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Children stabbed in Dublin city centre **Read OP before posting**



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,299 ✭✭✭RabbleRouser2k

    I sadly agree. But I still have hope in humanity that they'd have done the right thing and not let this lead to violence.

    But unfortunately, domino effect. Too many factors lead to this.

    And honestly, condemning these people (the rioters I mean, I can't comment on the events before this) is, in my humble opinion, the wrong approach.

    We need to open a dialogue. Back in the day, you'd have these folks on the Late Late Show or Prime Time, and they'd be debated, and often their opinions would be shown to be complete hokum. The best ways to quell the negativity is to put it out in the open, not lock it away as 'wrongthink'. I mean, issues that were controversial years ago (such as homosexuality) when discussed and debated on the LLS, showed how these folks were just regular folks who went home with someone of the same gender. Not monsters, vilified by the kinds of people who were doing some of the most heinous crimes themselves. Just people.

    But there's nobody there who can do this sort of debate, anymore. The last time they tried that on Prime Time, they brought on the guy from Gript, and the host, Louise Byrne, made such a mess of things, that RTE ended up having to pay out around €20,000 to someone that was defamed by the Gript guy. Byrne wasn't long for replacing after that, and Miriam had to issue two or three apologies.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,398 ✭✭✭✭pjohnson

    These louts can bearly string a sentence together. GRIPT is about as civilized as they get.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,941 ✭✭✭Bigus

    I’m no expert in crime but I have experience in management, part of being a good manager is predicting trends and pre-empting problems.

    when you see an American tourist losing an eye by being attacked by teenage feral thugs , you know you have a particular problem.

    when you see daily videos of these teenage thugs rampantLy stealing bikes , e-bikes and motorcycles in broad daylight , you know you have a problem.

    Allowing this open criminality to go on unchecked for the best part of a year , emboldened this teenage masked community and no doubt expanded them.

    no doubt their notoriety on social media is part of the lure .

    in short there’s probably way less than 2-400 scum like tis in the city who should have been specifically ‘taken out’ by law enforcement over the last year .

    instead those ‘400’ set up media groups and rings to help each other and show whose in charge of the streets last night .

    this didn’t happen in isolation , this was very predictable , Harris and Mc Entee are culpable and need to step down , if they’re not forced to, FG will suffer big time come elections, and rightly so.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,327 ✭✭✭orangerhyme


    I was thinking this recently.

    Free speech is so important. People should feel free to speak their mind, even at the risk of offending people. I feel we've lost this.

    Otherwise what happens they just express themselves in their "echo chamber" and nobody challenges their opinions, only agrees with them and further entrenches their beliefs.

    This applies to everyone, not just the right. The left can be as dogmatic and inflexible.

    We should be able to have healthy debates.

    We shouldn't label everyone with concerns about immigrants as "far right". Tribalism is deeply human. In some sense it's completely natural to feel unwelcome towards people with different culture and religion moving into your neighbourhood.

    I think with the housing crisis and cost of living, it's exacerbated people's concerns also.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,064 ✭✭✭Jack Daw

    Wrong. Helen is great at her job and anyone who think's otherwise is a sexist/misogynistic pig .

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  • Registered Users Posts: 696 ✭✭✭Oscar Madison

    Can you imagine the anarchy if this child dies!

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,836 ✭✭✭✭AndrewJRenko

    So you've no information at all to back up your claim, that's what I thought.

  • Registered Users Posts: 696 ✭✭✭Oscar Madison

    And then they have reservations about arming AGS!

    Shoot those bastards!

  • Registered Users Posts: 594 ✭✭✭Mr Disco

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,567 ✭✭✭20silkcut

    I said it before on this discussion board if the legal system needs this ridiculous revolving carousel of scumbags with 100s of convictions to keep the system in business then stop creating more barristers and solicitors and put a limit on the intake into law schools. Fewer barristers and solicitors to support = less need for scumbags in the system to keep the thing going meaning they can be put away in prison for years instead of months or days.

    less legal professionals and more Gardai is what this country needs until the balance is reached.

