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In the Well!! Q + A with Robin Lacey



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,394 ✭✭✭robinlacey

    shoutman wrote:
    Was your dinner nice? What did you have? Did you eat alone or with someone?

    it was alright,i just went to a restaurant up the road on my own-its decent but nothing special,i usually just go there when i wake up at around nine and need to get a meal before everywhere closes.
    When did you decide to make playing poker your profession? Did it take you long to make the decision? What levels were you playing at at that time? Were you sufficently bankrolled to be playing those levels or were you over bankrolled for them? Did you have a contingency plan if it all went pearshaped and you felt you could no longer play poker for a living? Were you living at home when you first turned pro?

    well at the time i was only working part time in a bookshop so i wasn't giving up a whole lot,this was about two and a half years ago,maybe a bit longer.
    i just made the decision because i was making far more from poker than the job so i thought i might as the time i was playing $25 - $100 stts and most of the mtts on vc-the 18 and 27 rebuys,which were the $5k and $7.5k gtd at the time.

    to be honest i didn't have much of an idea about bankroll at the time,i would play for a while,win a tournament,cash out most of it,and start playing again,cashing out whenever i could,or occassionally whenver i needed to.i just sort of fell into it really,it was fairly hand to mouth for the first while,and some months i'd loads of money,others hardly any.i was living with my parents at the time which made it for what i would have done if it hadn't worked out,well i suppose i would have just got another job in a bookshop or something,it wasn't like it was a career decision at the time,it was more a case of thinking well at the moment i can make more from poker than from anything else,so i may as well do that for the time being.
    What is your computer setup for playing poker like?

    i have two really good monitors,i'm not sure what size they are but they can each fit four tables with no overlap.then i just have a dell pc,although sometimes i just play on my laptop if i'm only play a few tables.
    Do you often listen to music or do other things when playing poker online?

    yeah i'll always have music on,i try not to spend too much time browsing message boards or watching stuff while i'm playing,although sometimes i'll just relax and play 3 tables while reading boards/twoplustwo etc or watching a blackadder or something on the other monitor.
    Which is a better film, Monthy Pythons' The life of Brian or The Holy Grail?

    haven't seen either in years,but i had the life of brian on video when i was younger and watched it loads and always enjoyed it,wheras while i liked the holy grail i never felt compelled to watch it more than once or twice,so i suppose i'd have to go with the life of brian.
    Thanks for taking the time to answer these questions, it has been a great read so far.

    no problem,its a good laugh and a handy way to avoid having to actually get some work done!

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,258 ✭✭✭✭LuckyLloyd

    This post has been deleted.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,394 ✭✭✭robinlacey

    Ollieboy wrote:
    Excellant read and great posts Robin

    1. What tells do you look for online, ie betting paterns, time to make a continuation bet etc.

    2. Do these tells change as you move up the levels?

    its kind of hard to tell as it usually player specific,most of the time its not really tells that i use so much as just figuring out what they are logically most likely to have,there are some timing tells that i use but i'm not sure i could put them into words,they're usually quite player specific,like if i have been playing with them for a while i will often have an idea of how they are thinking on a psychological level (eg:"i wish this guy would stop raising me,i'm going to have to push over him if he does it again" or "i want to keep the pots small so i can't lose much against him,i'll just keep calling him down and fold if he bets the river"etc) and then sometimes they will do something that for whatever reason just feels like the moment they snapped and decided to take a stand,or decided to call me down no matter what,or whatever.

    sorry that's not much help,but i don't think there are really any generally applicable rules for this sort of thing,its more that after playing with someone for a while you get a feel for how they are playing and the rhythm of the game.
    3. What level do you enjoy playing at, I find 1/2 very boring due to the money involved v's my bankroll, do you find this or can you grind at levels lower than your bankroll.

    i do prefer to play as high as possible,since i find it more interesting and obviously the money is better,but for example at the moment i am playing 3/6 which is lower than my normal games,and i am able to grind it out since i have been running badly so my aim when i sit down is not to make loads of money so much as just to calm things down and get back on track. i can play lower levels than i am used to if i just think of it in terms of BBs and try and focus on making the best decisions i like to play as high as possible,and will be more inclined to take shots at big games than online.
    4. Do you really think Tournaments and cash game can be combine, I find HJ, Niall and yourself well able to do this.

    well it is possible to be good at both,but they are definitely very different skill sets,and just being good at one is never enough to be good at the other.

