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Dee Forbes banging the RTE TV licence drum again 60m uncollected fee *poll not working - pl ignore*



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,610 ✭✭✭Tow

    On the grounds that O’Keeffe got 450k and RTE paid her taxes on it. Kevin publicly stated they were going to pay her taxes. This would have set a benchmark for Jennings to aim for.

    When the employer pays the taxes, this is a BIK. To use Joe Duffy's understanding of the tax system. You need to earn 2,000 euro to get 1,000 euro. So, to pay 100k in tax you have to earn 200k and so on. So if O'Keeffe owed say 100k in taxes, it cost Kevin 200k to pay it. We don't know the exact figures, but the 450k may well have cost RTE (the Taxpayer) 600k or more…

    When is the money (including lost growth) Michael Noonan took in the Pension Levy going to be paid back?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    O'Keeffe was part a redundancy package, that ended up not being a redundancy package and had the potential to be taxed, but we don't know if it ever was… or did we find out … we know RTÉ said they would pay the tax if it should be taxable (not really sure why? they even gave this guarantee).

    But O'Keefe would be liable for tax on 200k, either in the year for the payment or in the year she receive the payment.

    e.g. O'Keefee leaves in 2017 she owes tax from 2017 not this year, RTÉ pay for 2017 not for 2023, meaning that is a 2017 earning not a 2023 earning, so BoK would owe tax on what she earn in total in 2017.

    Sure you employer could always pay your tax in the second year of employment so that you can evade tax in the previous year.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,756 ✭✭✭TinyMuffin

    the Irish tax payer are awful gobshites, Rte givin golden handshakes and secret payouts to people who get sick when the sh1t hits the fan. And the Burke crowd amassing 100s of 1000s in fines and nothing been done about it. And still getting payed.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,610 ✭✭✭Tow

    Revenue operate off the 'Payment Date'. If Kevin paid O'Keeffe 200k to pay her 100k tax liability in 2024, then the 200k would (should) be in taxed using 2024 tax rates.

    When is the money (including lost growth) Michael Noonan took in the Pension Levy going to be paid back?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,610 ✭✭✭Tow

    In saying all of this we have to remember that we are talking about the CFO and Head of HR in one of the largest employers in the country. This is their bread and butter, they are far from innocence and Kevin was a fool to say RTE were going to pay her tax.

    When is the money (including lost growth) Michael Noonan took in the Pension Levy going to be paid back?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,039 ✭✭✭Mike Murdock

    But we Peons get a nice €750 tax break so, you know, it all breaks even in the end…

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    it will turn into a taxes on taxes situation. Its tax law that paying an employees taxes is counted as earnings

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,100 ✭✭✭Gen.Zhukov

    I seem to recall that Jim Jennings was quoted (many times) as saying that he really wanted to come in to the committees and help out, answer questions, giving his side - with the implication being that unlike Forbesy, he really was ill.

    Seems like that was a load of horse after all and he gets off scott free (with added wedge thrown in)

    I've said it before - If this ***t happened in France, Montrosia would be a smouldering wasteland

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,114 ✭✭✭Hyperbollix

    Total coincidence that the Jennings news comes in the last weeks of silly season, of course.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    Yeah I am sick of illness.

    I can't see that Mr. Jennings was sick, yes he had the excuse that he had a minor operation before he went out sick, but prior to that he'd headed off to some soccer match paid for by RTÉ.

    As for Dee, I have heard she is really sick but its been a year at this point.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,048 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    Nothing new there Mr A, think ‘Birthdaygate “ back in the Covid days.

    Once a silo, always a silo, those lads are cornholing John Q Taxpayer like there was no to-morrow.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,474 ✭✭✭✭Blazer

    largest employers? are you insane..its a mickey mouse outfit with about 1800 people in 2022 that's taking this country for a ride. I'm all for public service but RTe should be cut to the absolute bone and funded for public service programs ie news/primetime. Everything else should be raised by advertising or streaming…if they don't last then tough ****. Give the public service fund to another station.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,610 ✭✭✭Tow

    It actually has around 2,500 when the 'subcontractors' are counted... By Irish standard this is large. ~95% of Irish employers have 5 or less employees. What I don't understand is what they are all doing. They have cut back on service after service, but still have all the staff. HR were supposed to introduce a grading system years ago, but failed to. It would be a start in controlling costs. Detail what everyone one does and their level of responsibility, then assign a grade to them. There are already HR systems/methodologies to do this. I have see it done in other large employers. Once you have a grade, the grade has a salary range. Then look at the employees actually Salary vs their Grade. Some will need a salary increase, but others will be earning more than the top salary for their grade. They can increase their responsibilities (grade) or their salary can stagnate until the top of the salary range for their grade reaches it.

