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Repairing inner city facilities

  • 03-08-2022 11:35am
    Registered Users Posts: 12,604 ✭✭✭✭

    How pro-active are DCC at repairing damaged community facilities in Dublin? I live in Dublin 8 and walk around a fair bit and it is annoying to see things like the Donore Community Centre still closed. The primary expense of facilities is the space they occupy and not using that space is quite annoying.

    Another example out walking yesterday was the football pitch by the Basin St flats. It's not that obvious in the photo but there are two pretty sizable piles of fire rubble. The pitch (which is hard court) is overgrown and mossy. How long are things generally like this before the council acts? Is there an easy place to track issues that have been logged with the council and see their progress (in a perfect world something like a trello, but I know we are far from that world).