    however if you are good enough to be good at tournaments then chances are you will be good enough to be good at cash too,as long as you don't make the usual mistake of presuming that because of one you are automatically good at the other.
    5. When face with a tough call on flop for your tourney life, would you rather use the odds in your favour to make a hand or wait for a better chance and keep your tourney life intacted? Very general I know sorry.

    i don't really know exactly what you mean by this,but i never ever think in terms of tournament life,if i think a sitaution in a tournament is +ev i will jump at it,or even if it is neutral ev.i don't worry about getting knocked out at all,if i got my money in good i am happy.

    if at any stage of the first few days of the world series i was offered a literal coinflip to either double my stack or get knocked out i would take it in a heartbeat.
    6. How much edge do you think better players have in cash games and tourneys today? Roundertower made a point that there's very little now with all the knowledger out there, after think about this I tend to agree.

    its definitely getting worse and worse,the games are getting tougher and even the fish know what a squeeze play is these days.

    however,i still see regular winning players make big fundamental errors (and i'm sure i make a few myself!) and there are still huge fish,particularly live.

    i am starting to think that as players get more and more informed about the game,my edge will increasingly have to come from concentration rather than knowledge.
    7. What sort of note taking to you make on other players? And can I have any notes on me

    i only really take notes on cash games online,its generally just a hand i noticed that i think shows a tendency,eg tries to keep the pot small with TPTK type hands,or will raise for information,or capable of four bet pushing with air,etc

    also if i do something that i think they will have made a note of,for example if they call my big river bluff or whatever,i will make a note on that.

    i don't think i've ever (knowingly) played you,as far as i can remember anyway,so i don't have any notes.if you want to tell me your usernames (or pm me if they're not public) i'll see if i remember anything,although i don't play a huge amount of tourneys these days...however,i do keep a mental note of all the tournament players i have ever heard thinking in terms of tournament life,so you've just been added to that list!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,394 ✭✭✭robinlacey

    DeadMoney wrote:
    Robin, when you do play MTT's do you tend to adopt a similar strategy every time? Do you aim to have a certain stack size at the different stages of the tournament?

    For example, in a game of about 200 runners with about 70 players remaining, would you feel comfortable with average stack or would you have fully intended on having built an above average stack by this stage?
    Would you often take a coin flip opportunity early on in a tournament with a strong hand to double up and put you in good shape or do you try to aviod these types of risky situations?

    Oh and the all important question.....Who is currently your favourite poker player?

    as i said in some of the other posts,i will take a coinflip at almost any stage of a tournament,i think doubling my stack will more than double my chances of winning.the later in a tournament you get the more mathematical situations can arise where you shouldn't take a coinflip,but from what i have read that's really only at a final table or close to it.

    as for how i play tournaments in general,i don't aim for a certain stack,and i think people who do will get themselves into all sorts of trouble.i aim to have as big a stack as possible at all,but if you start thinking in terms of i want to get to the start of day two with two and half times the starting stack then you'll start to panic and do all sorts of crazy things to try to force the issue.

    i have even heard of people who reach their goal for a certain stage and decide to just sit back and only play AA or KK as a result!

    the most important thing is just to play each hand as well as you can,regardless of the outcome.a lot of it is luck in the short term,since you can't control what cards you are dealt,but at the same time you should always be looking for opportunities that might arise,and quite often its the sitaution and not the cards that is important.

    as for my favourite player,i don't really know.i don't watch much poker on tv so i'm not too up on those sorts of things.

    however,as far as i can see the big three are ivey,antonius and sbrugby.the things all three of them have achieved are incredible...if i had to choose one it would be antonius,since as far as i can tell he is the most feared player in the world in every type of poker,however i haven't actually ever seen him play on tv or anything,i just watch the full tilt games occassionally and read the NVG threads.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,394 ✭✭✭robinlacey

    Yeah, I really was blown away by 2046 when I saw it in the cinema - and I think that you get a little more out of it with each repeated viewing.

    As a matter of interest, where in town are you living at the moment?

    wow,i'd love to have seen it in the cinema!

    i was actually in berlin recently and in the mood for love was on in the cinema,we all wanted to go but a particularly hectic weekend threw a spanner in the works.

    i'm not living in town at the minute,i'm actually out in castleknock,which is a bit of a hassle but the house itself is so nice its well worth it.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 2,563 ✭✭✭sikes

    great thread nothing much to add, but what made you decide to get coaching and at what stage/level were you at?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,394 ✭✭✭robinlacey

    sikes wrote:
    great thread nothing much to add, but what made you decide to get coaching and at what stage/level were you at?


    i had just moved up to 5/10 and 10/20,i had been playing well but was well aware that i had ran very well over the last few months also,so i decided it would be a good time to consolidate the progress i had made.i had been half thinking about getting a coach for a while,and when MDMA first mentioned on twoplustwo that he was thinking of starting coaching i thought that he would be exactly the sort of person to go for,since i had already read a lot of his posts and found them to be uniformly excellent.the third factor was that the legislation had just been passed in america so i expected the games to get tougher (they did)

  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    Favourite place to play poker? Outside of Ireland?