    But, I come back to what are all the staff doing? Joe Duffy had had at least half a dozen different producers in the last month. What do these people do on other days? Are their people 'wandering the corridors' who produced a show a one/twice a month?

    Then we have tallent like George Lee. Hardly ever on air these days, but on big money.

    When is the money (including lost growth) Michael Noonan took in the Pension Levy going to be paid back?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    The problem you have is that you reduce Irish programming outside of news and current affairs, not that RTÉ have ever done well in other areas, but you'd be guaranteed that no local drama will be produced, lots of FDI followed by one or two Irish Drama's per year.

    I have said before RTÉ should be broken up

    RTÉ TV - Rebranded as FÍS (coming under Screen Ireland)

    • FÍS 1 - takes the place of RTÉ 1
    • FÍS 2 - takes the place of RTÉ 2
    • FÍS ÓR - An archive / catch up channel
    • FÍS Play - RTÉ PLAYER
    • Funding Exchequer and ad revenue
    • Commission all independent productions

    RTÉ RADIO - Rebranded as 2RN

    • National Media Centre / Radio and TV studios
    • National broadcast network
    • 2RN - RTÉ Radio 1
    • 2FM
    • 2ÓR - RTÉ GOLD
    • 2XM
    • 2PL - RTÉ Pulse
    • Funding from exchequer and ad revenue and studio / network rentals

    TG4 & RnaG - RTnaGLS (National Irish, Children and Film broadcaster)

    • TG4
    • RnaG
    • RnaL - replaces RTÉjr Radio (irish and english content)
    • 4jr - takes over from RTÉjr (English Children's channel)
    • 4Eile - archives and catch up channel
    • Cula4
    • Cine4 (Film Channel)
    • SRUTH4 - streaming and podcasting service
    • Funding from exchequer and ad revenue
    • Commission all independent productions

    NCH - National Concert Hall

    • Lyric FM
    • Concert Orchestra
    • Funding from exchequer and ad revenue and ticket sales

    RTÉ NEWS and Current Affairs - becomes Media News / Mean Nuacht

    • Provides all news to the above organisations
    • MN News - Takes over from RTÉ NEWS CHANNEL
    • MN Radio - replaces RTÉ Radio 1 extra
    • News provided online also with its own player
    • Funded from the license fee, reduce license fee to €60 per year

    Post edited by RoTelly on


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,474 ✭✭✭✭Blazer

    With the exception of Irish portions, NCH and RTE news and current affairs , absolutely none of the other stuff should be exchequer funded.

    Otherwise you're saying break up RTe but lets keep funding them by throwing them hundreds of millions a year and also let them keep ad revenue. Sure our license goes down to 60 quid but we'd still be funding their gold plated contracts and so called redundancy payments.

    If a charity had done what RTE is currently doing fraud squad would be in and making arrests. But RTE is being allowed to get away with it.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    You could make FÍS and 2RN full commercial save for news from Media News, but you'd have to insist that all their ad revenue is used for commissions and home produced programming.

    Where does that leave sport?

    I'd reduce down the head count under my plan and only RTÉ commissioning editors would move to Screen Ireland, none of their executive, e.g. the new head of Video content can be sent to the archives to digitize video for all I care.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    pretty much more of the same either they are double jobing or making up roles

    New Head of Communications, Marketing and Social

    Is that a new role (during a freeze) or his he replacing some one and is that someone the former Director Of Audiences, Marketing and Channels, now Deputy DG? and where does it put the Head of Public Affairs, and where are their public affairs unit to answer questions about Jimbo.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,610 ✭✭✭Tow

    I would need to double check, but buried in their recent annual report they hired a new head of equality or some such title. This should just be a standard part of HR's remit.

    When is the money (including lost growth) Michael Noonan took in the Pension Levy going to be paid back?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,048 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    They are still cornholing us.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 352 ✭✭backwards_man

    Large companies hold their senior execs to account for those big bucks. Don't see that happening at RTE.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    Did you consider the cost of all this with a management team that failed completely. Am I wrong in your view that RTÉ's highly paid management team failed in the duties towards the company? And am I wrong to state that RTÉ is a badly run company?

