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November Vanilla Werewolf - Game Thread

  • 24-11-2024 8:53am
    Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators Posts: 18,001 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    Welcome to the Vanilliast of Vanilla Werewolf

    You have fought through the ropes in WWE and taken on the unknown in Supernatural, but today, you have been stripped of all weapons and toys and you must use the deadliest, good and bad, weapon you have. Your Brain. There are no roles in this game, you are either a Villager or one of the wolves! Who will prevail in the ultimate battle of wits!

    Good luck and Enjoy!


    Game Rules: Please note that Lynch will be at 9.30pm each night (blame the kiddos!)

    1) Once you are eliminated, do not post in the thread again. Absolutely no editing or deleting posts for any reason, once you make a post it cannot be changed. Eliminated players should also not thank active players posts, for obvious reasons. Once you are eliminated you will receive a PM with a link providing access to a safe space where you can discuss the game away from the view of the players as soon as Trigger can get to it.

    2) Don’t cheat, it’s a game that relies heavily on the players having integrity. No PMing other players in the game. If you have any concerns about the game mechanics or the integrity of other players contact Trigger who will make a decision. Do not discuss any of this in game or elsewhere, and please don’t discuss any aspects of the game elsewhere on the site whilst the game is ongoing. Always remember, there may be secrets. 

    3) Please all try to reasonably contribute to the game thread and always remember to get a vote in (where it is possible for you to do so) as a minimum. 2 missed votes will result in a modkill. Arranging a substitution will be attempted if needed but not always possible.

    4) No posting of any PM's from the game mod. You may refer to the information contained within if you wish, but paraphrase, do not quote them verbatim. 

    5) Game starts with an extended day with the first action being the lynch at 9.30pm Monday evening. After 9.30pm Monday will be considered night 1.

    6) You will be provided with a voting code in your PM. Do not share your vote form password to anyone else. All votes for the eliminations have to be made by yourself. Voting will be done via Google forms with the link provided in the OP, and the dedicated lynch link thread in the Werewolf Forum. In the event of a tied vote on an elimination, the eliminated player may be decided by last vote cast - if other factors do not come into play. Voting form link: Lynch Form

    7) Policy on Abuse: Boards has a no-abuse rule in place that is in effect in this forum as well. By all means, call people on dodgy behaviour, point out if they are being silly or behaving strangely, be aggressive in your approach; but DO NOT abuse another player. If you feel another player has stepped over a line, the first step is to ask them to stop; if they do not, please PM a forum mod (@Trigger) or use the report button on the post in question. Forum mods will investigate and action any issues at an appropriate time, keeping the game mods informed of any actions as needed.

    8) Have fun, make memes, take the piss and try to enjoy the game. Be aware that there are new players having their first experience, don’t look in grey areas not covered by these rules for any advantages and try to make the game enjoyable for all.

    NB: Not a rule but important, especially given the drop off of Forum Games the past few years. We have new players playing or perhaps watching this game, so please make them feel welcome in the forum by behaving respectfully with your fellow players. If anyone new is reading this, we have a glossary of terms and acronyms within the forum, as well as the beginner’s guide, which is available to all within the werewolf sub forum. You can also PM Trigger for access to discuss the game away from view of the players.

    Lynch Form

    Win Conditions:

    Wolf Win: Gain parity with the Village

    Village Win: Eliminate all the Wolves






    @Leg End Reject


    @JP Liz V1



    @Lord TSC





    PM's will be issuing shortly, thread is closed until all are issued

    Moderator: Forum Games


