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Great Dublin Bike Ride 2022

  • 07-09-2022 9:34am
    Posts: 531 ✭✭✭

    Great Dublin Bike Ride 2022 (

    I think Cycling Ireland, have lost the plot on this.

    the numbers have dropped doing this, and they said they wanted to increase it, but a really poor route, doesn't go anywhere near the city centre.

    65e for the 100k, if you are a member of cycling Ireland, seems very expensive.

    the last 2 times I did it, I didn't stop at the food stop, because the queue was too long.

    Very disappointing, as I have done each one of these so far, paid a lot less money, and even got a nice cycling jersey in 2015/2016



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,768 ✭✭✭✭retalivity

    I did it in 2016 or 2017 and it was a joke, it was expensive at the time compared to other sportives (40 i think?), the first food stop was a disaster with massive queues, then they inexplicably had a second in blanchardstown about 10k from the finish that everyone was coralled through. Haven't done it since, that route seems even worse, most of it appears to be in Meath? While it avoids the city centre, the time I did it the roads were closed and there was a garda escort as far as baldoyle, so was cool to just ride through the city without the lights. That's all gone now starting from DCU

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 168 ✭✭9320

    I'd be fairly certain that the Garda blocked the City Centre start.

  • Posts: 15,661 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I was going to say the entry fee seemed on the high side until I remembered how much it costs to enter the marathon, thats €110 this year.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 88 ✭✭MyDarkArts

    Did it a couple of times previously, was actually a great motivation in '17 to go from zero cycling at the start of the year to be able to complete a 100km route by the end of the summer.

    Always found it well organised, but some of the route choices have been questionable, especially for the last 20 or so km in West Dublin.

    I understand that they need to get a route that a casual cyclist, for a lot of whom this will be the only event they do all year, can complete. Which isn't going to necessarily appeal to the hardcore, so it's always going to be unsatisfactory in that regard.

    That said, I'm going not going to be doing it this year, price is expensive for what you get, and I spent my money on making my debut at the Reservoir Dog instead.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 223 ✭✭conkennedy

    Its a no from me. You effectively get nothing for the entry fee other than the closed route at the start. Initially you got a jersey and they've whittled away at the value over the years. Lets face it, ye could ride the route any day of the week!

    Don't get me wrong, its well organised, but there's no value in it any more.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 786 ✭✭✭lochdara

    Last time I did it we got a bar of chocolate and a bottle of water at the break. The hall where we stopped was locked and it was raining. It was badly marshalled. On the other end of the scale we got Skoda Series, Reservoir cogs and even small local events beats it hands down.


    Currently fundraising for Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association

    In Memory of my fab Wife

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,684 ✭✭✭triggermortis

    I considered doing it when I saw the date as I actually wasn't working on that date, but when I saw the route and the cost, I decided against going. I've done it once before anyway

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21,740 ✭✭✭✭Squidgy Black

    The route they’ve chosen looks like it was autogenerated on strava or something.

    They’ve chosen to go down Collins avenue down to killester and up the howth road through raheny village out to kilbarrack, instead of swinging a right down the malahide road at the end of Collins avenue and using the 6-7km of coast road cycle path to get out to howth.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,638 ✭✭✭token56

    I've signed up to do this for the first time and I'm already pretty unimpressed with the organisation and lack of communication. It appears that you have to collect your number on Friday or Saturday before the event on Sunday. Absolutely insane in my opinion with people travelling from all of the country to do this. There was no mention of this at all when registering and purchasing the ticket and no mention at all on their website still that you have to actually do this. Only a post on facebook which I'm not actually on. Luckily someone I'm doing it with is and mentioned it to me. Otherwise I would have been turning up Sunday without a number and no option to collect it. But I've a feeling there are going to be quite a lot of people turning up without a number.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,737 ✭✭✭Tombo2001


    Just signed up for this, dont know what I was thinking.

