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Family dynamics

  • 01-02-2019 11:04pm
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭


    Just wondering what people think of a sibling who leaves far from home, but doesn't make any effort to keep in contact or let fam know when they are or not visiting? They are not a selfish person, in fact they'd be the opposite. I'd be fearful that one day they'd just forget all about us


  • Registered Users Posts: 8,050 ✭✭✭joeguevara

    There are many reasons this could be happen. They may get homesick when they contact home and hurts too much. They may not want to reminded of home that has nothing to do with family but is the connection. They may be enjoying their freedom and want to live life without having the burden of home ties. They may not be as close as youbthink. Whatever the reason it is their life and your life is yours. Contact them say you miss them and always there if they need you.

    But then stop worrying about them and live your life. That’s all you can do.

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,092 ✭✭✭

    I dont have much advice op but I lived in America for a while and even though i loved it, I missed my family so much that I rarely initiated contact. It was before facebook and video calls, just phone calls and letters. It was easier on me not to contact them but then i would feel guilty and miss them even more. I hardly contacted friends either for the same reason. I worried that they would think I had forgotten them, far from it, missing them almost physically hurt. Luckily when I came home no one held it against me , they had missed me but they were living their lives too , not sitting at home wondering why i wasnt in touch.
    If I was you I would just keep in contact with the person, a quick whatsapp meesage or whatever and dont worry too much if they dont reply straight away or every time. Sometimes life gets busy for people .

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,815 ✭✭✭lulu1

    I would keep in touch maybe a short message once a week at leas when they answer you will know they are ok

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,083 ✭✭✭Rubberchikken

    my son would be like this when away from home.
    his take is is that everything is fine with him. he assumes everything is fine at home. so no need to get in touch. there have been times it would cause me to tear my hair out but thats the way he is *sigh*
