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Quotas for Female Politicians in Ireland



  • Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 60,121 Mod ✭✭✭✭Wibbs

    Maybe if your "facts" were... well more factual, it may help. As for published? Paper won't refuse ink and keyboards won't refuse fingers. Published doesn't mean as much as it did or should.

    Rejoice in the awareness of feeling stupid, for that’s how you end up learning new things. If you’re not aware you’re stupid, you probably are.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    Wibbs wrote: »
    Maybe if your "facts" were... well more factual, it may help. As for published? Paper won't refuse ink and keyboards won't refuse fingers. Published doesn't mean as much as it did or should.

    Ok. Ill publish the whole thing again this time I'll use multiple sources on the Labour radical feminist quotas, deceptions, frauds and bigoted legislation and this time include the full Stern report that (written by feminist Baroness Stern) that specifically requests the labour minister for equality to stop misleading the public on rape convictions and the official inquiry that lead to the same minister being told to stop misleading the public on wage gap.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    Here is roughly what provoked the inital personal and other attacks.

    I said that I didn't approve of quotas leading to a glut of feminists in gov. and used the example of the UK Labour gov and the frauds, deceptions and bigoted leglislation that came out of it.

    Labour announce 33% female quota for the party.

    73% of those women turn out to be feminists.

    Quota billed as being for women that in reality resulted in what I called a "glut" of feminist women being given seats. (15% of women self identify as feminists).

    I will come back later on and start posting multiple sources on the frauds, deceptions and bigoted anti male legislation, including the full stern report associated with labour gov feminism.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Which labour government? of which country?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 17,485 ✭✭✭✭Ickle Magoo

    Reward wrote: »
    15% of women self identify as feminists


    All you have shown so far is there are women politicians who identify as feminists - something any dictionary will tell you is not code-word for man-hating evil and labour MP's (of which the majority are male) voted in favour of having a quota of females within their party. Can you tie any of that into your other points or even show how that exemplifies any of the radical feminist points you have alluded to.

    I presume the Stern report you refer to is the Stern Review - a review of how the relevant authorities in England and Wales deal with reported rapes of MEN, women and children?

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  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 51,687 Mod ✭✭✭✭Stheno

    Reward wrote: »
    Here is roughly what provoked the inital personal and other attacks.

    I said that I didn't approve of quotas leading to a glut of feminists in gov. and used the example of the UK Labour gov and the frauds, deceptions and bigoted leglislation that came out of it.

    Labour announce 33% female quota for the party.

    Your statement is incorrect, what Labour MPs voted for was to have 31% of the shadow cabinet to be made up of women, reflecting that 31% of MPs in the Labour Party are women.

    Nowhere does the article state that Labour have announced a party wide female quota.
    Labour MPs voted last night to enforce a quota system that would ensure just under a third of its new shadow cabinet are women.
    73% of those women turn out to be feminists.

    Quota billed as being for women that in reality resulted in what I called a "glut" of feminist women being given seats. (15% of women self identify as feminists).

    Again following on from my point above, the quota in relation to female representation at Shadow Cabinet Level was voted on on September 8 2010, and so had no influence at all on how many Labour women MPs were elected to Parliament in May 2010.

    One small point, none of those elected women MPs were "given" seats, they all ran and were voted in by their constituents as per the democratic process that any politician goes through to get elected :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    As requested
    Labour feminists sex trafficking fraud.

    This was based around wild exaggerations about the number of sex slaves in the UK. Jacqui Smith claimed on one radio interview that 80% of prostitutes were under the control of another (sex slaves) and so implied that many men are happy to pay to have sex with miserable women that are kept in captivity (false accusation of wide spread rape), a very misandrist meme.

    The whole thing, like gendered domestic abuse and rape, turned out to be based on lies and was likely a front to criminalise men that use the consensual sex trade.

    "Harman's sex trafficking law is based on feeble, fraudulent evidence.

    Here's the line. Women are being trafficked into Britain and forced to become sex slaves. We know this because the massive Operation Pentameter, involving 55 police forces, six government departments and various NGOs, led to the arrest of 528 sex traffickers. On the basis of this, Harriet Harman is rightly pushing through a bill to make it illegal to pay for sex with a prostitute controlled by someone else.

    Except it's all lies. As Nick Davies reports, the six-month investigation actually failed to find a single sex trafficker. Ten of the 55 police forces arrested nobody at all. Some 122 of the 528 arrests claimed never happened (they were wrongly recorded, or phantom arrests designed to chase targets). Half (230) were women – suggesting that the Operation was a convenient excuse to harass prostitutes and clock up more arrest figures.

    Of the 406 real arrests, 153 had been released weeks before the police announced their 'success', 106 without any charge at all, and 47 being cautioned for minor offences. Of the rest, 73 were charged with immigration breaches, 76 convicted on drugs raps, and others died or disappeared.

