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What does the future hold for Donald Trump? - threadbans in OP



  • Registered Users Posts: 846 ✭✭✭lumphammer2

    Only of course the solution was NEVER found or found and kept anyway …. 45 years later this is still going on …. and Trump moreso than anyone else does all he can to keep animosity going between America and Iran …. a solution was found with Obama, Hassan Rouhani and JCPOA which served Iran and US well …. but then foambrain came into office and ruined that deliberately …. an Iran war would be the last thing the world needs and the one thing stuffngbrain Trump would give us for sure ….

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,528 ✭✭✭Hande hoche!

    Perhaps Michael Avenatti is hoping for a second Trump term and a pardon?

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,287 ✭✭✭✭Igotadose

    Foambrain and stuffingbrain are new to me! Got any others? Rudepundit uses 'orange cockmite' which is a good one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 40,337 ✭✭✭✭ohnonotgmail

    I was referring only to the release of the hostages. I thought that was pretty clear.

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 15,350 Mod ✭✭✭✭Quin_Dub

    Trumps zombie army in the House killed a bill to re-authorise part of the FISA act yesterday.

    It had almost complete support until Trump truthed out "KILL FISA" and “IT WAS ILLEGALLY USED AGAINST ME, AND MANY OTHERS. THEY SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN!!!”.

    So they voted changed their minds and voted against it.

    The only problem is that the bill they killed has nothing to do with the particular FISA act that Trump is complaining about. In fact Trump himself proudly announced his support for this variant when he signed it into law during his term.

    But , he heard "FISA" and vomited out nonsense and his pavlovian gimps responded..

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  • Registered Users Posts: 39,749 ✭✭✭✭Itssoeasy

    the abortion video that trump put out last weekend has really backfired. The Arizona republicans have more or less told trump to **** off.

  • Subscribers Posts: 41,343 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    For the first time in a long time Trump and Biden are neck and neck with the bookies for November

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 15,350 Mod ✭✭✭✭Quin_Dub

    It was a disaster even without the Arizona ruling but that has just metastasized it beyond measure.

    Trumps basic line was "something something States rights , please stop talking about this so we can lie and bullsh!t our way past the Election in November and then you can do what you want"

    Absolutely no-one bought that though and with Arizona it has just ensured that it will be the Top issue in November.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,890 ✭✭✭randd1

    Isn't he in jail for fraud?

    No wonder trump likes him.

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,434 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    It's amazing isn't it? Crows about how he's responsible for overturning Roe V Wade and giving the power to the states, but also he's not responsible for the states using that power in a way which was absolutely foreseen and obvious, and that's definitely a person who you should vote for as President.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 1,890 ✭✭✭randd1

    If it works, it's all because of me. If there's something wrong with it, it's not because of me, even though it was my plan, but because they are destroying America.

    And people say he's not a politician!!

    Far from draining the swamp, he's become the swamp, and all the festering disgustingness that comes with it, bloated by his manky larvae, the MAGAtts.

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 15,350 Mod ✭✭✭✭Quin_Dub

    The perfect blend of Arrogance , Hubris and Stupidity.

    Considers everything in terms of how it makes him feel/look in that moment , does not consider the implications or potential consequences of any of his actions - He needs the instant dopamine hit of feeling "awesome" so he takes it.

    The only information/actions that he is capable of retaining and planning for long term is revenge

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,820 ✭✭✭Rawr

    It really boggles the mind the block-headedness of some of the GOP (Donnie included natually). They could have used Roe v. Wade as a campaign point for years and years and years, and gleaned some good will from the Evangelical loons without actually doing anything about it.

    But then they went and killed Roe, and gave the hillbilly States the rights to do whatever swivel-eyed nonsense they fancied with reproducive rights. Even then…they could have just left it alone…but instead many of them went full Catholic Ireland on women's reproductive rights…and so here we are. We even have the nitwits publically declairing plans to try to make their abortion bans Federal.

    So they've gone and used up of an electoral carrot that they could have used until the end of time, and have now instead gifted the Dems a reason for people to vote Democrat.

    Their greatest ally this year would have been voter apathy, and I feel that they've bought themselves a double whammy of people voting against Anti-Choice policies and hated champion of them: Donald The Proven Rapist Trump.

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 15,350 Mod ✭✭✭✭Quin_Dub

    Once they got the SCOTUS Majority , their ability to string the evangelicals along was severely weakened.

    They couldn't keep pretending that it was just out of reach any longer - They are the dog that finally caught the car - Chasing the car was fun , catching it not so much.

    On top of that you had State level nutters proposing utterly crazy extreme legislation in recent years that the rest of the GOP went along with safe in the knowledge that it wouldn't matter as the Federal courts would block it so they could keep the evangelicals in line.

    Then all of a sudden this stuff becomes law and they are scrambling as they have no idea what to do - They can't vote with Democrats to remove them because the hard right of the GOP would Primary them but they equally know they can't vocally support it either.

    They are screwed.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,634 ✭✭✭✭briany

    What are the bookies basing this on?

    According to the latest RealClear battleground polls, Trump is ahead in all but one of those states (Pennsylvania), where Biden leads by .1%.