    Advertised at 55 euro but before you know it there's another 14 euro in add ons; so almost 70 euro.

    And then to make it worse, you can only collect the number at Cycle Superstore in Tallaght on Friday and Saturday.

    The money I can (just) about get over, but to ask me to pay good money to be inconvenienced in this way....really.

    FOr sure - to your point - I will be turning up registered but without a number. There is just no way, lifes too short.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 21,740 ✭✭✭✭Squidgy Black

    Having to collect your numbers from Tallaght for an event that starts over the other side of the city in DCU is absolutely daft.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,312 ✭✭✭10-10-20

    Christ, that was hard work. Anybody else or was I dreaming that the return from Skreen like was pedaling for two?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,638 ✭✭✭token56

    There were certainly parts on the return part that were tough enough but I think the wind had a bit to do with that.

    Overall I think it was very well marshalled on the day apart from one of the steep downhills with a sharp turn at the end of it. Could definitely done with a bit more advanced warning of it. Saw someone on the ground that got caught out who seemed to be in a bad way, luckily being attended to. Hope he was ok afterwards.

    The last point I will make is about the number collection again, it was pretty much pointless given that there was no checking of them whatsoever. A complete wasted effort to go get them which is frustrating. I did enjoy it but this was just annoying.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,229 CMod ✭✭✭✭magicbastarder

    which descent was that?

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 46 spudpicker2022

    in some events your number is used to connect you to pictures taken throughout the route. a possible reason (but not a great one!)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 786 ✭✭✭lochdara

    I remember 2019 that downhill with a sharp left at the end and a guy in the ditch with his head imobilizied. i think it was a tandem. No warning what so ever from the marshals. How was the food stop this time. A bar of chocolate in the rain was the stop last time.


    Currently fundraising for Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association

    In Memory of my fab Wife

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,315 ✭✭✭Mercian Pro

    A clubmate on Strava mentioned "carnage on the descent off Snowtown" so I presume it was that bend where straight on leads to the Happy Valley. Very easy to overcook it there if you're not used to it.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 449 ✭✭Smokeyskelton

    It was Snowtown, as some have suggested. I did see a Great Dublin Bike Ride warning sign towards the top of the ascent, along the lines of "Caution Steep Descent", but very easy to get caught out due to the sharp left. There was a marshall signalling riders to slow down when I was there, as there had been an accident. A rider was down, and was being attended to, hopefully he is ok.

    In general the event was very well run with an astounding number of marshalls, fair play to all of them they did a great job.

    The water stop had plenty of water and bananas. It also had plenty of Carb Killa protein bars. A strange choice for carb loving cyclists, but tasty nonetheless. Again, an unbelieveable number of volunteers keeping the show on the road.

    Having to collect numbers from Tallaght was annoying, and primarily an excuse to get people into Cycle Superstore in the hope they might buy something I think. And the €20 Cyclesuperstore voucher in the goodybag at the end of the event is on a spend over €50, to be used before the end of 2022.

    I think it was strange that at the end of the ride they suggested that people leave their bike, usually worth a fair bit of money, in the pen area with no security and get their pasta and tea / coffee in the event village, which was a long way from the pens. I brought mine with me, as the free pasta is not worth getting my bike stolen.

    However, overall a great ride, very well run and again chapeau to all the volunteers.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,656 ✭✭✭Wildly Boaring

    Ha. Just looked at the route. Walterstown to Finglas is a pretty straight, boring road for a return leg on a windy day.

    Way out looked good. Few nice hills and bit of scenery. Much better ways back to Dublin from Duleek.......

