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Danny Boyle Box Set (Sunshine, 28 Days Later, The Beach) - €9.49 delivered [Play]

  • 05-04-2008 12:49am
    Registered Users Posts: 43,839 ✭✭✭✭

    Out of stock.. but worth ordering at this price.

    Definitely worth it for the excellent '28 Days Later' and 'Sunshine' alone - skip 'The Beach' (except for Virginie Ledoyen's stupendous ta-ta's! :eek:).

    Buy it here!

    Sunshine (2007): Fifty years from now, the sun is dying, and mankind is dying with it. Our last hope: a spaceship and a crew of eight men and women. They carry a device which will breathe new life into the star. But deep into their voyage, out of radio contact with Earth, their mission is starting to unravel. There is an accident, a fatal mistake, and a distress beacon from a spaceship that disappeared seven years earlier. Soon the crew is fighting not only for their lives, but their sanity.

    The Beach (2000): Richard (DiCaprio), a young American backpacker, is willing to risk his life for just one thing: that mind-blowing rush you can only get from braving the ultimate adventure. But on a secret, deceptively perfect beach, Richard will discover that "heaven on earth" can instantly change into a jungle of seduction and danger.

    28 Days Later (2002): In this film from director Danny Boyle and writer Alex Garland, a powerful virus is unleashed on the British public following a raid on a primate research facility by animal rights activists. Transmitted in a drop of blood and devastating within seconds, the virus locks those infected into a permanent state of murderous rage. Within 28 days the country is overwhelmed and a handful of survivors begin their attempts to salvage a future, little realising that the deadly virus is not the only thing that threatens them...