    Before I go on, had RTÉ run the company well and provided a strong public broadcaster, this would be a nothing burger.

    No one is suggesting that the people put into these roles should be on €70k but many of them on are BBC wages when the are at most running BBC Wales or BBC Northern Ireland, potential just BBC Manchester.

    The calibre of talent? Logically Jim Jennings? Dee Forbes? Breda O'Keefe? Geraldine O'Leary? Rory Coveney?

    Now I do feel that Richard Collins was slightly pulled under the bus by the above.

    I have nothing against the person doing the job, that I have highlighted, but RTÉ is filled with people doing a similar job and either on similar wages or higher wages, on top of many contractors that they have hired through eTenders to do their jobs.

    The Current Head of Public Affairs (and member of the Leadership team) could not find a spokesperson to talk to their own Radio Show about the exiting of Jim Jennings, one of the other reason you pay your leadership team so well is so that they answer difficult questions? Particularly when your in crisis.

    So Logically you are some what right but Rationally, the Public service broadcaster is filled with people who couldn't run a café (I'd say piss up in a brewery but lets face it that is the one thing you would employ them to do).


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    Did the main man consider that those he has "exited" were grossly incompetent and did he get advice on that? I doubt he did? Instead he asked what would it cost to go to the WRC v just paying them off.

    Mr Bakhurst hasn't proven himself. He was in RTÉ a Deputy Director General 8 years ago. Many of the people he "exited" are people he worked with, back then he brought nothing new to the table, did they change during his 8 year absence? He agree to cut children's content by 25%, later Dee Frobes would cut again by 50% (reducing spend on Children's content, part of the public service remit they have). He was part of the team that agree to fund 2fm from the licence fee after the death of Gerry Ryan. (And what he said about the move of Tubs from 2FM to Radio 1 was the stupidest thing I have ever heard).

    He agreed to pay Breda O'Keefe's tax bill should the revenue deem her redundancy not the be a redundancy, RTÉ took responsibly for a mistake she potential made in her role as CFO. Now in saying this I think he could offer this because I don't think the Revenue has investigated this, so I don't think anyone is liable for this tax, as Revenue aren't interested.

    Did he not notice that RTÉ's faculties were falling down around him 8 years ago, do you think lack of maintained just occurred under the watch of Dee Forbes?

    There are plenty of more competent people in Ireland that could do this job, again I am not saying for less money.

    And finally Bob, do you work for RTÉ or have you ever?


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 20,048 ✭✭✭✭Brendan Bendar

    Lookit…… it’s quite simple in the long run.

    RTE management ran themselves into the buffers,all it took after the years of stovepiping , siloeing, lack of control of expenses, outlandish wedges to people on a false premise that they would leave, was a slip up on the Tubridy disclosure and the whole house of cards came tumbling down.

    You can pay these honchos Monopoly money but unless they are held to account for their activities and made to pay the price …’s a waste of time.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    Thanks Bob, I don't understand your defence of RTÉ TBH. And don't take this an attack on you, its purely some ramblings that I am jotting down.

    Many years ago I was a much more prolific users of, I'd mainly posted in Broadcasting, Film, TV and the odd occasion Politics and after hours. 4 years ago I made a decision to drop that user, as I felt Boards had become massively political and a place were you could not have an opinion on certain topics, so I created this user name and I large stick to Broadcasting and this thread and a few other related to broadcasting. Those are the rules I have set myself, because I agree with you you can be sucked into social media and I have limited my time to weekdays, I am breaking that rule. To me these are sensible rules for me as a user of

    This is going be long :)

    Over on another part of boards I post but rarely, and less than I used to, that is due to a mod that seems to think you cannot make a bad comment about anyone in RTÉ because they aren't here to defend themselves, IMO RTÉ get plenty of airtime to defend themselves, I almost always mention the mismanagement of RTÉ because of this, though talk about VMTV/TV3 how you like, as much as you like. Watch me be banned from there!

    As my other username I defended RTÉ to the hilt, and right now I could defend RTÉ if anyone asking me to, I could do it far better than most in RTÉ. (Obviously outside of this crisis, its indefensible).

    For example the only thing I'd mention on RTÉ august holiday before would be "well it used to be from June to August" and prime time was drop completely in August, now it gets a Thursday night edition, this is not to mention the axing of all other CA programmes over the summer.