    Only 22 people were finally prosecuted for trafficking, including two women. Seven were acquitted. The net haul from this vast operation was 15 successful prosecutions. Of those, just five men were convicted of importing women and forcing them to work as prostitutes (two of whom were already in custody).

    So that's the 'huge success' that allowed Jacqui Smith and now Harriet Harman, to claim that 'thousands' of women were being trafficked, and to push a Bill through Parliament. So much for evidence-based policy: I would feel happier if they just said that they found prostitution disgusting and wanted to outlaw it for our own moral good. At least that would be honest. This is simple deception, a fraud on the public.

    Sex workers are opposing the new legislation. They know that every time governments 'get tough' on prostitution, they are the ones who suffer. The police just have another excuse to go on fishing trips, round up a few girls, and boost their arrest figures so that they get Brownie points and the Chief Constable gets a better bonus. And to prove that they are not 'controlled', girls will start working alone, rather than in flats with a maid to look after them, which will make them more vulnerable to abuse and attack".

    If anyone wants to declare the above invalid on the basis of it being published on a libertarian blog, click on the Guardian link above it for the same information published in the Guardian.

    on the ideology behind sex trafficking fraud.

    Weitzer, R [2007] The social construction of sex trafficking: Ideology and institutionalization of a moral crusade. Politics & Society 35(3);

    Sophie Day [2009] Renewing the war on prostitution: The spectres of 'trafficking' and 'slavery' Anthropology Today v25n3;

    Doezema. J [1999] Loose women or lost women? The re-emergence of the myth of 'white slavery' in contemporary discourses of 'trafficking in women'. Gender Issues 18(1).

    Answer this one? -

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    As requested

    Labour feminists wage gap fraud

    Very basic explanation of how it works. Wage gap fraud is international. The family wage is counted as the main workers wage alone and when the other adult in the family choses not to work, their share of the family wage is recorded as zero. In the case of the secondary adult chosing part time work, their part time wage is counted as their only income and the main workers is counted as theirs alone. Men and women make different choices and men are mich more likely to be the main taxpayers and women the non taxpayer and part time worker. (it would be interesting to see how much the gap works in favour of women if we counted the family wage as what it really is).

    The other gaps are explained by different work/lifestype choices (women have more flexibility) and the glass ceiling meme is debunked by the fact that women women do make choices that are similar to men, they often out earn them for the same work.

    The difference is then presented to the public as proof of a conspiracy against women, politicians can swing votes, certain political organisations can recruit, fund raise, fear monger and legislate against men on the strength of this deception by promising to fix this conspiracy to oppress by an unseen hand.

    More here..

    "Radio 4’s flagship, the Today programme, has fallen for a common misrepresentation of the gap in pay between men and women.
    Or is it a misrepresentation? It depends on who you are talking to, as various bodies interpret this key statistic in various ways.

    Introducing an item on Today on July 29, Sarah Montague accepted at face value the assertion by the Women and Work Commission that women are paid, on average, 23 per cent less than men. But the Office of National Statistics quotes a figure of 12.8 per cent, just over half as much.

    And if that isn’t confusing enough, the Equality and Human Rights Commission believes the gap is 17.1 per cent.

    These differences matter, so it would be nice to achieve a common basis for estimating them. Until we do, journalists should beware of accepting whatever figure is thrown at them. Government bodies with different objectives can easily come up with different figures – and may honestly believe they are right.

    Earnings comparisons are best made on the basis of median, rather than mean, earnings. This is because the salaries at the top of the scale are often high enough to distort the mean. On measures of “average” salaries, most people earn less than average.

    Both the ONS and the Women and Work Commission, which is part of the Government Equalities Office, do use the median. (The EHRC, just to be awkward, uses the mean – of which more later.)

    So why the difference between the ONS and the GEO? The ONS only counts full-time work, whereas the GEO includes part-time work, three quarters of which is done by women. This increases the apparent gap in pay between the sexes.

    Which is right? The Statistics Authority cogitated over this in a report published in June. Neither measure is satisfactory, it admits, but it does come down in favour of not combining the two, as the GEO does. Its recommendation is to present the two estimates, for full-time and part-time employees, separately.

    It publishes rather a striking table (Table 2 in the UKSA’s note) that actually shows that women working part-time earn 3.4 per cent more than men in median hourly earnings. This isn’t a figure you’ll find the GEO or the Women and Work Commission quoting very often.

    Where does all that leave us? Of those in full-time work, women earn 12.8 per cent less than men. Women in part-time work earn fractionally more than men, but less than full-time men or full-time women. When full- and part-time work are combined, the preponderance of women in part-time work produces the 22.6 per cent gap headlined by the GEO and accepted without question by Today.

