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Serious site bug, could not delete an image before post

  • 17-09-2021 6:25pm
    Posts: 0 Clyde Shy Rave

    I’m finding this site has currently some extremely serious bugs. Here is an example. I was posting some pictures (on mobile site) in a tech thread to illustrate something, and accidentally tapped on a harmless but totally irrelevant picture of RTÉ presenter Joe Duffy. Now it’s just plain funny and irrelevant to the topic but so glad it wasn’t eg, a private or explicit image.

    I could not delete the image however I tried. I tried logging out and in again, restarting device etc, to no avail. Found myself forced to post. Only silly and funny in this case, but it could be quite a serious matter, and I might have been forced to unregister my account to protect my data.

    It needs to be debugged as a priority. Or Boards may find itself in legal hot water.

    Post edited by Spear on


  • Posts: 0 Clyde Shy Rave

    I had been working on my iPhone. Got access to my Windows laptop and was able to “clumsily” delete the pictures. Howe we this had not been at all possible on the iPhone though I believe it can be done without too much problem on Android.

  • Posts: 0 Clyde Shy Rave

    i came across mention of problems editing on an Apple support forum, so it is likely a similar type issue. I would suggest that an awful lot of Boards users do so on iPhones, and that whatever compatibility issues there may be with the Vanilla based software need to be sorted in view of GDPR

  • Posts: 0 Clyde Shy Rave

    Due to a perceived site security scare that came up on a thread, I had been trying to change my email from what was to a new anonymous one I created in a hurry, and which password I lost, so I wanted to alter it back again. No chance, as text rapidly filled the page and blocked further action:

    Email verification required”

    I’m in the middle of learning web development and now realise what quite likely is the site bug that causes this. Anyone knowing even a little JavaScript will be familiar. It would appear to be a very simple line of code missing from the JS to stop an ”infinite loop”. And of course then to return to original email unless new one can be verified.

    I don’t know how Boards named the variable involved in the loop, but for argument sake I will put it here as “emailVerify” 

    So let’s imagine, for simplicity, part of it is scripted something like this:

    var emailVerify = true;

    while (emailVerify) {console.log (“Email verification required”);}

    A quick explanation for those who know nothing about JS, a “variable” (ie the term you are using for this script to run as intended) regarding email verification is named, and for the purpose of the message to actually appear, set as true. Next line “while” tells it to run when it is “true”, and the stuff in the curly brackets instructs the relevant message to appear in tbd screen. But the message will keep repeating unless something is added to turn it off. 

    The above would run an infinite loop as like happened in my case. 

    It can be resolved very simply by a little addition inserted before closing bracket:

    var emailVerify = true;

    While (emailVerify) {console.log (“Email verification required”);

    emailVerify = false;}

    The last line changes the status of the variable after showing message once puts the brakes on the loop and presents the message recurring ad Infinitum on the screen. It tells it to stop because it is no longer valid to keep putting the message on the screen.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
