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Stop cat (I presume) pooing in flower bed

  • 21-03-2022 1:06pm
    Registered Users Posts: 29,020 ✭✭✭✭

    I'm quite sure this has probably been asked a hundred times before, but I can't make search even sort of work, so..... hope it's ok to ask again.....

    How do I stop a cat (or maybe a fox?) digging and pooing in a flower/veg bed?

    There are two local cats, no idea whose they are but they're cheeky buggers, marching up and practically banging on the patio door demanding to be let in. Very definitely pets. So they're the chief suspects.

    I have a pot out the front planted with pansies usually - I frequently come home to find plants scattered far and wide, and big holes in the compost. (I have also on three or four occasions found whole raw eggs buried in that pot, which made me think it was foxes, but that's a whole other mystery!)

    In my back garden I have a small bed which I plant with veg during the summer - it's empty now, so it's soft soil, and presumably a magnet to whatever is digging it up every night.

    I've put a few big stones on the soil, and a few upturned pots, but they've just been dug around, or tossed aside.

    Without resorting to chemicals, is there anything I can do to stop the digging? I've heard coffee grounds - do they work? Would they improve or ruin the soil for planting?

    Anyone any other ideas?

    I have never seen whatever does the digging, so the hose/water pistol etc won't work.

