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UK Mod & FBI Release UFO files

  • 03-03-2011 4:12pm
    Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭

    I jsut saw this on and thought I'd pop it in here for anyone who's interested. A load of UFO related files were declassified by the UK MoD. You can read them from here:

    I think they're only available for a month, so save them to your harddisk if you plan on reading them later. I haven't read any yet, so I don't really ahve a comment on them at all.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,202 ✭✭✭Jeboa Safari

    The Irish Independent are covering a few of them, so they'll be around.
    By John Fahey in London
    Thursday March 03 2011
    Military sightings of UFOs, an "alien abduction" in London and an unidentified aircraft shadowing a Lancaster bomber feature among thousands of close-encounter documents released by Britain's National Archives.

    The extra-terrestrial files released yesterday reveal how the phenomenon was discussed at the highest level of government and security services worldwide, including at the UN and the CIA.

    One of the 35 newly-released files shows 15 unidentified aircraft were detected on radar approaching the UK between January and July 2001 in the months leading up to 9/11.

    The Ministry of Defence received just one UFO report (on September 11 itself.

    Dr David Clarke, author of the book The UFO Files, said: "Before the Freedom of Information Act, we had to wait 30 years or more before we could see files on UFOs." The files are available to download free for a month from the website

    - John Fahey in London

    Irish Independent
    Thursday March 03 2011
    An RAF Tornado crew was so stunned when a UFO appeared in front of them they failed to lock radar on to it.

    The crew were returning from a "low level" mission in the UK to RAF Laarbruch in Germany when they were flying through Dutch airspace over the North Sea.

    Without warning the UFO - as big as a C130 Hercules plane - appeared and they had "never seen anything like it".

    In written answers about the incident the pilot said: "I did not lock the UFO on radar. My navigator and I were so surprised we did not think to do so.

    "Indeed, for the majority of the sighting, the UFO was out to one side of my aircraft which would have required me to manoeuvre the aircraft to place within the radar field of view.

    "Of more interest, despite repeated radio calls to Dutch Military Radar, the controller insisted that he could not see the UFO.

    "After landing, our Dutch exchange officer, on my squadron, called Dutch Military to discuss the event.

    "The controller insisted that no other radar contact was made at the time in the vicinity."

    The spooked pilot said the UFO looked nothing like any plane he knew was in any service.

    Though he described the plane as being as big as a Hercules it had a smaller wingspan and the engine exhaust had "a light blue afterburner-type flame which was steady but changing in intensity".

    Two other RAF fighter jets flying out from Laarbruch nearly collided head-on with the UFO and saw it at the same time, the pilot said.

    "These aircraft would have been close to being head-on to the UFO, while from our Tornado, the UFO came down our right-hand side at a great speed (ie, coming from the direction of the UK).

    "We were doing 0.8 Mach and it readily overtook us."

    He went on: "This was definitely not a Russian satellite - I am 100% certain of that.

    "This was a large 'aircraft' and I could see the detail of the lights and the engine area.

    "I have never seen anything like it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,068 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    I heard on the news earlier that files relating to the 'Rendlesham incident' went missing
    The missing files relate to a report of mysterious lights from US servicemen at RAF Woodbridge in Suffolk in 1980.

    The disappearance came to light with the release of 8,000 previously classified documents on UFOs.

    Officials found a "huge" gap where defence intelligence files relating to the case should be, the papers show.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭saywhatyousee

    I heard on the news earlier that files relating to the 'Rendlesham incident' went missing

    I dont know what is stranger,the whole UFO phenom,or that the files seem to always "go missing".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    Any smoking gun evidence, then? No?

    Good blog post on the topic, worth a read:
    The UK has recently released some of its files on unidentified flying objects – UFOs. It does not appear that there is anything shocking in the reports. In the end it seems like the release will result in just another round of news headlines with “UFO” in the title, but nothing else.

    The documents do provide further evidence for what I call the psychocultural hypothesis. UFO sightings and encounters are certainly an interesting group of phenomena – but are they evidence of anything alien. Many people I talk to (including a documentary producer just recently) are left with the sense that there must be something going on. No explanation seems satisfactory to explain all the accounts, and there is a residue of unexplained reports.

    This is the “where there is smoke there is fire” argument. But I think it misses an important question – there may be fire (a phenomenon) but what kind of fire? I think the fire is a multifaceted psychocultural phenomenon.

