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Why do people hate Phil Taylor



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,182 ✭✭✭dionsiseire

    Its all well and good taylor picking up these cheque's almost uncontested but he cuts through the majority of players and the few players who can really give him a game

    Mervyn King
    James Wade

    didnt travel to killarney, for as long as the #2-6 make smaller tournaments optional to themselves taylor will clean up

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,882 ✭✭✭sc86

    jasus i knew taylor was a bit cocky but i didnt know he had gone this bad, im a big fan of his but reading stuff like this dissapoints me, the reason the game is gettin such crowds and tv coverage is basically down to his unbelivable talent, if he did stop playin it would be a big blow for darts, but its taylor bigger than the pdc?? are they afraid to say anything to him??
    if hes being a cock like this to people then i can see why some players hate him, i always thought it was jelousy but i now see theres alot more to it

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,022 ✭✭✭jamesbere

    i respect taylor alot and i think he has brought the sport to a new level which is great and i agree with one thing he said and why should he stop there is no one putting it up to him so i think he should keep goin.

    but on the other hand i think he is a bit of an ass and has this attitude that he can walk on water which is wrong cos alot of young people look up to him and he looks down on alot of players, they work just as hard as him but at least they can find time to mix with other players and have photos with fans as in killarney this weekend.

    so i move for this thread to be stopped cos it could go on forever and lets get back to talking about darts not phil taylor.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,282 ✭✭✭Carrickman

    Before you lock this I too was also shocked by the whole Taylor circus over the weekend he has really gone down in my estimations as I was one of those who would stand up for him but not anymore.
