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This just had to be said.

  • 11-02-2005 3:42am
    Registered Users Posts: 3,269 ✭✭✭

    I found this site just a month ago. Since finding it, I have given my opinion on several issues and watched as others did the same. Some people agreed with what I said, and others didn't. And that's what it's all about.

    What amazes me about this site, and in particular the Transport forum, is the number of people who use it who feel the need to, not just make their point, but express their intolerance of others. By that I mean the intolerance of the people who make the points, and not just what they say.

    The glib responses to comments are not just inconsiderate, they're actually downright rude. The smarmy one-liners lead me to believe that some of you trawl the forum looking for someone to pick on.

    Uncouth comments, that usually have little substance, seem to be intended to prove a point and are often defended as they are made. I've lost count of how many times I've seen content like

    "Irish people don't respect the law ..." or "it's typically Irish to moan and complain ..."

    One of you has consistently posted about how Irish people always seem to want to "get away with it". Well, woop-de-doo. Imagine that. Having lived in the UK, Australia and America, I can confirm that Brits, Aussies and Yanks like to "get away with it too". I believe that's why, when people get into legal difficulty, they usually hire a solicitor and/or lawyer to help them get out of it.

    The disparaging remarks I've seen, which contribute nothing to the discussion, amaze me. I have not seen anything like them on the other boards I visit. Is that what being Irish is all about?

    Ironically, I visit this site primarily because it is Irish, and felt that the topics for discussion would feel more "real" as there was a good chance I could relate to them more than on a foreign site. defines forum as follows

    "A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas"

    That's discussion folks, and ideas. While a great many users of the boards have intelligent and insightful comments to make, and some back up claims with evidence (BTW - opinions are just that, and really don't need evidential support), there are, unfortunately, a small few who seem to want to rain on everyone's parade.

    Playing devil's advocate is fine and can be fun. If you want to have a laugh on your own, at someone else's expense; well, that's great . But being bitchy - that's right fellas, bitchy - for the sake of it, is pretty petty.

    I've "enjoyed" the forum for just one month. How long I continue to do so remains to be seen. Maybe I'll join the ranks of hundreds of others who witnessed the petty sniping that goes on here, and found somewhere else on the web to voice thier opinions. Time will tell.

    By the way, if anyone replies to this comment, I'll probably read it, but won't get into a discussion. I've said my piece.



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 510 ✭✭✭Mayshine

    There is nothing wrong with having your own opinion so long as nobody disagrees. This is especially true in this forum.

    But i don't really like to get into arguements, as it is futile since our wonderful gowernment screws up every transport decision than it must make. I guess liveing in Singapore means that I do not car all that much any more


    P.S. I am pissed as I type so do not take so seriously

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,221 ✭✭✭BrianD

    Why didn't you just PM me ... :D

    In all fairness Tony, why make this posting if you are not prepared to discuss it further. As regard to be rude, I think you've got away with pretty lightly. I have never insulted anyone on this board but I have taken some abuse for not taking the "popular" view or line on things. It's a forum for views, don't take it personally. If I did I would be in a home for the bewildered by now.

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,339 ✭✭✭BrianD3

    DubTony, I don't see the problem. For the most part is strictly moderated and abuse is not tolerated. Most of the posts on forums such as commuting/transport are reasonably intelligent. If someone makes a post and makes a badly thought out or flawed argument it's true that other posters will be all over them like a rash to gleefully point out the failings. But surely this is just a normal part of debating. If you disagree with posters such as BrianD, then why don't you just butt heads with them in actual threads instead of starting a new OT thread to complain about how things work around here. For instance your point about the americans and british wanting to get away with stuff is a valid one - but there was no need to start a new thread to make this point.

    If you want an illustration of how things work in other unmoderated discussion groups, check out Usenet newsgroups. It's a total free for all where nothing is taboo and you can say what you like. Flamewars can go on for months. The forums are overrun by nutters, spammers, morons, bullsh1tters, trolls etc. Is BrianD really so bad compared to all of this? :)


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 7,221 ✭✭✭BrianD

    Oi! Why you singling me out!!! I am the voice of reason!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,042 ✭✭✭Metrobest

    Tony in this thread:
    "What amazes me about this site, and in particular the Transport forum, is the number of people who use it who feel the need to, not just make their point, but express their intolerance of others."

    Tony to Mr Pudding in another thread:
    "Maybe you could get off your high horse and get back to giving us some creative and useful posts."

    And here's Tony again:
    "I have read the thread, and all I see is you regurgitating the same rubbish. You make no arguements or suggestions that contribute."

    Is Tony a troll?

