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What's the best superhero movie of all time?

  • 20-12-2018 12:13pm
    Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭

    Based on a discussion I had with some friends of mine: What do you consider the best film of all time?

    The really interesting part of this discussion, I thought, is why do YOU consider it the best? What do you think is important about it?

    I had a list of four in my head:

    Infinity War, because it effectively represents what was once thought impossible, 10 years of cinema continuity coming to a dramatic climax.

    Batman Returns, which is a fever dream vision of villains with Batman being secondary (as many great Batman tales are). It's a side we never see in them these days outside of, say, Legion.

    Thor: Ragnarok - Rarely have I found any comedy as delightful as I found this, and yet it also showed great tribute to the history of comics in its Kirby designs.

    I settled on Logan, a movie which effortlessly deconstructs the entire genre, and has a real emotional punch. It's probably one of my favourite flicks ever, not just a really good superhero film.

    There was others I could think of- the entire Dark Knight trilogy, Civil War, Spider-Man 2 leap to mind- but I think the above 4 stand out for me.

    So, what's the best superhero film ever made, but more importantly, what is it about it that in your mind that makes it "the best"?


  • Registered Users Posts: 33,389 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    While honourable mentions go to The Dark Knight, Avengers Infinity War and Thor Ragnarok, for me it comes down to one:

    Avengers Age of Ultron.

    It was a slow burner and took a while and repeated viewings for me to grow to love it, but love it I do. It's not without its flaws and a few minor changes would have cemented it as one of the all-time greats, but I still love it so much.

    It gets an incredible balance right, balancing all the heroes including the new ones. Where the first film deconstructed what makes them heroes, this film deconstructs what could make them monsters and how in many ways they're fighting against their own nature. The humour is great throughout. The film also gives probably my all-time favourite scene in any of the Marvel movies; the birth of The Vision. The split between Cap/Tony, Thor's arrival, Vision's speech leading to him lifting the hammer... it's just pure joy.

    James Spader as Ultron too was fantastic, and his performance really shone through. His final scene with Vision was just beautiful on both their parts.

    The action in the opening scene, Hulk v Hulkbuster scene and much of the final battle was amazing too, particularly the circular shot with all the heroes against the Ultron army which, like the long tracking shot of all the heroes in Avengers 1 against the Chitauri, is why these movies are so great, and are pure comic books come to life.

    I also love the Nat & Banner relationship. Their scene in Clint's house (and particularly the extended version of it in the deleted scenes) is fantastic. It ties in so well with the theme of the movie in how they're both 'monsters', and really speaks to why they're attracted to each other (unlike most, I didn't think their relationship just came out of nowhere, I think there was enough of a seed planted in the first film to allow it).

    I'm a huge Joss Whedon fan anyway, so I probably am predisposed to like it. But it just got the balance between everything right in my opinion. Again, not without its flaws, but for me it still just edges out Infinity War.

  • Moderators, Music Moderators Posts: 25,868 Mod ✭✭✭✭Doctor DooM

    You know I rewatched Age of Ultron recently and thought much, much more of it than the time I saw it in the cinema (and was kinda disappointed in it).

    It's kinda the trigger for the Avengers Disassembled thing I have only just realised they've been doing :D

  • Registered Users Posts: 33,389 ✭✭✭✭Penn

    You know I rewatched Age of Ultron recently and thought much, much more of it than the time I saw it in the cinema (and was kinda disappointed in it).

    It's kinda the trigger for the Avengers Disassembled thing I have only just realised they've been doing :D

    I saw it three times in the cinema and even though I liked it, it hadn't lived up to Avengers 1. It was only through later watches at home that I really began to appreciate it. Like you said, the coming split between Steve and Tony definitely began in AoU. The beginnings of Vision & Scarlet Witch happened too, with Vision saving her when the city was falling.

    I also loved the dream sequences Steve, Nat & Thor had, and while Quicksilver's abilities weren't used as well as the X-Men version, his character at least wasn't as annoying.

    There are missteps along the way. Klaw's cuttlefish stuff fell really flat, Baron Von Strucker was wasted, the Korea chase sequence was good but not great and while I liked how they foreshadow Clint's death throughout but then Quicksilver dies, his death just felt off and kinda unexplained (in terms of how he moved Clint & the kid behind the car but he still got hit by bullets, or did he move the car in front of them...).

  • Registered Users Posts: 8,239 ✭✭✭Sonics2k

    Oohhh I like this thread. I've had a hard time narrowing down what the best movies objectively would be, but I'd enjoy giving a few of my own.

    1/ Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
    I can't overstate just how brilliant this movie is. It's a damn solid story, fantastic soundtrack and some of the most beautiful animation I have ever seen.

    It does a wonderful job of introducing Miles Morales to the general public and those outside the Marvel Comics themselves to a character that a got lot of hassle at first, but has become a great character in his own right.

    It's heartfelt, funny and absolutely compelling. I went into the cinema expecting little, and left absolutely delighted.

    I am a 100% Spider-Man snob, I have been so since the late/mid 80's when I started reading comics. This is in my opinion the best Spider-Man movie to date, better than Homecoming.

    2/ Iron Man
    This was the first Marvel movie, or even comic book movie, that truly got it right. Robert Downey Jnr is Tony Stark. I remember when it was announced he'd been cast I could instantly picture him.

    It established the universe very simply, made a great start to his character arc and how he'd change in the future. It also felt almost real. Like, it seemed plausible that someone really could make his suit and fly.

    3/ Thor: Ragnarok
    Finally we get to see Chris Hemsworth shine. He had great potential in the first two movies, but was let down by shaky writing and plot for the second movie.

    Cinematically it's beautifully shot. The colours bang out and scenes look amazing. We finally see Thor deal with emotions that seem real and a conflict that's believable.

    4/ Avengers: Infinity War
    Beginning to end, this is fantastic. Chris Hemsworth stands above the entire cast in this film with the best performance. Reflecting true pain, loss, humour and that iron will that seems him take on Thanos.

    My only complaint with this one is it seems that the Iron Man suit can now do anything and everything.

    I'll admit that the Batman movies don't make the cut. I enjoy them, especially the original Tim Burton movie, but I was never blown away by Christian Bale's Batman.

  • Registered Users Posts: 60,466 ✭✭✭✭Agent Coulson

    Donner's Superman still ranks the one of the greatest Superhero movie of all time for me.

    Christopher Reeve performance in that film moving from Clark to Superman and back Clark will never be topped.

    Without this film we would not have the world of Superhero films we have now.


    Snipes was perfect everything about Blade gave us the modern Superhero film prototype.

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