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6-Time Killer Israeli "Hero" Commando Inadvertantly Exposes Israeli Lies



  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    This is supposedly communications between the IDF and the Mavi Marmara and was released by Israel and titled

    "Radio Transmission from Mavi Marmara to Israeli Navy"

    Fortunately for Israel the content seems to be quite damning. ""Shut up, go back to Auschwitz." and "We're helping Arabs go against the US, don't forget 9/11 guy". Comments like that to the uncritical and ignorant US citizen ends with Americans continuing to sponsor mass murder.

    Wow convenient...

    Only problem is though it seems like the recording is a fake.

    Here is an earlier video released of communications between the Mavi Marmara and the Israeli army. The response

    "Negative, Negative, our destination is Gaza."

    Notice it is an ACTUAL moving video of the same two guys and not a still and notice the complete lack of anti-semitism.

    There is one more Guatemalan sized hole in their official story.

    The woman's voice in the first recording which according the Israeli army came from the Mavi Marmara is the voice of Huwaida Arraf, who was never actually on the Mavi Marmara, she was on another ship of the flotilla - Challenger 1.
    Radio transmissions released by the IDF which allegedly document provocative and offensive remarks by Mavi Marmara crewmembers are fraudulent according to other members of the Freedom Flotilla.

    Huwaida Arraf, who was on the Challenger 1, another ship in the convoy, has confirmed that her voice is featured in the recordings of what are said to be transmissions between the Mavi Maramara and the Israeli Navy. In this part of the recording, she can be heard saying, "we have permission from the Gaza Port Authority to enter."

    Arraf claims that the presence of her voice in the alleged transmissions "proves that the audio has been edited by the IDF and sheds serious doubt on the authenticity of the audio material as a whole, as does the sound and voice quality of the other statements supposedly made by people on the Mavi Marmara."

    All video and audio taken by journalists and passengers on the night of the flotilla raid has been confiscated by Israel, which is only releasing highly edited segments to the media.

    For voice comparisons and an account of what happened to her on THE CHALLENGER. Here she is interviewed by RT

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Israel in attempt to show the world how wonderful it is to live trapped under an illegal occupation released this video to journalists of a Gazan restaurant.

    They slipped up again though:o

    The footage shows PLO Chairman Mahmud Abbas as one of its diners. Abbas hasn't been to Gaza since the siege on Gaza began.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    I don't know who this guy is or what he is doing but it certainly has nothing to do with the massacre on this Turkish ship.


    This was one of the picture released by the IDF on their Flickr account. Who as TalkieWalkie already pointed out were more fabrications, with photos dating back to 2003 and 2006.

    It is run with the caption
    An activist on board the Gaza flotilla holding a knife after Israel Navy commandos boarded their ship on May 31, 2010.
    Photo by: Provided by IDF Spokesperson's Office

    Today on the normally reliable Haaretz website.

    "AFTER THE ATTACK" WTF? Look out the window, see how bright it is? The attack happened at 6am in pitch black darkness.

    This is insane. People gathered round clapping hands, smiling and laughing "after" 9 of their crew have just been killed??? Obviously the knife wielding guy is non-threatening, nobody is even looking at him or in any way threatened by him. They are more concerned at whatever is happening to the left of the photographer. Maybe it is the Arab crocodile dundee whipping out his even bigger knife:rolleyes:

    And who took the photo???

    Heavily armed IDF commandos desperately fighting for their lives against chairs? Who took the time to get a souvenir??? How can some people be so dumb as to believe this complete bull****?

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    I don't know who this guy is or what he is doing but it certainly has nothing to do with the massacre on this Turkish ship.


    This was one of the picture released by the IDF on their Flickr account. Who as TalkieWalkie already pointed out were more fabrications, with photos dating back to 2003 and 2006.

    It is run with the caption

    Today on the normally reliable Haaretz website.

    "AFTER THE ATTACK" WTF? Look out the window, see how bright it is? The attack happened at 6am in pitch black darkness.

    This is insane. People gathered round clapping hands, smiling and laughing "after" 9 of their crew have just been killed??? Obviously the knife wielding guy is non-threatening, nobody is even looking at him or in any way threatened by him. They are more concerned at whatever is happening to the left of the photographer. Maybe it is the Arab crocodile dundee whipping out his even bigger knife:rolleyes:

    And who took the photo???

    Heavily armed IDF commandos desperately fighting for their lives against chairs? Who took the time to get a souvenir??? How can some people be so dumb as to believe this complete bull****?