    Best experience from being involved with poker that wasnt at a table?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,394 ✭✭✭robinlacey

    DeVore wrote:
    Favourite place to play poker? Outside of Ireland?

    Best experience from being involved with poker that wasnt at a table?


    well i don't really play poker live in ireland much because i live in dublin and there's not really anywhere to play higher than 1/2,if there was i'd be there all the time.

    i really enjoyed playing in the bellagio last summer,i'm looking forward to going back there.

    i can't think of any specific experience that came from being involved in poker,but i suppose all the places i have travelled to because of poker have been great,i'm very lucky to have a job that allows me to travel a lot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,004 ✭✭✭pok3rplaya

    Also I'm considering a response to your response to my question, havent left you hanging.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,696 ✭✭✭Hectorjelly

    I deleted my post to make you look crazy, maybe that will help you run well

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 19,341 ✭✭✭✭Chucky the tree

    Great read indeed. I agree on the wire being class, amazed its not as popular as it should be.

    Favourite Techno dj's? Any summer festivals you plan on hitting?

  • Registered Users Posts: 837 ✭✭✭kpnuts

    Hi Robin,

    Of all the topics you have covered so far, it is undoubtedly the coaching that intrigues me the most. This is probably because, like you, I spent (wasted) most of my first couple of years in poker playing tournaments (live MTTs and thousands of online STTs). I would dip my toes in the cashgame waters every now and then, usually after a chunky win, and was only barely winning.

    I play mostly omaha cash now (though you'd never think it the way I so horribly luckboxed you in Clonmel!). I've worked on the NL cash side of things a bit in the last year, and I have a respectable winrate in them now now, but I still think there are too many situations where my default (unconscious) way of thinking is too tourneyish in too many spots, as it was in the tourney arena that NL poker decisions became second nature to me.

    Basically, my NL game is anaemic. I don't quite play in the STT straitjacket mindset, but I'm not exactly a mover and shaker either!

    So what I'm wondering is, did you try to unlearn and relearn NLH from as clean a slate as you could make, i.e. start again from scratch, or did you (and MDMA) work with what you had by way of cashgame and build on and around that, eliminating some leaks, fine-tuning some already winning plays, etc?

    Please answer in not less than 20,000 words!



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,394 ✭✭✭robinlacey

    Great read indeed. I agree on the wire being class, amazed its not as popular as it should be.

    Favourite Techno dj's? Any summer festivals you plan on hitting?

    hard to list my favourite techno djs,most of the best techno sets i've ever seen have been friends of mine playing at parties and raves around ireland,the clubs in dublin are so bad that even when a really good dj is playing its often a disappointment.

    having said that based on mix cds and stuff my favourite djs for older,harder techno would be jeff mills and surgeon,and since hard techno became more loop based and boring i've been listening to a lot more minimal stuff from labels like kompakt and traum/trapez...

    as for festivals i dunno really,i'm hoping there's be some good outdoor parties around ireland this summer,and i'm also planning on going to sonar.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 677 ✭✭✭David Michael

    I deleted my post to make you look crazy, maybe that will help you run well


    Nice read Robin btw.

    For the food lover in you....I heart the sausage and mash (with bacon bits) in the Bank pub. Recommended. oh and the mushroom soup in Darwins is to die for. the rest there is over priced crap these days

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,394 ✭✭✭robinlacey

    kpnuts wrote:
    Hi Robin,

    Of all the topics you have covered so far, it is undoubtedly the coaching that intrigues me the most. This is probably because, like you, I spent (wasted) most of my first couple of years in poker playing tournaments (live MTTs and thousands of online STTs). I would dip my toes in the cashgame waters every now and then, usually after a chunky win, and was only barely winning.

    I play mostly omaha cash now (though you'd never think it the way I so horribly luckboxed you in Clonmel!). I've worked on the NL cash side of things a bit in the last year, and I have a respectable winrate in them now now, but I still think there are too many situations where my default (unconscious) way of thinking is too tourneyish in too many spots, as it was in the tourney arena that NL poker decisions became second nature to me.

