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Strangest/Weirdest Things You've Witnessed?



  • Registered Users Posts: 2,100 ✭✭✭eightyfish

    A 'fully laced up doc martin'?

    It's a shoe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 456 ✭✭twenty8

    I remember one very very warm day, looking down from the 14th storey of an office building in Sydney to see the street closed and about 20 police cars, 10 fire brigades and 10 ambulances strewn all over the streets below me. Looked something like SimCity. It was Georges St - the main street of Sydney.

    Something to do with an envelope that I had opened earlier. It was very warm and the place was strangely quiet and deserted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,492 ✭✭✭upmeath

    Dunno if someone got there before me, but...

    Did you ever see a man eat his own head? :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,492 ✭✭✭upmeath

    A man eat his own head.

    Ah f*ck!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 564 ✭✭✭Jason Mc

    I saw ppl paying for water. Just a wee small bottle off the stuff.

    Then I saw people paying for oxygen

    What next?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 26,061 ✭✭✭✭Terry

    jigglywoo wrote: »
    I live in the middle of town and two horses wandered in to our garden 20 mins ago :confused:

    If it's Dublin you're talking about, then I'm not surprised by that in any way at all.

    I saw a neighbour throw a pair of shoes out the window last week.
    That was fairly odd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,862 ✭✭✭✭Busi_Girl08

    One morning I woke up to a cow wondering around my front garden.

    Then in the distance, on the green in front of the house were the rest of the herd.

    This happened about 3 more times until someone saw fit to put some barbed wire in the gap between the trees.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,912 ✭✭✭✭Mimikyu

    This post has been deleted.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,712 ✭✭✭neil_hosey

    ward071 wrote: »
    while working as electrician in the middle of nowhere in some old community centre. there was two of us working there and i went out side for a fag. we were totally surrounded by fields and while looking into one of them and i seen something running across a field and when i focused in it was some sort of extremley large cat. and i dont mean the size of dog or anything i mean the size of maybe a calf. it was the wierdest thing i ever seen then it ran up a tree. no body ever believes me with this story but dont really care ha ha.:p

    and also i was not taking any drugs at the time of this incident ha ha

    that'd be the beast..

    some common characteristics:
    * It has claws as big as cups (Dougal)
    * It has four ears, two for listening and two "are sort of back-up ears". Some might be on the inside of its head (Dougal)
    * It has a retractable leg so it "can leap up at you better" (Dougal)
    * It has magnets on its tail, so "if you're made out of metal, it can attach itself to you" (Dougal)
    * It lights up at night (Dougal)
    * It has a tremendous fear of stamps (Dougal)
    * Its yawn sounds like Liam Neeson chasing a load of hens around inside a barrel (Dougal)
    * It has no mouth, but instead has four "arses" (Dougal)
    * It only has eyebrows on Saturdays (Dougal)
    * It lives "on the place where there should be moors" (Mrs. Doyle)
    * The locals think it is some sort of giant fox (Mrs. Doyle)
    * It makes a "terrible howling noise" (Mrs. Doyle)
    * It is the size of a jaguar (Hud)
    * It has got big white teeth, as sharp as knives (Hud)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,587 ✭✭✭Bob Z

    Yesterday night I saw a guy throw an empty pint glass off a two-storey roof onto tarmac.

    It didn't break!:eek:

    Where are you from? i saw that too! same date

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,898 ✭✭✭✭seanybiker

    I was doing skids on a three wheeler when I was about 6 and some odd chap came along and took pics of meself and me mates skidding on the trike. He told us he was from the paper. We where delighted. Told us he had to make a few copies of the photos and give them us a copy .
    Called down to me aunty one day a few weeks later and seen him, shouted at him , wondering where me pictures where, the fecker ran into his house and ignored me.
    Thought that was odd.

  • Registered Users Posts: 112 ✭✭User Named

    A few years ago i was walking through Derry City, across the road where I was walking was a big derelict site (where Sainbury's is now) with wire fencing around it. As i walked i noticed these two dogs across the road, a big dog, cant remember what it was, and a smaller jack russel. the big dog was annoying the russell, so the jack russell ran and went to escape through an opening underneath the wire fence. Low and behold, it got stuck. Not missing the opportunity, the bigger dog mounts the unfortuante jack russell and gives it all its got. Daylight dog rape. the noise of the poor dog went through you.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 26 chappy_chap

    brummytom wrote: »
    Saw three nuns after mass today scrambling to get into an old 3-door Nissan... shouldn't have made me laugh but did.