    This is the latest version now :rolleyes:



    To make the guy more threatening they had to remove the whole background; but that meant removing the actual knife :D:D:D. We are all being lied to:mad::mad:

    Actually........Looking closer at them side-by-side the originial (lower pic here, is not actually the full pic either. :eek:

    The cropped picture (without the extra people ) shows the guy with the checked shirts folded hands and terrorist knifemans breast pocket, with what looks to be a pen.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    This is supposedly communications between the IDF and the Mavi Marmara and was released by Israel and titled

    "Radio Transmission from Mavi Marmara to Israeli Navy"

    Fortunately for Israel the content seems to be quite damning. ""Shut up, go back to Auschwitz." and "We're helping Arabs go against the US, don't forget 9/11 guy". Comments like that to the uncritical and ignorant US citizen ends with Americans continuing to sponsor mass murder.

    Wow convenient...

    Only problem is though it seems like the recording is a fake.

    Here is an earlier video released of communications between the Mavi Marmara and the Israeli army. The response

    "Negative, Negative, our destination is Gaza."

    Notice it is an ACTUAL moving video of the same two guys and not a still and notice the complete lack of anti-semitism.

    There is one more Guatemalan sized hole in their official story.

    The woman's voice in the first recording which according the Israeli army came from the Mavi Marmara is the voice of Huwaida Arraf, who was never actually on the Mavi Marmara, she was on another ship of the flotilla - Challenger 1.

    For voice comparisons and an account of what happened to her on THE CHALLENGER. Here she is interviewed by RT

    IDF admits doctoring audio transmission

    However, they are stil lying
    According to our Captain of Challenger 1, Denis Healey, a man with 25 years of experience on the sea, there would be no way that anyone could communicate with each other without the entire fleet hearing the exchange. “There was no exchange like this by anyone on any boat during the entire time I was piloting the boat,” said Denis.
    Huwaida Arraf, the woman you hear on the radio, concurred. “The open channel is always the open channel, and everyone knows who is on the radio.”
    All radio transmissions on the sea are heard by all captains. Once again, Israel is caught in a lie trying to defned itself for the murder and mayhem it committed the morning of May 31, 2010.

    Don't know about anyone else but "don't forget 911 guy" person sounds exactly like one of the "Flotilla Choir" kunts pretending to be an Arab, i.e. and Israeli impersonating an Arab.

    @1.33 here

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  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    How convenient. Finally with the civilised worlds attention and sympathy Palestinian militants go and blow it all by travelling into the blockaded Gazan waters and try to fire off some rockets.

    How unimaginably stupid of them. It is almost as if they are somehow trying to prolong their own death and suffering through actions that only benefit Israel
    Lets go to CNN to find out what happened.
    Jerusalem (CNN) -- The Israeli military said Monday it thwarted a terror attack when it fired on a group of Palestinians in diving gear at sea off Gaza.

    The statement by the Israel Defense Forces did not offer additional details other than to say that no soldiers were hurt.

    Hamas security forces said four Palestinians were killed and their bodies brought to a hospital. Search was under way to find a fifth body.

    Al Aqsa -- the armed wing of Fatah, Hamas' rival -- confirmed the men belonged to their organization and were on a suicide mission.

    In northern Gaza, one man was injured in an Israeli air strike Monday morning, Palestinian officials said.

    The "air force attacked a group of terrorists who were prepared to fire rockets into Israel in the northern Gaza strip," said an Israel Defense Forces spokesman. "About 10 rockets and mortars were fired into Israel in the past several weeks."

    Israel said it holds Hamas, the Palestinian faction in control of Gaza, responsible for the rocket attacks into Israel.

    There is so much wrong with this report I don't know where to start.

    1. Israel routinely murders fishermen of the Gaza coast, just for fishing.
    Last Wednesday [12 December], around five in the evening, I went to sea in a small, seven-meter motorboat I own. My brother Sa'id and another fisherman who works with us, Hamdan Barhum, were also in the boat ... We threw out the nets and waited for the fish to get caught ... After waiting about ninety minutes, I felt that fish were in the net, and we began to lift them out of the water ... Then we started back to shore.

    When we got to about one hundred meters from shore, I heard shooting. It was about seven o'clock and it was dark. The boat started shaking a lot, we fell into the sea. I didn't see where the shots came from, but I am sure it came from the Israeli warship that was at sea. I didn't see anything else in the water ... The boat was hit, apparently by a shell. The three of us were injured by shell fragments ... Sa'id and I were hospitalized for three days. Hamdan was very seriously injured, so he is still in the hospital.

