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  • Registered Users Posts: 566 ✭✭✭dalk

    There is so much music these days....

    Well your tastes are varied like mine, so heres some old favorites and some newer stuff i've been listening to recently...

    Have you explored Grams work in other bands? Love these albums:

    The International Submarine Band - Safe At home
    The Byrds - Sweetheart of the Rodeo
    The Flying Burrito Brothers - Burrito Deluxe
    The Flying Burrito Brothers - The Gilded Palace of Sin

    Been listening to this a lot recently. Ethiopean funk from the 70's. Sounds like a terrible idea, but has this great dark dirty groove. Sounds more indian than north african. And i'm not a huge world music fan so...

    Mahmoud Ahmed - Erè Mèla Mèla (Can be found on compilation - Éthiopiques, Vol. 7)

    Off he top of my head ,albums from this year i've found myself listening to a lot (warning- '"the"'s following):

    The Russian Futurists - Our Thickness
    The Books - Lost & Safe
    M83 - Before The Dawn Heals Us
    Vitalic - OK Cowboy
    Mu - Out Of The Breach (Manchesters Revenge)
    Queens Of The Stoneage - Lullabies To Paralyze
    Beck - Guero
    Kraftwerk - Minimum-Maximum
    Doves - Some Cities

    Would second the recommendation of anything by Low & Sufjan Stevens...

    ...and the thing is, i just know there is loads more music out their that i will love when i hear it... so much music not enough time

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,482 ✭✭✭RE*AC*TOR

    Guided By Voices was good - not great. That's all i have to say on that. Doesn't really grab me by the balls.

    On the other hand i'm 7 out of 22 songs through Sufjan Stevens - and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,482 ✭✭✭RE*AC*TOR

    dalk - yeah I've been through Gram's other work (except ISB) - while it is good - GP and Grievous Angel are a step above. Superb stuff.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 Jesus Trash Can

    Yeh, fair point. I usually use it as a bridge to other stuff. Have you tried Brendan Benson's Lapalco?

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 4,943 ✭✭✭Mutant_Fruit

    Of course you could always try out live plasma. Its a damn good site for music (films were a bit crap last time i checked). I found a lot of artists i like by using that.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 cowswitguns

    you should listen to pete murray's album feeler, he's got some great songs, upbeat and easy going. he's a small australien artist

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 451 ✭✭Gross Halfwit

    Off the top of my head I would reccommend that you check out;

    Brendan Benson - Lapalco (Dont bother with Alternative to love or One Mississippi yet, Lapalco is his best IMO)

    The Flamin' Groovies - Teenage Head (Great Album with a lot of cracking Tunes. Good 'ol Rock n' Roll in the vein of The Rolling Stones.)

    Black Rebel Motorcycle Club's self title debut. Cracking Punk/indie/rock offerings.

    I know it aint the Metal board but If you havnt already, then get some Motorhead into your life.
    Get Motorhead - Ace Of Spades. There are a few different versions but get the one with them dressed as cowboys on the cover. Classic Album.

    Screaming Jay Hawkins - Alligator Wine (Great Rock n'Roll from the 50's. Upbeat, fun but with a lot of snorts and growls.

    Elvis Presley - Rockabilly or A Country Side Of Elvis or From Elvis In Memphis. (The king. You cant be without The King)

    Probot. Dave Grohl's collaborative project with various metal Gods!

    Danzig II - Lucifuge ( Im a big Misfits fan and have only been listening to Danzig solo for about 3 months now but I cant stop! Ths is a great album)

    Or just switch MP3 players with a friend who has different taste to you for about a week.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭DerekD Goldfish

    John2 wrote:
    Actually Re*Ac*Tor, get the book "Rip it up and Start Again" by Simon Reynolds . It's a history of Post Punk music, not just the weird bands but basically anything that took up from where punk died. Covers everything from obscure arty bands like Wire (who are excellent) to trashy electropop like the Human League. A very enjoyable book. It should reignite some interest in the bands you know and give you a rake of suggestions for your "To buy" list.

    Great Book
    Im reading it at the moment

  • Registered Users Posts: 26,558 ✭✭✭✭Creamy Goodness

    Off the top of my head I would reccommend that you check out;

    Brendan Benson - Lapalco (Dont bother with Alternative to love or One Mississippi yet, Lapalco is his best IMO)

    i'll agree to that.

    other than that here's what i'm listening to over the last few days,

    bright eyes - I'm wide awake it's morning
    elliot smith - X/O
    ben folds - songs for silverman

    all great bands/songwriters.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 29,130 ✭✭✭✭Karl Hungus

    RE*AC*TOR wrote:
    1. Mahavishnu Orchestra - The Inner Mounting Flame.

    At times brilliant - at times not so brilliant. Esp. liked violin/fiddle part in track 2 (Dawn) and track 6 (Dance Of Maya) which very much reminded me of a live Neil Young jam. Anyway I'm not completely sold - at time it was a bit prog-rocky for me. I will give it another turn round the mp3 player though...

    Ah man, you have to love the prog vibe!
    Glad you enjoyed some of it at least.

