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Humane Mouse Traps for Clever Mice!

  • 15-12-2019 2:27am
    Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭

    Apart for the odd one brought in by our cats (which we no longer have sadly) we've never, ever had mice! So not something I've ever had to deal with.........

    That is until recently, so I'd be very grateful for some tips on use of above-the trip, tunnel type. Know they've worked well for some but...I've caught nothing so far. Had one near miss only to discover that the little blighter had managed to open back of trap and eaten all the peanut butter!! I'd even cellotaped the back on to eliminate this possibility, which was chewed through! One ran across the floor a few night ago, while I was watching TV! Also becoming hype-vigilant to any strange noises around home. Help!

    I've now got five of these traps and am determined to be mouse-free this week!

    Any help really appreciated!



  • Registered Users Posts: 632 ✭✭✭cheif kaiser

    I've used these previously and had great success with them, catching all 5 mice within a couple of days.

    I didn't use peanut butter, I used biscuits with a little trail of small crumbs leading into the trap and the prize piece at the end of the trap.

    They are also very sensitive in the way they are set up. If the door is not set just right, I found that is just jams open, so maybe have a few tries of this until you get it just right?

    Lastly, I would suggest that you leave them along the skirting boards where mice usually travel, maybe behind the sofa, etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭Calypso Realm

    Thanks for your response-very helpful.

    Yes, neighbour caught 7 in space of a few days with them as well. You're right though, I do need to practice. I did wonder about the sensitivity as some closed shut within a few minutes of being set up, though I believe in one case it was a mouse as well, as had heard one in the vicinity shortly before. Currently, have got 3 traps set up and I'll add two more today. For anyone interested I bought 4 on Amazon for about 8 euros.

    Anyway, I've come down this morning to one open trap, one closed but empty BUT think I've had some luck with the one in the hall as it feels heavier than its counterparts. Currently trying to muster up the courage to deal with it as OH at work! I've read though you need to release a long way from home, but I think in the circumstances, I'll have to do it nearer as he's not home until later today and don't want to leave the poor thing there for much longer.

    Will update later. Thanks again

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭Calypso Realm

    Just checked and yet another false alarm! :( Set up this trap about an hour before I posted last night and was all OK before we went to bed. I will try to turn trap around as reckon mouse approaching from other end. Something def setting it off. Will have to rethink locations as def need to get situation under control.

  • Registered Users Posts: 632 ✭✭✭cheif kaiser

    Just checked and yet another false alarm! :( Set up this trap about an hour before I posted last night and was all OK before we went to bed. I will try to turn trap around as reckon mouse approaching from other end. Something def setting it off. Will have to rethink locations as def need to get situation under control.

    That's a shame :(

    Keep us informed if you can. Would be nice for you to have success, it might encourage others to use these traps instead of those horrid kill traps.

  • Registered Users Posts: 345 ✭✭reniwren

    What do you do with the mouse after it is caught in a humane trap?

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  • Registered Users Posts: 73,438 ✭✭✭✭colm_mcm

    reniwren wrote: »
    What do you do with the mouse after it is caught in a humane trap?

    Let them out, but make them promise not to come back in.

  • Registered Users Posts: 632 ✭✭✭cheif kaiser

    reniwren wrote: »
    What do you do with the mouse after it is caught in a humane trap?

    I brought them to a local field and let them out. They did promise not to come back an kept their promise :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 345 ✭✭reniwren

    I brought them to a local field and let them out. They did promise not to come back an kept their promise :)

    Surely letting them out just outside they just come back in, and releasing them too far from where they know is a death sentence anyway.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,167 ✭✭✭TopTec

    I have had two infestations over the past 3 years. Used these traps baited with assortment of treats... chocolate, cheese, biscuits, bread and peanut butter. Even used a peanut glued to the end with honey!

    I caught 16 the first time and 13 2 years later. (My friend reckons I had caught the same one 16 times). The last mouse of each bunch I could only catch on a death trap as they were the clever ones. I eventually found their way into the cottage through the floor of the attached boiler room.