    So what about the rogue figure of 17.1 per cent quoted by the EHRC? It uses mean earnings rather than median, justifying it by saying that women are over-represented at one extreme of the distribution and men at the other, which results (it says) in gaps calculated from the median understating the size of the problem.

    It then goes on to claim, remarkably, that for women working part time, the gap is 35.6 per cent. This dizzying figure is achieved by comparing part-time women with full-time men – a comparison hard to justify on any rational basis. As the Statistics Authority remarks, this estimate “needs particularly careful explanation and justification if it is not to mislead”. (Translation: it’s misleading.)

    The gender pay gap is a jungle, where journalists should not venture without careful preparation and a trusty guide. Discussions are going on between ONS and GEO to determine how the results should be presented in future, and we may see some results when the 2009 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings is published in November.

    But somehow I think it’s going to take a lot of persuasion to get the equality-wallahs to abandon the high estimates to which they are so attached. 35.6 per cent? Whew!"

    Labour feminist Harriet Harman has been engaging in wage gap fraud, and has been asked by the Office of National Statistics not to use their research to mislead the public.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    As requested
    Labour feminist rape conviction rate fraud

    The public in the UK were told that their country has the worst conviction rate in Europe, 6%. (no point in reporting then hey?) This is a fraud perpetuated by Labour feminists.

    Rape conviction rate figures 'misleading' - Telegraph
    15 Mar 2010 ... Rape victims may have been put off reporting attacks because of the use of "misleading" conviction rate figures by Harriet Harman and others ...

    Rape conviction rate fraud works by measuring the attrition rate while all other crimes are measured by their conviction rate. Rape hysteria can be used to spread fear and misandry to empower, fund raise and recruit by certain political organisations, swing votes and reduce civil rights eg. the push to end the right to the presumption of innocence for those accused of rape, it also keeps rape high in the agenda which results in discrimination against the victims of other crimes, rape is also presented as a gendered crime, which it is not and that creates further discrimination against other victims.

    Here is an explanation and the true UK conviction rate figures, rape, despite having a high rate of false reporting, has a conviction rate thats comparable to all other crimes.

    "How the panic over rape was orchestrated
    For years the Home Office and the former Lord Chancellor’s Department have misled the media about rape statistics – and allowed the media to misinform the public.
    Anxiety has grown as a result of the apparent increase in rape offences and the inability to successfully prosecute offenders. Women have been needlessly alarmed for their safety, when the actual threat is much smaller than has been pretended.

    Congratulations, therefore, to the Radio 4 programme More or Less and its reporter Ruth Alexander, who have put into the public domain what some advisers engaged by Whitehall committees have known for some time.

    This official misinformation, one suspects, was a deliberate policy choice (beginning somewhere around 1988) to ensure that no matter what the cost, rape and sex crimes would climb remorselessly up the political agenda.

    Since 1999 the Home Office has known that its methods for calculating rape convictions are wrong. The real conviction rate is not the publicly broadcast 10 per cent but closer to 50 per cent (it varies slightly from year to year). In a Minority Report (1) which I wrote for a Home Office committee in 2000 but which advisers refused to forward to ministers who were then actively considering new rape legislation, the HO were told that they were confusing ‘attrition’ rates with ‘conviction’ rates.

    The attrition rate refers to the number of convictions secured compared with the number of that particular crime reported to the police (it must be noted that a crime that is ‘reported’ does not automatically imply that the crime actually took place). The conviction rate refers to the number of convictions secured against the number of persons brought to trial for that given offence.

    Rape is the only crime judged by the attrition rate. All others – murder, assault, robbery, and so on – are assessed by their conviction rates. Why? The question is best addressed to Betty Moxon who, in 2000, was head of the Sex Offenders Review Team (SORT) for whom I wrote the minority report.

    In the most recent edition of More or Less, broadcast last Friday and still available as a podcast, Ruth Alexander questioned why rape has been made an exception. Referring to a new report soon to be published by London Metropolitan University she said it claimed that Britain had the worst record in Europe for rape convictions. Over recent years, she said, the report showed that the conviction rate had fallen from 10 per cent to 6.5 per cent.

    But this is based on the misleading attrition rate. When real conviction rates are calculated on a common basis with other crimes, her report endorses our findings of 2000 (and subsequent years), namely that it is more commonly in the 48-52 per cent bracket. Her latest figure, for 2007, was 47 per cent.

    But how are we to judge if that is good or bad ? Comparable figures show that the conviction rate, for instance, for Violence Against the Person was 71 per cent.

    In the past the Home Office used to publish annual “Criminal Statistics for England and Wales” which were very accessible. Its present embodiment, published by the Ministry of Justice does not helpfully list murder rates or conviction rates. Nonetheless, Ruth Alexander quoted comparable ‘attrition rates’for other crimes, listed below:

    Rest and graphs here

    If you want to declare the information in the first link invalid because its published in the Telegraph, cross reference with the information and graphs on the second source on this post and the two sources in the following, failing that here is the same story in the Guardian

    More to follow.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    more on labour feminist rape conviction fraud

    "Nigel Hawkes
    is Director of Straight Statistics. As a journalist he has written about science, health, and international affairs, mostly for The Observer and The Times.