    Basically, my NL game is anaemic. I don't quite play in the STT straitjacket mindset, but I'm not exactly a mover and shaker either!

    So what I'm wondering is, did you try to unlearn and relearn NLH from as clean a slate as you could make, i.e. start again from scratch, or did you (and MDMA) work with what you had by way of cashgame and build on and around that, eliminating some leaks, fine-tuning some already winning plays, etc?

    Please answer in not less than 20,000 words!



    hi kp,

    first of all,just to clarify,when i started the coaching i was already a winner at 5/10 and 10/20,albeit only for a month or two,so i had a fairly decent if unspectacular cash game before the coaching started.

    anyway,this is actually something i've been thinking about recently,since it came up in conversation with a friend of mine.most of his poker experience is from playing in the fitz,and i'd say he is a good winner in those games,his understanding of poker overall is pretty decent and if he is playing well i'd fancy him in most live games.however,he's been having trouble adapting to online play,and his stats were something like 40/30.this is all well and good for live play (i probably play something like 75/65 when i'm playing live and have been at the table for a few hours) but online its just way too loose,and i was trying to explain why this is so.

    in doing so,i realised that the key to becoming a good internet nl cash player is first to get the most solid,boring,uncreative game imaginable together,and i don't think there's any way around this.

    when i used to play cash games as a tourney player,i played way too loose,so happy was i to be playing in a game where i had loads of big blinds and flops and turns to play,and i thought i could just play most hands and outsmart people.sometimes a happy coincidence would occur and i would play well and get good cards and hack it up,and this would only encourage me that if i could just play well all the time i could keep playing like this.

    it took a lot of trial and error before i realised that this wasn't the case at all.when i really started to get serious about learning to play cash,i started to read the twoplustwo forums,and it was actually the standard,run of the mill hands that helped me the most. the best threads about interesting hands are fascinating and all,but these sort of complicated,difficult decisions come up fairly rarely,and are often quite marginal.i realise now that if you can just play the boring,bread and butter hands well you will be miles ahead of most players,and it was the threads where someone would post a standard situation,and there would be ten replies,all saying the same thing,that helped me the most,since the repetition of these kinds of hands really drilled home that it was the solid stuff that was the most important.

    when i played cash games for fun,every so often i would make a half arsed attempt to sort it out and become a good solid player,but i went about things the wrong way round-i looked at my loose,"creative" game,and figured all i needed to do was tighten up a bit here and there,fix a few leaks,and i'd be grand.looking back on it,i think this is pretty much impossible,or at least it was to me. i found that to become a good cash player i had to completely strip down my game to its most basic elements,build a solid foundation of tight,boring poker,and then start building it back up,adding embellishments here and there,gradually playing more hands,raising more,adding moves,or whatever. it could have just been a personal thing about how my mind works,but i really think that building from the ground up is the most effective way of becoming good at cash games,taking a wild,undisciplined game and trying to tighten it up didn't seem to work at all,even though sometimes when i was playing the old way i would play very well and make great calls and folds.

    i hope that is roughly what you were asking about,i know i'm making it all sound easy and that getting this solid game together is actually fairly hard (and maintaining it is a struggle to this day) but i think its hugely important.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 421 ✭✭StraddleFor6

    Absolutely fantastic read. I thought I was a bit mad for having Philip Glass and Felix Da HouseCat on the same playlist, but obviously not.
    You should check out The Knife and LCD Soundsystem's new album; Sound of Silver. Think you'd like Four Tet too, although some of his tracks are just noise.
    No questions, just really glad I read this.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,394 ✭✭✭robinlacey

    not a huge fan of the knife to be honest,haven't heard the new lcd soundsystem but i like some of that dfa stuff so i'll have a look.

    i've heard a lot of four tet,not hugely into it to be honest,it sounds a bit too much like watered down r'n'b to me..i do really like his track "slow jams",and a few others,but a lot of it just washes over me to be you can probably tell i'm a total music snob,which probably isnt a good thing but what can you do?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,679 ✭✭✭Daithio

    I find four tet very good for playing poker but I'd rarely listen to it otherwise. Any music with lyrics is a bit of a distraction for me. Rounds is a much better album than Pause.

    I don't really have a huge amount to ask which is poker related, most things have been covered pretty comprehensively, but I'd be interested to know where you've travelled to over the past few years and your thoughts on the different places.

