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What job would you be worst at?

  • 12-10-2021 6:40pm
    Posts: 0 Chelsea Shy Nomad

    Few enough of us find ourselves in our ideal job, and all forms of employment have their ups and downs.

    I’m arty, creative, fairly smart but short-fused. Give me a problem to solve or something to create or design and I come up trumps. But the very worst role I could imagine myself being slotted into would be that of a nurse or healthcare assistant. Put me in a ward and anybody that could walk out would discharge themselves double-quick. Maybe I’m Just what the HSE are looking for ?! It’s not that I’m uncaring, it’s just that I’d be the nurse from hell.

    What kind of job would you be cr@p at? - not talking about the essential low-paid jobs many people don’t want to do, but some of the career paths people seek out.



  • Registered Users Posts: 8,986 ✭✭✭Gregor Samsa

    I'd make an appaling wet nurse. My children did try to latch on when they were babies, but quickly learned that a mouthful of hairy male nipple does not a breastfeed make.

  • Registered Users Posts: 984 ✭✭✭Still stihl waters 3

    I'd make a really bad teacher, patience too short to be dealing with multiple personalities in a confined area, the urge to bring back corporal punishment might prove too strong and I'd only get into trouble

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,184 ✭✭✭85603

    HGV driver. On the news by the end of the day.

    'We're standing outside the police cordon on the site where the childrens hospital used to be, earlier this morning at approximately 09:30 an apparently enraged man in a heavy goods vehicle ...'

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,947 ✭✭✭mikemac2

    I would peel a trailer open like a tuna can if you asked me to back into a warehouse. Not a wing mirror safe along my route either

    I'm in awe of HGV drivers, I could not do that job

  • Registered Users Posts: 788 ✭✭✭markmoto

    Hgv drivers awful job. They all start in the middle of the night from 00.00 to 3am.

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  • Posts: 0 Chelsea Shy Nomad

    Count me in on being a terrible teacher too, although I have actually done some teaching with a small “T” in my job, and people thought I was very patient! But I felt impatient on the inside, it was bursting to manifest and would do given the wrong circumstances. 🤯

    Thankfully I had a multitasking job which suited me best and grounded me. Tons of being busy with everything, quick adaption, then next completely different task. Suited my ADHD personality!

  • Posts: 0 Chelsea Shy Nomad

    Did you think of a job as fetish candy on OnlyFans?

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,986 ✭✭✭Gregor Samsa

    To be honest, I didn’t until now. What would you pay?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,343 ✭✭✭Tork

    I'd be a dreadful dentist or surgeon. I'm squeamish and don't think my hands would be skilled enough to do a good job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,973 ✭✭✭✭bnt

    Anything that involved cold calling, trying to sell a product, with a wide definition of “product”. I’d be crap at everything related, from recruitment consultant to real estate broker. I know it’s not all Glengarry Glen Ross, but I note how much companies try to hide the term “sales” in gobbledygook such as “outside business development” and the like.

    From out there on the moon, international politics look so petty. You want to grab a politician by the scruff of the neck and drag him a quarter of a million miles out and say, ‘Look at that, you son of a bitch’.

    — Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 Astronaut

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  • Posts: 0 Chelsea Shy Nomad

    I like a bit of a hairy chest, €1 per hair, and I’m all woman an that.

  • Posts: 0 Chelsea Shy Nomad

    I think squeamishness can be overcome, so long as the eyesight is adequate 😂

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,443 ✭✭✭Sgt Hartman

    I'm an easy going softy who hates confrontation so I would make a terrible Gard or prison officer. I'm not good at being able to handle scrotes getting really nasty and aggressive to me, I just shrivel up and get really upset afterwards. In my naivety I took a part time security guard job on my college summer holidays many years ago and I was terrible at it for that reason. I wanted to quit after my first day but I would have only incurred the wrath of my Dad if I had done that so I somehow stuck it out for two months. Both the staff in the store and the scumbags who would turn up at the store knew I was way too quiet for the job and treated me with contempt as a result. It was a major reality check for me at the time and I vowed never to do a job like that again.

    I'd also make a crap teacher for the same reason. The bullies and class jokers would just run rings around me and I would just end up dreading going to work each day.

  • Registered Users Posts: 812 ✭✭✭Skyrimaddict

    Porn star...

    As much fun as it sounds and all Id say its a hard job.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭Sunny_Arms

    A doctor and/or a teacher.

    I'm not really good at teaching and I have no patience for it either. Plus, I'm really strict and have a mean face so the students will fear me. Lastly, I'm a boring person so lessons from me are boring.

    I'm not good at memorizing unfamiliar words, especially scientific words. So even before I take the test to be a doctor, I'd already fail in med school.

    I admire people in these professions. Especially now that the pandemic is really taking a toll on everyone.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,760 ✭✭✭Sunny Disposition

    Working in IT. Find it very frustrating when things don't work as you are told they will and you've to try and find some workaround. Some people are great at this, but I hate it.

  • Posts: 0 Chelsea Shy Nomad

    I’d be a good doctor except that I absolutely hate hospitals. I would have to be a GP. Although I know full well would get exasperated by patients refusing to heed my advice. I’m very observant and astute at this kind of stuff and find it very easy to comprehend. Wouldn’t like the cutting open of cadavers in the learning process, just the sitting in my practice ordering all the right tests and letting nothing slip past me as I’m quite thorough when it comes to important things.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,055 ✭✭✭Mister Vain

    I'd be a terrible circumcisionist. I'd probably get the sac.

  • Registered Users Posts: 79 ✭✭Sunny_Arms

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  • Registered Users Posts: 30,429 ✭✭✭✭freshpopcorn

    An English teacher, regular posters here will understand!

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Most jobs. Can't deal with stress, struggle with technology, despise office politics and americanised culture more and more every day... I do admin/customer care, which is boring/poorly paid but stress-free. Then I do freelance creative stuff on the side.

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,949 ✭✭✭✭Larbre34

    Diversity Officer.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    A clown

  • Registered Users Posts: 592 ✭✭✭Deregos.

    I'd make the worst housewife . . . And I'd probably be a really **** comedian too.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,093 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    A psychologist / psychotherapist / psychiatrist .

    id lose the will to live if I was just listening to 30 plus hours of sob stories a week... then giving people treatment, advice, coping tactics and strategies etc.. them just returning and repeating the same complaints and behaviors ad nauseam... I’d not have the patience for it.... id end up throwing either them or myself out of the window... probably both.

    at least a medical doctor gets presented with a patient and their illness/injury and both parties will do what they need to do to fix, either take meds, stop smoking, get more exercise etc... but as I’ve been told from first hand experience lots of psychology patients are a bit more ‘complex’ shall we say.

  • Posts: 864 ✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    A gynaecologist. I wouldn't have a clue, but I'd definitely take a look.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,093 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    When I screamed at the gynecologist, it was just an ovary action

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  • Registered Users Posts: 13,915 ✭✭✭✭Potential-Monke

    Anything to do with children below the age of 12. Can't cope with the noise, smell, energy, questions, fragility, noise, smell, inability to talk, noise. I was brought up on beatings, and that would come out in no time. I can tolerate most people for a few hours, but the younger they are, the less time I can tolerate them, with babies getting a sum total of zero of my time.

    Counselor would also be a bad one.
