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what do you think?

  • 16-06-2004 12:49pm
    Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭

    Planted in 1932
    A canopy for the Amen Corner
    Generations of grey squirrell

    Six horse chestnuts stood
    through birith and death

    A new car park
    Dead squirrell lying
    By articulated Tyres.


    My Child

    I walked through Primark
    Pricing school uniforms
    Marvelled and the cost of books

    In Tesco priced healthy lunches.
    I read the parental permission slips,
    Argued the merits of Steiner

    Scolded the laundry pile
    For using up quality time
    and grappled with bindweed in the garden.

    Torn between ballet and gynmastics
    I walked to the play-park
    Watched mothers push swings and see-saws

    Sat and fed the ducks and wondered
    Is this how it would be
    Had you lived ?


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,730 ✭✭✭✭simu

    I like them!

    The second one reminds me of this poem that I did at school. The technique at the end is similar but I have to say I got a bit of a jolt when I read yours too.

  • Hosted Moderators Posts: 5,945 ✭✭✭BEAT

    hmmm, I like your style.
    would like to see some more ;)

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,617 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    First one is good in a different sort of way, second one is excellent weeginger.

  • Subscribers Posts: 9,716 ✭✭✭CuLT

    The first one sounds (in my head) as though spoken by Christopher Walken :) .

    Nice work.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭weeginger

    Having just had a horrible few days (including an asthma attack, being robbed and my house being trashed) it is really nice to get some positive feedback. Before this any feedback I have received has been from friends who though they claim to be unbiased I fear may be more complimentary than I deserve.

    here is another offering, would be interested to read some of what u guys have done? Has anyone had their work published?

    Still Single

    I met Mr Right today
    He was selling Big Issue
    So I crossed the Street.

    Mr Right was on the bus
    I sat beside him
    Then my mobile rang.

    I talked to Mr Right
    at my house last night,
    the dishwasher's fixed.

    I showered and preened
    Walked in heels to the Bot
    Where Mr Right introduced his wife.



    Give me wings that I may flay
    High up in the gently sky

    Far away from all the pain
    Far from this soul's acid rain

    To where all my thoughts are free
    And dreams become reality

    Before my heartstrings to to rust
    Let me fly among stardust.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,617 ✭✭✭MojoMaker

    I liked "Still single" - it is honest, uncomplicated, and down to earth. I wasn't mad about "Wings" though - it sounds to be like you were trying to be enigmatic in the second poem and as a result it appears slightly contrived. Stick with the subjects you know and resist the temptation to go ethereal on us - a very common mistake with aspiring writers/poets. 99% of times reaching for the stratospheric levels of true subjectivity merely ends up being cliched unfortunately.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭weeginger

    I appreciate the feedback. The second poem is really old - think i wrote it when I was around sixteen. In the past I was more interested in the "bigger issues" inside my head, which I am sure with writing skills as poor as mine can become quite cliched. At the moment I am more involved in everyday occurances and observations but I find it hard to write in anything other than the first person. I probably need to brush up my English skills a bit.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭weeginger

    Quote : "oceans of ****e material"

    I am starting to feel like I am destined to remain in the cesspool, one more crap poet in the oceans of ****e material on the internet. REading some of the stuff on here has inspired and challlenged me, but also scared the crap out of me. . (By the way none of my poems are finished, sometimes I wonder if they ever will be, I feel compelled to revisit and change them constantly though it probably doesn't result in much improvement.

    Here are two offerings that I am working on at the moment.

    Band Aids

    A scratched finger
    tended and kissed better.
    Broken toys and broken hearts,

    Held and mnded.

    Grocery shopping,
    Miscellaneous errands,
    Essays, exams and lazy colleagues.

    Rant in my direction.

    Band Aids and
    I kiss it better.
    But now I've cut my knee.

    Boy and Girl

    We talk about rent and rent and Rent and electricity bills.
    There's a builder in my parking space.
    There's no milk left and someone left the cooker on.

    Once upon a time
    We played with crayons and modelling clay
    When boys didn't hold hands with girls
    We escaped on lego space ships
    To a land where there's no homework

    Do people pay rent there?

    I gave my lego set away when we got engaged
    There's overtime now and bills get paid
    And boys don't hold hands with girls again.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,730 ✭✭✭✭simu

    I really like "Boy and Girl". It captures a certain sort of feeling (being grown up and having no way of escaping your problems for a bit) vividly and concisely.

    I like the way you capitalised he third "Rent" in the first line - it gives the impression that the word rent is always on your lips like a mantra and that it eventually becomes personified and therefore capitalised. Plus, rent also has an even more sinister tone as it could allude to the possibility of the couple being "rent" apart by their problems. The movement in that line is really strong as well - it sounds very intense when you read it out loud.

    Plus, the lego spaceship image, I like as well - I was always a big fan of the old lego!

    I don't really get the cut knee bit in the first poem though - or maybe it's supposed to be ambiguous.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭weeginger

    Thanks a lot for the feed back. There is rent in the financial sense, but also the realisation that the relationship may be simply paying rent, going through the motions.
    Originally posted by simu
    I don't really get the cut knee bit in the first poem though - or maybe it's supposed to be ambiguous.

    Some better image will come to me. Its the best I could come up with today (although it was written on the bus on the way to work). Its supposed to be about my role in life and my desire to escape it. I am the person who holds everybody else's life together. The perpetual shoulder to cry on. I am coming to the realisation that if I fulfill this role for everyone in my life, there is no one left to do the same for me. At a time in my life when I need someone, this is quite a frightning thought.

    Like I said that poem hasn't captured it but hopefully something. I'll keep you updated when something comes to me.

    does that make sense ?

    I have ideas in my head but very poor understanding of what works and doesn't. (Back in the day my English teacher and I were arch enemies). Sometimes its very difficult to figure out how to convey a message. I am new to boards and wishing I had discovered it sooner - what a melting pot of minds, its brilliant!

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 10,730 ✭✭✭✭simu

    does that make sense ?

    Yes, I'd say you should keep at it - you'll find a way of getting that accross eventually.

  • Registered Users Posts: 67 ✭✭weeginger

    I can't believe I have posted so many spelling mistakes ! I apologise
