he didn’t actually beat Cena clean either. As long as Del Rio overcomes tough opponents like Morrison, Mysterio, Christian, Jericho et al. and does so most of the time in a clean fashion then he will be credible. Heel HHH (I know I keep referencing The Game but he was the ultimate heel in many ways) destroyed Cactus Jack on many occasion (and vice-versa) and if Del Rio can maximize his mean streak then there’s no reason why this time it can’t be different.

    To finish, I believe that the points I have made in my posts illustrate the best possible way to bring back Batista. The way that I propose not only brings up a compelling feud with Cena that can stand out from all of his others but it paves the way to make a star that the WWE badly needs to shine.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my rants. It’s been fun whatever the outcome :)

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 22,687 Mod ✭✭✭✭Bounty Hunter

    Great work by both of you and we will be hard pushed to get a better 1st round match up but progressing to the quater final with 10 votes to Voltwads 7 is Teamshadowclan.

    Congrats tsc, hard luck but well played Voltwad.

    Next up is thebostoncrab vs JP Liz