    And humiliates them :mad:
    Isma'il Basleh described what happened to him:

    On Monday [ 1 January 2007 ], I went out to sea with my brother Samir and with Aymen al-Jabur. We were going to fish ... In the distance, I saw an Israeli warship approaching us. It stopped about thirty meters from us and fired into the air ... The captain ordered me to follow him ... We went about 6.5 kilometers, and then he ordered me to stop and turn off the motor. The captain ordered me to disconnect the gas lines ... and to take off my clothes. I stood there in my underwear. It was very cold and there was a strong wind ... The captain ordered me to swim toward the Israeli ship, which was about twenty meters from my boat. I began to swim, and when I got close to the ship, it moved further and further away, until it was about one hundred meters from my boat ... I told the captain "Have mercy. I am tired," but he told me to shut up. ... The sailors threw down a ladder and pulled me up to the deck. They shoved me onto a rough iron plank that the sailors stand on so they don't slip. One of the sailors blindfolded me and bound my hands and legs from behind. He dragged me about twenty meters on the rough iron board and then ordered me to sit on one of the cannons on deck ...

    2. All we know about what actually happened is that the Israeli airforce killed 4/5 Palestinians and that the IDF cannot be trusted.

    The Israeli version of events is absurd.

    "Al Aqsa -- the armed wing of Fatah, Hamas' rival -- confirmed the men belonged to their organization and were on a suicide mission."

    a) Fatah are not just Hamas' rival they are deadly enemies. This is important to remember for just a little later. They very recently had a violent battle for control of the Gaza Strip.

    b) Fatah are US puppets. They are bankrolled and armed by the US. They had to fuly retreat into the West Bank which they control with Isreal in between and all around.

    c) I don't suppose anyone thought of asking Al Aqsa what exactly their men were trying to achieve. Has anyone ever heard of a "suicide mission" where you fire rockets? Maybe they couldn't swim:rolleyes:. Completely contrived bull****.

    Israels version of events

    The "air force attacked a group of terrorists who were prepared to fire rockets into Israel in the northern Gaza strip," said an Israel Defense Forces spokesman. "About 10 rockets and mortars were fired into Israel in the past several weeks."

    How did they know they were a "group of terrorists"?

    How did they know they were "prepared to fire rockets into Israel in the northern Gaza strip,"?

    I assume it was a case of shoot now ask questions later. Surely it is illegal to kill someone because you assume they are going to commit a crime?

    If they were going to fire from "the northern Gaza strip" why then not just fire from land?

    Where they aware their actions support the existence of the blockade? This doesn't make a scrap of sense.

    The Outcome

    Israel said it holds Hamas, the Palestinian faction in control of Gaza, responsible for the rocket attacks into Israel."

    Totally illogical and not to mention immoral. By holding Hamas responsible they actually mean holding the civilian population of Gaza responsible. Every man, woman and child. They are going to punish everybody for what looks to me like them murdering fishermen in cold blood on the Gaza shore.

    As I've mentioned before Hamas and Fatah are sworn enemies. It is like Eircom in error cutting you off and then calling up BT to complain, or more realistically finding a hair in your Big Mac and petrol-bombing Burger King trapping everyone inside and letting them burn to death. With Israel you can be guaranteed that innocent blood will spill. Makes no sense whatsoever.

    I can't even imagine how these 5 Fatah "militants" could even breach Israeli blockade between Gaza and the West Bank. I mean people haven't seen their own families trapped on the other side in years.

    I've waffled way to long here, sorry:p

    Finally this is the Israeli version of events:

    5 Palestinians from the West Bank somehow breached our blockade on Gaza got into the water in boat? maybe they were swimming with their rocket launchers??? Luckily we seen some people in a boat so we blew it and the people inside to little pieces. It is okay though, they were terrorists, they had facial hair and dark skin. Remember folks the blockade is neccessary to prevent another holocaust.

  • Registered Users Posts: 15,443 ✭✭✭✭bonkey

    Finally this is the Israeli version of events:

    5 Palestinians from the West Bank somehow breached our blockade on Gaza got into the water in boat? maybe they were swimming with their rocket launchers??? Luckily we seen some people in a boat so we blew it and the people inside to little pieces. It is okay though, they were terrorists, they had facial hair and dark skin. Remember folks the blockade is neccessary to prevent another holocaust.

