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Can anyone recommend a medical alert device?

  • 24-03-2023 2:39pm

    I’ve recently started developing a serious neurological condition with progressing loss of mobility, and which is being investigated as possible MS. I live alone and had a bad fall which rendered me unconscious, ended up being hospitalised for 2 weeks, to be followed up by the neurologist before a firm diagnosis can be given.

    Was with my GP this morning and he said it’s imperative I get a medical alert device that I wear, so that I can alert somebody in case of being immobilised by a fall. My next door neighbour a a cousin in the vicinity both have keys for my apartment. I have an iPhone 14 Pro.

    I am looking for advice as to the best device out there where I could easily alert the people with keys and/or the emergency services. Would an Apple Watch be the most appropriate device or are there better alternatives?