    But there are plenty of things that RTÉ do well and if they had the right management the could have even done those things better and with other genres, instead they have close to 50 employees working on Marketing and Comms, along with numerous contractors, along with spending in areas where there is no need.

    Do I believe that Bakhurst will do a good job? No. I am happy to give him the benefit of the doubt but at what point does that benefit stop? Dee Forbes had a honeymoon period right up until her resignation, nobody was talking about their misspending of the funding (I wrote to RTÉ, I wrote to every TD, I wrote to the FOMC, the BAI and so on, I FOI'd them on their executives expenses long before anyone was talking about them). RTÉ was in a heap 7 years ago and nothing changed you could see it, the dogs on the street could see it.

    You have visited RTÉ, I assume when on TV. There is only one building being maintained and that is the executive offices at the centre of the campus, the rest as you walk around are mess.

    The lobby of the Radio Centre was supposed to be open and minimalist, now it is as if your father went to the dump found old sofas and threw them around the space, and sure stick up a few old logos and here's a 1990s reception desk, there is probably still a FAX machine sitting behind it (plugged out and not in use).

    Over in the TV building stacked RTÉ Guides with no where to go, a rug that clearly needs mending and a wash, potentially to be removed and replaced. Over the years corridors closed off with ugly fire doors and a wardrobe department draping their cast offs around the windows to provide some privacy. Meanwhile TV studios not in use sitting there ready to go.

    So bad in the Radio centre they decided that the "video" studios would be built in the new-ish TV building, rather than investing in maintaining the Radio Centre. Venetian blinds broken and lopsided.

    A general malaise had set in, and visually on their stations RTÉ ONE stuck in 2008, RTÉ2 rebranded with nowhere to go but sport, RTÉ Player continually getting bad reviews, disjointed programming, disjointed scheduling, little new or inventive, a digital TV station they have no interesting in (RTÉ NEWS NOW), digital radio stations they want to see the back of and never invested in, a Radio player forgotten about, with the old logo of the RTÉ player branding for about 3 years before someone though of removing it, a cork studio also badly maintained, dropping of all local office to be hosted by the ITs for what benefit to the ITs? and I could go on.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 9,610 ✭✭✭Tow

    Drug abuse is well know in RTE, so nothing new. Even my elderly mother has seen first hand proof of it!

    When is the money (including lost growth) Michael Noonan took in the Pension Levy going to be paid back?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 759 ✭✭✭20/20

    Well my elderly father has a soft spot for Sharon Ni Bheolain .

    Now Iam wondering what he means when saying is Sharon doing a line.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    Media Minister Catherine Martin was first told of a potential golden handshake to RTÉ’s head of content Jim Jennings at the end of May.

    That date directly links the payment to comments by the RTÉ chairman Terence O’Rourke to an Oireachtas committee on June 12 about an exit payment of up to €400,000 to a departing RTÉ employee.

    the national broadcaster and Ms Martin insisted they cannot divulge the cost of Mr Jennings’ exit package. 

    The minister respects this legal process and the confidentiality provisions of these agreements. Any other queries are a matter for RTÉ.

    Asked if the ‘400,000’ payment was relating to anybody else in RTÉ – and hence still outstanding, a spokesman said: ‘RTÉ is not in a position to say anything further, as you’ll appreciate given the terms of the WRC.’

    Approached in June following the committee hearing, Mr Jennings said he had no comment to make when asked if he was going to be the beneficiary of the six-figure redundancy package.

    where was he asked and who asked him?

    Ask if RTÉ and Jim Jennings would be willing to make public the decision. I am sure the WRC don't care if both parties are in agreement.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,814 ✭✭✭mountain

    have you listened to Liveline, Ray Darcy show?

    Both of those are at the level of Community Radio, with the 2 presenters drawing 600k between them, and production and researchers on top

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    RTÉ sick leave from a case previously brought to the WRC

    The complainant confirmed that when she was on sick leave, she had been paid in full for the first six months and then reduced to half pay, as provided for in the respondent’s sick leave scheme. 


