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One conspiracy to rule them all...

  • 16-01-2009 5:36am
    Closed Accounts Posts: 128 ✭✭


    Conspiracy theories fluctuate, fabricate and dissolve. They range from the frivolous to the truly global. The one pervading apex of all conspiracy theories however is a thing far more subjective to all of us and irrespective of our individual and factitious beliefs in any given theory: the deliberated derivation of the nature of our existence. Before the agenda of this thread is misconstrued as an existential or religious thread I’d like to point out contextually that I’m hoping the discuss the progeny conspiracies behind the aforementioned deliberated derivation. Simply put rather than discussing the nature of our existence I’d like to appraise what ulterior motive may exist behind it and accordingly dissect each conspiracy once they’ve been identified. Below are a few crude examples. I’m sure you guys can think of more.

    Derivation Example 1: The truth is known but withheld.

    Conspiracy Example(s) 1: An elite and discreet ruling class from ancient to modern times. This dips into theories concerning the New World Order, The Illuminati, The Vatican etc. The elite class withhold this knowledge either because they assume the masses are not ready to receive the truth or simply because they deem the masses inept plebeians that require herding.

    Derivation Example 2: A higher alien species created us.

    Conspiracy Example(s) 2: Again I want to emphasize that rather than focusing on the creation itself lets simply identify it as a hypothesis and discuss the motive and subsequently the conspiracy. Mainstream and somewhat extreme theories suggest that we are hybrid species one part primate and one part alien by way of some genetic intervention. The motives range from slavery to experiment or from the genetic deposits of a fading race to the intersection of solar systems. Similar conspiracies include the Annukai of the Symarian civilization.

    Derivation Example 3: Life is a simulation.

    Conspiracy Example(s) 3: As commonly portrayed in science fiction such as The Matrix et al. we are experiencing reality through a simulated electronic environment either willingly or under duress. The popularity of MMORPG’s such as World of Warcraft or Second Life are indicative how some enthusiasts might freely enter their minds into a simulated environment based on how excessively they play the games and detach from the mediocrity of their true reality. Alternativley we are but mere computational entities of an advance program used by a higher flavor of beings/civilization to trial certain dynamics of existence.

    Derivation Example 4: A divine spiritual entity created us.

    Conspiracy Example(s) 4: We are being trialed by an egocentric sadist who provides us with free will that compels us to yearn for that which he forbids. Despite this deities overtones of compassion our defiance of his laws will be recompensed with an eternity in hell. Alternatively we ourselves are the superlative entity who having apportioned ourself into mass entities for experiential gain rather than emperical knowledge. This lends to the conspiracy that we are each of us ‘God’ but have concealed the nature of our existence so that we might experience it.

    Troll Disclaimer: These are just exemplar articles for discussion and not all necessarily represent my personal beliefs.


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 6,869 ✭✭✭Mahatma coat

    check this out, AMP's rambling godbye to Boards, contains some very interisting points, I think Aye Matey is on the same train of thought somewhat.
    AMP wrote:
    My thoughts on Paris Hilton and Obama and their threesome with Curt Ville!!!
    Or to put it in less SHINEY terms: At last! A moment of clarity.

    Please read the disclaimer below if you are an idiot. Here, click this picture of a cat. If you do not see a cat then you have the wrong plugin. Please click the bar below your toolbar and select:
    Allow iamanidiot.ipx to be installed.

    Fellow humans, I thank you for reading these humble words that I write, encased as I am, almost only in towelling and thinsulate (NO PANTS!!!!). I am amp or as am I known variously depending on your temporal viewpoint:

    Adam Brendan Jewell, amp, ampinstein, pam, AJ, DEATHGIVER2003, Mysterio, First Lord Category Moderator of Games and it's environs (retired), etc etc.....

    I think Douglas Adams said it best with "I'm just this guy, you know?"

    Anyhoo, for sometime I have been locked away in my own brain feverishly coming up with somesort of masterpiece of work, and I now have at least a rough outline of what it is, and I have seem to have gathered most of the tools I need to do it with.