  • Posts: 15,661 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    From what I was told this evening there is a good chance the person involved in the crash is known to us in this parish :(

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  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 25,687 Mod ✭✭✭✭CramCycle

    Hope they are OK

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,638 ✭✭✭token56

    The food stop was pretty basic, some water, bananas and a protein bar. It was my first time doing something like this so not sure what would be standard.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,445 ✭✭✭Roberto_gas

    Wont participate again ! Did the 100k route

    1)Wrong route in website(gpx link was old one)

    2)Poorly planned stops

    3)Food was not good enough

    Only good thing was the marshals!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,445 ✭✭✭Roberto_gas

    I almost collided with garda vehicle on that bend covering the person who fell…saw the guy down

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 41,690 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    What freebies did you get (if any)? When I did it in 2019 I got a water bidon (600ml?) and a bag. I'm just wondering if people felt it was worth the price given that other sportives are cheaper and the food stops, etc seem to be better.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,445 ✭✭✭Roberto_gas

    a 500ml water bottle/€20 cycle superstore voucher/RSA wrist band/medal

    Not worth the price

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭py

    This was my third time doing GDBR 100Km, having done 2017 & 2018 on different routes. I've always enjoyed it as getting to cycle through some of the areas with marshal/garda assistance to get through junctions makes it a fun experience. Yesterday was no different.

    The first few hundred metres out of DCU was a little tight so it was slow going until we hit Collins Avenue and made our way towards the coast. The pace picked up immediately and groups settled in to their own pace. I found myself in the 2nd group from the front which was about 40-50 riders deep. We got out to the coast and paced continue to be high. We got to the turn off for Baldoyle and every single person in the group, except myself, went straight on for Howth. It was a combination of Garda/Marshall not paying attention, directional signage being poor and people not knowing the route. I trudged on for about 1-2Km until the group scooped me back up. The group I was on caught up with the front group which had Nico Roche and Eve McCrystal in it. The surface through ballyboughal was shocking compared to the rest of the route. This group stuck together until the first hill at about 37Km.

    With the hilly section under way, I dropped off the back straight away and didn't push through the hills over the next few Kms. I've not done a lot of hills on the bike recently so I didn't want to burn any matches too early. The hills lasted about 10Km with the last descent being where the rider went down. There was a sign at the top of the descent to say "descent ahead" which was fine but there nothing throughout the descent to say there's a sharp turn at the very bottom. This needs to be improved. Throughout the hills, I caught up with others who had got spewed out the back of the lead group and a few of us started to work together to make the miles tick over a bit easier. This lasted up until the feed station at about 60Km, were I opted to continue going solo. Had a few riders catch up with me and we worked together for a few Km, when those that had stopped caught up and that was the group that stayed together until the finish. The headwind between 50-70Km was a pain so taking turns out front on this stretch made it easier until we turned for home.

    From 70Km until the finish, time flew by. There was a solid group who mostly worked together. I took very very brief stints on the front. At one point I went to the back and almost got dropped but made the effort to get back on. About halfway through this section, a few got spit out the back. We met the 60Km riders during this stretch and admittedly, they were much better on the road than prior years when some would be weaving or pulling out without checking what is coming behind. With about 15Km to go, traffic started to get a little bit heavy. There were also a few junctions were we had to full on stop as they were just too busy for the marshal/garda to let us go on. One small roundabout towards the end had no marshall/garda on it and there was almost a crash. Thankfully not though. Got to the finish. The start/finish area was easier to navigate this time around. Got around comfortably in under 3hr30. Needed a few moments at the end to gather myself. Got my medal and "goodie" bag and started to make my way to the food.

    The bike storage area was well put together but too far away from the food. There was plenty of space along the promenade or further up past the food area for it to be put there. It is a minor quibble (of many) but last thing I wanted to do was walk a few hundred metres in sweaty cycling gear in the chilly air. Food at the end was tasty and plentiful. Tea/Coffee on offer too. The sitting area was well put together and I got speaking with a few people as I was munching on the pasta. Went back to get my bike and whilst there was a number sticker on my bike and helmet, security never checked that they matched on the way out. This had the potential for disaster so hopefully no bikes went missing.

