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Smart Radiator Valve

  • 26-08-2022 5:48pm
    Registered Users Posts: 19,705 ✭✭✭✭

    Hi Guys,

    Hope this is the right forum, I live in a fairly big house with 18 radiators. Given the large number it's just not feasible to be checking what's on, if for example someone turns on and forgets about it. Can I get a hive product or similar where I can control each radiator separately (on an iphone) and how much do you reckon this would cost, is it a once off fee for set up or any monthly subscription with Hive. In addition can I control the hot water with said device (the boiler is less than 4 years old).

    Are there companies that will visit a home to see what's practical etc? Perhaps related to this are their companies that will inspect the energy rating of a house and areas to improve it?