    Now, although you seem to be not into the whole prog thing, I'm going to go and recommend you listen to Arcturus anyway. They're more progressive than most progressive bands would ever even dare to imagine. I think everyone should have a copy of La Masqeruade Infernale, simply because it's one of the most downright challenging, original, starkly beautiful in it's lunacy, and just so far removed from everything else that's going on in music today.

    You should definetly give a listen to the song "The Chaos Path" at the very least, but be prepared, it utterly trounces any and all musical boundaries. The vocals alone have to be heard to be believed, half-way between some of the most staggeringly talented Operatic vocals and the fevered rants, wails and cries of a madman. Utterly unbelievable stuff.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 7,482 ✭✭✭RE*AC*TOR

    The whole prog rock thing is way too self-indulgent for my liking. I still feel ill when i think back to listening to The Alan Parson's Project. If prog rock were porn, it would be a fat middle aged man **** on his own.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,482 ✭✭✭RE*AC*TOR

    if anyone's interested the contents of my mp3 player...

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,665 ✭✭✭gary the great

    try out some placebo, maybe Without You Im Nothing or Sleeping with Ghosts?

    Worth a try.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,048 ✭✭✭DerekD Goldfish

    RE*AC*TOR wrote:
    if anyone's interested the contents of my mp3 player...

    Not a bad collection I would but up mine but I dont know how/couldnt be arsed

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,538 ✭✭✭PiE

    Not a bad collection I would but up mine but I dont know how/couldnt be arsed

    Dunno what program he used, but Oidua is very good. It's command-line though, so you'll need to open a DOS window and navigate to the folder you extracted the files to and use this command:
    oidua.exe -H --ignore-bad -f list.htm -S "E:\Mp3"
    Where E:\Mp3 is your Mp3 directory.

    It'll give a list like this. Doesn't show every MP3, just the average bitrate of each album/folder.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,617 ✭✭✭SteM

    RE*AC*TOR, I've found the exact same thing happened with me and my mp3 player.

    Maybe you could try signing up to Emusic? $14.99 a month for 65 tracks (I think). I've found that there are some real gems there - Spoon, all the Clem Snide albums, Brendan Benson, Frank Black, Pixies, loads of 4ad stuff etc - and once I downloaded all the stuff I wanted I started experimenting with other types of music. Sometimes I'll download sh1te but if I do then at least I won't have paid through the nose for it and you can listen to snippets of songs before downloading.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 2,918 ✭✭✭Deadwing

    Year of the rabbit - hunted.
    problem solved.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,482 ✭✭✭RE*AC*TOR

    PiE wrote:
    Dunno what program he used, but..

    notmad explorer - red chair software - great piece of kit.

    Today I listened to Devendra Banhart - Nino Rojo - which I thought was decent and someone else who was recommended earlier - who I thought sounded a lot like Nick Cave. (the ole memory is failing me) - anyway I've picked up a few more of the recommendations - will give em a turn soon.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,135 ✭✭✭✭John

    Try Rejoicing in the Hands by Banhart, that's probably a bit better than Nino Rojo. His first album isn't great, you really have to be in the mood for it but Rejoicing/Nino are both fantastic.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7 cowswitguns

    if your looking for a lively nonr it band try turn...good craic and never an it band... the're too pale...

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,544 ✭✭✭savemejebus

    suede dog man star is well worth a look if you're feeling sick of the usual

  • Registered Users Posts: 290 ✭✭Yv

    Get yourself some Sigur Ros. I bought one of their albums, (), on spec & after a month or two of effort getting into it (it was a leap from my usual tastes at the time, it's unusual stuff) I fell in love with it. Bought Agaetis Byrjun a week ago & haven't stopped listening to it, I'd recommend it to anyone into music with an open mind. :)

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 342 ✭✭treefingers

    ill second rejoicing in the hands by banhart and sufjan stevens. (esp illinois)

    also try the books - 'lemon of pink', for something quite different. its kinda experimental folksy rock. or something.

    violins, banjos, electronic effects and whatnot.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,421 ✭✭✭weemcd

    I was gonna suggest more game music but it seems you have a bit already.

    Some intresting music in UT2K4 and half life 2, also metaroid prime the grand theft auto soundtracks are great.

    You could try that used to be known as audiscrobbler. It works by taking what you listen to currently then generating suggestions for artists that could suit your tastes. Worth a try.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 47 Jesus Trash Can

    [Brendan Benson - Lapalco (Dont bother with Alternative to love or One Mississippi yet, Lapalco is his best IMO)

    Definately agree with that. Lapalco is a classic. Also a great album is the sound track to Garden State. Some great tunes by The Shins and Theivery Corperation. Well worth a go.

  • Registered Users Posts: 374 ✭✭IceHawk

    Anything by Jeff Buckley

    Also try Crash by Dave Matthews Band, not everyone's thing, sort of orchestral, but not really, held together by this amazing singing voice.
    Takes more than one listen to get into it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,482 ✭✭✭RE*AC*TOR

    IceHawk wrote:
    Anything by Jeff Buckley

    the choices are endless... :rolleyes:

  • Registered Users Posts: 374 ✭✭IceHawk

    RE*AC*TOR wrote:
    the choices are endless... :rolleyes:
    Well he only had one proper studio album, but I know there were several live albums and there's some 'legacy editions' out now that have previously unreleased studio stuff on them. It's all good, but with some of the songs you can see why they weren't released ;)