    Speaking of tools, and in this sense I mean actual goddamned saws with frackin laser beams attached I'M NOT KIDDING - ALSO PLEASE CHECK OUT THE ARGOS CATALOGUE WHICH HAS LASER GUIDED SCISSORS NOW! You will never know the awesoma power of driving around a german engineered car with the amount of tools I have in it. I could build anything. If I visited a forest right now I could develop my own civilisation, two weeks tops (honest, I've done the simulations enough). has grown very large since I joined way back in the last millennium, before most of you were born I imagine, and in that time it has been nurtured and protected by the five admins, and the growing legion of people with the sole ability of having that precious gift of common sense, and all the while hiding's true purpose, which I cannot reveal to you just yet, but read on and I may just wander back to it again.

    Boards has been a tremendous force for good in the world. We have, mere nerds, come together and drank and ****ed and sang and laughed, how we have laughed, but as a monolithic culture, well that's already gone, there is no monolithic culture on boards any more. Boards has become the transport layer, the infrastructure with which new cultures can emerge from. At first this realisation saddened me. The party was over, time to go to work.

    But then, in trying to understand the world outside boards, I discovered that the culture we live in, which for most of us geographically at least is known as the West, is heading towards a very important moment.

    It's about to die. Yes, you heard me. The end of the world is nigh.

    */me respectfully waits until the deafening roar of Internet Explorers back clicks dies down somewhat*

    Aha! some of you are still reading, which is good. Let me tell you a bit about what I know about you.

    I don't mean plural, I mean you, the person reading this right now. You are bored obviously, but you are the type of person that when promised something can quite stubbornly wade through oceans of drivel in order to receive your prize, but we will come to that later.

    You like reading books. You love being kissed gently on the neck.

    You have been on boards long enough to figure out where Feedback is, you have your own computer, or are obsessive but poor enough to be in a Nethouse injecting yourself with warm internet goodness.

    (I don't like internet places like that, not to pick on Nethouse, I mean any internet shop. I keep expecting somebody somewhere to suddenly scream out **** IT! I CAN'T HOLD IT IN ANY LONGER!!! before masturbating furiously, and no, I've never been tempted, and no, it's not an ongoing fetish or fantasy (no really, I'll ****ing use more brackets if you don't believe me))

    I could make further startlingly accurate descriptions of who you are, using simple tricks such as demographics and whatnot but **** that. Onward with the mad ravings of a man firmly holding onto a sandwich boards which reads THE END OF THE WORLD IS ****ING NIGH BABY!

    The banks have collapsed and are taking the world as we knew it with them. That final scene in Fight Club? It just happened, more or less. Obama, the new hope, the Messiah sent from God Himself, is among us bringing his two lambs Hope and Change. He's a clever ****er, I'll give him that. He's made it this far, but is he the one that delivers us finally from the overbearing Roman Empire? Is Republicanism really dead? Has the internet killed it? Who knows, and more importantly; who gives a ****? Maybe Obama really is the new Jesus, why not? I'm sure if Jesus were around today he'd be all like. "Seriously, are you still going on about **** I said ****ing 2000 years ago?"

    And that's the problem. Stagnation. Western mainstream culture has stalled, it has peaked and it's now in it's final deathrows.

    Exhibit A:
    Paris Hilton.
    Famous for being famous, and getting ****ed by an idiot.
    Women want to be like Paris Hilton because Paris Hilton is famous. Companies sell **** to women that want to be Paris Hilton. Paris Hilton gets paid, but doesn't care because money is just a score card. An abstract value which has more meaning to her by a very small margin than her score on her favourite DS game. And that's not a gag commenting on what an idiot she is, because that in itself would imply that all women who like her are idiots. And they're not, they're just too tired to come up with their own identity so why not copy somebody who seems to be good at it? That's not stupidity, it's just laziness, brought about by our culture.

    Exhibit B:
    A thoroughly great zombie flick for everybody who hates the Big Brother money generating machine (sorry I meant ongoing "social experiment") and was so happy to see Davina McCall do something actually ****ing good on Television again.
    And by this I mean the general rise in interest in Zombies. There is that sense we all have that world is going to change immensely over the next few years. Some of it may want to eat your Braaanes.