    Scaremongering over the rape conviction rate

    Sharp words in today’s report on rape by Baroness Stern (pictured) over the constant bandying of the claim that only 6 per cent of reported rapes lead to convictions.
    This was the subject of a long analysis on Straight Statistics by Robert Whiston last September, and the Stern Review, commissioned by the Home Office and the Government Equalities Office, makes many of the same points.

    While for all other crimes the conviction rate describes the percentage of all the cases brought to court that result in a conviction, the report says, rape is different. For rape, the term has come to mean the percentage of all cases recorded by the police as rape that result in a conviction of rape. This makes it impossible to compare rape with other crimes.

    The actual conviction rate for rape, measured conventionally, is 58 per cent. More cases should come to court and the review backs the Government’s efforts to achieve that.

    But it is very critical of the way the 6 per cent figure has come to dominate public discussion “without explanation, analysis or context”. This has been to the detriment of public understanding and is not in the interest of victims of rape, who may be discouraged from reporting the incident in the belief that there is no chance of a successful conviction, it says. “We feel that the presentation of the statistics should be looked at again and we so recommend” the review concludes".

    Full Stern Review here

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    As requested
    Labour party feminist legal bigotry

    Commentary by Erin Prizzy, Erin started the shelters movement, only to be intimidated out of it by radical feminists because she knew that domestic abuse is not gendered and wanted to provide an egalitarian service, she was put under police protection and these same feminists, killed her family dog and threatened her and her family (How feminists tried to destroy the family | Mail Online
    22 Jan 2007 ... Erin Pizzey, founder of the battered wives' refuge, on how militant ... equality and rights - began to make headlines in the daily newspapers. .... Mrs. Pizzey is exactly right and has done much to inspire and support ... on Labour gov feminists legal bigorty.

    I have a lot of respect for Pizzy, she for an egalitarian and holistic policy on domestic violence and against feminist discrimination and misinformation relating to domestic violence and is working on that in american as well as the first shelters in Iran (there is also gender symmetry in domestic violence in Iran

    Erin Pizzey, champion of women's rights, says radical feminist plans to let victims of domestic abuse get away with murder are an affront to morality

    Harriet Harman recently made a leaden attempt at self-deprecating humour. In response to a House of Commons question about her leadership ambitions, she said that she could not possibly become Prime Minister because, if she did, then the nation’s airports would be filled with men trying to flee the country.
    The joke caused bewildered looks rather than laughs, partly because of her lack of comic timing, but more importantly because there is nothing funny about her aggressively feminist agenda, which treats men as either second-class citizens or a menace to society.
    Harman may try to raise a titter by playing on her reputation as a hardline women’s rights campaigner. But, in reality, men would be right to shudder if she were to seize the reins of power.
    Throughout her political career, Ms Harman has promoted the extreme feminist cause.
    She recently introduced an outrageously misnamed ‘Equality Bill’, which actually proposed to give legal sanction to overt discrimination against men in job recruitment.
    The scheme was dressed up as an attempt to combat prejudice against women in the workplace, but in reality made anti-male bias acceptable.
    Now comes an even more sinister move. Yesterday, Ms Harman — who, worryingly, is acting Prime Minister during Gordon Brown’s summer holiday — set out new proposals that may lead to a change in the law in cases of murder involving domestic violence.

    As she revealed, she has embarked on a consultation process to decide whether victims of domestic violence who kill their partners should be allowed to plead provocation where they claim to be living in fear of future attacks.
    At present, the defence of provocation can be used only when an individual kills during a sudden loss of self-control — during a fight, for example.

    Under Ms Harman’s scheme, however, cold-blooded murder could be tolerated under British law for the first time, as long as the killer can convince a court she felt in long-term danger from her partner.
    Now, I have been a supporter of women’s rights all my life. In 1971, I founded the first women’s refuge in the country, which led to the creation of a nationwide network offering shelter for victims of domestic violence.
    And through that experience, as well as my own upbringing at the hands of abusive parents, I know what a terrifying problem domestic violence can be.
    But it is precisely because of my desire to protect the vulnerable that I am so opposed to Ms Harman’s absurd new plan, which is not only an affront to the basic morality of our society, but also a ridiculously one-sided, misogynistic, simplistic and dangerous response to the issue.
    Indeed, as with so many of her other forays into policy-making, it is driven more by feminist ideology than compassion.
    Effectively, what Harman and the ultra-feminist lobby want is a licence for women to kill.
    For thousands of years, one of the pillars of Judaeo-Christian civilisation has been the ethical injunction, ‘Thou shalt not kill’.
    But now, radical female modernisers think that this moral edifice can be pulled down and replaced with a perverse new moral code which holds that women can murder as long as their sense of victimhood is sufficiently powerful.
    If this plan is enacted, we will no longer have absolute justice in this country. Instead, our courts will have to use a carefully calibrated measure of female grievance against which to judge the darkest of all crimes.
    Only in the warped mindset of feminist radicals should we protect the vulnerable by downgrading our moral abhorrence of murder.
    Rather than reducing violence, Harriet Harman’s proposals could become a charter for domestic chaos, as vengeful women believe they can butcher partners they come to loathe, inventing incidents of abuse or exaggerating fears of assault.