    And getting pushed into a road by two dozen undercover policeman who then proceeded to leap onto the big bloke behind me was quite strange.

    I'm sure everyone's got mental stories... I'm bored; tell :D

    hahaha i seen a nun run out of my local church a while back screaming noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 16,658 ✭✭✭✭Peyton Manning

    Started my first summer job, and one of the lads working there - a lad in his late 40's/early 50's with a heavy Tipp accent comes over to me and says "Tell me son, have you ever seen a grown man naked before?"

    I hadnt seen Airplane! so you can imagine I was ****ing confused/scared as hell...

    Actually scratch that. The weirdest things Ive witnessed are Salvia trips.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,898 ✭✭✭✭seanybiker

    Archimedes wrote: »
    Actually scratch that. The weirdest things Ive witnessed are Salvia trips.
    Heard that stuffs a bit mad.
    Ya ever see anyone after ketamine.. Seen one mate take 4. He was grand. Another two mates the same night didnt like it at all. Freaked me out.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,467 ✭✭✭bushy...

    User Named wrote: »
    A few years ago i was walking through Derry City, across the road where I was walking was a big derelict site (where Sainbury's is now) with wire fencing around it. As i walked i noticed these two dogs across the road, a big dog, cant remember what it was, and a smaller jack russel. the big dog was annoying the russell, so the jack russell ran and went to escape through an opening underneath the wire fence. Low and behold, it got stuck. Not missing the opportunity, the bigger dog mounts the unfortuante jack russell and gives it all its got. Daylight dog rape. the noise of the poor dog went through you.


    Bad day to be a white husky :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 790 ✭✭✭uprising

    The salvia trip only lasts a minute or two, swallowed 2 "pink floyds" (lsd) back in the early 90's, was only about 16, my head was mashed, my mates face start looking like the devil, getting longer and thinner, thought there were loads of pups under the ground crawling around, lasted for fukking hours, felt spiders all over me, saw dead people peeping at me from behind trees, I heard oranges bring you down, saw a man taking the locks off his gate going to work and asked if he had any orange's in his house, he came out with an apple, i walked around for another few hours wondering what to do with the apple.

  • Posts: 15,814 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    uprising wrote: »
    The salvia trip only lasts a minute or two, swallowed 2 "pink floyds" (lsd) back in the early 90's, was only about 16, my head was mashed, my mates face start looking like the devil, getting longer and thinner, thought there were loads of pups under the ground crawling around, lasted for fukking hours, felt spiders all over me, saw dead people peeping at me from behind trees, I heard oranges bring you down, saw a man taking the locks off his gate going to work and asked if he had any orange's in his house, he came out with an apple, i walked around for another few hours wondering what to do with the apple.

    Friend of mine had a similiar experience. I met a bunch of them in town and they were all tripping balls on lsd and one of them was racing around the place screaming that the devil was behind him. He proceeded to speed the rest of the afternoon demanding banannas off of people and placing them on his forehead to try and convince the devil that they were brothers. Was perhaps the funneist thing I ever saw.

  • Registered Users Posts: 331 ✭✭quirkster

    Coming back from a school trip from Rome in transition year, on the plane, I saw this red circle appear in the sky, and it started moving/zooming away. It wasnt a trick of the brain or light doing funny things, I know that for a fact. It was a red cicle and it was flying/moving away from the plane. I sat rooted to my chair, unable to get my camera from my bag or alert the guy next to me or tell my teacher.

    I asked him (he'd be into the paranormal etc) about it a few days later, turns out that theres this 'line' from Italy all the way to Sligo, where this kinda thing is seen frequently and theres a special number to call to report a sighting. Its meant to be extra terrestial....

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 251 ✭✭fikay

    I saw a dog give a dog a blowjob, while being done from behind when i was at carnival. I may have been out of my little head but so were the 50 or so other people who were in bits laughing.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 383 ✭✭PinkTulips

    ghosts... when i was 6 i woke up one night to 6 of them standing around my bed

    when i lived in cork i once saw a guy being chased down oliver plunkett street by another guy with a machete

    i was on a plane on 9/11 and the first i knew of it was looking out the window and seeing that every other plane in the air was being tailed by a fighter jet and catching a glimpse of the one tailing us

    watching my son eat an antire apple, core and all in 15 seconds flat yesterday... he's 2!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 89 ✭✭Steviewonder

    Banter Joe wrote: »
    The mini tornado and flying tent at oxegen last year.

    Nobody believes me.

    Those who do assume I was on drugs.

    i saw it aswell! it was fairly wierd! wat about the shouting every hour to the hour?? do ye remember that?

