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People wary of using Kazaa Lite, Bit Torrent now??



  • Registered Users Posts: 3,247 ✭✭✭stevejazzx

    when you download music (even illegally) you are supporting whatever particular artists music you are acquiring for eg if I download a paul simon song I might like it so much i go out and buy an album of his or some other merchandise of his or maybe even i'll discover simon and garfunkel and get some of their music or tell a freind about it and they might aquire it either legally or illegally the point is though that its all marketing/advertising/exposure for the artist

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,630 ✭✭✭gline

    Isnt jay-walking illegal too?? What chance do you have getting arrested for that?? the same chance as getting arrested for downloading music. you can guarentee about 60%+ of internet users have or would download music at some stage and id say 30%+ do it regualarly, of course these are just guesses but u know urself most people do use the internet to download copyrighted material, so they are hardly going to be able to catch ALL these people doing it. Id say theywill more than likely look for people who make profit out of it and publicly use the stuff, but the average joe-soap probably has nothing to worry about.

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 39,264 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    [resurrecting old-ish thread]
    The ISPs must retain records of traffic for whatever it is (3 years?) but just because it is there does not mean the record cos can access it. The ISP must respect their customers privacy.

    Also if a file is downloaded from the net 'accidentally', who is to say that it was not deleted straight away? (or are you still guilty of copyright infringement even if you delete it immediatley?). I can recall a case in the UK where a bástard paedophile got off (IIRC) because he claimed the pics of kids were downloaded by a virus!

    Also if they did manage to get your details from your ISP, would it be a civil or criminal case? Presumably either way they are unlikely to knock on your door with some kind of warrant demanding the pc!

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,002 ✭✭✭mad m

    I reckon it could only be a matter of time before a general user on BB is prosecuted for downloading media/films/ etc.They will make an example,and id say we all will quake in our boots....

    im not afraid..... :eek:

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 134 ✭✭boo4842

    Elaborate, please?

    The hip-hop genre of music today is bigger than the ENTIRE music industry was about 15 years ago, even taking into account inflation. Thats just one Genre! The whole industry is probably has revenues 10 times what it was 20 years ago.

    Remember the whole music industry claimed that they would be destroyed by tapes (reality growth of 500 - 1000%)

    Now they claim that downloaders are killing the music industry (reality: after an inital slide around 2000. Music industry revenue has seen modest growth every year since.) In fact, the industry is about twice as lucratice as it was 10 years ago before the interweb.

    I think people are forgetting that 1 song downloaded doesn't = 1 lost sale. I downloaded about 20 britney spears tracks for the hell of it. You think I'd be rushing to the store to pick up her latest CD if I couldn't download it? Please.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 53 ✭✭clearlyn

    Following the thread i am now more confused than when i started. I use Kazaa(the version with ads) to download about 20 songs a week. Is using blocking my IP address the way to go??? does anybody know any small time irish users say (30 songs a week) that have been fined by the Garda???? :confused:

  • Moderators, Technology & Internet Moderators Posts: 37,485 Mod ✭✭✭✭Khannie

    Ok, getting really sick of this. :mad:

    closing this thread now.

This discussion has been closed.