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The Dreamworld

  • 19-10-2010 1:49pm
    Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭

    I may have mentioned this before but playing Pokemon in Japanese is pretty confusing.

    I'd just won my first Gym Battle and this crazy lady runs up to me, starts babbling in symbols I can't even draw let alone understand and drags me to her bedroom where a child is standing by a bed that looks like a Terminator's motel room. It's pretty disturbing stuff but if Tokyo Gore Police taught me anything it's that EVERYTHING is normal in Japan. And also if you meet a girl with industrial staples in her boobs don't let her take it any further than "just friends". So it's 20 minutes later (it took me 1/4 of an hour to realise I'd been given a HM :) ) and for reasons I don't understand I'm back in her bedroom (crazy lady in Pokemon, not staple-boob lady) and I'm starting to feel uncomfortable because people saw me go in of my own accord this time.

    Anyway, long story short, one of my Pokemon was "put to sleep" on Saturday afternoon and I found out yesterday that I can interact with it online now. So after about 30 minutes of throwing personal details into random fields I managed to get a login for and meet my little terrier online. There was a lot of tutorial content that I couldn't read and then we took a walk on a rainbow, met a jigglypuff, fed a magic tree-hole a berry and then logged off.

    Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on and what that tree is doing with my Berry? I'm prepared for unpleasant truths, I've seen Evil Dead.....


  • Registered Users Posts: 866 ✭✭✭Buzzthebatgirl

    I can shed some light on the subject from what I've read online and fiddled with.

    The Dream World is where Pokemon chill out online, grow berries, go on "magical" rainbow adventures after eating said berries, decorate a house in the sky and hang out with it's trainer's mates.

    Simply put, it's a way to grow berries and gain Pokemon with different abilities that usual.

    The magic Tree in the middle of the forest will eat your berry and if you (for want of a better word) "feed" it a Pokemon you befriended in the forest, it will spit the Pokemon back to your game where you can catch it in High Link.

    To access High Link, turn on your C-Gear, and tap a Wireless button and then tap the left icon that has a down arrow on it. One weird teleport later and bam! High Link!

    IF you've woken up your sleeping Pokemon after a game of Dream World, any items you put in the chest in your house will be held by a little boy who will gladly give them to you. IF you fed the tree a Pokemon, the boy will also give you a Dream Ball ( I think). IF you fed the Tree a Pokemon then wander into the forest where it will be dazed and utter disgusted at what it has gone through, catch it and it's all yours.

    Oh and another thing, if you have friends in your Pal Pad the game checks if they have a Dream World account during Game Sync, if they do, you get a neighbour. Neighbours can water each others berries, swap items on the swap shelf and call over to have a cup of tea. Other than that I'm not all that sure what else that does.

    If anyone wants to be my Dream World Stalker add my fc 4383 7789 0275. You know you have me on Dream World when you find user ID Buzzthebatgirl and Pokemon with English nicknames :p

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Cheers Buzz!
    I'd heard about the high link but between the nightmare of the registration process and the ridiculous load times on the PGL I didn't pursue it. I have a Nidoran0+ and Stantler waiting to be sacrificed to The Angry Oak when I get home then :)

    Friend Code 3481 8594 0683
    Trainer Akira
    PGL User ID : Nunberry

    For other players, there's a DeviantArt page that has a brilliant translation of the registration page. I found it 2 minutes after my registration went through :)
    I can't open the link but the user name looks right :

  • Registered Users Posts: 866 ✭✭✭Buzzthebatgirl

    I'm pretty sure you can only feed the Tree one Pokemon at a time... The Dream World has been under maintance all day and is set to be back up in an hour's time. I'll post up picture diary when I go back on and post it up here. Might serve as a guide of sorts for those who get stuck.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Looks like there's a guide on GameFaqs :

    One thing I'd be interested in knowing - I'm trying to log into the PGL from a system other than the one I originally registered on. It's asking for a 7 digit numerical login so that's not my Trainer ID, Friend Code or Synch code. Any idea what it wants?
    (Apologies for using you like some sort of living pokégoogle)

