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Stem Cell Therapy vs Knee Surgery

  • 22-01-2018 4:45pm
    Registered Users Posts: 40

    Both my parents have early-stage rheumatoid arthritis in their knees. They are 49 and 56 years old.
    At the moment, they don't feel much pain. There are some days where they experience it, but the inflammation goes down.
    When the time does come, where they can no longer handle the pain, they plan on getting knee surgery.
    But, I've been looking into the possibility of using stem cells instead of the surgery.
    I've read about the Stem Cell Institute, in Panama (, as well as other treatments in the US. Apparently, the Stem Cell Institute treatment is more effective because they use umbilical cords cells.
    Just wondering, is there any chance that anybody on here has gone through such treatments, or have you done some research into it yourself, heard any personal experiences with the treatment, basically anything that would add to my knowledge.
    Thanks a lot for reading, and I appreciate any responses!


  • Registered Users Posts: 16,930 ✭✭✭✭challengemaster

    Stem cell therapy is very much still in the clinical trial phase of being fleshed out. Nobody actually understands mechanism of action, despite being the safest drug ever tested in humans - there's very little efficacy shown in Stage 3 trials to date in almost every disease trialled. As for being an actual effective treatment for anything that can be reliably procured, it's probably still 5-10 years away at best, and it's looking like there will be responders and non-responders due to it being a biological treatment.

    They're only starting to get regulatory approval for rare diseases falling under orphan drug designation or ones where there is no other option. Anywhere providing treatment in the US and not part of a clinical trial is doing so by skirting around regulations.

    Meanwhile, knee replacement is a routine daily procedure with minimal complications. Especially for people as young as your parents the risks are lower again. It's a no brainer tbh.

  • Registered Users Posts: 11 Joanto1

    HI Swrg there is great talk and reviews from people here on the net live reviews from people who had great success stories and loads of people are going go Cork and Dublin for Consultations as younhave to wait almost 3 months for appointment. I wanted you talk to them about my SI joint and Sacrococgeal joint causing lower back problems. They don't know until they see an Mri or scan which I had done in Merlin Park Galway as back pain is do controversial they may not do anything for me, but I eill go for my Consultation. For hips knees ankles shoulders I do believe quite successful, everyone to their own. Please do let me know if your parents decide to go. It will be interesting to see how they get on. My hubby has said if he Hever needs hip or knee he will try it first. Do let me know if you find any info that might be interested f benefit to me. Thanks Josie
