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Baggage Mistake: What would Ryanair have done?

  • 23-03-2007 12:13pm
    Registered Users Posts: 5,301 ✭✭✭

    This happened to me a couple of weeks ago.

    Travelling to London with Aer Lingus (most cost effective for my requirements) for a Black Tie evening on a saturday. Monkey suit in a suit carrier in the overhead locker in the cabin. Had to put it a few seats ahead of me as there was no room in the one directly over me.

    Making my leisurely way off the plane I retrieved the only two items left in the overhead locker where i had put my suit, namely an identical suit carrier and my bottle of duty free (ish) whiskey.

    On getting to the hotel, imagine my horror when I find that the suit carrier contains not my dress suit but a couple of very swish Hugo Boss numbers, some expensive shirts and a load of ties. Panic!!!! (well, they didn't fit me)

    I ring Aer Lingus and (eventually--they could brush up on this part) get through to somebody in baggage who takes my details and promises they will call me back if and when the person who has my monkey suit gets in touch. Which, to be fair, they do in due course and we are each reunited with our own clothing.

    Aer Lingus were perfectly helpful throughout the whole affair, although there was little they could do if the other guy hadn't got in touch because it was not checked in baggage and therefore they had no way of tracing it, but I just got to thinking: what would Ryanair's attitude be if a similar thing happened on one of their flights? Would they record my details and call me back if the other guy got in touch or would they just tell us both that it was very much our problem and would we please go away and not bother them?

    Genuine question. I don't want speculative answers. (I can do that myself) Just definitive ones from anyone this may have happened to.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1 eoin82

    Friend of mine had a similar experience on Ryanair coming back to Dublin from Stansted. He left some rare records bought in Camden Town in the overhead locker, and didn't realise till he was halfway home on the no. 16A. The fact that he'd been drinking quite a bit the night before probably didn't help and could explain his forgetfulness....:rolleyes:

    Anyway, when he eventually got through to Ryanair after repeated attempts, they said that the stewards on the plane hadn't found anything, but that if something turned up they'd be in touch. Given Ryanair's quick turnaround times, it's possible the LPs went to London and back a few times that day without anyone noticing! The records never turned up, so it's possible that some lucky punter spied them and took them for himself? Either way, my friend wasn't particularly annoyed with was his own fault, and if nobody ever reported having found the items, then there wasn't a whole lot they could do I suppose.

  • Registered Users Posts: 450 ✭✭krinpit

    Not quite the same story, but I flew ryanair last summer and arrived back in dublin airport. I waited until the very last bag remained, but it wasn't mine. It was one which looked exactly the same as mine. I went straight to the Ryanair luggage desk and they took the bag in and contacted the person who owned the bag (via the barcode I presume).

    The other person would not get his bag back until he returned my bag to me, which turned out to be several hours later. Luckily for me it's Ryanair's policy to allow the "victim" to leave the vicinity of the airport immediately and wait for the bag to be delivered.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,957 ✭✭✭✭Del2005

    Not quite the same, but just before boarding a flighht out Vegas a friend remembered that they'd left some expensive shirts in the wardrode of the hotel room. We rang the hotel and told then the room number and that there where some shirts in the wardrobe. They said if they where handed in they would be sent on. It was an early morning flight so no one would have checked into the room before we called. Needless to say no sign of the shirts.

    So it's not just airlines that don't care
