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9-11 Debate on Coast To Coast AM



  • Registered Users Posts: 19,309 ✭✭✭✭alastair

    Well, I think that's obvious, what you believe, but good anyway to see you've nailed your colours to the mast. Did you listen to that CTC debate?

    It was fair and balanced, I thought.

    I did - it's not an argument that's suited to radio imo - given that the technical issues are better reviewed on paper. Decent enough moderation though. Gage is pretty much in the game of repeating questions that have been fully answered time and time again, and the whole business of ignoring the logical consequences of his theory is disingenuous to say the least - he's doing well out of it all the same - a sucker born every minute.

    Also interesting that neither of them had actually been in the WTC.

  • Registered Users Posts: 55 ✭✭joe12345

    personally i found ian punnett conpletey biased towards the official
    you could clearly tell this by his huffing and puffing when gage was
    talking and he repeatedly asking him the same question about who
    actually done it. Gage repeated several times he is just presenting
    evidence and it is not his place to say - thats why he is calling for
    a new investigation to find out .....

    ...and punnett with other brainless questions such as:
    'so richard why is the collaspe of WTC building 7 so important?'

    as a moderator he should have tried to stay neutrual but he failed
    to achieve that ...

    and also that skeptic/debunker is just not going to change his mind
    no matter what and either is gage. The both have big time agendas
    and the debate is just goes around in circles.

    at the end of the day these debates are just a waste of time

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,771 ✭✭✭Dude111

    Maybe he was scared to talk about HOW HE FELT on OPEN RADIO who knows...

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,087 ✭✭✭Duiske

    alastair wrote: »

    Also interesting that neither of them had actually been in the WTC.

    Why is that interesting ? Serious question.