    Like the OP I had far more near misses than successes. I got fed up with activated empty traps so I set up a trail camera on the counter top for a while. The clever ones used to stretch in and keep the door from closing completely with their tails and then reverse out! They are so clever.

    The worst times were when I thought the trap was empty and when I opened them the little bugger leapt out onto me chest and then scuttle safely home.

    My advice is to persevere... choose different baits for different traps and always expect one inside a closed trap, and release them a good 1/4 mile away!


  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭Calypso Realm

    Thanks again everyone!

    I've certainly got clever ones, no doubt at all! Thais morning all, except one, of the five traps looked tampered with. One had closed completely, with nothing inside and another had all the peanut butter eaten but was visibly half-open! It was in the same location as last time where the mouse had literally removed the back-end (cellotaped) of the trap and moved it to a different location and eaten all the bait! At the time I was on the phone to a friend a few feet away! :eek:This time I'd turned it around to face the other way.

    TopTec,What you said about the mouse backing out is hilarious but the thought of a mouse jumping out at me would freak me out completely! The last lot of traps I ordered were slightly smaller (though more secure and have some air-holes drilled) so perhaps bigger ones might be better.

    Surely the best thing to do is ensure they can't get back in again when released? In our case, when both of us were away, our cleaner left the door open and I'm pretty sure this is how they entered in the first place. I really do need to solve this asap as at this point they're been around for a few weeks! Lord know what damage they've done....and I've heard some scratching already this am!

    Any other ideas welcome!

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  • Registered Users Posts: 632 ✭✭✭cheif kaiser

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭Calypso Realm

    Could it be the type that you bought? 4 traps for €8 seems a tad too good to be true, if you know what I mean? Were the reviews good'?

    Yes, reviews were generally good as researched beforehand. I checked them all as well and appear to be working.

    Thanks for the link but seriously I need something where I can't see the mice!! Watching him scuttle around in there doesn't bear thinking about :eek:

    I will alter the locations and bait and see if that makes a difference.

    The ones I ordered

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭Calypso Realm

    Actually, folks I DID catch one!! :D

    I thought I'd checked them all but forgot about one in a different place and lo and behold ......a smallish one. Mouse released already down back of garden! So will persevere.

    Appeared very fit and healthy as he scurried off, so those air holes do work! (Am getting braver by the day) :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭Calypso Realm

    .....And another this am!

    Both appear to be very young! :eek:Again none the worse for wear as trotted happily off when released so those pre-drilled air holes appear to work. Some types don't have these so something to watch out for, or drill some yourself.

    It's important to place traps on a flat surface as otherwise door can close prematurely. I've witnessed this here. Another alternative is to place a small coin on the top of trap near the entrance.

    I've order a few more traps to cover more areas of the house.

  • Registered Users Posts: 632 ✭✭✭cheif kaiser

    .....And another this am!

    Both appear to be very young! :eek:Again none the worse for wear as trotted happily off when released so those pre-drilled air holes appear to work. Some types don't have these so something to watch out for, or drill some yourself.

    It's important to place traps on a flat surface as otherwise door can close prematurely. I've witnessed this here. Another alternative is to place a small coin on the top of trap near the entrance.

    I've order a few more traps to cover more areas of the house.

    Well done! Delighted you persisted and it’s paying off.

    Hopefully you’ll have them all evicted in time for a peaceful mouse free Christmas :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭Calypso Realm

    Well done! Delighted you persisted and it’s paying off.

    Hopefully you’ll have them all evicted in time for a peaceful mouse free Christmas :)

    Thanks. No way would I have ever considered those awful other traps (for one thing those little mice looked sooooo cute and I would have felt terrible having to deal with the aftermath of that!) but at the same time I needed to get this problem under control. So needed these to work which they appear to be doing!

    Hopefully I'll have more luck with the numbers when the new ones arrive!

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭cletus

    You should tag them before you let them go, that way you'll know them when you catch them again next week

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭Calypso Realm

    cletus wrote: »
    You should tag them before you let them go, that way you'll know them when you catch them again next week

    Course I have! Do you think I'm daft or something? They all have their unique number according to when they were caught! :)

    Hang on *hears noise* I think M3 has now been captured!