    Rest here

    Note; those are Erins own words republished in the daily mail

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    I could go on with Labour feminist involvement is domestic violence fraud and discrimination..

    So anyway, I believe that gov. quotas for feminists dressed up as quotas for feminists under the pretense that there is a glass celing are a bad idea, given the track record in the UK and there are enough problems with corruption in gov as it is and there is no glass ceiling, women can get to the top of politics on their own merit, we have female politicians, have had two female presidents in succession and we have a popular and openly gay politician.

    I also find it funny that some of the same people here that are saying "not all feminists are like that" have worked pretty hard to suppress information about the wrong doings of and protect their radical sisters in the UK from criticism and not one feminist has come forward in my defense here, perhaps that is why so many tar you all with the same brush, perhaps they are right.

    Ickle Magoo, we had a deal -

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,696 Mod ✭✭✭✭Silverfish

    Reward wrote: »
    So, I feel that gov. quotas for feminists are a bad idea, there are enough problems with corruption in gov as it is.

    No, it's 'Government quotas for female politicians'.

    Seeking equality (note not supremacy) for women is not a bad thing. I'm not sure why you're painting it that way. It's been explained to you multiple times in this thread that feminism does not equal radical feminism, feminism does not equal misandry.
    Reward wrote: »
    I also find it funny that some of the same people here that are saying "not all feminists are like that" have worked pretty hard to suppress information about the wrong doings of their radical sisters in the UK. P

    Can you, clearly and concisely, explain who has 'suppressed' this information here, and where these women were identified as 'sisters'.
    Reward wrote: »
    Perhaps that is why so many tar you all with the same brush.

    The only person doing that so far is you.

    Please note, this is not your first time pushing an agenda on this forum, based on nothing that was actually posted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    Silverfish wrote: »
    No, it's 'Government quotas for female politicians'.

    Seeking equality (note not supremacy) for women is not a bad thing. I'm not sure why you're painting it that way. It's been explained to you multiple times in this thread that feminism does not equal radical feminism, feminism does not equal misandry.

    Can you, clearly and concisely, explain who has 'suppressed' this information here, and where these women were identified as 'sisters'.

    The only person doing that so far is you.

    Please note, this is not your first time pushing an agenda on this forum, based on nothing that was actually posted.

    Yeah right. Im of the opinion that gov quotas for women are simply quotas for radical feminists dressed up as quotas for women under the pretense that there is some sort of glass celling. You are free to take it at face value and support undemocratic "quotas for women" for your own reasons.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,696 Mod ✭✭✭✭Silverfish

    Reward wrote: »
    Yeah right. Im of the opinion that gov quotas for women are simply quotas for radical feminists dressed up as quotas for women under the pretense that there is a glass celling . You are free to take it at face value and support undemocratic "quotas for women" for your own reasons.

    This is where I think you are deliberately misconstruing the answers in this thread. I believe the majority of the posters are not in favour of quotas.

    Can you please address the rest of my points? You've made some insinuations that I would prefer to be cleared up.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    Silverfish wrote: »
    This is where I think you are deliberately misconstruing the answers in this thread. I believe the majority of the posters are not in favour of quotas.

    Can you please address the rest of my points? You've made some insinuations that I would prefer to be cleared up.

    No, it looks like you are projecting and deliberately misconstruing, I never said that the majority here are were pro quotas, I said that some people were working very hard to keep information about the wrong doings and disgusting policies of UK gov feminists off the board.

    I just published my opinion and backed it up, as requested, that is all.

    You are free to take quotas at face value, I am free the interpret them them as quotas for mainly radical feminists dressed up as quotas for women, democracy subverted and circumvented under the pretense that there is some mysterious hand keeping women out of politics, when clearly, there isn't.

    I should free to have that opinion and publish it with out being mobbed.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,696 Mod ✭✭✭✭Silverfish

    Reward wrote: »
    No, it looks like you are projecting and deliberately misconstruing, I never said that the majority here are were pro quotas, I said that some people were working very hard to keep information about the wrong doings of UK gov feminists off the board.

    Second time to ask, who did this and where? :confused:
    I should free to have that opinion and publish it with out being mobbed.

