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Cat Fleas :( (Possible behavioural changes??)

  • 05-03-2019 10:04am
    Registered Users Posts: 58,456 ✭✭✭✭

    We have two male cats, both under 1 year old. About 3/4 weeks ago we noticed that they had fleas. We got a spot treatment from the vet for both of them, and also a room spray that we sprayed on the only carpet we have, as well as general sprays in all the rooms of the house.
    The cats are indoor cats, but they play out in the back garden a few times a week for 30/45 mins at a time.

    The fleas are back already, we got another spot treatment from the vet yesterday and applied last night. Have re-sprayed the carpet on the stairs and have actually booked in to get that professionally cleaned this week. I kept them contained to the sitting room/conservatory while we went to work today and have taken cushions and blankets out of there, and intend to wash them later, as well as our bed sheets.

    I'm just wondering how do we be sure to get rid of them?? The cats are always climbing up on clothes horses, sleeping on dressing gowns, etc etc. How is it possible to remove fleas from all parts of the house? I feel so guilty cos I think the poor little things are so irritated and we haven't done enough to look after them :(

    Also the younger cat, who is about 7 months, doesn't seem to be himself lately. He's not yet neutered (that's happening this week, older cat is already neutered) and since we got him he's always been a super affectionate cat, purrs non-stop, loves curling up with us in bed or on the couch, and was always very quiet (both of them are quiet cats). In the last 6 weeks or so he's started meowing a lot, but not just little gentle meows, like really unsettling ones! Maybe he's just finding his voice or it's because of his age? Cos in the last few weeks he's always started getting less affectionate with us. He's still a loving cat but the purring/kneading/cuddling is not as much as it used to be.

    Also last night one of them (we think it was the younger one) did a poop in the bathroom sink :eek: This is very out of character, they're usually very good about using their litter box. Could the fleas be upsetting them so much that it's having an impact on their behaviour?

    Any advice would be appreciated. I'm such a worrier :o


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,277 ✭✭✭aonb

    The chemicals might be having an effect on your cat... the sprays that you put on your carpet etc might also be bothering them. One of my cats had an allergy to the actual fleas - she had a horrible 'crusty' sore bit on her face (hard to see because she is long haired). Maybe when you bring your cat in to be neutered ask for a general check up - maybe hes odd because hes maturing and the hormones are kicking in?

    What spot on treatment did you use - the lifecycle of the flea/egg has to be broken, someone who knows that stuff will no doubt reply...

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,307 ✭✭✭Irish Stones

    Years ago I was adviced to use a flea fogger. I also bought two cans of it, then I decided not to use them.
    You could ask your vet and consider this option, and if you do, please read the directions very carefully.

  • Registered Users Posts: 20,101 ✭✭✭✭El_Duderino 09

    I don't know anything about the behaviour change but I do know about spraying the house for fleas. You need to spray everything. Fleas eggs could be anywhere. Curtains, your folded clothes in the wardrobea, hot press (not sure if the heat in a hot press woukd kill them or not but you get the idea) sofa, behind and underneath the furniture. Everywhere.

    Last time our car had them we sprayed the house systematically room by room. It's the only way to be sure to get them.

    I have to say I never considered possibility of the car being allergic to the spray. But the systematic approach worked

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,434 ✭✭✭Rancid

    I really understand your dilemma and frustration with the flea situation, I've been there more than once over the years!
    Great advice here already!

    First off, it does take a while to get an infestation under control, and you're taking all the right steps.
    It's possible that a new batch of eggs have hatched out (maybe due to recent warmer weather) and that's why you're seeing more fleas when you expected to see none at all.

    I think the single best advice I can give is to vacuum every inch of the house at least once a day. Get a cat flea collar, not for the cats but to place in your hoover bag to treat any fleas you vacuum up. You can cut the collar into a few pieces, you'll have enough for 2 or 3 dust bags.

    As regards the altered behaviour, did the spot-on your vet gave you treat ONLY fleas (Advantage) or did it treat fleas and worms (Advocate)?
    If it's the one that treats fleas and worms it's more likely to have your cats feeling a bit out of sorts for a while.
    I only used it once on my cats, they were withdrawn, off their food, generally very unsettled for almost a week.
    Any meds used on a cat can result in them "not smelling like themselves" and avoiding the litter box because it smells unfamiliar.

    Reassess everything after the younger cat is neutered, it's possible your older cat is reacting to the maturing young one.

    Taking all that into account, talk to your vet and get both of them checked again.