  • Registered Users Posts: 632 ✭✭✭cheif kaiser

    cletus wrote: »
    You should tag them before you let them go, that way you'll know them when you catch them again next week

    Don't be so cynical. None of the mice I caught came back.

    You all just want to kill them and think it's woosy to actually try to be a little kind to a worthless mouse.

  • Registered Users Posts: 7,941 ✭✭✭cletus

    Don't be so cynical. None of the mice I caught came back.

    You all just want to kill them and think it's woosy to actually try to be a little kind to a worthless mouse.

    You're right. There's no need to tag them at all. Just give them a stern talking to

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  • Registered Users Posts: 3,413 ✭✭✭Stigura

    Actually, I think ye'll find ye have to be specially trained and licensed to be tagging and releasing wildlife. (My own credentials would go down like four pounds of dry Madeira cake on this thread. What ever)

    Yeah: Better to just go all Joe Pesci on them in the first place :cool:

  • Registered Users Posts: 632 ✭✭✭cheif kaiser

    cletus wrote: »
    You're right. There's no need to tag them at all. Just give them a stern talking to

    We know where you're coming from!


  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭Calypso Realm

    M3,4,5 and 6 all captured and released! :)

    These traps really do work!

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,167 ✭✭✭TopTec

    Well done Calypso, are they all taking the same bait? Also have you found their entry point yet?

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭Calypso Realm

    TopTec wrote: »
    Well done Calypso, are they all taking the same bait? Also have you found their entry point yet?

    I'm still using the peanut butter (not that I ever liked it but from now on I'll associate it solely with mice!) as it's working so far! Guess I should try diversifying as need to increase the count (currently 6 in 7 days) now as want to have them all out asap? I know there are a few more lurking around! Putting down additional traps in other locations today as well. Honestly, I'm a bit shocked to have caught so many but in view of M size, believe female nested here! :eek: M5 was bigger than rest though!

    I our case I've no doubt at all entry was via door which cleaner hadn't locked properly and it opened out. Neighbour alerted me to it while I was away. :eek: Thankfully we live in a very safe area well in off the road!

    These traps are proving to be very good in view of cost and fact they have pre-drilled air-holes. Certainly mice appear none the worse for wear after spending at least a few hours incarcerated!

  • Registered Users Posts: 632 ✭✭✭cheif kaiser

    M3,4,5 and 6 all captured and released! :)

    These traps really do work!

    Well done and congrats on dealing with the issue in a humane manner, even though it was fairly clear you were a little freaked out by them ;)

    Hopefully a peaceful Christmas now, with no unwanted visitors trying to share your Goodies! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭Calypso Realm

    Thanks guys!

    Yes, I'm getting better (less freaking :) ) but this is largely due to the type of trap in that I only see the mice on release! Also mice are very small! Traps are also very secure which limits any accidents occurring ie a mouse jumping out at me :eek:

    There ARE more though....just how many remains to be seen but think I've got most at this point! Will let you know....

  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭Calypso Realm

    Happy New Year Folks!

    M7, 8 and 9 all over the course of the last few days.

    The first before Christmas and the others yesterday and today!

    I sincerely hope that's the lot! :)

  • Registered Users Posts: 632 ✭✭✭cheif kaiser

    Happy New Year Folks!

    M7, 8 and 9 all over the course of the last few days.

    The first before Christmas and the others yesterday and today!

    I sincerely hope that's the lot! :)

    Average litter is 6 to 8 so counting Mama, you should be all clear!

    Fingers crossed for you :)

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  • Registered Users Posts: 416 ✭✭Calypso Realm

    Average litter is 6 to 8 so counting Mama, you should be all clear!

    Fingers crossed for you :)

    Well, in that case I probably had a few aunts and uncles as well as M10 and M11 :eek: have now been relocated!

    M11 appeared reluctant to leave the confines of the trap so had to leave it there outside late last night, as it was sooo cold. At one point I even began to doubt if there was anything inside until I shone the torch in and saw a tail! :eek: At any rate , he and all the bait had departed this am.:)