    Is that really the Israeli version, or are you just making up what you want us to believe the Israeli version would sound like?

    If the latter, don't you find it ironic to be using the same approach that you've spent most of this thread decrying?

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    bonkey wrote: »
    Is that really the Israeli version, or are you just making up what you want us to believe the Israeli version would sound like?

    If the latter, don't you find it ironic to be using the same approach that you've spent most of this thread decrying?

    Neither. It was failed sarcasm. I don't know what happened, but what I do know is that there was zero integrity/investigation into the report which just regurgitated the Isreali propoganda.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,406 ✭✭✭PirateShampoo

    So they admit they tried to take the commandos fire arms.

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  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    So they admit they tried to take the commandos fire arms.

    As opposed to just standing there and getting shot? (Did you watch the assasination video I posted in the other thread? Looks to me liked one commando kicked a defenseless man unconscious and then the other fired off four point-blank shots into his brain)

    That is a no-brainer don't you think?

    Don't you find it admirable that they subdued people who were trying to murder them, and did actually murder some them and they didn't respond in kind when the opportunity presented itself?

    That tells you all you need to know.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,406 ✭✭✭PirateShampoo

    It doesnt tell me all i need to know, all it tells me is his version of events.

    Like i keep telling you, there are to versions to every story, you just look at the anti Israeli. You keep showing your self to be completely closed minded on the whole subject.

    For all we know he could of sparked off the whole shootings by taking the gun.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    So they admit they tried to take the commandos fire arms.

    No they "DID" take them, they had complete control of 3 commando's, did you watch the video?.
    To be honest the aid/peace activists were quite tame, after just witnessing their friends being murdered it would take great restraint not to blast them with their own weapons.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,627 ✭✭✭uprising2

    You keep showing your self to be completely closed minded on the whole subject.

    I'm lost for words......

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    It doesnt tell me all i need to know, all it tells me is his version of events.

    Like i keep telling you, there are to versions to every story, you just look at the anti Israeli. You keep showing your self to be completely closed minded on the whole subject.

    No. Thats crazy talk. This isn't a story, 9 people lost their lives. There is not two sides to every story - there is the truth.

    And as for "his version of events" who else's version is he supposed to tell? Are you implying that he is lying without actual reason to believe so?
    For all we know he could of sparked off the whole shootings by taking the gun.

    For all YOU know perhaps...

    Take a step back....take a deep breath, read your last comment and realise just how nonsensical you claim is.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    I don't know who this guy is or what he is doing but it certainly has nothing to do with the massacre on this Turkish ship.


    This was one of the picture released by the IDF on their Flickr account. Who as TalkieWalkie already pointed out were more fabrications, with photos dating back to 2003 and 2006.

    It is run with the caption

    Today on the normally reliable Haaretz website.

    "AFTER THE ATTACK" WTF? Look out the window, see how bright it is? The attack happened at 6am in pitch black darkness.

    This is insane. People gathered round clapping hands, smiling and laughing "after" 9 of their crew have just been killed??? Obviously the knife wielding guy is non-threatening, nobody is even looking at him or in any way threatened by him. They are more concerned at whatever is happening to the left of the photographer. Maybe it is the Arab crocodile dundee whipping out his even bigger knife:rolleyes:

    And who took the photo???

    Heavily armed IDF commandos desperately fighting for their lives against chairs? Who took the time to get a souvenir??? How can some people be so dumb as to believe this complete bull****?


    [FONT=Verdana,Arial] [/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial]Nailed Again: IDF Description of Suspicious Photo It Distributed Is Retracted[/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana,Arial] [/FONT][FONT=Verdana,Arial] Max Blumenthal[/FONT]

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Personally I don't know what to make of this but these guys are claiming the Israeli released footage of the attack was faked. Maybe someone more capable can judge...