    What I find most fascinating is that we are living through the formation of a modern mythology. We can see the mythology evolve, and there is ample documentation of the process. The psychological aspects of the mythology are also well documented. Perception is flawed and lends itself to false positives – to seeing patterns that are not real, or to misinterpreting mundane stimuli as something bizarre. Disconnected lights may be mentally joined into a large ship, for example. Distance, size, and velocity can be grossly misinterpreted. Perception is contaminated by expectation. And then memory can be distorted through contamination, suggestion, and just morphing over time to embellish an event.

    There are also specific neurological phenomena, like hypnagogic hallucinations – waking dreams that can be interpreted as alien abductions.

    Into this mix are deliberate hoaxes, including faked videos and picture, models of spacecraft, and false reports of abductions.

    These neuropsychological phenomena interact with the evolving cultural beliefs in alien visitation – including the typical design of the spacecraft. Images of spacecraft were common in science fiction, and ultimately settled on the “flying saucer” archetype. The term “flying saucer” was famously coined by a journalist who misinterpreted the reports of pilot Kenneth Arnold, who described boomerang shaped ships skipping across the sky like saucers. Other ship types are reported, but the flying saucer shape remains dominant.

    Ideas about the aliens themselves also evolve over time, as any cultural idea might. In the 1940s and 50s aliens were mostly from Mars or Venus and were distinctly humanoid. A variety of other creatures were then reported, but eventually reports began to settle on the little gray alien with large black eyes. Joe Nickell documented the progression of alien reports over time, showing how initial variation eventually evolved into the little grays.

    Overall we see a cultural pattern of a new idea emerging, and then spreading and becoming popular, even being retrofitted into previous reports. Alien abductions became popular after the Betty and Barney Hill affair. Decades after the Roswell incident, the little gray aliens were added to the story, without any evidence of contemporary reports. Alien implants make an appearance, and then become part of the standard alien encounter tale.

    The details of the alien story are now so thoroughly embedded in the culture that pretty much everyone knows them. They are in cartoons, advertising, television, and movies. Even if you have no interest in the topic at all, you will be familiar with the basic details of the alien mythology.

    The end result of all this is that reports of UFOs, aliens, and encounters of one kind or another are common and caused by a variety of phenomena. No one explanation will cover it all. Given the number of reports it is also likely that not every single report will be able to be explained in detail. There are just too many quirky and unusual things that can happen to result in a sighting or encounter, and the evidence might not be available to uncover the specific cause. In other words – one would expect a residue of unexplained reports even in the absence of aliens.

    The new released documents fit well into the psychocultural hypothesis of UFOs – a hodge podge of hoaxes, vague sightings, and misinterpreted natural phenomenon all being interpreted in line with the evolving cultural mythology of alien visitation.

    What is lacking is the one thing that is incompatible with the psychocultural hypothesis (at least as an exclusive explanation) and which would favor the alien hypothesis – actual material evidence of anything demonstrably alien. Even after decades of reports, with multiple governments involved, there is still lacking any smoking gun evidence of alien spacecraft, aliens, or any alien phenomenon. As the BBC reports:
    At the end of the discussion the government spokesman Lord Stabolgi summed up what remains the official position now.

    “There is nothing to convince Her Majesty’s government that there has ever been a single visit by an alien spacecraft. As for telling the public the truth about UFOs, the truth is simple.

    “There really are many strange phenomena in the sky, and these are invariably reported by rational people. But there is a wide range of natural explanations to account for such phenomena.”
    The UK government, apparently, was not impressed by the evidence. And neither am I.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,068 ✭✭✭✭My name is URL

    Dave! wrote: »
    Any smoking gun evidence, then? No?

    Good blog post on the topic, worth a read:

    Dave, do you ever share your own opinion or does everything you profess rely on skeptic blogs?

    No offence, but it just seems like you're going out of your way to dismiss an idea which has not been raised (in this thread t least).

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    Yes I share my own opinions on occasion... Got banned from here recently for sharing my opinions!

    I'm just offering an alternative perspective to the one 'implied' by the tone of the posts in this thread so far. I think the blog post I quoted gives a good synopsis of where we are as far as the UFO/alien visitation phenomenon is concerned.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,822 ✭✭✭iPlop

    Dave! wrote: »
    Yes I share my own opinions on occasion... Got banned from here recently for sharing my opinions!