    This is the ladies lounge, if you come in and accuse any feminist and/or poster of being radical feminists and misandrists, then you can expect posters to respond and refute.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    Silverfish wrote: »
    Second time to ask, who did this and where? :confused:

    This is the ladies lounge, if you come in and accuse any feminist and/or poster of being radical feminists and misandrists, then you can expect posters to respond and refute.

    Oh go away, I was talking about UK radical feminists in gov, nobody here on this board. If you interpret that incorrectly as my referring to you personally or another, I'm sorry. Go back and check, read again.

    I was talking about the disgusting and corrupt behavior of radical feminists in the Labour gov.

  • Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 16,696 Mod ✭✭✭✭Silverfish

    Reward wrote: »
    Oh go away, I was talking about UK radical feminists in gov, nobody here on this board. If you interpret that incorrectly as my referring to you personally personal attack, I'm sorry. Go back and check, read again.

    I was talking about the disgusting behavior of radical feminists in the Labour gov.

    I don't think Labour are in power in the UK.

    And secondly, this is a thread discussing Ireland.

    So I think, once again, the Humanities or the Politics forum would be best for your take on the discussion.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    Silverfish wrote: »
    I don't think Labour are in power in the UK.

    And secondly, this is a thread discussing Ireland.

    So I think, once again, the Humanities or the Politics forum would be best for your take on the discussion.

    Yes, I was talking about the labour party and the labour gov when they were power. Its useful to look at what happened with similar policies in other countries when discussing implementing them in others.

    Can you stop badgering me. I just wanted to post my opinion and I backed it up as requested by other users, I was mobbed and badgered for pages because of my opinion, which spoiled the thread. I'm sorry if you think that I was directing comments about UK labour feminists at you or other users personally, I wasn't as you can see by following the thread.

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  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 51,687 Mod ✭✭✭✭Stheno

    Reward wrote: »
    I also find it funny that some of the same people here that are saying "not all feminists are like that" have worked pretty hard to suppress information about the wrong doings of and protect their radical sisters in the UK from criticism and not one feminist has come forward in my defense here, perhaps that is why so many tar you all with the same brush, perhaps they are right.
    Reward wrote: »
    Oh go away, I was talking about UK radical feminists in gov, nobody here on this board. If you interpret that incorrectly as my referring to you personally or another, I'm sorry. Go back and check, read again.
    Reward wrote: »
    I'm sorry if you think that I was directing comments about UK labour feminists at you or other users personally, I wasn't as you can see by following the thread.

    The first post of yours that I've quoted here would rather blatantly contradict the latter two posts I've quoted :)

    And given that I've pointed out that your argument in relation to Labour implementing a quota was incorrect I'd be interested to read your response to that :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    Stheno wrote: »
    The first post of yours that I've quoted here would rather blatantly contradict the latter two posts I've quoted :)

    And given that I've pointed out that your argument in relation to Labour implementing a quota was incorrect I'd be interested to read your response to that :)

    No thats a clearly lie, the first quote was in retrospect and about the will of a minority here to keep information about these radical women off the board and the silence about their disgusting policies and behaviour.

    You see, you in continuing to badger and push the sources back in to the thread, it looks like you and other are colluding to protect these disgusting people and their policies, hence the first comment I made wondering if thats why many don't believe that "not all feminists are like that".

    Its likely that feminists here that are working to suppress the information I published are at least a little "like that".

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    Stheno wrote: »
    The first post of yours that I've quoted here would rather blatantly contradict the latter two posts I've quoted :)

    And given that I've pointed out that your argument in relation to Labour implementing a quota was incorrect I'd be interested to read your response to that :)

    No thats a clearly lie, the first quote was in retrospect and about the will of a minority here to keep information about these radical women off the board and the silence about their disgusting policies and behaviour.

    You see, you in continuing to badger and push the sources back in to the thread, it looks like you and others are colluding to protect these disgusting people and their policies, hence the first comment I made wondering if thats why many don't believe that "not all feminists are like that".

    Its not unreasonable to suppose that some feminists here that are working to suppress the information I published are at least a little "like that" because of their protection of these radical extremists, also if people here see criticism directed at radical feminists as directed at them personally instead of agreeing that I'm pointing out wrongdoing, that would indicate that they are at least a little "like that" too.

    There are a number of strains of feminists that support and share my opinion, not suppress it.

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 51,687 Mod ✭✭✭✭Stheno

    Reward wrote: »
    No thats a clearly lie, the first quote was in retrospect and about the will of a minority here to keep information about these radical women off the board and the silence about their disgusting policies and behaviour.

    I interpreted that differently, and stand by my original point above.
    You see, you in continuing to badger and push the sources back in to the thread, it looks like you and others are colluding to protect these disgusting people and their policies, hence the first comment I made wondering if thats why many don't believe that "not all feminists are like that".