    Also I really think you should learn how to play omaha properly. IMO there is a huge amount more value in the omaha cash games than hold em, and if you find you're getting a little bored of poker it will give you a bit more motivation to play I'd imagine.

    This is really a fantastic read, I've learnt an awful lot, serious fair play for taking the time to answer the questions in such detail.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,070 ✭✭✭Ollieboy

    Daithio wrote:
    I find four tet very good for playing poker but I'd rarely listen to it otherwise. Any music with lyrics is a bit of a distraction for me. Rounds is a much better album than Pause.

    I don't really have a huge amount to ask which is poker related, most things have been covered pretty comprehensively, but I'd be interested to know where you've travelled to over the past few years and your thoughts on the different places.

    Also I really think you should learn how to play omaha properly. IMO there is a huge amount more value in the omaha cash games than hold em, and if you find you're getting a little bored of poker it will give you a bit more motivation to play I'd imagine.

    This is really a fantastic read, I've learnt an awful lot, serious fair play for taking the time to answer the questions in such detail.

    Dont worry, your next mate....

    Daithio in the well....

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  • Business & Finance Moderators, Entertainment Moderators Posts: 32,387 Mod ✭✭✭✭DeVore

    After Pauly from Taoofpoker, Daithio would be good. :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 658 ✭✭✭Hawk Eye

    Good thread robin,
    I remember watching you on party 2 months or so ago and you were 10-tabling a mixture of 5/10 ad 10/20.
    Were you prone to making mistakes playing so many tables, timing out etc?

    With so many tables open did you ever grow frustated and have any problems with tilt? I consider myself a good multi tasker but that would be one of my worries with 8+ tabling, you can really take huge chunks off your bankroll if your playing bad.

    Did you use scripts and PAhud?

    Which is more important to you, playing a load of tables with a TAG image and earning a lot of $'s over the short term or really concentrating on playing 3-4 tables and improving/analysing your play but taking a hit in terms of money but by taking the latter option will probably be more benefical in the long term in terms of moving up?

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,440 ✭✭✭califano

    Hello Robin

    1.) Generally against one random player or player that’s not terrible anyway. On the river with a weak hand in a smallish size pot do you avoid betting especially oop to take it down being fairly sure your opponent has a similarly weak but much stronger hand than yours because there is a flush draw on the board(2 to a suit on the flop) for fear he thinks the missed flush will give him more reason to call?. Basically are you weary of taking someone off a weakfish to middling hand because of the missed draw on the board?.

    2.) Conversely on the same board above lets say you have top set or any hand you know your ahead on the river, you have him on a half decent hand but not a draw. How often do over bet to make it look like you missed your draw or do you mostly prefer to extract an amount you feel he will surely call?. How much does the draw come into your thinking of you bet size?.

    3.) On the same board with top set and your sure he has a missed his draw but maybe he had a pair with his draw do you prefer to try to extract a small bet he may call or how often do you check to let him bluff?. Do you worry when he checks behind and when all the players see the showdown your trappiness is exposed and you might not get bluffed by someone in subsequent hands?.

    4.) Do you find you get yourself into trouble in pots by overthinking or presuming your opponent is thinking what your trying to make him think by the way your betting or checking etc?.

    5.) Whats one of the sickest good calls you’ve made in a cash game that comes to mind and explain how the hand went?.

    6.) Why do you think its so that peoples best months or hottest streaks are immediately followed by their worst month or coldest deck or vice versa?.

    7.) You say you like an argument. Then do you watch HBO’s ‘Curb your Enthusiasm’ and what do you think of it?. If not I think you might like it…sample 1 sample2

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,267 ✭✭✭opr

    Hey Robin ,

    Just a few from me.

    Who do you consider to be the best players you have played with in the 10/20 games on the old Tribeca network and currently on some of the networks where you have played at the 10/20 game with them ?

    Do you think poker brings a sense of isolation when you start playing it as a profession ? I mean this in the sense that online poker can be lonely and often induce a sense of cabin fever when playing intensely for many hours on end.
    Do you experience this and if so how do you deal with it ?

    Do you think playing poker has warped your value for money ?

    You seem to put a huge amount of emphasis of concentration , i think this is one of the worst parts of my game. Do you have any ways of improving this ?

    If you could have dinner with anyone in the world alive or living , who would it be ?