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,562 ✭✭✭fliball123

    I think if people just stop paying the license and when the first person is brought to court for non payment I would go full media circus on them and simply say that why should we pay a license for an organization who have committed fraud and the vast majority of these people are allowed walk away without answering questions and with a huge golden handshakes. I would take the piss and get a doctors note stating I cant answer any questions due to illness and see if this person can get away with it for as long as Jennings and Forbes did. I can see this happening there will be a queue of people looking to ask the court why the gov are wasting time and money on 100/200 Euro fee when RTE have defrauded the tax payer of millions and no one held accountable and RTE want us to continue paying or just stating I will answer all questions after Miss Forbesand Mr Jennings have had answered theirs. I would love to see all other media outlets and online media covering this it would be a real kick in the teeth for RTE who simply have no right to continue getting tax payers money the day and age of an impartial media here is gone as soon as there is any commercial aspect it directly conflicts with what public sector broadcasting should be as once money is involved there is a bias towards getting more and it is obvious we need to have a new public media out let and let RTE hit the skids and have nothing else for public broadcasting bar one TV channel and one radio station that only shows things like news, Irish sport (with things like our national game being broadcast for free here I think the GAA should have all government money taken away if they refuse to do this) and other social/political and ethical issues that Ireland is dealing with looked at on a non biased basis and no adds so we know how much it costs who is getting what and no barter accounts. This is my 2 cents.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 738 ✭✭✭Baba Yaga

    the whole thing stinks…still say the whole thing should be closed up and the fraud squad or even CAB (if they would get involved in something like this?) brought in and question everybody in the place…

    anyone hear hows dee?make a miraculous recovery yet seeing as theres more money on the loose in rte?

    "They gave me an impossible task,one which they said I wouldnt return from...."

    "You are him…the one they call the "Baba Yaga"…

    yo,kevo…im still waiting on my free rte branded flip-flops and macaroons…

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,746 ✭✭✭political analyst

    Why has RTÉ not announced its line-up of programmes for this Autumn?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,910 ✭✭✭Floppybits

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,474 ✭✭✭✭Loafing Oaf

    mass evasion of the licence fee will achieve nothing; the government will just cover the shortfall

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,746 ✭✭✭political analyst

    RTÉ announced its Autumn 2023 line-up - without fanfare, for obvious reasons. Why would it not announce its Autumn 2024 line-up? If something that is usually done at a certain time in the year hasn't yet been done by that time, how can it not matter?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,100 ✭✭✭Gen.Zhukov

    Their 2022 launch was a blast though - I think they all wore gold plated flip-flops and snorted finely ground truffles infused with caviar and icing sugar - All flown in by helicopter as Ryan logged every move on instagram, as he quipped, "I'm 'hahaha' just 'hahaha' fantastic"

    They were good times

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    RTÉ was slow to launch last year because of the excess of the scandal of last year, and they as @Gen.Zhukov points out spend of €80k on the last launch that Dee Forbes splashed out on.

    They announced the "autumn" schedule today. And its great!


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly "Unique Public Service Content" they are such **** saps.

    To me its all the same, depression dressed as entertainment and that not just the documentaries.


    On the Beat - Fly on the wall doc about the Gardaí, in a never been done before doc that's been done before

    The Case I Can’t Forget - Returns for another series

    Blindboy: The Land of Slaves - because he doesn't want to be famous!

    Anorexia, My Family and Me - Angie Scanlon needs a series and sure poor poor her, its not like we could find an ordinary person do do this doc on.

    Addicts - How addiction works, with Prof Brian Pennie a former addict - This project is co-funded by Taighde Éireann – Research Ireland (formerly Science Foundation Ireland) - another PSA from an Irish Public body.

    Noraid: Irish-America and the IRA, Vótáil and Scannal.

    Leathered - a doc about corporal punishment - is this not enough of a bore

    Lost for Words - my own doc about life with dyslexia as I lock my full potential here on

    Ben Dunne and Michael Smurfit get docs of their own.

    GAA docs include The Game, Hell for Leather and Réiteoir.

    And I will let you all read the rest !


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,562 ✭✭✭fliball123

    No it will keep the spot light squarely on RTE and if and when people go to court the disparity of the harshness displayed by say a pensioner being threatened with prison for not paying 160 for a TV license for a service that was ran by a organization that defrauded the tax payer to the tune of millions and then given golden handshakes as they walked away without even answering a question will be highlighted again and again and again. Its not just about how the TV license is paid its about getting blowing RTE out of the water and starting fresh with something new in place.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 36,775 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    No. Feck all people not old enough for the free TV licence will be watching anyway.