    Exhibit C:
    The Sixties.
    There are those that would have you believe that the Sixties actually ended. Sure from a temporal point of view they have in fact ended. We are not currently in a re-interpretation of whatever decade from the previous millennium Vogue or Cosmo tells us we are in. We live in an age were the ideals of the sixties are getting tantalizingly close. Free love and all that hippy crap.

    And all of this leads to us to 2015, the new sixties, when culture becomes steam and you can be whoever the **** you want to be. Western mainstream culture goes out the window, the internet takes over television, television as a concept ceases as more an more people find it simply easier to pull data directly from the people making it. No more middlemen, taxing the gateways of culture. If somebody has an idea, they share it, and suddenly less people die, or more people get other ideas and combine it with yet others until we achieve something greater than the sum of our parts, something wonderful and good and positive and evolving into what will be for lack of a better word:


    Now obviously, I'm simplifying to a great extent, and from your point of view that's probably a bit of a stretch, and if you're one of those people still firmly in the grip of a religious companies customer retention schemes then I apologise profusely for blaspheming or dissing your favourite companies product, to use modern terminology.

    Religion as a concept is dying. Oh sure. some flavour is on the rise here or there but inevitably people will try and find their own answers to the big questions.

    Capitalism was progress, great progress. Put us on the moon so it did,and gave us the intertubes. It made people rich. It brought liberty and enlightenment to many, but not all. Humanity is bored of capitalism, as a culture we sense it, most of us on a subconcious level, the rest of us on a more personal, but increasingly less isolated level, joining up in little groups, being careful about what we say and who we say it to, ingesting substances, sometimes just to see what reality looks like when you change the voltage, sometimes to try and find that inner peace we all seek, when we are not consuming, feeding, worrying. That day we all hope for, when we can go back to being children again and see the world and how utterly wonderful it is.

    We will get to a point were each individual person is their own culture, their own country, their own religion, their own property.

    That is the hidden purpose behind this website, this culture of cultures, it is a function of humanities wish to be free. If the Admins hadn't set it up, then somebody else would have, and it wouldn't be very different. Boards was something, and I would hope the admins don't think I'm dissing them at all when I say this, that simply had to happen

    I have been very lucky to have been close to some of the people toiling away behind the curtain, I have been privileged to have been allowed entry to observe and learn from the wizards.

    But my lessons are complete, I have learned all I can from boards, and must move on to pastures anew. As I once left the hallowed playground of Alt.Stupidity (HELLO STOOOPIDS!!!!!), I must now leave boards.

    I'm currently studying what seems to be called Web 2.0. I'm not going to tell you which flavour, but suffice to say, the data is easier to access, it's more up to date, and it's far far easier to filter out the idiots.

    This will also be my final FINAL blog entry, because it seems to sum up with what my blog was for. It answers the question of "who am I?" as best I can so far.

    Some of my work, in the next while will be condensing the above into the forms of t-shirts or something. Not totally sure yet. Ask me after Obama's re-election speech, I'll have a much better idea then.

    And now for the dramatic twist at the end!


    (Right about now, your brain has counted the number of asterisks in the last paragraph and is now thinking "What the **** does he have against her? I'd tap that ass, or want to have that ass (or be a dog watching that ass get tapped)". The truth is, Paris Hilton is the new Helen of Troy, the last figurehead goddess of a dying culture and I'm merely using her as a comedy prop)

    Now, I've previously asked to be removed from moderator duties. I've poked and prodded my good friend and teacher on many occasions to perform whatever bizarre crap that can disentangle me from the infrastructure of boards. I will do so no more. He is my friend and should not be the receiver of stress from his friend. That should be the sole preserve of idiots AND PEOPLE WHO DO NOT DO WHAT HE SAYS!

    And so, I've decided to hold a gun to the head of the itself. As our new Lord And Saviour receives his titles of office at the head of our wondrous culture, I will go rogue. I will make Pars exit look like a children's tea party. I will escalate my actions until my demands are met.

    To condense:
    De-mod me before Obama becomes King or else.