  • Registered Users Posts: 866 ✭✭✭Buzzthebatgirl

    Banjo wrote: »
    Looks like there's a guide on GameFaqs :

    One thing I'd be interested in knowing - I'm trying to log into the PGL from a system other than the one I originally registered on. It's asking for a 7 digit numerical login so that's not my Trainer ID, Friend Code or Synch code. Any idea what it wants?
    (Apologies for using you like some sort of living pokégoogle)
    It could just want your PGL (Pokémon Global Link) ID & Password, or the ID the Daisku club sends you as your ID with them.

    So today I decided to record my day in the Dream World via photographs. Today we have Viper the Seviper (don't have a Japanese game to Pokéshift Dark-Fang yet). I don't know if shinies will have shiny pictures in the Dream World, guess that's something to discover :D

    So we start off in front of my little hut, meet Viper the unimpressed Seviper:

    Clicking on one of the arrows bring me to my Trading Shelf, it's pretty bear right now:

    And here's the Magic Rainbow (for want of another name), No Viper! We must tend to our berries first!:

    Yeah, Harvest time!:

    Back inside my hut, it ain't much, but it's home:

    Clicking on the Notice Board and you can see the Pokémon I've sent to my Black game:

    And on to the Magic Rainbow, it leads to the Magic Forest (that sounds good, let's call it that from now on). The number in the Top Left tells me how many steps I can walk before reaching the Magic Tree:

    Holy Fudge a LOTAD! It wants to play a game with me:

    Lotad wants to play Wailord's Balls (that's the actual name!). In this game you control Wailord by moving the mouse left and right, click to spray water and bounce Meowth, Buizel, Piplup and Pikachu into their balloons. Pop the balloons to earn points:

    Lotad has a happy and I get to see it's gender and one of it's moves:

    Oran Berry FIND:

    OH it's a sparkly bush!:


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  • Registered Users Posts: 866 ✭✭✭Buzzthebatgirl

    Sparkly bushes mean berries:

    A shaking bush/tree/water means a Pokémon is hiding, in this case it's Nidoran o-+:

    And guess what......he also wants to play a game with me. This time it's Pelipper's game, In this game you aim Pelipper by moving the flags that are mapped to your cursor, you collect the water icons (three give you a Pelipper Boost), avoid the clouds (they slow you down) and avoid the Zaps (they freeze you for a second, during this time you can't collect anything):

    And Nidoran man has a happy:

    My steps are running low, time to click the orange icon under the step counter and return home:

    And once again, Viper and I are off:

    I forgot this earlier, it's the introduction to the Magic Forest:

    I got mugged by a SHINX, and he wants to "play" with me. Sure Buddy, I don't want to get hurt:

    And it's the Blasted Ice Cream game. I hate this game, really hate. First you pick one of your berries, and click on the three colours to make an ice cream scoop. You then dump the scoops on top of each other and try to pile them as high as you can. If a scoop falls off, it doesn't count.

    Anyway Shinx has a happy and doesn't know how bad I fail at Ice Cream game:

    I find a Taillow:

    And play Wailord's Balls again, I love this game:

    Taillow has a happy and I find a Poochyena:

    I play Pelliper again, and this is what happens if you hit a Zap:


  • Registered Users Posts: 866 ✭✭✭Buzzthebatgirl

    Poochyena thinks I'm super cool and becomes my friend. After which a Bidoof appears, do I really want to play with Bidoof?!

    I play Ice Cream with Bidoof, this time I get an Epic Emmy Scoop Pile for once!:

    Bidoof thinks I am awesome:

    I get attacked by a Rattata:

    And play Pelipper again, see a pattern emerging here?

