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Probation extended for a further 3 months



  • Registered Users Posts: 114 ✭✭Stranger Things

    Keep plugging away and improving during the 3 months.

    Get your CV out there and start applying with your added experience included. Maybe let it be low-key known you are looking for another job to force your employers hand.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,339 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    The problem is that it's not always anybody's choice to work for any specific company. It's like everywhere, sending out many applications in hopes it would come to an employment.

    If it's not your fault, then rather use the time frame of 3 months to look for a new job, than focusing on the existing one.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,592 ✭✭✭Squatman

    I haven't read the other posts, just my two cents worth, is that they are now not legally entitled to extend your probation beyond 6 months, unless it is in favour of the employee. so, if you lost significant time of this 6 months due to holidays or sick leave, and as a result were unable to demonstrate your capability due to this time constraint, then the company can extend the probation. otherwise, they can not.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,281 ✭✭✭MrMusician18

    Extension of probation is a major red flag. They they do not see you as a good fit but do not have anyone ready to replace you.

    Look for another job. Actions speak louder than words, don't buy the bs sweet talk of being happy and want you to continue. It's a **** sandwich and that's just the method they use to deliver the message. An extension is not a vote of confidence. In fact, I'd likely walk now even without something lined up (thought I know that's a luxury I am in a fortunate position to afford). And when it would come to the leaving conversation I would tell them that you felt it the extension was unwarranted.

    Go take up the grad visa, have good experiences elsewhere and forget about this lot. You're young, fuk em.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,339 ✭✭✭tinytobe

    That's exactly it. Happened to me once. My reaction back then is that I was rather undiplomatic and basically stated, I wasn't willing to play their game and knew that I would never pass. At the same time the company wanted to relocate my job as well as others to another country, also reducing pay as the cost of living was lower in that country.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 143 ✭✭Beefcake82

    It sounds to me they want to hire someone with same experience as your current boss but at your pay and you are a good filler for the time being. Also in your review there didn't seem to be any negatives yet the boss expressed confidence in you, yet probation period was extended.

    This does not scream confidence to me, rather they are desperate for you not to leave, yet underpaying you and will replace if you if they could, however someone with more experience know they would be undervalued and underpaid.

    I would brush up the cv now, start applying for new jobs and get out asap.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,592 ✭✭✭Squatman

    how are you getting on since OP?

  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭carfinder

    According to another thread the OP now hates his job and expects to get let go soon (presumably not getting through probation). On a positive note he is thinking of going in to retail but separately also thinking of setting up his own business in the motor industry. His real passion is music and we're all waiting to hear how the row with his housemates gets resolved

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭ifeelabreeze

    You've too much time on your hands or a lack of interesting hobbies, maybe both.

    Still love playing music, just under no notions of doing it for a living.

    So as it currently stands I'm still in the same job, but it's draining on me, workload has only increased and there's still the probation looming over me, which frankly feels like a tactic to not pay me more - if I'm worried about my future in the role, how could I go asking for more?

    Still would love to do something on the side relating to cars - valeting seems to be top of the pops, also looking at upholstery repair.

    Housemate issue boiled over but I started to feel bad and so I decided to just go ahead with the original plan of moving out - after discussing it with them.

    Coincidentally I've since got a better job offer that pays significantly better and is in a better industry, so I'd have been moving out anyway if I was to get this role.

    People can be multifaceted, they can also post online on a whim - there's no criteria for posting here, I haven't got to show a serious dedication or passion, no track record needed - I can just post on a whim about a notion I had, some people are helpful and I've gained some great insights. Other people seem to think that these online postings are an insight into my life.

    I love playing guitar, would have loved to go to America on a grad visa - why not take a shot at playing music over there? So I posted about that.

    Had a spat with my housemates wanted some outsiders input, from those who don't know me and so they wouldn't be biased - so I posted about that.

    Have since started thinking of 'side hustles' but I hate that word.. so business ideas in the car space - simply because I know and like cars, I also posted about that!

    Not all of us are politically homeless carfinders.

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭ifeelabreeze

    Still pottering away at the job, new graduates have started over the past few weeks but none in our department, so I think even they've realised if they're replacing me they can't make the same mistake twice.

    I've received an offer for a similar role in the pharma sector, so it pays considerably more and I'll be leaving as soon as the contract is signed!

    Feel bad that I'll be leaving my boss who has been great, but don't mind leaving her boss and the likes who've put the pressure on me.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 263 ✭✭carfinder

    It's great that you found a new job bit the way you've worded it makes it sound like it's not certain. You said "...if I was to get this role" in response to me and "...I'll be leaving as soon as the contract is signed!" in response to Squatman. You seem to have a lot of things troubling you, I hope a change of job suits you and you find a happy equilibrium in your life

  • Registered Users Posts: 289 ✭✭ifeelabreeze

    Thank you, I'm honestly quite content, I really can't complain.

    I'm well aware that nothing is guaranteed until I've actually started the job, but I've no reason to suspect they'd pull the offer. I haven't given in my notice yet but I'm just waiting to sign the contract before doing so. All the details haven been ironed out, salary agreed, increase in 6 months is also agreed so things are good.

    I've just also always wanted to start a business, always had that itch so I'm constantly looking for ways to go at that. That's my only gripe.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,592 ✭✭✭Squatman

    thanks for the update. has the feedback from your manager improved in the last two months? one thing I detest about your situation is that it seems you *may have been operating at a level below what was expected, but your manager never took it upon themselves to actually provide this feedback in a timely manner, certainly to the extent that you could do something about it. Now that you have your probation extended, I would have expected weekly progress updates from your manager, detailing where they have observed improvements or concerns.

    as an aside. now that you have one foot out the door, you should turn the screw on them, tell them that you want a performance review completed this week, and that you were advised that the 6 month extension may not have been legally enforced. there's no win in it for you (the feedback will be valuable, the legal side would just be to see them squirm)