    The unraveling of this tall tale on the high seas began on the morning of Friday, June the 4th when the poster known as Shadow made the following remark to another forum poster known as JayRodney:
    "I had a close look at web pics of the Mavi Marmara and the ship in the vid that shows the Turks attacking the IDF as they land. I do not believe it is the same ship. Compare them though, I'd like your opinion on it."
    To which JayRodney responded: "I have to conclude by my initial observation 'Mavi Marmara' should be visible 36-37 seconds into the video. Octo is getting screen shots and we will make the best comparison based upon available evidence.
    I think it's safe to call shenanigans. It looks suspiciously like Mossad Productions, I'd say the margin of error is less than 1%. This is most assuredly propaganda."
    Then the proverbial bomb was dropped, irrefutable evidence provided in the form of an animated .gif file:
    The poster known as Octo said: "ok, the pics are from slightly different angles, but to the best of my knowledge at approximately the same place of the ship(s) superimposed: doesn't even look like the same ship to me."
    Proof positive! The boats name should have been visible in at least one frame of the SKY NEWS video. Not only is the ships designation 'Mavi Marmara' conspicuously absent, but the entire vessel is clearly different; it's not the same boat!
    This IDF footage is clearly fabricated, I wonder how the Israeli government will explain this away?
    Source: 1. http://whatde****.com/news/idf_video/newspage.html

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 7,225 ✭✭✭Yitzhak Rabin

    I doubt very much the footage was faked.

    Thats the thing about these theories, they spot small inconsistencies and overlook the amount of evidence that its genuine.

    So they can't see the Mavi Mara letters, but even in the footage released by that film maker on the boat, the people on the ship are wearing the exact same life vests, they are seen with the same iron bars, the same respirators. The footage looks consistent to me.

    Also given the rubbish photos, like that dude with the knife, I doubt the IDF have the competence to fake something so accurately.

    However, what is clear, is that the footage is heavily edited. Also I noticed when I looked at the film makers footage, that shots were fired before the heli with the commandos arrived. Although that said, it could have been a later heli arriving, I dont know.

  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    yekahs wrote: »
    I doubt very much the footage was faked.

    Thats the thing about these theories, they spot small inconsistencies and overlook the amount of evidence that its genuine.

    So they can't see the Mavi Mara letters, but even in the footage released by that film maker on the boat, the people on the ship are wearing the exact same life vests, they are seen with the same iron bars, the same respirators. The footage looks consistent to me.

    Also given the rubbish photos, like that dude with the knife, I doubt the IDF have the competence to fake something so accurately.

    However, what is clear, is that the footage is heavily edited. Also I noticed when I looked at the film makers footage, that shots were fired before the heli with the commandos arrived. Although that said, it could have been a later heli arriving, I dont know.

    See Its the really really bad ones that lead me to think that some of the other stuff may have been faked, like if I wanted to circulate a fake picture after an event like this I'd release a dozen or so Real, but non incriminating pictures, a few from the other side that were real, a few that were high quality fakes that looked real and some really really crappy obvious fakes, as people pore over the bad fakes the one or two planted fakes start to be bunched in with the 'Real' footage.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    I don't know who this guy is or what he is doing but it certainly has nothing to do with the massacre on this Turkish ship.


    This was one of the picture released by the IDF on their Flickr account. Who as TalkieWalkie already pointed out were more fabrications, with photos dating back to 2003 and 2006.

    It is run with the caption

    Today on the normally reliable Haaretz website.

    "AFTER THE ATTACK" WTF? Look out the window, see how bright it is? The attack happened at 6am in pitch black darkness.

    This is insane. People gathered round clapping hands, smiling and laughing "after" 9 of their crew have just been killed??? Obviously the knife wielding guy is non-threatening, nobody is even looking at him or in any way threatened by him. They are more concerned at whatever is happening to the left of the photographer. Maybe it is the Arab crocodile dundee whipping out his even bigger knife:rolleyes:

    And who took the photo???

    Heavily armed IDF commandos desperately fighting for their lives against chairs? Who took the time to get a souvenir??? How can some people be so dumb as to believe this complete bull****?

    His name is Mohammad al-Hazmi and he is a Yemini lawmaker and was a passenger on the Mavi Marmara.

    His knife is a Yemini ceremonial dagger and he was showing it off to journalists on the ship.

    Info on the "Jambiya"

    To celebrate a marriage, men dance with jambiyas drawn

    Winston | all galleries >> Yemen >> Wadi Dhahr > Man in Yemeni traditional clothing. The ceremonial dagger on his belt is called a jambiya.

    This is what al-Hazmi actually spent his time on the Mavi Marmara
    “We spent our time in reading Quran or reciting hymns, we were like one family, even the Bishop (Archbishop Hilarion Capucci) who was with us. It was a life time journey,”

    The Bishop reinforces his statement
    “Our trip to Gaza was a trip of love and God was with us. Israel by its actions had rightly drawn world outrage over its brutality against unarmed people carrying a message of love to an innocent occupied people under siege,”

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,406 ✭✭✭PirateShampoo


    Is there a conspiracy around this guy or are you just bumping this thread so you dont have to start another Anti Israeli rant thread?