    But there is not a chance in hell of that happening. The political and legal system overlap too much.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 28,836 ✭✭✭✭AndrewJRenko

    Though some people are quite happy to exploit am attack on children for their own sick political gain, right Mrs M?

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,109 ✭✭✭Be right back

    Why would you even mention that 😑? With an exclamation mark too..

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,291 ✭✭✭✭

    The Canada Goose generation.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,307 ✭✭✭SharkMX

    My sister was in tears all last night. Brother in law is a Garda.

    !00% sure he will be quitting the gardai after last night. Doubt he will be the only one. Horrible job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,852 ✭✭✭✭Idbatterim

    I hope the victims of the attack will be ok. I really doubt the media would be i forjed or release news now, I.e if there was a death. It could cause **** to hit the fan again , particularly if its so close to yesterday's madness. If this does happen though, because they will only be delighted get out on a second rampage, the guards, riot police, need to be ready before its announced or leaked to the public...

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,836 ✭✭✭✭AndrewJRenko

    Shame that the artist didn't include the bloodied faces of all the women he's assaulted in the frame.

  • Registered Users Posts: 13,291 ✭✭✭✭

    Surely people who enter the Gardai should expect these kinds of events?

    Why on earth would someone get into a police force if you're going to be afraid to enforce the law.

    Part of the problem is that Gardai are afraid of criminals.

  • Registered Users Posts: 17,852 ✭✭✭✭Idbatterim

    Only seeing your comment now, before I wrote my mine. Potential for total chaos....

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,836 ✭✭✭✭AndrewJRenko

    If only there was some way that the organisers could have known that it was going to get out of hand?

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,836 ✭✭✭✭AndrewJRenko

    Failing to describe the far right protest as far right is explicitly intended to let the far right off the hook.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 28,836 ✭✭✭✭AndrewJRenko

    Genius. Let's protect children by burning buses, trams and Garda cars.

  • Registered Users Posts: 727 ✭✭✭Carol25

    The attempt my Miriam on Prime Time to just label this as ‘far right’ to Helen McEntee is dangerous and the completely wrong way to go. The problem in Dublin are scumbags pure and simple. People will lose trust in Irish media if that is the approach taken. We need an open and honest debate like we’ve always done to get to the root of these problems. The news, Six One in particular was so poor with their reporting of this incident - looked like an attempt to play it down. McCullough was rambling on about some triple lock rubbish for ages instead of what had unfolded in the capital and was starting to unfold after it.

    What are the media so afraid of by having an honest discussion about how many immigrants claiming asylum who arrive here, some with no passports, we’re required to take in? What is the Government’s plan in this regard regarding accommodation, short and long term? What is the budget for this? How much will this cost taxpayers and what is the projected outcome of this system. This sweeping under the carpet approach is leading to a vacuum being filled by many charlatans both on and off the streets of Dublin last night.

    I’m embarrassed thinking of all the immigrants living and working here all across our society who we need and should be in this country, it’s so important to have this debate so they don’t feel unsafe, unwanted and secure in their new home.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,232 ✭✭✭waterwelly

    Why would a guard quit over last night, surely that's what they signed up for?

  • Registered Users Posts: 28,799 ✭✭✭✭_Kaiser_

    And will continue to be, as with Harris - as I said yesterday, both more concerned with making righteous speeches in the media and bleating on about the "far right" while the organisations/justice system they're responsible for crumble beneath them.

    But neither will be resigning in the aftermath here - that's not how we do things in this country and the narrative is completely focused on the violence last night rather than the migrant who sparked it by attacking 5/6 year olds in broad daylight, the under-resourced and demoralised Gardai, and the pathetic courts/justice system that will penalise people for not having a TV licence, but allows low-lifes with dozens or hundreds of offences to escape with little more than a slap on the wrist - if that! But then, the point isn't to prosecute these people but to enrich the solicitors and barristers going through the motions and the judges handing out these sentences and making it up as they go depending on their mood that day.

    That's not to excuse the scumbag behaviour last night and obviously those responsible should be identified and prosecuted, but as I just said that's largely pointless too when there's no real consequences. I'm sure the Gardai will already know many of those involved or at least the regular suspects but is there much point in going through the motions and expense of bringing a file to the DPP and having a day in court when they'll more than likely be back on the streets that evening?