    Lickitung jumps me as I click the next section:

    And this time I get to play Find X, in this case Budew:

    Controls are simple, click the arrows to move, click the bushes/trees/lake/clouds to shake out a Pokémon/berry and try to find the Wanted Pokémon before time runs out:

    Lickitung is dead impressed with my finding skillz:

    Igglybuff wants to play:

    and it wants to play blasted Ice Cream Stack, gaaaaaaa:

    Well at least he's happy:

    Viper and I head home for a little rest before our final run for today:

    It's another Poochyena:


  • Registered Users Posts: 866 ✭✭✭Buzzthebatgirl

    Another game of Pelipper, with added Pelipper Boost!

    And another happy Pokémon for my collection:

    This is a plain view of the forest, clicking on the arrows with direct you to a new area. If anyone played the Pokémon Labyrinth game you'll feel at home navigating the Dream World:

    I find berries and a Pokéball:

    And finally we reach the Dream Tree. The Pokémon in the bubbles are other random people's sleeping Pokémon:

    Click on the sparkles and select a berry to feed to the tree:

    Then you can select a Pokémon to send to your game from those you have found:

    Bearing in mind that females can breed down their Dream World Abilites, I now choose females over males. Go Poochyena!

    After you visit the Tree you get booted out, no more Rainbow for you Viper:

    Time to refresh my Swap Shelf:

    I have to remember to SAVE by pressing the POWER button:

    Click Yes a few times and you get back to the main Global Link menu. The highlighted section tells you how long you have until you can enter the Dream World. You can only enter the Dream World for 1 hour, after which you must wait 23 hours before you can get in again.


  • Registered Users Posts: 866 ✭✭✭Buzzthebatgirl

    And to my game. I turn on the C-Gear and tap the Wi-fi and log on:

    Keep tapping A or the Top Word and wake up Viper, as Viper was walking up all the items I put into the Chest in my Hut and the Poochyena I met were falling down from his dream:

    Then I Tap Wireless:

    Tap this green thing to access the High Link Section:

    And yeah, High Link:

    Stuff in the chest in your hut get given to you by this boy:

    Into the forest and there's my Poochy!

    Talk to it and battle begins:

    Just chuck this odd ball and it's yours:

    Exit the High Link by stepping on the teleporter in the main area and you're back to reality.

    Here's my Poochyena, I've not bothered to SR for nature, IVs or Shinyness:

    And that's my Dream World adventure for tonight, hope you enjoyed it :P

    Major apologies for the triple posting!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,536 ✭✭✭TheChrisD

    Here's my Poochyena, I've not bothered to SR for nature, IVs or Shinyness:

    Wait, is that Poison Fang...?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 866 ✭✭✭Buzzthebatgirl

    TheChrisD wrote: »
    Wait, is that Poison Fang...?
    Proberly is. Dream World Pokes have extra moves to go along with the extra abilities. It's usually egg moves or previous Gen Tutor moves.

    My view on Dream World is, if it's not a Speed Boost Torchic (which is coming soon) then it ain't worth getting excited over.

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    how far into the game do you need to go to activate HighLink? I have the button but I get a system message (well, it has a black background) when I launch it. Currently have 2 badges...

  • Registered Users Posts: 866 ✭✭✭Buzzthebatgirl

    Banjo wrote: »
    how far into the game do you need to go to activate HighLink? I have the button but I get a system message (well, it has a black background) when I launch it. Currently have 2 badges...
    As far as I know you only need the C-Gear to access High Link. I was able to go there when I finally bothered to turn on my C-Gear (since it broadcasts wireless signal during your time there and drains battery).

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Investigated (using GTSOOI methodology) :
    um.. i got a pending tutorial but i can post it here:

    well, since i couldn't rightly figure it out, i sat down and took my time doing this, hope everyone enjoys ^__^

    In-game stuff you need:
    1. The C-Gear
    2. Access to the 4th gym city
    3. Friends/relatives that have this game also

    okay, well since a few source sites didn't have proper info on the high-link, im making a brief walk-through/guide to play with your wireless features for this game :P

    ok, here goes..