    Now, most of the leads in the battlegrounds states are within typical margins of error, so it certainly is not as if those couldn't flip for Biden, but it's not an encouraging trend of numbers at this point.

    There are people who say those numbers will change as more people in the US become politically aware as the election gets closer. Has that kind of reversal happened much before, and at what time in the election year does it typically happen? After the conventions?

    At what point, if the numbers don't change, should people become concerned?

    Post edited by briany on

  • Subscribers Posts: 41,343 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

    What are the bookies basing this on?

    id imagine its based on here the money is going, but im no bookie so i dont have a clue.

    while trump is leading in pretty much all of the swing states, the trend is that his lead is slipping as we get closer to November.

    eg at one stage pennsylvania trump was up by about 9 points but now biden is trending by 2

    i hope the closer to the election people get, the lesser we;ll see the "protest vote" polling and people will actually think seriously about the issues and what teh candidates are promising.

    trump = scorched earth revenge

    biden = keep the wheel turning

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,236 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    and unsuccessfully at that. Kari Lake tried to denounce the activation of the 1864 law except everyone was quick to point out she proudly and on the record touted the law as being activated if the Supreme Court overturned Roe and how it would be a wonderful thing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,197 ✭✭✭Pedro K

    And three of those other names would be potential democrat candidates. When they inevitably pull out and/or Biden is confirmed as the nominee, his odds will fall further.

  • Subscribers Posts: 41,343 ✭✭✭✭sydthebeat

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,820 ✭✭✭Rawr

    A lot of polling I've seen so far is from a couple of weeks ago, since before Trump's attempt to fence-sit on Abortion while still trying to make himself the canditate of the Anti-Choice Party. It will be curious to see if there is any inpact on polling after this.

    Still isn't great to see a confirmed rapist and known traitor poll at the same level as an incumbant who despite his failings isn't Donald Trump

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,634 ✭✭✭✭briany

    The economic argument will obviously be very important for moderate voters who are moderate in the sense that they don't really care who's in power so long as they're more chance of making money.

    Trump has erroneously claimed that he built the greatest economy in history (because of course he would), completely ignoring the work that the Obama administration did to rebalance the books after the 2008 economic crash. It's an easy rebuttal to make whenever Trump waffles on about this. But in regard of what Biden has done for the US economy, how much of the 2021 recovery can be attributed to places just reopening after lockdown? As to jobs created after that, what quality are they? I remember David Cameron crowing about what his party had done for the UK economy, but it turned out a lot of the jobs created were bullshít zero hours things. Is Biden's administration falling into the same kind of trap, or are they proper jobs with benefits and decent pay and something to build a life around?

  • Registered Users Posts: 11,228 ✭✭✭✭duploelabs

    I find the polling around trump very skewed and in every primary he's underperformed compared to his polled predictions

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,634 ✭✭✭✭briany

    And I've seen this idea of the 'shy Biden voter' being mooted for states that would be considered red or Republican-leaning. It was definitely true that in the 2022 midterms, the Republicans were scuppered by voter pushback due to things like reproductive rights being on the ballot and the red wave was denied.

    However, while the shy Biden voter may well be a thing, I don't think that it can be assumed that those people will turn out in November just because. If nothing else was learned from 2016, it's that complacency is a killer. Biden's campaign team must absolutely be pounding the pavement as if those swing state deficits are accurate.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,236 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    it’s definitely a thing. OH won’t let us put up any political signage on our property because we live in the deep red and there is a nonzero chance of violent crazies. Sure the ex navy guy who rammed into the FBI building down in Atlanta lives in a town just 10-12 miles away from us. I had one guy in that same town threaten to blow my head off one morning one year because he was upset I got to the gas station air pump before he did, and that wasn’t even political other than I was driving a Prius and he was driving a pickup. Utter lunatics out this way.

  • Registered Users Posts: 82,236 ✭✭✭✭Overheal

    Trump pretends to forget he had the RNC pull out of the commission on presidential debates after Biden whooped him senseless in the one and only debate in 2020

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,777 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    Re: complacency, tight polls may work in Biden's favour there.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,634 ✭✭✭✭briany

    Very much so, if those polls are considered to accurate, but less so if the assumption sets in that the polls are incorrect and there's actually a large latent Biden base out there.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,528 ✭✭✭Hande hoche!

    He is just making noise. Like his claims that he would debate Bernie back in 2016. If he didn't bother showing up for any of the GOP debates, don't thinks he will for this year's general election. Particularly given his last two performances against Joe. He doesn't even have the recovering from Covid excuse this time around.

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 15,350 Mod ✭✭✭✭Quin_Dub

    There's definitely a lot of "soft" voters out there that would prefer that Biden wasn't the Democrat candidate which is fair enough but as Biden is definitively confirmed as the nominee the majority of those will come to his side , few if any will switch to Trump and I think that issues like Abortion will prevent them from simply sitting it out as well.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 28,777 ✭✭✭✭odyssey06

    iirc there seemed to be a fair few MAGA candidates under-performing in general elections versus their polling. Which would suggest a latent base that may be more inclined to Biden \ Dems than MAGA type Republican candidates such as Trump.

    "To follow knowledge like a sinking star..." (Tennyson's Ulysses)

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