    It was mentioned for a few years running on this event that the detour in by the sports campus was a waste of time so near the end. Delighted that they got rid of it as it was chaos in there with people weaving around trying to get fuel/water. The directional signage was piss poor. They were too small and not enough of them. This needs to be improved upon significantly. Mentioned in this thread already that the goodie bag has been deteriorating at every iteration. It went from a jersey to a cap to what we got this year which was a Cycling Ireland bottle and a CSS voucher. Piss poor though with costs rising for everything, I guess it was hard to see anything else going in there. I also didn't frequent the food stop but when you stop on a ride when it is chilly/windy, the last thing you want is water and a banana. Tea/Coffee with a sandwich/cake would have gone a long way.

    A few people have mentioned the cost and I think for what you get in the capital, there's not much they're going to be able to squeeze out for what it is. There would need to be a significant increase in entry fee and entrants to get something along the lines of the Prudential Ride London with fully closed roads etc. I'm also not sure the ambition is there from CI. The Dublin marathon gets around 20k entries so they're on a different scale to GDBR which I think had around 1,500 entries. There should have been a P&P option for the number collection as there is with most large scale running events. I've no idea why this wasn't available, other than to get people in to CSS premises.

    In prior years, they had used the rider number was used for the event photos. Does anyone know how we can get hold of these? There were plenty of photographers out but I haven't seen anything on their social media feeds with details on the photos.

    Has anyone heard about the rider who went down? I'd passed shortly after the incident and the marshals were looking after him. Get well soon.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,638 ✭✭✭token56

    The only real freebie to speak of was a 20 euro voucher for cycle superstore which can be used when your spend is over 50 and to be used by end of December, which I'm not sure is even legal any more. So no I wouldn't say it was particularly good value for money from that point of view.

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 41,690 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    A few people have mentioned the cost and I think for what you get in the capital, there's not much they're going to be able to squeeze out for what it is.

    In two weeks I'm doing the Dublin Fire Brigade CC spin and it's half the price. Last year I got a decent goodie bag which included a mug that is my WFH coffee mug. It is a much better route which with a higher percentage in Dublin when compared to the GDBR! It also had an escort out along the Clontarf Rd and through Howth.

    I'm just unable to see how the GDBR can be charged at €65 especially when you look at the sponsors behind it

    Post edited by Seth Brundle on

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  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,229 CMod ✭✭✭✭magicbastarder

    they're going to the racecourse in bellewstown uphill. that'll be fun.

    i wonder why they're detouring off and then back on to griffith avenue?

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 41,690 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    That bit just before the racecourse came as a bit of an unexpected surprise last year. (This year's route is the same as last years)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 449 ✭✭Smokeyskelton

    Freebies were not great. A Cycling Ireland waterbottle in a dull dark green, a cheap reflective armband from RSA, a €20 off voucher on a €50 spend in Cyclesuperstore and a surprisingly substantial finisher's medal.

    Having to go to the opposite side of the city to collect the ticket was pretty crazy. Encouraging riders to leave their bikes in an unsecure area to have their post-ride pasta/tea/coffe in a separate fairly distant location was not ideal. Also, I was looking at their facebook page, and they didn't appear to be good at replying to queries.

    Overall I certainly enjoyed it and was impressed by the marshalls, and the organisation was very good in general. However, I haven't done many similar events, so I can't really compare in relation to cost/value. Maybe others have more experience of other events.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 3,656 ✭✭✭Wildly Boaring

  • Posts: 531 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    would love to know the numbers that did it yesterday

    accoriding to Stickybottle, 6.748 did it in 2008, and then declined

    I think it was treated as a "cash cow" by cycling Ireland, and nothing more.

    I still have the jersey for a couple of the early ones, and a nice tee shirt I run in,

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 6,737 ✭✭✭Tombo2001

    The amount of marshalls was incredible - must be as many marshalls nearly as people completing the event.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 4,445 ✭✭✭Roberto_gas

    Did ROK/Wicklow 100 and few others this year ! I can assure food/route planning(esp for stops)/comms way better ! Now may be i did not enjoy this due to being in cold climate but doubt it really !