    Then there's the whole migration issue that has been discussed at length on this forum but which Helen and Co continue to ignore the concerns and frustrations of the natives on.

    No one has a problem with legitimate migrants who come to work, support themselves, and integrate and contribute positively, or genuine refugees who need our help - but the vast majority of the latter are in fact economic migrants chancing their arm and also getting away with it, or the people who we have no clear idea of who or what they are until it's too late.

    Add to these things a situation where the ordinary decent worker and voter has been systematically ignored, marginalised, demonised for voicing concerns about how the country is being run, and yet still expected to pay for it all and even see their own needs and those of their family pushed down the list in favour of those others - native or otherwise - and you have a situation where much of the country as a whole is on edge and where it won't take much before the deplorable violence last night is followed by mass protesting and unfortunately more violence, where this frustration is reflected in elections with more edge characters being elected, and where real divisions, social issues and yes actual racism starts to become the norm.

    Thats not the Ireland I grew up in, but it's the direction it's heading and ultimately it's the responsibility of our failure of a justice minister, Taoiseach, and all the rest to listen to the mood of the nation on these issues and actually lead through (and for a) change.

    Will it happen though? I wouldn't hold my breath unfortunately! That's not the goal of the current Government. They and their colleagues have spent the last 15 years or so letting the place fall apart while enriching themselves and their hangers on, and positioning themselves for their next jobs in Europe (who are also hugely responsible for this mess) and the lobbying circuit.

    For them it's not about leading or improving their country, it's what the country will do for them, their bank balance and career - but we have allowed it by either not getting involved in the elections in the first place, or not making our voices heard beyond grumbling in the pub, and waiting for "someone else" to sort it out - or worse being so stupidly parochial that we think it's "not our problem" because it's not happening on our own doorsteps.

    Well, the problems have arrived folks, in every town and locality. Anywhere where the Garda station has been closed or is on part time hours, or where you can't get a GP appointment quickly when you need it, or where there's no houses or apartments to rent, or where your town or village suddenly has a lot of bored, frustrated new faces hanging around all day and the tone of the place has changed for the worse as a result of all the above.

    Don't be mistaken into thinking that last night's violence is a Dublin issue or a scumbag issue. That's only part of the much bigger and now national set of issues here.

    Until the same ordinary decent people who are being abused by all of this start making their voices heard to their TDs, or until we see the same mass protests on the streets that we saw during the Irish Water debacle, nothing will change though - and it'll in fact likely get worse! Don't believe me? Just look to the UK or some of the countries in Europe because that's the road we're heading down.

    The change won't come from politicians who have allowed and actively encouraged the current mess. It has to start with the electorate.

    Time to start thinking about what sort of country we want to live in and what we'll be leaving to our kids in the next decade or two.

    No one else is going to do it for us.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,307 ✭✭✭SharkMX

    Its not just this event. And do you really think when he was 20 year old he expected to be doing that last night. He is attacked spat on or verbally abused every night. There is no respect of the law from the scrotes. Last night he had to go into the hospital. He is still there. He has been saying for a while that the job is getting worse and this is probably the tipping point. There are better and easier jobs to be had.

  • Registered Users Posts: 362 ✭✭RobbieV

    Far right here there and everywhere.

    They were just scummy young lads a few years ago.

    Now everything is far left or far right.

    I blame American social division, social media and the Irish media and NGO's.

    I also blame the parents of these little scrotes and the individuals themselves.

    Far right/far left? Nah man that's just a cop out

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,492 ✭✭✭Clo-Clo

    Why would they expect these type of events?

    why would you try to normalise what went on last night?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,317 ✭✭✭PokeHerKing

    Well in truth last night and indeed the random stabbing of children in the middle of town are very much firsts for Dublin.

    The love Ulster riot is the only similar event I can remember and the gards were way more prepared for that and it wasn't as widespread as last night.

    But this is the new normal now, we're catching up with Paris/London/Stockholm etc.

    So anyone joining An Garda Siochana needs to know it's a different job than 20 years ago.

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