    Now some of you are thinking. Jesus! the sheer gall of the man. Who the **** does he think he is? Obama? Well **** you. You're an idiot. I'm just this guy, who helped build boards, who set up some of the **** you either don't know about or take for granted and I'm sick of receiving e-mail from idiots I don't care about AND NEVER WILL. I'm sick of a boards that requires me to fill out a ****ING REPORT CARD because some idiot has proven to be lacking the intelligence to continue posting in a forum I moderate. That's just the level of stupidity I'm no longer willing to volunteer my time for.

    Now for the end credits. Fair play to you for making it this far.

    The End

    Adam Brendan Jewell: amp
    Amp: Adam Brendan Jewell
    Ampinstein: Adam Brendan Jewell
    Obama: Paris Hilton
    Paris Hilton: A dog
    The Entirety of Western Culture, beginning in Greece, stagnating in Rome, perpetuated by the Roman Catholic Church, reaching it's Zenith in Washington DC on 20th January 2009 and ending sometime around 2015: You
    You: That's really a question you should think about more.
    Bill Hicks, The Daily Show, Anyone who uses truth as comedy and comedy as truth: Enlighteners, Philosophers, Magicians

    This post was sponsored by the following madness:
    Glminesweeper - Coming soon in MMPORG FORM!
    There is no left or right.
    There is no up or down.
    Everything you know is wrong.
    **** your couch.
    Science is my religion.
    The secret to being cool is to try as hard as you can NOT to be cool. Buy a stupid hat today.
    Scientology is a scam, just on a scale so big it has become a religion.
    There is no good or bad, just different shades of stupid.
    It's ok to not be afraid.
    If you think now is wierd, WAIT'LL YOU GET A LOAD OF THE FUTURE!!!!!!!11
    Ché wasn't cool. He was an idiot who died trying to spread idiocy. Anybody who wears a t-shirt that just has Ché on it is an idiot. Please tell them this.
    Don't do this to people wearing t-shirts that say what I'm saying but in catchier t-shirt form.
    Language is a tool not a prison.
    Don't let people tell you who you are. Only you can do that!
    I'm not a terrorist. I'm a loverist.
    Wake up! Time to go to work!
    Time is an idea. Ideas can evolve.
    Evolution is STILL HAPPENING! and it's getting faster! Are you ready?

    This post and and indeed any of my posts are the ramblings of a frequently self-confessed madman and general idiot. The respective owners of are good people with good intentions deserve nothing but praise and blow jobs and should never ever be linked to anything I say or do in any fashion whatsoever. Parts of this post contradict other parts of this post. Or do they? No animals were harmed in the making of this post, aside from a midge or two contracting cancer from the last of my Polish cigarettes, and Paris Hiltons dog, which got ****ed repeatedly by an idiot. People who have suddenly found themselves thinking uncomfortable thoughts from reading this posts should either lie down OR PUT ON DIFFERENT GLASSES. Certain parts of this post are subliminal. If you have a pet bat in the room please switch on your Batdesensomatic(tm) now. May cause drowsiness. Your contribution is not tax-deductible as a charitibution for Federal income tax purposes. Some of this post has been copied wholesale from people cleverer than me, and I've just dumbed it down so you can understand it. Took me many years to reach this point, I hope it will take you less. Curt Ville did not give permission to have his name mentioned in this post. This site is mainosecution in a federal curt. For site security purposes, as well as to ensure that this service remains availaball users, we use software prograhange information or otherwause damage. In the event of authorized law enforcigations and pursuant to any required legal process, information from these sources may be used to help an individual.The Informatained in these Web pages is, to the best of our knowltrue and accurate at the time of publicatolely for informational purposes. OllscoihÉirann, Gailimh accepts no liabilitoss or damage howsoever arising as a result of use of or reliformation, whether authorised or no. Barrel roll flip. Dismount \o/


    Now, have I forgotten anything?
    Disclaimer - check
    Various "truths" from the "intertron" - check
    Intelligent calcium - check
    Cheque - check
    Summary - ****

    Right then ok. So long to all. I really do love you all. I'm not just saying that. It's a big world out there and there's only one of me and I may not live for ever. Experience as much as you can before you kick it. I certainly intend to. I've done far more than I even thought was possible when I was a kid. I have lived well and hope to live for a long time. I hope you find happiness, I hope you find love, I hope that no matter how much words are abused for the interests of some that you actually still believe that Change is Possible and that hope can be a good thing.