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 60 ✭✭Kaner

    Have to say I agree with some of Tony's points. Threads at times seem to turn into bitch sessions, with a couple or more posters trying to outdo each other in a ridiculous argument competition. You come out of feeling you have just witnessed a savage fight between some dead sheep. (Not that I'm above being a dick myself sometimes. :) )

    I am not saying that people are not free to post anything that is within the rules, but there is sometimes a huge difference in the quality of posts. Some are well constructed with at least a little research behind them, others are vents for hot air. Some posters engage brain before typing, others spew. Everyone is entitled to an occasional barf, but when I see it on a continuous basis from the same individuals, I tend not to read their posts. When the barfing takes over, a good thread can degenerate into trash.

    At the risk of seeming pedantic, I'd like to mention that there are rules of argument, and well known errors of argument. Errors of argument such as non-sequiturs, post hoc ergo propter hoc errors, ad hominem errors, slippery slope fallicies, etc, appear all the time in posts, although it must be said, not as often as in the Irish Independant, which is busy composting into a real pile of ****e of a newspaper.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,933 ✭✭✭thejollyrodger

    I've been on for a while now and I can saftely say there arent too many trollers around and its only the post that is attacked :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,107 ✭✭✭John R

    Metrobest wrote:
    Tony in this thread:
    "What amazes me about this site, and in particular the Transport forum, is the number of people who use it who feel the need to, not just make their point, but express their intolerance of others."

    Tony to Mr Pudding in another thread:
    "Maybe you could get off your high horse and get back to giving us some creative and useful posts."

    And here's Tony again:
    "I have read the thread, and all I see is you regurgitating the same rubbish. You make no arguements or suggestions that contribute."

    Is Tony a troll?

    Pot, Kettle, etc.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,254 ✭✭✭chewy

    therefore looser, i don't have don't expect to have to write a thesis for every post (although *slaps* himself for lazying typing), methinks "it gets to be a I know so much more then you forum" sometimes, particurarliy on transport

    but hey don't blame the mods. modding is a hard job

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,351 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    chewy wrote:
    therefore looser
    Is that an insult?
    chewy wrote:
    methinks "it gets to be a I know so much more then you forum" sometimes, particurarliy on transport

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,788 ✭✭✭MrPudding

    Victor wrote:
    Is that an insult?

    I am open to correction but I think he meant looser in the burden of proof sense, as in not as stringent.


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 756 ✭✭✭Zaph0d

    DubTony wrote:
    ...glib responses to comments are not just inconsiderate...
    I find this forum very polite and gentle!
    DubTony wrote:
    "A medium of open discussion or voicing of ideas"...but won't get into a discussion. I've said my piece.
    It's a bit much to give a dictionary definition of a forum in terms of a discussion and then announce that you are making a statement and don't want to take part in a discussion. It's clearly unhealthy for a forum if people post and then duck for cover and refuse to back up or clarify anything they've said.
    chewy wrote:
    it gets to be a I know so much more then you forum
    without facts and sources, the posts would just be an endless succession of made up statistics backed up with ISTR and IIRC IMHO...This is all very well when you're making your way through a rake of pints but less amusing otherwise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,269 ✭✭✭DubTony

    Ok, I recant.

    Maybe I was a little hasty in posting my opinion... ach! not really....Let's call a spade a spade; I was ranting. :o

    I suppose I could delete the post but that'd be just silly. So ... I take it back and apologise.
    BrianD wrote:
    Why didn't you just PM me ...

    Wouldn't have been any fun Brian :)
    BrianD3 wrote:
    ...check out Usenet newsgroups.

    Did that years ago Brian. Why do you think I'm such a cantankerous bastard? ;)
    Zap0d wrote:
    It's a bit much to give a dictionary definition of a forum in terms of a discussion and then announce that you are making a statement and don't want to take part in a discussion. It's clearly unhealthy for a forum if people post and then duck for cover and refuse to back up or clarify anything they've said.

    Point well made and taken.

    So, now I'm going to ...
    Metrobest wrote:
    Is Tony a troll?

    ... crawl back under my bridge.

    Feel free to abuse me whenever and however you see fit. (Gently, please)


  • Registered Users Posts: 9,788 ✭✭✭MrPudding

    DubTony wrote:

    Did that years ago Brian. Why do you think I'm such a cantankerous bastard? ;)

    I object to your use of the term bastard and demand the resignation of you and your boss.


  • Banned (with Prison Access) Posts: 13,018 ✭✭✭✭jank

    I kinda agree with what he has to say.

    People have entrenched opinions on some of these subjects and feel it is their duty to try and persuade others that they are right and you are wrong

    P11 and metrobest springs to mind as with others. Sometimes they do make valid points but as I said they are "never" wrong when it comes to be a good transport policy/strategy
