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An Bord Pleanala Oral Hearing - documents

  • 25-02-2020 11:39pm
    Registered Users Posts: 39

    Hi, I’ve been invited to an oral hearing next week as an objector by An Bord Pleanala. It’s a compulsory purchase order case.

    The guidance document for a hearing mentions about submitting documents in advance but I think that only applies to the local authority? I will clarify with the Board tomorrow but does anyone know if I need to submit multiple copies of my own intended submission to the Board in advance of the hearing or is it ok on the day to share the copies with attendees such as the local authority at that time?

    Or does it depend on the humour of the inspector? I’d be worried that all my work would be in vain if I missed some sort of deadline that wasn’t clearly communicated. The default option I guess is just to read from the document I produced.

    Thanks for any advice if someone has gone through this’s intimidating!


  • Registered Users Posts: 39 truerenew

    Here is the descriptions the guide that I’m unsure about, has anyone experience of an inspector not agreeing to accept a document?

    “ Availability of documents
    A copy of any documents submitted to An Bord Pleanála and not previously circulated to the planning authority will be kept in a public file in our office for inspection and purchase. They will also be available for inspection and purchase at the offices of the relevant planning authority at least 7 days prior to the opening of the oral hearing”

    “Copies of documents
    If you wish to submit written documentation at the oral hearing, it is subject to the agreement of the inspector. Two copies of submissions must be provided to the inspector and enough copies for each of the other participants. One of the copies will be placed on the public file for viewing at the oral hearing”

  • Registered Users Posts: 78,351 ✭✭✭✭Victor

    I think it somewhat depends on what you are submitting. If you are verbalising what was in your main submission and it's a few pages long, it's not a problem. It's the done thing to provide copies for the inspector, main parties and the stenographer. Include the case name, reference number and your name prominently.

    If you are doing a 100-page 'oral' submission, the inspector might not be so willing.

    If you are repeating your written submission verbatim, the inspector might not be so willing.

  • Registered Users Posts: 39 truerenew

    Thanks Victor.

    I called the Board today and got a similar response as you had mentioned. Thank you. It’s 20 pages but maps and tables probably use up 5 or so of that.

    I’m going to do a dry run and see how long it is and cut back if necessary. It’s a hard balance to strike as I’ve put a lot of time into doing the research based on my concerns at the same time I don’t want to waste people’s time.

    Fingers crossed!
