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power reduction but not outage??

  • 22-01-2024 2:37pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,400 ✭✭✭

    During the storm last night the electricity seemed to be reduced but did not go off completely. Anyone any ideas on how this could/would be done or if I should be looking into a local issue within the bounds of the property?

    Some symptoms/facts:

    • Most houses in the area seemed to be off but are sort of on a branch and the end of a line. The houses either side of us had a supply but not sure yet if they had reduced power.
    • lights in certain parts of the house were running dim whereas some others were fully lit
    • Kitchen appliances were running slow e.g. toaster/kettle taking ages to heat up
    • Electric shower turned on but again was very slow to heat up
    • broadband/tv all functional
    • tried isolating fuses by turning most off then on 1 by 1 but symptoms above remained

    House at the end of the line has solar panels and give back to grid. unsure if they have battery storage but from what I gather that should be isolated during outages.

    Any theories??