    Keys. Wallet, watch, phone, testicles. Ok, I'm good. Catch ya on the flipside!

    P.s. If you think this took a long time to read, IT TOOK ME NINE ****ING YEARS TO WRITE!

    Well, well. Ok then. Basically, I've gone a bit looney and started raving about nonsense. Don't worry about it. Obama, Hilton and Ville never had a threesome, I just used that as bait to get you to click the thread. Love yourself and you will find love. Above all, evolve.

    tis Huge but worth digsting, theres a lot of fluff and a lot of bits of no relevance to some of the newer posters, but theres a lot of food for thought too.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭WhaLofShi

    Aya Matey, you're here 5 minutes and you're already shaking things up. Nice post.

    I'm just going to pick out part 2 to mention at this point.

    Derivation Example 2: A higher alien species created us.

    Conspiracy Example(s) 2: Again I want to emphasize that rather than focusing on the creation itself lets simply identify it as a hypothesis and discuss the motive and subsequently the conspiracy. Mainstream and somewhat extreme theories suggest that we are hybrid species one part primate and one part alien by way of some genetic intervention. The motives range from slavery to experiment or from the genetic deposits of a fading race to the intersection of solar systems. Similar conspiracies include the Annukai of the Symarian civilization.

    The possibility that the planet was seeded many millenia ago can't be discounted. It seems there's some sort of micro-organism on Mars, so maybe all planets were seeded with life of some sort as an experiment. If this were the case, it could support UFO theories, as it could be suggested we are being watched and probed / experimented on / having research carried out on us, by the very beings that put life on the planet.

    I'm stuck for time. I hope this thread doesn't turn into a mad free for all. Again, nice post.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,857 ✭✭✭indough

    what if time travelling humans from the future (which we think of as aliens) actually created the human race, like the idea of the predestination paradox in the terminator movies :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,177 ✭✭✭nyarlothothep

    nice ideas, but the problem remains, where did aliens come from? It just through another order of explanation into the works which makes it less likely. Also time travelling humans, hmmm, a circular causality loop, acausal perhaps? Hmmm, that's a difficult one to intuitively appreciate it at all.

    As for the universe being a simulation or me being a brain in a jar, I tried to send out fundamental signals from my mind last year to distort reality but it didn't work. My theory was that if I was in a simulation then I was part of it and if I was therefore aware of this I could manipulate, through thought, the code of the simulation, as my thoughts would be part of the code. Although we will have definite proof for it being a sim if we can create our own sim, which is not unlikely.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,857 ✭✭✭indough

    Also time travelling humans, hmmm, a circular causality loop, acausal perhaps? Hmmm, that's a difficult one to intuitively appreciate it at all.

    only in so far as time travel itself is tough to grasp on an intuitive level, because we have no idea of whether or not it is even possible let alone the rules of it

    my theory is kinda derived from an aspect of the planet of the apes series, plus i wasnt really suggesting it as a possibility just an entertaining idea :)

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,205 ✭✭✭espinolman

    I think it used to be they would put the truth into books and then make those books unaffordable and unavailable ,except to the elite and ruling class , however i find these days they make the truth look like science fiction , see they make sci-fi movies so if someone hears the real story they will think it is science fiction or fantasy , but these days the truth is out there and available but hardly anyone will recognize it .
    The truth is intentionally made to look like science fiction and fantasy .

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 114 ✭✭WhaLofShi

    indough wrote: »
    only in so far as time travel itself is tough to grasp on an intuitive level, because we have no idea of whether or not it is even possible let alone the rules of it

    my theory is kinda derived from an aspect of the planet of the apes series, plus i wasnt really suggesting it as a possibility just an entertaining idea :)

    I recall listening to a guy on the radio talking about the collidor thingy in Switzerland before they started it up commenting on the possibility that something could come up that could eventually lead to time travel. His theory however stated that it should only be possible to travel back to the point when the basis for time travel had been discovered. So based on that we won't be creating ourselves. :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,857 ✭✭✭indough

    ah yeah but thats just one theory, when it comes to theories on time travel anything goes, that is to say all theories are equally unvalid :)