    Its not unreasonable to suppose that some feminists here that are working to suppress the information I published are at least a little "like that" because of their protection of these radical extremists, also if people here see criticism directed at radical feminists as directed at them personally instead of agreeing that I'm pointing out wrongdoing, that would indicate that they are at least a little "like that" too.

    I don't see how my pointing out the flaws in sources or arguments you have made can be seen as my colluding to protect anyone? Could you possibly explain that to me?

    There are a number of strains of feminists that support and share my opinion, not suppress it.

    Can you please post details of these?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    Stheno wrote: »
    I interpreted that differently, and stand by my original point above.

    I don't see how my pointing out the flaws in sources or arguments you have made can be seen as my colluding to protect anyone? Could you possibly explain that to me?

    Can you please post details of these?

    You interpreted differently from how I intended it and upon realising that are sticking to your original misinterpretation regardless? Ok, thats not logical you know.

    Badger badger badger, really this is just harassment in order the protect radical extremists from critsism.

    If you want to see feminists that see eye to eye on feminst extremists check out wendy mcelroy, daphney patai, cristine hoff somers, murray straus, richard gelles... to name a few, actually that list of feminists has influenced me a lot.

    I take it that while you are protecting these rad fem bigots in the labour gov and you want me to accept that you "arent like that".

    Anyway here, some feminists that I read (they have all been targeted by mainstream feminists for their opinions too).

    Professing Feminism: Cautionary Tales from the Strange World of Women's Studies (written with Noretta Koertge; Basic Books, 1994)

    Professing Feminism: Education and Indoctrination in Women's Studies (with N. Koertge; new and expanded edition; Lexington Books, 2003)

    Heterophobia: Sexual Harassment and the Future of Feminism (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1998)

    Wendy McElroy

    Christina Hoff Sommers

    Christina Hoff Sommers, Who Stole Feminism?: How Women Have Betrayed Women.

    Being a feminist doesn't mean you have to think lock step with and blindly defend extremists, disgusting policies, fraud, bigotry and misandry. Unless of course you are an extremist.

    “Feminism is dying not from a backlash but from an orthodoxy that cannot tolerate real discussion…and never could.” Wendy MvElroy.

    That quote by Wendy explains a lot about the way I was treated here.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,614 ✭✭✭ArtSmart

    ote: havent read thread.
    I think the bigger issue is defining 'female qualities' which are different from men and whether they
    a/ exist

    b/ if they do exist, will they exist in political arena?

    c/ what can they bring that male traits can't?

    if one believes typical female traits are a more 'holistic', more consensus, caring, etc etc then hard to see any in place, if they can if fact be so defined.

    examples of females who displayed traits usually assoc with males are numerous. (assuming males traits can be defined, of course, - and i'm assuming they can.

  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 51,687 Mod ✭✭✭✭Stheno

    Reward wrote: »
    You interpreted differently from how I intended it and upon realising that are sticking to your original misinterpretation regardless? Ok, thats not logical you know.

    You clearly stated
    I also find it funny that some of the same people here that are saying "not all feminists are like that" have worked pretty hard to suppress information about the wrong doings of and protect their radical sisters in the UK from criticism and not one feminist has come forward in my defense here, perhaps that is why so many tar you all with the same brush, perhaps they are right.

    Therefore from that post I interpreted that as you posting your opinion as to the thoughts/motives arguments of posters on her, and the further opinion you then extrapolated that they are defending their "sisters"

    No-one has come forward to "defend" you as your arguments are not 100% supportable, as I've already pointed out regarding quotas, something that you are consistently ignoring under the guise of:
    Badger badger badger, really this is just harassment in order the protect radical extremists from critsism.

    You refuse to engage in debate, but rather feel that you can simply post up reams of links supporting your point of view, yet when challenged consistently fall back upon the argument above that you are being harrassed.

    When that fails you sink further with your debating skills by posting that I or anyone who disagrees with you is :
    I take it that while you are protecting these rad fem bigots in the labour gov and you want me to accept that you "arent like that".

    No one but you has actually posted:
    Being a feminist doesn't mean you have to think lock step with and blindly defend extremists, disgusting policies, fraud, bigotry and misandry. Unless of course you are an extremist.
    apart from you.
    “Feminism is dying not from a backlash but from an orthodoxy that cannot tolerate real discussion…and never could.” Wendy MvElroy.

    That quote by Wendy explains a lot about the way I was treated here.

    It does as despite your endless posting you certainly appear to be unable to tolerate real discussion or debate, to take on and argue viewpoints of others, and to intelligently respond when questioned as to the sources of your information or indeed the logic behind posting sources that are then shown to be incorrect.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    Stheno wrote: »
    You clearly stated

    Therefore from that post I interpreted that as you posting your opinion as to the thoughts/motives arguments of posters on her, and the further opinion you then extrapolated that they are defending their "sisters"

    No-one has come forward to "defend" you as your arguments are not 100% supportable, as I've already pointed out regarding quotas, something that you are consistently ignoring under the guise of:

    You refuse to engage in debate, but rather feel that you can simply post up reams of links supporting your point of view, yet when challenged consistently fall back upon the argument above that you are being harrassed.