    Well if you want to host anyone for the high-link, at least have access to the city that has the 4th gym in it, now everyone that wants to join the host, they will have to use the high-link feature in the C-Gear, once your in the main area of the high-link, you will see on both sides of the area that you warped to has a barrier on each of the bridges, wait near one of the barriers for a signal from the host game.
    When you get a signal from the host, go ahead and walk through the barrier at that point you will turn into your multiplayer avatar and then you should notice the map on the bottom of your screen showing where the host is, go ahead and click on where the host is and you will warp to the area, here comes the fun part now, you can actually warp to areas that the host doesn't have unlock, a quick win for hide the poke ball mission.

    hope this guide is helpful for the people that was wondering about the high-link feature for the new Pokemon games out right now

    additional info:
    from the look of the map, the diamond shape area on the map is all of the high link and from what i could tell these cities are part of the high-link:
    5th gym/city
    6th gym/city
    7th gym/city

    i suggest for the most fun with the high-link, wait till you get most all of the cities unlocked before trying this, hope everyone finds this useful, since a few sites didn't even have this

    If you tore through the Gyms you probably didn't even notice. Despite promising myself I wouldn't, I'm slavishly training up every single Mon I catch, and I roll old-school : I catch 'em all... This whole proportional XP gain thing is a real kick in the nards for obsessives...

  • Registered Users Posts: 866 ✭✭✭Buzzthebatgirl

    Banjo wrote: »
    Investigated (using GTSOOI methodology) :

    If you tore through the Gyms you probably didn't even notice. Despite promising myself I wouldn't, I'm slavishly training up every single Mon I catch, and I roll old-school : I catch 'em all... This whole proportional XP gain thing is a real kick in the nards for obsessives...
    The Dream World wasn't running when I got the game, so I had not much else to do but play the main game, and trust me, not evolving your starter until Lv48 odd until you can breed it does not count as ripping through the game. I've been catching and evoling any and all things that have come my way.

    The Dream World has been constantly delayed and has many restrictions to playing as it can't keep up with the demand from the servers/users/whatever IT thing it is.

    I really want to play in the High Link, but I think it's only wireless, so I have to wait for Avatan's copy to arrive :P

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Where *do* you youngsters get the time for all that grinding? (Would that sound less creepy if I called it levelling up?)

    Can the sleeping Pokemon awaken on their own? Was on the dream world 2 nights ago, clicked on the lowest button on the left hand side of the world - started displaying a zoomed out view of the island and then hung there loading. Eventually timed out and wouldn't let me back into the dream world 'cause my window had closed for 24 hours. Came back today, logged in and my sleeping 'Mon is gone but the berries I planted are still growing, so it saved something I did on my last visit.... Will have to wait till I get home to see if the little bugger comes back to me. Shame to miss out on another opportunity to play IceCream Architect. Just as well it was a spare Yooterii and not something I'd be sad to lose though.

  • Registered Users Posts: 866 ✭✭✭Buzzthebatgirl

    Banjo wrote: »
    Where *do* you youngsters get the time for all that grinding? (Would that sound less creepy if I called it levelling up?)

    Can the sleeping Pokemon awaken on their own? Was on the dream world 2 nights ago, clicked on the lowest button on the left hand side of the world - started displaying a zoomed out view of the island and then hung there loading. Eventually timed out and wouldn't let me back into the dream world 'cause my window had closed for 24 hours. Came back today, logged in and my sleeping 'Mon is gone but the berries I planted are still growing, so it saved something I did on my last visit.... Will have to wait till I get home to see if the little bugger comes back to me. Shame to miss out on another opportunity to play IceCream Architect. Just as well it was a spare Yooterii and not something I'd be sad to lose though.
    From what I can figure out, the website can wake a sleeping 'mon when you finish, but you then have to wake them up on your DS before you can send another 'mon to Dream World

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Yeah, that seems to be the case. There's also a limit on how soon after you wake a Mon up you can put another Mon to sleep. I don't know what that limit is, or how long you have to wait but I can confirm that it's longer than 0 seconds.

    Incidentally, got High Road access yesterday. You finish the fourth Gym, leave town heading west and come to some sort of soup kitchen / chip van, battle a dude who's head may or may not be on fire and there you go. Makes perfect sense....