    I'm just offering an alternative perspective to the one 'implied' by the tone of the posts in this thread so far. I think the blog post I quoted gives a good synopsis of where we are as far as the UFO/alien visitation phenomenon is concerned.

    I like hard evidence myself but is it too much to think that maybe the universe is so big that we are not the only ones "out there" just because Earthly science doesn't prove it means nothing.We are not an advanced culture ,we are pretty prehistoric ,we can't live beside our fellow man without murdering and invading countries for power ,money and natural resources

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    No it's perfectly possible that there is other life 'out there' (I happen to believe that there is), but that's a different matter to whether they're coming to earth and abducting hill-billies or giving pilots a fright and then heading home.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,822 ✭✭✭iPlop

    Dave! wrote: »
    No it's perfectly possible that there is other life 'out there' (I happen to believe that there is), but that's a different matter to whether they're coming to earth and abducting hill-billies or giving pilots a fright and then heading home.

    Holy Sh*t!!!!! Dave:eek:

    I do think that an awful lot of these UFO's are black military projects ,it's the best cover story for the military and all they have to do is stay silent whilst the focus is on aliens and not the military.

    Maybe some of these UFO's are real I don't know but Id say most are earthly developments that the public have no knowledge of ,Remember the F117 stealth fighter and B2 were flying in the late 70's long before they were released to the public in 1991 ,the B2 accounted for a lot of flying triangle reports in the 80's we know that now

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,857 ✭✭✭✭Dave!

    Holy Sh*t!!!!! Dave:eek:

    I do think that an awful lot of these UFO's are black military projects ,it's the best cover story for the military and all they have to do is stay silent whilst the focus is on aliens and not the military.

    Maybe some of these UFO's are real I don't know but Id say most are earthly developments that the public have no knowledge of ,Remember the F117 stealth fighter and B2 were flying in the late 70's long before they were released to the public in 1991 ,the B2 accounted for a lot of flying triangle reports in the 80's we know that now
    Totally agree

    Why you so shocked that I think there's life on other planets? :p Would be pretty crazy if we were the only ones in the vastness of space, and we're finding more potential life-supporting planets all the time in our own galaxy.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,822 ✭✭✭iPlop

    Dave! wrote: »
    Totally agree

    Why you so shocked that I think there's life on other planets? :p Would be pretty crazy if we were the only ones in the vastness of space, and we're finding more potential life-supporting planets all the time in our own galaxy.

    I had you down as one of those hard line skeptic's that needs an alien to shake their hand before they'll even think theres life on other planets:D

    Seriously though I do think the latest triangle reports are of another black military project not aliens.The latest one has been reported through the 90's and has been reported over Iraq and China in recent times particularly over military facilities in China ,i'll try and find a link ,I know I read that last year

    The so-called TR-3b



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 8,704 ✭✭✭squod

    squod wrote: »

    ''He found bacteria-like creatures that he calls "indigenous fossils," which he believes originated beyond Earth and were not introduced here after the meteorites landed.''

    I just posted this........ in another realm.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,087 ✭✭✭Duiske

    squod wrote: »
    I just posted this........ in another realm.

    I've been following that story for the past couple of days. Pretty interesting, but the fact it was first reported by Fox News, who got the story from the Journal of Cosmology makes me a little sceptical. The majority of articles on that site are a little far fetched, to put it mildly.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭caseyann

    Did anyone read the part about the war that has already happened?

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,673 ✭✭✭FREETV

    I dont know what is stranger,the whole UFO phenom,or that the files seem to always "go missing".
    I can only suggest that if aliens are real then they will definitely only release as little information as possible to the general public to toy/play with the people. I bet that what was released is probably below five percent of the actual evidence. Knowledge is power! It wouldn't take much intelligence to throw populations off the scent and the meaty content, bite your teeth in to information. The more one learns, the more apparent it seems that one knows very little. It could be very easily dismissed the subject and the truth witheld. :);)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,673 ✭✭✭FREETV

    I heard on the news earlier that files relating to the 'Rendlesham incident' went missing
    That is convenient and typical that! It seems that something has been swept under the carpet! They just love to hide the real evidence. It smacks of hiding the chocolate bar wrapper after eating the other halfs against her permission to hide the fact and hope that she may forget and that the problem may go away! :);) Are there any viewers on here of Richplanet Starship and