    As everyone else has said thanks so much for doing this i have taken alot from some of your answers.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 450 ✭✭Blip

    robinlacey wrote:
    i usually play 6-8,however since i've been running badly and am less motivated to play i've just been playing 3 or 4 tables most of the time recently.
    That said,a lot of it is my fault,in that i find it a lot harder to put in the hours when i'm running badly,so if i'd played as much as i do when i'm running well i'd be laughing by now.

    robinlacey wrote:
    at the minute i have been running so badly that i am relaxing at bodog 3/6 till i have a good week,in general i play 5/10 and 10/20,with the occassional pop at 20/40 if the games look good.

    I’ve heard said by other poker pros that when running badly (as badly as you describe above) that dropping to lower levels is obviously the correct thing to do, but to also continue playing the same amount of tables and the same amount of hours, this way “variance will even out at a quicker pace”

    Would you give any merit to this idea?

    When choosing tables to play what’s your preferred seat numbers?

    And yeah, Fantastic Interview, cheers.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,698 ✭✭✭semibluff

    really enjoying this read robin ty very much.
    mods any chance of creating a large sticky thread with the top five rated answers to all the common questions being added. ie those questions that are repetitive and have been answered by all those in the well - it would be a brilliant read and a way to compare different answers from different pro's.

    Also flipper - there are alot of the questions that we as poker players need answering and if sbrugby and the likes were asked the same, it would be a brilliant read.

    Robin -
    How long a session do you play - ie 3*2hrs??
    or would you quit a session early if you were getting terrible beats? feeling yourself on tilt (although you say you rarely do this,
    or if you were running extrememly well - would you quit whilst you were ahead?? (ie if you were playing your biggest game - 4 tables on 10-20 and you trippled each buy in after one hour , would you leave or stay because your "running so well", and in turn risk your massive profits?!?

    Sticking to a set routine is my own major problem and often i find i have won more than i expect in the whole day in one or two hours and think to myself i should quit for the day. But realistically i cant leave the "weak" tables im on, and recently through either bad variance/playing until im too tired(lack of concentration/ or until the guy who i thought was a "maniac" tightens up i seem to be losing enough money that in my mind im not happy with the few hundred dollar profit anymore considering what i was up.
    I know this is mental - and hate thinking any mental error of my own is holding me back. thanks in advance (bit waffly but hope you get what i was trying to say)

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,077 ✭✭✭smurph

    Great read Robin,

    Only a few questions if barely questions

    (a) Do you find it difficult adjusting to Live Tournament play from Online play, considering you are playing 8-10 tables at once online and only one table live (although Lloyd and PPPSpecial have been known to play 2 tables live, instead of going to the gym:D ).

    (b) When you feel you have beaten a level online, do you get the urge to move up in stakes and have you set a ceiling, or will Bankroll dictate that.

    (c) What do you think of the series "Rescue Me". I think it's great, not as brillant as "The Wire". HBO do have some seriously good programmes. They had a brillant one a few years ago called "Six Feet Under" which had a theme soundtrack aswell You can check it out on the following Link and click on the bottom left

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,267 ✭✭✭opr

    semibluff wrote:

    Also flipper - there are alot of the questions that we as poker players need answering and if sbrugby and the likes were asked the same, it would be a brilliant read.

    Just so you know they do. 2+2 has loads of in the well threads from top 2+2 posters. sbrugby being one of them. You can find them in the ssnl section in the sticky at the top.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,394 ✭✭✭robinlacey

    im heading out for the evening and i've been up all night so it'll probably be tomorrow before i get a chance to answer the rest of the questions,i should be back online tomorrow morning though if all goes according to plan.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 167 ✭✭FungiWalsh

    Great read, Robin. Just going to pipe up and say how brilliant your posts on Coltrane are - I'm a huge fan. It's not often that I see Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2 on a Top 10 albums list aswell, but it's one of my all-time favourites, as is MBV's Loveless. Perhaps you should check out "We Made It For You" by The Boats - it's quite similar to Aphex's piano-based stuff, but overlayed with a very sparse, minimalist element of electronica.

    As for poker, I noticed you say that you started off playing Sit-n-Gos, which is what I'm doing at the moment, just to make a few euros on the side. I used to play .50/1 and 1/2 cash games on Stars, but I stopped a few months ago after getting 2-outered a ridiculous amount of times, and still haven't gone back. I plan on starting a bankroll-building challenge for myself soon, by lodging something around $500 to an account, get a good rakeback deal, and grinding my way up. Not to make a load of money for myself (won't be expecting to, at the stakes I'll have to start at, but just to improve my cash game play, as I've been concentrating far too much on tournaments. What level, bankroll, and site do you recommend I should start at?