    In Cavan there was a great fire / Judge McCarthy was sent to inquire / It would be a shame / If the nuns were to blame / So it had to be caused by a wire.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,474 ✭✭✭✭Loafing Oaf

    a pensioner being threatened with prison for not paying 160 for a TV license

    pensioners are not required to pay it

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 36,775 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    Addicts - How addiction works, with Prof Brian Pennie a former addict - This project is co-funded by Taighde Éireann – Research Ireland (formerly Science Foundation Ireland) - another PSA from an Irish Public body.

    RTE is at the forefront in the fight against telly addiction.

    In Cavan there was a great fire / Judge McCarthy was sent to inquire / It would be a shame / If the nuns were to blame / So it had to be caused by a wire.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 36,775 ✭✭✭✭Hotblack Desiato

    They are if under 70 and their spouse/partner is still in employment.

    In Cavan there was a great fire / Judge McCarthy was sent to inquire / It would be a shame / If the nuns were to blame / So it had to be caused by a wire.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 7,910 ✭✭✭Floppybits

    That was my thinking on it. Are there people out there who are waiting on RTE to announce their Autumn schedule?

    Just read the link that @RoTelly posted for the "new Season" on RTE, I think the only thing on for me would Irelands Fittest Family. The Late Late Show is back and reading the bit on it " Patrick Kielty brings his own unique style to Friday nights on The Late Late Show, joined by the biggest names in entertainment, music, comedy and sport. After a cracking first season, Patrick is more ambitious than ever, with plenty of specials and surprises in store." The biggest names in Entertainment, music, comedy and sport are they having a laugh, it will the usual people hanging around the RTE canteen with possibly a few of the medal winners from the olympics.

    I bet it will be the same celebrities who will be appearing on the new show " To Hell & Back with Ray Goggins, adventurer and former special forces soldier Ray Goggins takes A-list Irish celebrities on extreme outdoor adventures in some of the most inhospitable, hostile environments on the planet."

    I can see why they are not making a big deal of this launch.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    They will cover the shortfall and it will show the government that the license fee payer is not happy with RTÉ. If the gov want to cover the shortfall let them.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 17,474 ✭✭✭✭Loafing Oaf

    They will cover the shortfall and it will show the government that the license fee payer is not happy with RTÉ.

    Seemingly the intention is to move to full exchequer funding within five years anyway so that mass evasion you envisage would just be a temporary anomaly if it even materialises which I'm skeptical about

    after five years RTÉ will be fully funded directly by the taxpayer.

    I haven't seen this confirmed anywhere but Lee is a pretty respected reporter so until I see it directly contradicted somewhere I'm assuming it's the plan

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 5,890 ✭✭✭The J Stands for Jay

    That is a giant article. A bullet point list would be better.

    Some interesting looking shows, but in more of an 'add it to my list on Netflix' kind of way, rather than a must find out when it's on and make sure to watch kind of way.

    Post edited by The J Stands for Jay on

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    They are down 100,000 license fees since 2022.

    Again best to do it now when the license fee still exists.

    Lee is spouting the same mantra as before from the quotes given.

    Details of the new funding plan come as the former chair of the RTÉ board, Siún Ní Raghallaigh, expressed frustration yesterday at the "political inertia" over financing the national broadcaster.

    I like'd Siún but what about the inertia in RTÉ? Do you think that RTÉ is this unique public service broadcast that it should continue as is as if nothing happened.

    "The frequent political mantra is that the funding model must not jeopardise the independence of our public service media, the funding issue is firmly in the control of the political system... There is no certainty about the level of funding, no stability - exactly what is to be avoided, according to government"

    She knows as former Chair of TG4, their exchequre funding was cut by the government from 2011 to 2018, that funding gap was replace by some of the Licence fee (something many seem to forget).


    1. How was the government of the day legal able to divert funding from the license fee to TG4?
    2. Why was this never spoken about?
    3. And if exchequer funding can be maintained, what happens in a downturn, its not just about political interference.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,845 ✭✭✭RoTelly

    As I said on another forum, as streamers launch month programming, broadcast TV will have to follow suit, I think they should still anounce it on a yearly basis, but on a monthly basis they should be highlighting what is coming that month, and RTÉ should be aiming for one drama and one comedy launched each month.


    Just one more thing .... when did they return that car


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,746 ✭✭✭political analyst

    The Two Johnnies have a second series on RTÉ 2 - why do so many viewers still watch them?

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