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Performance review tips

  • 08-07-2019 3:53pm
    Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭

    Relatively new in a new role and company but still have to do a mid term performance review. Not really sure what to say but wondering if anyone has a bit of a 'checklist' or things that might come up about the role, company, how i'm finding it or an approach to these sorts of meetings that might make it easier?


  • Posts: 17,728 ✭✭✭✭ [Deleted User]

    Doing your job well is the expectation........... no harm to have some examples of where you went above and beyond.
    As you are new it might be an ease you in sort of one but you never know.
    Depending on the company and role it might be focused on coming up with development objectives, further study options etc etc etc.

  • Registered Users Posts: 780 ✭✭✭Kirk Van Houten

    A formal performance review should have the same message that your manager gives to you as part of meetings or one to one's. Prepare by working out which areas of the role are your strongest and which areas you maybe need development on. Ask questions in the process, what can I do better, how can I do it better, is there training I could do to improve etc.
    It's a checkpoint to allow both parties state how they see things going, so make sure you have examples of things you have done well.
    Some companies and staff see it as a box ticking exercise but the better managers and staff can use the opportunity for development. Don't take offence at someone telling you that you need to improve, take it as an opportunity to focus on it and improve. Long term if you can show that after each review you've taken on board areas for development and addressed them its a great thing when looking for a promotion or a pay rise.

  • Registered Users Posts: 25,037 ✭✭✭✭Strumms

    - have examples of where and when you went above and beyond expectations.

    - have examples of how you exhibit good teamwork on a consistent basis.

    - show instances when you showed flexibility. (spit)

    - show how you work well under pressure.

    - your attendance record
