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Back boiler stove issue

  • 30-01-2022 8:04pm
    Registered Users Posts: 1,595 ✭✭✭

    Hi all

    We have an Olymberyll 17kw back boiler stove. Was installed when house was built 12 years ago. This winter and especially in the last few weeks it has been very poor at heating the water and Rads are luke warm.

    Do back boiler stoves need servicing. If so how regularly? You guessed by now if the answer is yes, I have never got it done. Could this be an issue or what else should I look out for?

    Thanks in advance


  • Registered Users Posts: 3 scampers

    Have you cleaned and scraped all the gunk built up on the boiler walls... is there any leaks in the system or is the ballcock running in your expansion tank in the attic.. have you an oil boiler ?