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber


    so? SO?

    In this thread I have looked into some topics and shared some of what I found with the people of this forum so they would have something to discuss.

    This was your second post here
    It doesnt tell me all i need to know, all it tells me is his version of events.

    Like i keep telling you, there are to versions to every story, you just look at the anti Israeli. You keep showing your self to be completely closed minded on the whole subject.

    For all we know he could of sparked off the whole shootings by taking the gun.

    Now if you have nothing to add on the topic please add nothing, and keep your thoughts on me to yourself.
    Is there a conspiracy around this guy or are you just bumping this thread so you dont have to start another Anti Israeli rant thread?
    Yes it is quite clear.

    IDF releases a photo of this guy holding a knife proving it was a bunch of terrorists wh attacked the poor, peaceful Israeli lovebringers as they dropped in off their helipcopter to give out free hugs.

    The facts say otherwise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,473 ✭✭✭robtri

    FFS - you had to start again...

    POLITICS is that a away

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,410 ✭✭✭old_aussie

    The Israeli commandos should have shot everyone on the ship.

    Everyone supporting a terrorist group like Hamas should be shot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,351 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    "AFTER THE ATTACK" WTF? Look out the window, see how bright it is? The attack happened at 6am in pitch black darkness.
    Northern hemisphere, mid summer, it would be bright by 6am.
    Personally I don't know what to make of this but these guys are claiming the Israeli released footage of the attack was faked. Maybe someone more capable can judge...


    Source: 1. http://whatde****.com/news/idf_video/newspage.html
    The daylight photo is over exposed and the nighttime shot is in infrared, so its hard to say. The name may be on a canvas banner, its unclear, but it wouldn't show up very well in a nighttime infrared shot.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Victor wrote: »
    Northern hemisphere, mid summer, it would be bright by 6am.
    My mistake the attack began between 4 and 4.30
    Victor wrote: »
    The daylight photo is over exposed and the nighttime shot is in infrared, so its hard to say. The name may be on a canvas banner, its unclear, but it wouldn't show up very well in a nighttime infrared shot.

    Watch Iara Lee's video then. It is not disputed that the attack happened in the dead of night by even the most dishonest of the Hasbara committee.

    (sorry you edited your response as I posted mine the above, I thought you were referring to the knife picture). As for the Mavi Marmara comparisons I really can't say but I would highly doubt that the IDF footage is faked as it is in line with all sides accounts.

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    old_aussie wrote: »
    The Israeli commandos should have shot everyone on the ship.

    Everyone supporting a terrorist group like Hamas should be shot.

    You don't know what you are talking about. The vast majority of Palestinians voted for Hamas, overall, not just in the Gaza Strip. Are you seriously saying you are in favour of genocide based on voting in a free democratic election?

    The ruling party in South Africa the African National Congress, Mandela's party were once considered terrorists, should Mandela have been lynched and shot by Israeli commandos? Fatah are/where? given terrorist status by USrael, yet they are supported by the US. Where does that fit in to your narrow minded perspective?

    And that is completely ignoring the fact the the US and Israel are two biggest terrorist groups in the world. Furthermore, they both covertly and overtly sponsor terrorism around the world.

    (I believe Mossad stole some Australian passports too to commit their extra-judicial killing? - but then the rule of law should only apply to one side right? Democracy is favourable but only when you like the democracy right?)

    So they should have shot a former US Ambassodor, charity workers, European MP's, African MP's, Asian MP's, a sitting Knesset member, journalists, an author, an exiled Archbishop in his 80's, a USS Liberty survivor, Irish citizens etc etc because "they support terrorists"

  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    robtri wrote: »
    FFS - you had to start again...

    POLITICS is that a away

    fr the same reason
    Now if you have nothing to add on the topic please add nothing, and keep your thoughts on me to yourself.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,122 ✭✭✭TalkieWalkie

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  • Site Banned Posts: 8,331 ✭✭✭Brown Bomber

    Excellent video talkiewalkie. Here is further evidence of an IDF coverup.

    Despite having no authority, Israel made autopsy on the killed aid activists, got DNA samples, washed their bodies and their clothes before sending them back to hide the brutality that they used in the Mavi Marmara.

    Q. Who tries to tamper with evidence
