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Work place bullies

  • 01-02-2019 12:36am
    Registered Users Posts: 166,026 ✭✭✭✭

    Im a casual sub in a local secondary school, initially when I was offered the position I was over the moon, I had been trying to find any sort of work for months and was becoming very depressed with my lack of success and feeling like I had wasted years of my life and thousands of euro working towards this life goal of becoming a teacher.
    Ive never had great confidence, I was bullied in school and had very controlling family who interfered in every part of my life but never supported me in anything positive. Im very insecure and find it hard to build relationships, I believe this has allot to do with my past as I enter every social situation believing that there is something wrong with me and people I meet will hate me so I don't get too close.

    When I started in my new school I was quiet and kept to myself around staff members but I still made an effort.
    The kids love me, ive over heard them telling other staff members that im their favorite teacher but it's the staff themselves that are causing me the anxiety.
    From the first day I walked in to the school it was like I couldnt do anything right, everything I did was corrected, criticized and belittled, even when I followed orders directly as they were given to me I was still told I was wrong.

    This knocked my confidence in the beginning but I took it as a learning experience and a challenge to myself to be better but now things have really taken a turn and im noticing staff talking about me behind my back, looking at each other and rolling their eyes when I speak and even leaving the room when I walk in.

    The school itself is known for having a negative and clicky environment, some staff members have taken sick leave as a result of feeling bullied, staff talk behind each others backs all the time and most of them are very two faced, they'll be nice to your face but then do something horrible, passive aggressive or say nasty things about you which results in other staff members excluding you and talking behind your back.

    The environment has gotten so bad that im now at the stage where im not even answering the phone when they ring me to come in to do a days work, even though I really need the experience and money and I love the children my mental health cant take it, as I said, im already insecure and these types of environments really effect me in a negative way.

    The principal and vice principal wont do anything about it, different staff have gone to them about being bullied in the recent past but they wouldnt do anything to help.
    Just to add, the staff who have complained about feeling bullied have come to me very upset to talk about what happened in which case I listened to them and showed support, these same staff members are now excluding me and talking about me behind my back.
    I can already feel my confidence taking a dip and im becoming more socially anxious as the weeks go by.

    As im new and already quiet and insecure, I havnt made any friends there, so although other staff members may have felt bullied, they had friends to rely on and talk to, I dont have that and I feel very alone and isolated.

    Im trying to look for another job but theres nothing available and im not getting replies from jobs I have applied to.

    What can I do? Im at the end of my tether.


  • Registered Users Posts: 3,980 ✭✭✭spaceHopper

    Use the network of people you were in collage with, contact a few primary school principles they are badly stuck for teachers are short notice. Basically widen your net, use this as an opportunity to find a school that is a good fit you you. If they ring you answer you phone don't get a rep for being hard to contact doesn't ring you back..take the work, if you're already booked by another school tell the. Or be honest and tell the principle sorry don't feel your school is a good fit for me.There is a teachers forum on boards have a look at it you might get some ideas

  • Registered Users Posts: 354 ✭✭Persiancowboy

    What you desctibe in your post is absolute madness....there's no modern-day employment would or should tolerate that type of behaviour.

    Every school has a Board of should go and speak to some of them. If the Principal and VP are unwilling to get off their ass and take responsibility for the poisonous workplace then the BoM have to act.

    Short of that there is the Workplace Relations Commission where this type of issue can be referred and investigated.

    Whatever about you as a substitute teacher, I cannot understand how full-time staff members have not engaged their union on this.

  • Registered Users Posts: 610 ✭✭✭Redser87

    It struck me straight off that the students have made it clear how much they like you. I suspect jealousy is at play here. The BoM is an option, but I can understand that you may be fearful of making waves given your employment status - it's harder to do if you're not permanent. Could you go to a union meeting and do some networking there? You might find out about hours in other schools that way.

  • Site Banned Posts: 79 ✭✭Robert Wolfe

    You MUST learn to stand up for yourself of else you will always be at risk of being bullied.

    Don't take any more **** from your colleagues, they are not any better than you.

  • Registered Users Posts: 6,712 ✭✭✭Wanderer2010

    You MUST learn to stand up for yourself of else you will always be at risk of being bullied.

    Don't take any more **** from your colleagues, they are not any better than you.

    That's fine in theory but how do you suggest the OP does this? You are talking about a culture where people are whispered about or slagged off behind your back. One person isn't going to change that. Lets say the OP mentions it to the staff members, they are going to make her life even worse. Lets say she storms up to them roaring about demanding respect and if they have anything to say, to say it to their face, then they look like a psycho and wont get any more calls back.

    OP, I suggest you keep taking the hours but actively look or other work in the meantime as a toxic work place is very damaging to mental health and wont go away by itself. Good luck.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,157 ✭✭✭The_Honeybadger

    As suggested, widen your net and get out of there ASAP you could go to the BOM but chances are they are utterly useless, most of them are. I am sure they are well aware of what is going on and if they haven’t changed it by now they won’t. You won’t change the place either, find another job as soon as you can.

  • Registered Users Posts: 533 ✭✭✭flowerchild

    Think about why you got into teaching. If it is for the impact you can have on kids, know that you are doing very well. Keep taking casual opportunities and focus on the good you are doing in the classroom - it can stay with children for life.

    It sounds like a terrible set of behaviours in the staffroom and school leaders who won’t act, which is why bullying is flourishing. Let go any expectation of personal warmth. Just go into the staffroom to pick up your papers. Notice bullying behaviours, ignore it and internally brush it off as unimportant compared with why you are there - which is to help the kids. Over time they will target you less because they are not getting a reaction.

    Don’t give bullies the power to change your life.

    Pick up the phone, take the opportunities to teach and engage with kids. Get your positive adult experiences outside school. Know that you are being a star.