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,511 ✭✭✭saywhatyousee

    FREETV wrote: »
    That is convenient and typical that! It seems that something has been swept under the carpet! They just love to hide the real evidence. It smacks of hiding the chocolate bar wrapper after eating the other halfs against her permission to hide the fact and hope that she may forget and that the problem may go away! :);) Are there any viewers on here of Richplanet Starship and

    I watched the richplanet starship before on t.v before but it scared me so i turned it off,every time i see a picture of a grey alien it makes me extremley uncomfortable so i dont watch it anymore:(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,673 ✭✭✭FREETV

    Three saucers crashed and each contained three grey entities or aliens with fine silver space suits. Check out the vault section of the official FBI website or type in Roswell FBI disclosure. Full disclosure next a lot of people have been saying in the last couple of days. Maybe there will be little three feet high greys landing worldwide sometime between now and the end of 2012 :):D

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    FREETV wrote: »
    Three saucers crashed and each contained three grey entities or aliens with fine silver space suits. Check out the vault section of the official FBI website or type in Roswell FBI disclosure. Full disclosure next a lot of people have been saying in the last couple of days. Maybe there will be little three feet high greys landing worldwide sometime between now and the end of 2012 :):D
    I just logged in to post about that. The link is here:

    There's categories on the left, one of which is " Unexplained Phenomenon" that lists a few documents. Haven't searched for anything yet. Will have a gander later on.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,241 ✭✭✭Vic Vinegar

    humanji wrote: »
    I jsut saw this on and thought I'd pop it in here for anyone who's interested. A load of UFO related files were declassified by the UK MoD. You can read them from here:

    I think they're only available for a month, so save them to your harddisk if you plan on reading them later. I haven't read any yet, so I don't really ahve a comment on them at all.

    do you have to pay for them? i think it's trying to charge me to get them.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 461 ✭✭Talk E

    do you have to pay for them? i think it's trying to charge me to get them.

    The month ended yonks ago

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,363 ✭✭✭Brenireland

    I don't know what to say,but they are out their.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 6,241 ✭✭✭Vic Vinegar

    Talk E wrote: »
    The month ended yonks ago

    Ah yes, of course!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 188 ✭✭33

    The fbi released new ufo files, LINK

    TBH I think it is disinfo, ufo's are getting mainstream all of a sudden, probably just preparing us for the great holographic display that some believe is coming, maybe they are real, I'm on the fence because I have never looked into it that much.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,202 ✭✭✭Jeboa Safari

    Article from the Independent:
    By Bonnie Malkin
    Monday April 11 2011
    Secret FBI files have been released detailing how US officials saw a UFO explode over Utah – and aliens land near Roswell in New Mexico.

    A declassified document from 1949 tells how three men, on patrols miles apart, each reported seeing a UFO break up over mountains north of Salt Lake City.

    Their extraordinary accounts were sent to Edgar Hoover, the director of the FBI, in a memo titled "Flying Discs".

    The file said that a policeman, a highway patrolman and an army guard all "saw a silver coloured object high up approaching the mountains at Sardine Canyon" that "appeared to explode in a rash of fire."

    "Several residents [reported] seeing what appeared to be two aerial explosions, followed by falling object," it said.

    The file is one of thousands of previously unreleased files that the FBI has made public in a new online resource called The Vault.

    Among them is a 1950 statement from special agent Guy Hottel, which seems to provide evidence for the theory that aliens landed at Roswell, New Mexico.

    In the memo, Agent Hottel said that "three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico".

    He wrote that the flying saucers were "described as being circular in shape with raised centers, approximately 50 feet in diameter."

    In a statement that is reminiscent of the hit 1990s TV programme The X-Files, he went on to describe the alien life forms inside the UFOs.

    "Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall," he wrote.

    The bodies were "dressed in a metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots."

    Agent Hottel suggested that the UFOs had crashed in New Mexico because high-powered government radar had interfered with their operating systems.

    The release of the files are likely to intensify the claims of conspiracy theorists who believe the US government covered up alien landings.

    Roswell became infamous after reports that a flying saucer had crashed in the desert nearby in 1947.

    The bodies of aliens were said to have been recovered by the military.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 732 ✭✭✭Kadongy

    we are pretty prehistoric

    Incorrect. Writing that we are prehistoric is the same as telling someone you are mute.

  • Registered Users Posts: 552 ✭✭✭Number Nine

  • Registered Users Posts: 19,976 ✭✭✭✭humanji

    Threads merged.