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 14,768 ✭✭✭✭retalivity

    The Tour of Kildare was €20 back in August, €30 if your not a CI member. The foodstop was great and the route was grand, flattish roads at the start to keep the pace up, a couple of hills at the end. There was apparently free pizza as well at the end, but I missed that.

    €65 for a plastic bottle, a medal, a packed foodstop and an unappealing route is a rip off.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭Mundo7976

    Im interested in maybe doing this (50km) but have never taken part in any events. Is there a defined pace or would it be suitable for the more leisurely riders?

    Also which way does the route go, is it towards coolock or fairview to begin with?

  • Posts: 531 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    I did it last year, and would recomend it,

    it went down the Malahide Road, through Clontarf, over the hill of Howth from Sutton, onto Portmarnock, Malalhide and then turned back at Swords.

    the 50km went at a fair pace,

  • Moderators, Politics Moderators Posts: 41,690 Mod ✭✭✭✭Seth Brundle

    The 50km DFB sportive uses this route travelling anti-clockwise as @[Deleted User] said via Clontarf, Howth (and so on). There is only one climb and that is Howth going up past the graveyard and down through the village. If my non-cycling sister can do that climb on a mountain bike with a rusty chain then anyone can!

    I'm not sure how used to doing 50kms you are but it shouldn't be too demanding and there will be others there doing whatever pace you're doing. If in doubt though, get a mate to do it with you and keep each other company.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,140 ✭✭✭Mundo7976

    Ah sound, cheers for the replies. I'd be well capable alright was more concerned with a speedy pace or going up from howth village. If the calendar allows I'll sign up. 👍🏻

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 249 ✭✭vintcerf

    have to say, massive shout out to the guards and the marshals. I might do the 50 too

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 72 ✭✭Darrener

    Any news on the guy who fell on the sharp bend yesterday? I thought the Marshalls were mostly excellent yesterday and the pasta at the end was very tasty.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭py

    A selection of photos went up on their facebook page yesterday. I didn't appear in a single one. Hopefully some more are shared.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 25,687 Mod ✭✭✭✭CramCycle

    When the Wicklow is being called way better it must have been shcoking at this.

    Not sure what the Audax rate for an event is at the minute but Mick Byrne has always had phenomenal food stops, no goodies, and a decent donation to charity for 20yoyos the last time I done it.

  • Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 25,687 Mod ✭✭✭✭CramCycle

    Just to be clear, two very different style events. Audaxes typically have no marshalling or assistance. Aimed at very different cyclists as well. The cost of marsahls and Garda assistance is huge.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 46 spudpicker2022

    it amazes me that the more expensive events can be very poor in terms of foodstops. there are so many sportives that aren't promoted to the level GDBR is and they are far far better in every aspect (route, scenery, food and registration processes, etc.)

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 50 ✭✭dc2

    The event had its issues but to be fair the correct GPX route was on the website - I followed it all the way and it matched the sign posted route. There was only one stop at 60k which is the perfect distance for a stop on 100km ride. I'm not sure what other stops this contributor found? For a more sociable stop food with a sambo and cup of tea like some other events would be nice. That said for a 100km spin a banana and a bar should be enough to jeep you going.

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Arts Moderators, Sports Moderators Posts: 51,229 CMod ✭✭✭✭magicbastarder

    this caught me out too; if you google 'great dublin bike ride route', you get directed to - and this is the 2021 route

    if you go directly to; you get redirected to and clicking on the routes link brings you to - and this is the 2022 route

    i.e. they've left the old site up and this caught me out too. i completely changed my cycle on sunday as i mistakenly thought the route i had planned was following a significant portion of the GDBR.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,609 ✭✭✭py

    Feedback survey has gone out. I've rehashed what I mentioned above. Unsure if anything will change. This was likely the last time I'll do it.

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