  • Registered Users Posts: 687 ✭✭✭megapixel

    Very early one saturday morning(years ago when we were kids) my sister woke me up to say there was a man asleep in her bed. I thought she was joking but she wouldn't leave my room till i went and seen him.
    Sure enough there was, he was an alcoholic neighbour and this was his old house and room.
    Turns out my sister went to the bathroom, he opened the back door with his old key and went into bed.:eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 27,252 ✭✭✭✭stovelid

    Overblood wrote: »
    I was waiting for a bus one day in Clonmel. Went into the station to take a piss. When I walked into the jacks I was hit by a wall of stench. Smelt like poo. Probably was. Anyways so I take a piss in the urinal, I hear the toilet flushing, and this fat guy, about 40 years of age, walks out of the stall. I knew by the cut of him that he wasn't all there, he was kind of retarded. He was muttering to himself. As he was walking out the door I saw that there was scutter all over his pants. I said to myself "feck, some chance of getting on the bus with scutter all over you boy!". I was also feeling sorry for the poor fecker who was looking after him.

    Went back outside anyways to have an auld shmoke. There was an odd smell.

    Saw the scuttery man wandering around like a lost child. He didn't have a carer or nurse or anything, he was all on his own. Whoever let this guy loose on the streets should be shot I thought to myself. Myself and all the other people waiting for a bus were just watching this guy wandering around the front of the station, talking to himself, with scuttery shit all over his pants. I was half thinking of ringing the guards since this guy was in no way able to take care of himself, he could have escaped from the local looney ward or something.

    He made his way over to a phonebox outside the front door of the station and threw in a few coins, dialled a number, while holding the door open with his scuttery arse. The glass door of the phonebox went all brown. Since the door was open, we could all hear what he was screaming into the phone.

    "I did it again!! Oh jesus I did it again! I'm at the station! Oh jesus wha! I did it again! Sorry!"

    While he was on the phone, a woman who works in the station came out with a bucket full of brown water and poured it down the drain, she had the most horrid look on her face. She was obviously after cleaning out the jacks after him. I'm really glad I didn't have a peek into the stall on my way out. I can only imagine what it was like.

    Anyways, yer man exits the phone box and returns to wandering around like a lost child, covered in scutter. Everybody is still watching this guy. Mary & Maggie smoking a fag saying "bejaysus what's up with that lad?"

    A few minutes later a car pulls up in front of us, the driver is an old-ish lady, about 40-50, absolutely mortified look on her face. She didn't even get out of the car. Scutter man waves at her and waddles over to the car and opens the door. The driver is like "get in get in!". So scutter man turns his arse towards the car and gets in, arse first. He's pretty fat, and tall, so he puts his arse on the head rest, and then he slides his arse all the way down the seat as he sits in. Remember, this guys pants were destroyed in liquid brown scutter. The driver nearly pukes. Scutter mans arse finally reaches the seat and he closes the door. Lady drives off. Twenty people outside the bus station are left there wondering.... what the FCUK?!

    I must be too old for AH as this just made me feel really sad.

    I once saw a really drunk lad step out and road and try and fight a (moving) van. He stepped out in front of it and tried to punch it.

    The van was unhurt.

    He wasn't.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,150 ✭✭✭kumate_champ07

    Blisterman wrote: »
    Two homeless people having sex doggy style outside my house.

    are you sure they werent just stray dogs?

  • Registered Users Posts: 377 ✭✭garrincha62

    I once saw a man at a crossroads, miles from the sea, trying to hawke an octopus. I remember thinking it was a little strange until a chap in a van pulled in and bought it off him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 378 ✭✭Doolittle51

    Banter Joe wrote: »
    The mini tornado and flying tent at oxegen last year.

    Nobody believes me.

    Those who do assume I was on drugs.

    I saw the very same thing at Electric Picnic last year. Lots of other people saw it too.
    We all thought it was hilarious, and everyone was cheering etc. Some guy who was camped nearby stood up to see what all the fuss was about. 5 seconds later, the tent hit him full force in the face. Funniest thing I've ever seen.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,737 ✭✭✭BroomBurner

    Saw a kid, about 3, fall from the top storey of a flat (four storey), land on the grass, dust off her dress and run off.

    We were just kids ourselves at the time, so just figured it was cool and she'd tell her mam if she was hurt.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 15 andy23

    a family of 4 on a moped in turkey.oh and a man getting shot near my house,it was quite a week.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 10,161 ✭✭✭✭M5

    Saw this in Stockholm, that is a beard, they are sizable boobs and that is a skirt, very confused i was