    When that fails you sink further with your debating skills by posting that I or anyone who disagrees with you is :

    No one but you has actually posted:

    apart from you.

    It does as despite your endless posting you certainly appear to be unable to tolerate real discussion or debate, to take on and argue viewpoints of others, and to intelligently respond when questioned as to the sources of your information or indeed the logic behind posting sources that are then shown to be incorrect.

    Ok I will repost the sources about radical feminist in the UK gov and you can show how they are incorrect.

    Can you logically demonstrate how these sources are incorrect or do you judge correct and incorrect according to something other than fact and logic?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 390 ✭✭Reward

    As requested
    Labour feminists sex trafficking fraud.

    This was based around wild exaggerations about the number of sex slaves in the UK. Jacqui Smith claimed on one radio interview that 80% of prostitutes were under the control of another (sex slaves) and so implied that many men are happy to pay to have sex with miserable women that are kept in captivity (false accusation of wide spread rape), a very misandrist meme.

    The whole thing, like gendered domestic abuse and rape, turned out to be based on lies and was likely a front to criminalise men that use the consensual sex trade.

    "Harman's sex trafficking law is based on feeble, fraudulent evidence.

    Here's the line. Women are being trafficked into Britain and forced to become sex slaves. We know this because the massive Operation Pentameter, involving 55 police forces, six government departments and various NGOs, led to the arrest of 528 sex traffickers. On the basis of this, Harriet Harman is rightly pushing through a bill to make it illegal to pay for sex with a prostitute controlled by someone else.

    Except it's all lies. As Nick Davies reports, the six-month investigation actually failed to find a single sex trafficker. Ten of the 55 police forces arrested nobody at all. Some 122 of the 528 arrests claimed never happened (they were wrongly recorded, or phantom arrests designed to chase targets). Half (230) were women – suggesting that the Operation was a convenient excuse to harass prostitutes and clock up more arrest figures.

    Of the 406 real arrests, 153 had been released weeks before the police announced their 'success', 106 without any charge at all, and 47 being cautioned for minor offences. Of the rest, 73 were charged with immigration breaches, 76 convicted on drugs raps, and others died or disappeared.

    Only 22 people were finally prosecuted for trafficking, including two women. Seven were acquitted. The net haul from this vast operation was 15 successful prosecutions. Of those, just five men were convicted of importing women and forcing them to work as prostitutes (two of whom were already in custody).

    So that's the 'huge success' that allowed Jacqui Smith and now Harriet Harman, to claim that 'thousands' of women were being trafficked, and to push a Bill through Parliament. So much for evidence-based policy: I would feel happier if they just said that they found prostitution disgusting and wanted to outlaw it for our own moral good. At least that would be honest. This is simple deception, a fraud on the public.

    Sex workers are opposing the new legislation. They know that every time governments 'get tough' on prostitution, they are the ones who suffer. The police just have another excuse to go on fishing trips, round up a few girls, and boost their arrest figures so that they get Brownie points and the Chief Constable gets a better bonus. And to prove that they are not 'controlled', girls will start working alone, rather than in flats with a maid to look after them, which will make them more vulnerable to abuse and attack".

    If anyone wants to declare the above invalid on the basis of it being published on a libertarian blog, click on the Guardian link above it for the same information published in the Guardian.

    on the ideology behind sex trafficking fraud.

    Weitzer, R [2007] The social construction of sex trafficking: Ideology and institutionalization of a moral crusade. Politics & Society 35(3);

    Sophie Day [2009] Renewing the war on prostitution: The spectres of 'trafficking' and 'slavery' Anthropology Today v25n3;

    Doezema. J [1999] Loose women or lost women? The re-emergence of the myth of 'white slavery' in contemporary discourses of 'trafficking in women'. Gender Issues 18(1).

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  • Moderators, Business & Finance Moderators, Science, Health & Environment Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators, Society & Culture Moderators Posts: 51,687 Mod ✭✭✭✭Stheno

    Reward wrote: »
    Ok I will repost the sources about radical feminist in the UK gov and you can show how they are incorrect.

    Don't bother having refuted your first argument about quotas in the Labour Party and not had you engage in any kind of real or meaningful debate as to how you miscontrued that and also failed to backup that argument factually, I have no interested in dissassembling even more of your flawed logic. Nor am I interested in having you apply your labels of "sister", "radical feminist" "labour supporter" or "colluder" applied to me again.

    Have you anything to say regarding your error about the quotas?