  • Registered Users Posts: 10,485 ✭✭✭✭Banjo

    Sorry to reanimate this thread - with a double-post, no less - but is anyone else having problems connecting to the Dream world recently? My game goes through the motions of connecting, I get the game sync screen and then I get a 3 word message with no error code (3 chars, 3 chars, 7 chars, best described as :
    1. L' ; =/poundsign hybrid ; l and curly t
    2. Fish ; pretzel ; t and c dogging
    3. 4 ; round T ; L'; curly Z; curly t ; a 5 missing the vertical bar ; cross '' over a fallen over j
    then it goes back to the smoke=blowing elephant screen... I have nothing to catch on the highroad - checked all the "rooms" - and I do have a creature asleep but I can't wake him up - he's been there over a week now. If I connect to the Dreamworld website my animal is still there and he can't go on the rainbow road, there's message on that screen. Is this an error or some sort of bizarre event to tie-in with the release of Inception on DVD?

    Edit :
    OK, I got the little bugger back. Not sure what the error meant, but I'm thinking at some point I didn't hit the save button before quitting the Dreamworld and since then I've only ever logged in to see if he was still there or not so it was waiting for me to save the online game or something like that. Yesterday I watered all my berries, clicked off and back he came. Apart from clicking Off, the only thing different between yesterday and every other time I've logged on was I used Firefox instead of IE but that's hardly likely to be the problem.

    By the way, if you got Arceus in the promo but he didn't appear yet, search deeper in the forest, mine was in the furthest back "room" heading up the middle exits. I thought you only get him after the E4 but I hadn't beaten the 8th Gym at that point and I still got him...

  • Registered Users Posts: 866 ✭✭✭Buzzthebatgirl

    Banjo wrote: »
    Sorry to reanimate this thread - with a double-post, no less - but is anyone else having problems connecting to the Dream world recently? My game goes through the motions of connecting, I get the game sync screen and then I get a 3 word message with no error code (3 chars, 3 chars, 7 chars, best described as :
    1. L' ; =/poundsign hybrid ; l and curly t
    2. Fish ; pretzel ; t and c dogging
    3. 4 ; round T ; L'; curly Z; curly t ; a 5 missing the vertical bar ; cross '' over a fallen over j
    then it goes back to the smoke=blowing elephant screen... I have nothing to catch on the highroad - checked all the "rooms" - and I do have a creature asleep but I can't wake him up - he's been there over a week now. If I connect to the Dreamworld website my animal is still there and he can't go on the rainbow road, there's message on that screen. Is this an error or some sort of bizarre event to tie-in with the release of Inception on DVD?

    Edit :
    OK, I got the little bugger back. Not sure what the error meant, but I'm thinking at some point I didn't hit the save button before quitting the Dreamworld and since then I've only ever logged in to see if he was still there or not so it was waiting for me to save the online game or something like that. Yesterday I watered all my berries, clicked off and back he came. Apart from clicking Off, the only thing different between yesterday and every other time I've logged on was I used Firefox instead of IE but that's hardly likely to be the problem.

    By the way, if you got Arceus in the promo but he didn't appear yet, search deeper in the forest, mine was in the furthest back "room" heading up the middle exits. I thought you only get him after the E4 but I hadn't beaten the 8th Gym at that point and I still got him...
    My Arceus was hanging out in the back of the forest smoking Rare Candies and too cool for the other 'mon.

    As for the errors, try photographing the screen. The most common error I have is if I accidentally awake a sleeping mon and then try putting another to sleep in the same day. The game just farts at me and spews some text with a 1 in it (once a day, bud!).

    There's a few more goodies available via the GL folks! You can grab a nifty fan art skin of dark kitty Pokemon and a Chansey reject skin with the following passwords in the campaign button:
    Seems the Chansey one doesn't need a password, fail on me

    BTW. NTL cut my Internet off early and I'm staying with pals in London until I can move into my new apartment. My posting is going to be irregular for quite some time. Love to Pokemon players in Dublin :) [/off topic]

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